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I didn’t think it was possible, but I guess you can have too many guns. Kyle Taylor sure must have thought so. How else to explain why he’d want to throw a gun into some weeds. Well, I guess I can think of few reasons someone might want to reduce his inventory other than the safe being too full…

But I’m guessing Kyle won’t be divulging his reasons any time soon. Other than possibly to the Aurora, IL police. And maybe his lawyer.

According to police, on Aug. 7, officers were called to Rush-Copley Medical Center in Aurora for a report of a man who had a gunshot wound on his left hand. Police later determined that at 3:30 a.m. that day, Kyle Taylor, 28, was trying to discard the loaded 9 mm semiautomatic pistol in the 600 block of Route 34 when it went off.

After he shot himself, Taylor tossed the gun in the trunk of his car and drove himself to the hospital, police said.

I know that if I ever get to the point at which I simply can’t cram another mohaska in the vault, I’m not going to trade it. And there’s no way I’m going to sell it at a gun show. No, I’m going to toss it, loaded, in some weeds by the side of the road.

Safety tip: when trying to ditch a gun in some underbrush, be sure to keep your finger off of the trigger. Oh, and keep your other hand away from the muzzle.

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  1. “Kyle Taylor, 28, was trying to discard the loaded 9 mm semiautomatic pistol in the 600 block of Route 34 when it went off he pulled the trigger and shot himself.


  2. It’s certainly not Mr. Taylor’s fault. The gun just went off, so it’s the gun’s fault. Anyone who has ever watched televised news or read a newspaper will tell you that guns “just go off” all the time.

  3. Depends, in this case there is reason to believe he dropped or tossed the gun, and when it hit the ground it went off. Some guns will go off if they hit the ground just right.

    Either way, it is unfortunate he didn’t shoot his dangly bits off, we clearly are better off without his genes swimming in our gene pool.

  4. something tells me that this gun is dirty, why else would someone discard a firearm (excluding hi points).

    • It’s possible, but remember that handguns are verboten in IL unless you happen to be a cop or one of the “above the law” political types.

      • ” but remember that handguns are verboten in IL unless you happen to be a cop or one of the “above the law” political types.

        Uhmm, no they are not. CCW or OC is illegal but owning or transporting a handgun is NOT illegal in Illinois.


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