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As part of our never-ending search for “fresh meat” for our Armed Intelligentsia, I emailed a member of an anti-gun rights group who commented on TTAG, inviting him to submit a post. I wrote a PS pointing out that gang bangers are responsible for the vast majority of firearms-related homicides. He scoffed and asked for evidence.

I sent him a link to this CDC study which concluded that gang-related homicides accounted for roughly 8,900 of 11,100 firearms-related homicides in 2010 and 2011. Suddenly, he didn’t have time to write back.

That kind of willful ignorance that characterizes the “debate” over gun control. The antis don’t wanna know the facts, especially the existence of irredeemable bad guys who are ready, willing and able to die by the gun. People whose incarceration would do much to solve the “gun violence” problem.

Gang bangers like Kentrell Pledger, who tried to take out a cop. I wonder if the Black Disciples member has a criminal record. Not.

Anyway, finger on the trigger, pointing a gun in an unsafe direction, no holster and illegal use of a firearm. Tsk tsk.

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    • He didn’t get shot by the police, therefore he didn’t fit the narrative, well there’s the “justice involved” part. That said since it’s Chicago we’ll be seeing him on the streets again shortly where he’ll have a second or third or fith chance of getting shot by Chicago’s finest and thereby becoming a formal figurehead for BLM. At which point his crimes will magically be forgiven, he will have never been in a gang nor even ever touched a gun!

  1. Irresponsibility is the least of this guy’s issues.

    He’s got impulse control, substance abuse, and violent criminal super-predator character flaws that are of much greater concern to the average innocent citizen.


    • He made a conscious decision to become a gang banger. No one forced him…not his mama, the schools or society. He wanted to be a bad ass. He has no respect for life or the rules of society. He’d just as soon shoot yoy between the eyes as look at you. And, there are millions more just like him living among us.

  2. It’s takes courage to accept and speak the truth about gun violence in this nation. The majority of these crimes are committed by ‘persons’ like Mr. Pledger. Sorry if that offends the PC/diversity crowd but it’s a statistical truth. Law abiding citizens aren’t committing these crimes. And, implying otherwise in order to confiscate our weapons is not only intellectually dishonest but evil.

    • I would actually like to see a conservative African American who values law like Sheriff Clarke be the president at some point. It provides a lot of immunity to political correctness like the times we live in and quite frankly he can say things that many of us of alternate demographics can not.

      That said the focus needs to be on culling bad people out of society, not race demographics which have been horribly hijacked to get certain people in office. It’s marketing material to low information voters who can’t comprehend that the people being put in jail are bad people.

    • I turned on Adult Swim one evening to watch Squidbillies. As AS does so often, they were screwing with the lineup and Boondocks was on. I figured I would watch a couple of seconds to see what it was about. I almost shit myself. I could not believe how many times they used the n word, faggot, etc. in the show. Uncle Ruckus did make laugh however.

      • Yeah, it’s a show that gives no fucks but it does actually examine some of the ghetto culture in a way that needs to be examined. I can personally attest to that having lived in a couple bad neighborhoods where I, being white, was a minority of two out of hundreds.

        Now, consider that video I posted belongs to a show that ran for four years without a problem and then consider that this PSA got taken down after a single airing on BET which caused a total shitshow of complaints.

        Yeah, there’s some serious anti-truth bias out there.

  3. I looked at the CDC study. I see the ~11,000 firearms-related homicide figures, but I can’t find the 8,900 gang-related figures. Where is that located? I’d appreciate a pointer.


    • I don’t find it either but I see that particular study sourced all over the place. Until someone explains to me exactly where they’re pulling that number from I call shenanigans.

      The truth is that this is nearly impossible to know because individual LEA’s have different rules for what makes a homicide a “gang homicide”. Deceased rapper Big L is a perfect example. His murder was not classified as gang related because Big L wasn’t affiliated with any gang but his murder certainly was gang related. L’s brother was in solitary in prison for his own protection after ratting on a gang member. The gang couldn’t get to him so the gang’s members out on the streets found Big L and shot him instead. Officially not a gang related murder.

      It’s also true that the FBI lists 40%+ of murders as reason unknown. Just look at this table. 45.09% of murder victims relation to their killer “unknown”.

      If it appears to be a random killing like this, it’s probably not. We just can’t say conclusively that it’s gang related.

      • I was wondering the same thing. I’d love to find a conclusive statistic on this, but I could not find anything even related in the document RF linked to. After reading through it, I tried searching for “gang” and then just “firearm” and “homicide” and seeing what statistics there were. I couldn’t find anything at all about gang murders. I also tried searching “8,9” and “8,8” (in case RF rounded a number up/down to 8,900) and, again, could not find any statistics related to firearms murders/homicides, let alone gang related murders/homicides.

        RF, did you link the wrong document? Am I missing something?

