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Screen Shot 2015-10-17 at 8.40.36 AM

“The man who left a package containing an unloaded semi-automatic rifle at the state Capitol — causing a full evacuation Thursday — has stepped forward to police, claiming he did not mean to cause alarm. His actions, he said, were meant to protest gun violence.” And what better way than by leaving a rifle in a coffin-shaped box with a wreath in the middle of the rotunda? Carl Cameron Crimefighter – who reportedly changed his Christian name so his kids would have a “cool” last name – hasn’t said much since he shut down the Utah capitol building . . .

As details, capitol security personnel watched the whole thing unfold live and in living color (click the pic at top to view) and called in Utah Highway Patrol officers to find out what in the wide wide world of sports was going on. “A control room operator spotted him on surveillance video, and on-site troopers responded within 40 seconds.” When seconds count, the police are only 40 of them away. That was enough time, though, for Crimefighter to make like Elvis and leave the building.

The First Amendment is every bit as important as the Second. And whatever you think of Crimefighter’s tactics (which may still earn him a criminal charge, just as soon as Salt Lake City officials can dream something up) he was exercising his First Amendment rights here. But for deliberately leaving a firearm unattended in a public location, Mr. Crimefighter is our irresponsible gun owner of the day.

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  1. I’m sure Di*khead Cameron felt all superior and good about himself and that’s all that matters with di*khead Leftists.

  2. He was anti-gun according to the article, so he’s the irresponsible anti-gun owner. Sounds like an oxymoron.

  3. Mental illness. If you support gun control, er, gun safety you suffer from a mental illness.

    And we let these people vote.

  4. If this moron has enough money to just leave a perfectly good rifle laying around he should give me some of it.

  5. I wish he had tried this in DC instead of Utah. Then Mr. Crimefighter would have one helluva fun time every time the guards in the federal prison called his name.

  6. News article linked to in the lead image describes he was “promoting anti-gun violence” … it is in fact quoted in the headline.

    How do you promote anti-gun violence?

    • The ineptitude of the “journalist” makes my head hurt.

      WTF exactly does “promoting anti-gun violence” supposed to mean?
      Then that gobblygook is followed up with this mush “He’s concerned with recent victims and shootings that have occurred.

      Possible readings….
      He’s promoting violence against anti-gun people.
      He’s promoting the violence that is committed by anti-gun folks.
      He’s dismayed that students were shot and he’s promoting armed response by providing a symbolic gun for the victims.

      Where’s the freeking editor at?

    • You say so, with a beatific glow around your head. &$(_(47, where do all these peabrains COME from?

  7. Cost to change legal name to Crimefighter: $50.00
    Cost of rifle to be left in “Protest of gun violence”: $300.00
    The Irony of someone who changed their name to Crimefighter, now having a criminal record: Priceless

  8. Yeah there are a few of those libtard leftists in salt lake. That’s alright because we have that county bordered by two counties in the top 15 for guns on the registry(davis and tooele). It’s funny he would pick Utah and not travel to California if he wanted marxist gun laws. This is a free state(as free as most any) and will stay that way if I have anything to say about it. This retard needs to go home and write a blg preaching to his idiot friends about how he is fighting the good fight and all that. They can all sit around and talk about the poor fish in the sea and how the world needs $25 per hour minimum wage to fight poverty.

  9. “His actions, he said, were meant to protest gun violence….”

    By legally carrying a weapon into a state capitol (Utah!) without anyone getting hurt?


  10. It appears there’s a 9-11 truther on the interwebs, by the name of Carl Cameron. Anyone have a clue if he’s the same guy?

    Also, the TTAG article says he changed his Christian name, but the news article says he changed his surname. Which is it?

  11. This is a weird one. No one knows who to blame for what or how. This guy may be onto something. The ultimate strategy of prolific confusion.

  12. “Carl Cameron Crimefighter – who reportedly changed his Christian name so his kids would have a “cool” last name…”

    1) Crimefighter is a “family name” (or surname). His “Christian” name is “Carl.” The website you link to got it right — you flipped it.

    2) It’s not really a progressive/conservative thing. Penn Jillette (of Penn & Teller) named his daughter “Moxie CrimeFighter Jillette.” As much as I would abhor going through life with a moniker like that, Penn is a righteous dude when it comes to upholding all our freedoms.

    • Anyone who gives their children a weird name to promote their own political agenda is off their rocker. What a cruel thing to do to you own kids just to pump up your own ego. Some people never grow up.

    • It’s called a “Christian name” for an increasingly irrelevant reason: When a child was christened (baptized), s/he was given a saint’s name, like Carl/Charles, or a virtue, like Faith, as a personal name in addition to their family name.

      Now that we’re increasingly giving our children names unrelated to any faith, like Brittany, Taylor, and Cameron, journalists would be well advised to use the perfectly respectable “first name” rather than reach for a fancier term. The more so when it’s the wrong term.

  13. As a regular FNC viewer, I immediately feared the worst: Surely this isn’t chief political correspondent “Campaign” Carl Cameron! Glad to not have that bubble burst.

  14. If the rifle was unloaded, how is this a crime in any way, shape, or form? It sounds like pure free speech to me.

  15. I HOPE they throw the book at him. I’m absolutely for his right to protest. I’m also opposed to stupid pointless gun laws. THEREFORE his arrest will highlight the stupidity of gun laws and he may well learn that there are too many gun laws. And maybe his followers will glean some semblance of knowledge of how many stupid gun laws there are.

  16. It’s not even an intelligent protest. If the gun is in the coffin, wouldn’t that mean the gun is the victim?

  17. Too bad someone else didn’t come along and go “Hey! Free gun! Sweet!”

    I love one of the comments on the initial news report: “There are children around! They could’ve been hurt!”

    Yes, because children carry around rifle ammo all the time…

  18. What a strange creature, but oh thats right he belongs to the left…so he’s normal. How twisted is the left!?!

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