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Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: conatuslife

I applaud this guy’s desire to show off what “limp wristing” does to a semi-auto firearm, but this had me cringing from the second it started. It just didn’t look right, like he wasn’t really paying attention to what he was doing. I knew it wouldn’t end well. And while the guy somehow managed to walk away from the range with all of his blood still on the inside  – this time – it could have gone bad real fast. . .

NEVER EVER EVER try to catch a dropped gun, ESPECIALLY a live gun that’s pointing at your soft squishy flesh. One misplaced finger and this would have gone from some dumb mook on the internet to fodder for the Brady campaign about how a gun “accidentally” killed its user.

But what makes this guy even more irresponsible is that even though he knew the dangers, he kept firing the exact same way after he lost control of the gun the first time. You can even hear him say “oh my God that was dangerous” at the end of the video. Yes, yes it was. You knew it, conatuslife, and ignored the risks to make a video anyway. And that earns you a treasured spot as today’s Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day.

13 thoughts on “Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: conatuslife”

  1. Why do people insist on “testing” a gun to see if it works while limp wristing? What does it prove? My guess is they want to know that in the extreme circumstance that both of their hands are injured and need that last round to save the world.

    To me it proves absolutely nothing other then the operators level of intelligence.

  2. I think that if you want to demonstrate this at all it needs to be done with one round and a snap cap behind it. The FTF and FTE would still occur

  3. “You knew it, conatuslife, and ignored the risks to make a video anyway.”

    And then he posted it for all the world to see. Why do people do this?

  4. this guy must have alot of $ to be doing this stupidity with a 45, but i actually jumped when he tried to catch the gun.

    “To me it proves absolutely nothing other then the operators level of intelligence.”

    yep, sure does.

  5. Also note how he just can’t keep his finger off the trigger when it doesn’t need to be there. That’s going to bite him one day.

    • if you look closely his finger is off the trigger but still in the trigger guard until right before firing.

  6. Other than showing the gun malfunctions, there is no value to this video because it didn’t show the gun successfully chambering a subsequent SNAP CAP or DUMMY ROUND as previously mentioned. I’ve tested this using a rig to secure the handgun using a rest that would allow the gun to rotate backwards to approximately 90 degrees to the straight up position, but no further. My cohorts and I then proceeded to test a Glock 9, H&K .45, Beretta 9 (92 & PX4) using several different factory rounds and hand loads. The end result was that all of them successfully chambered the subsequent dummy rounds, every time. It wasn’t until you got to loads so light that the reliability of the gun was already compromised that the gun began to malfunction.

    The start of that video could use some instruction in the safe handling of firearms.

  7. Maybe it’s just me, but I think this is useful info. The way this gentleman went about his testing may have been unsafe, but I think it is beneficial to see the limits of a firearm as each weapon has a different failure point.

    Also I think that videos like this are beneficial in that they remind us that there is no normal day at the range. Anytime a firearm is in our hand (or anyone else’s) there is a possibility of injury. It is good to be reminded of this and to go over the mistakes others make…honestly many people may have never pondered what to do if they drop their gun, and we are somewhat programmed to try to catch any item we drop…with out vids like this the average shooter may find it hard to realize why it is such a dangerous proposition to catch a loaded firearm

  8. I cringed when I saw that. Yeeeeiiiiiiiiiikes! I drew in a big breath through my teeth, and my 10 year old son on the other side of the room asked, “What’s the matter Daddy?”

    • In essence, yes. The more you allow the frame and your wrist to rotate the more energy they absorb from the recoil and the less is available to the slide for cycling the action.

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