  4. Whut it be like you POS. Chiraq will never be fixed. Mandatory very long hard labor sentences,chain gangs cleaning up the roadways and a dose of Sheriff Joe Arpaio(spelling?). Of course none of that will happen so this is just an exercise in speculation…

  5. This is the same badass wannabe who ran from and hid from the police, before surrendering to the police and remarking “Thank you for not shooting me.” The next day, he barks at the judge and declares he should have “smoked” that officer.

    Sure thing, Mr. Tough Guy. You had your chance. You pussed out. Don’t try to scrape together some last minute street cred now. It’s embarrassing for us all.

  6. I looked at the CDC study you linked. I see the total firearm homicide number on p19, but I couldn’t find any references to gang shootings. Where did that info come from?

    • I think he is equating black on black murder with gang violence. There isn’t a perfect correlation but it is quite high.

      • I give him more credit than that. There is nothing in this study covering counts on black-vs-black murders either.

    • As is well known, according to FBI stats 50% of murders in America are black-on-black, with blacks 13% of the population. And according to a HuffPo article, the murder rate for Hispanics is twice that of non-black/Hispanic, with Hispanics 17% of the population.

      The math is simple. With a recent overall homicide rate of 4.7 per 100K that works out to the following rates: Black 18; Hispanic 4.5; Non-black/Hispanic 2.2; Homicide rate in the UK 1.2 (and some say that should be adjusted upwards due to differences in reporting).

  7. “officer fired back, and no one was hut by gun fire.” Who the hell is teaching these stupid cops how to shoot? I squeeze the trigger the person I am pointing at dies.

    • You try hitting a running ahole trying to kill you while running yourself. Especially w a stock trigger and minimal practice.

        • I got hired back in 2009, and they used to give us 100rds a month for practice ammo. I don’t know what you would consider adequate practice for street cops, but speaking for myself, adequate starts somewhere around 500rds per month. At least, that’s about what I was shooting when I was an adequate marksman. A few years before that, when I was pretty good, I was shooting about 300rds per week. How much do competition shooters go through? Upwards of 1000 per day wouldn’t surprise me for some of them.

          Since then I’ve started a family, and my budget in terms of both ammo and free time has been reduced- but if you want cops in general to be skilled marksmen, you shouldn’t depend on them using a large portion of their pay for ammo and a lot of their time off duty to train themselves. If you want cops to be marksmen, you have two choices that I can see. First, people who love guns should become cops. In my experience, people who love guns tend to also love liberty. Then you might have more cops who treat fellow citizens with respect, as well as more cops who train on their own time. Second, demand that city budgets pay for something like a third more cops, so we can spend enough time training to meet a standard as high as the public deserves. Three days a year at the range just isn’t enough. That’s not going to happen, though, so the first option is the only real one left.

        • Almost forgot, I haven’t seen a single round of issued practice ammo since Sandy Hook. Everything outside of qualification since 2012 has been completely out of pocket.

    • Congratulations Frank. You win the award for dumbest comment on TTAG today.

      Now go back to your range where you can put some carefully aimed holes in paper and feel real good about yourself.

  8. Me, personally. I probably wouldn’t use the CDC’$ so-called information stats. We all know it’s loaded with left-wing agitprop and political propaganda. I’d probably the best source would be a police blog in a Chicago, Washington, DC, or NYC news papers. Usually these newspaper sections are loaded. Small Massachusetts newspaper like the Telegram and Gazette police blog page is usually loaded with incidents of crime.

  9. Let’s look at a hypothetical situation, making certain assumptions. Assumption 1) Kentrell was actually mortally wounded (ie shot f-ing dead) by CPD. Assumption 2) CPD officer had a working body camera, and Assumption 3) said body camera caught the entire incident clearly enough to leave no doubt as to the actions leading up to K-man’s snuffing.

    In our hypothetical situation, the CPD officer is cleared of any and all wrongdoing in very short order.

    Taking all of the above into account, what are the odds that
    1) Kentrell’s remembered as a ‘good boy’ turning his life around. Any pictures of him are in the obligatory graduation cap and gown.
    2) The Black Lies Matter movement, spearheaded by the right Reverend Jesse and Taxman Al demand the immediate prosecution of the already-cleared CPD officer, demand that Mayor Rahm resign (I like that part alot), and threaten continued resistance by the community.
    3) Chiraq burns for several nights following the officer’s acquittal?

    Anyone? Anyone? Buehler? Buehler?

    • They will literally squint during the money shot. To me, the cornerstone of this idiocy was when the computer model showed how the van in the Freddie Gray case actually drove smoother by running the lights than if they stopped. Reminds me of driving a fully loaded moving truck; you don’t slam the brakes or you might break your stuff, so you run the lights when it’s safe. Sums up this entire year of “police executions,” imo.

  10. What people have to understand is that the anti crowd is made up of Liberals. And Liberals revere liars. Obama, the Clintons, Sharpton, and any number of other of their heroes are all pathological liars. And liar abhor facts . . . because they prove them to be liars.

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