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Groping a policeman’s date is a bad idea, but does it justify deadly force? Much less 13 rounds? The Baltimore Sun’s Crime Beat recaps a story that has been developing today:

An-off duty Baltimore police officer repeatedly shot and killed an unarmed man who witnesses said groped the officer’s female companion outside a Mount Vernon nightclub early Saturday, a shooting that top department commanders say they find troubling.

While police said numerous witnesses confirmed that the victim had physically and inappropriately touched the woman and fought the officer, spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said detectives have “not been able to find a concrete motive” as to why the officer felt he needed to take out his weapon and fire.

The victim, identified as East Baltimore resident Tyrone Brown, 32, was shot at least six times in the chest and groin, according to the police spokesman. The officer, a 15-year veteran assigned to the Eastern District patrol division, fired his department issued Glock handgun at least 13 times, officials said.

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