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“I carried a loaded gun into a nightclub and the gun accidentally discharged,” Plaxico Burress told about 100 kids courtesy the Urban League of Broward County. “I ended up shooting myself, my own self, in the leg.”

Clearly, the ex-con, ex-NFL player doesn’t read TTAG. If he did, he’d know there’s no such thing as an “accidental” discharge. And even if there was, it’s not the gun’s fault. Still, Plaxico’s rehab from his gun charge jail sentence is well under way — at least from the PR perspective.

“I was playing professional football at the time. I had just won a Super Bowl. I had just received a brand-new contract. I had just signed a shoe deal with Nike. The choice that I made, basically it took everything away that I worked so hard for.”

Not that you’d know what that choice was from the Washington Post story. Which is a shame. If Burress hadn’t jumped in bed with The Brady Campaign, he could have stressed the importance of our gun rights, both in and of themselves and relative to our other cherished freedoms.

Plaxico could have told the youngsters that his actions endangered his family, by pissing on his right to armed self-defense. He could have said that he should have researched and followed his local, state and federal guns laws.

Mr. B could have spoken about gun safety, including the four cardinal rules. He might have said a thing or two about properly securing your firearm when carrying concealed.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t have told them about taking responsibility (the club security let me through) or living up to his obligations (he arrived at the FL event two hours late).

Anyway, from ending prepositionally to double negatives, Burress has this irony-free inspiration thing wired. “Don’t let no one tell you what you can’t do.” Does that include gun laws? Apparently so.



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  1. “there’s no such thing as an “accidental” discharge”

    While probably 99.999% of unintended discharges are negligent, not accident, I have had a firearm go off accidentally. My dad has a old Browning semi-auto 12ga., we were at the range one day shooting skeet, I hit the bolt release and as soon as the bolt locked it fired. I had my finger no where near the trigger, it was on the bolt release. Luckily years and years and years of my father drilling safe gun handling practices into my head from about the time I could walk, I had it pointed in a safe direction and nobody was hurt. I unloaded the shotgun immediately and handed it to my father, and haven’t touched it since. I should have known better I watched that same gun go off on it’s own a year or two earlier when my dad shot a pig with it, when the bolt closed on the second round. So, that’s two, I don’t know how often it happens, but it does happen.

    • I bought a Bersa firestorm secound hand from a gunshow that like to discharge whenever it pleased. I loaded the mag, slapped it in to the well and when I released the slide the damn thing did a three round burst. When it stopped on it’s own I unloaded, handed it to my brother in law, he gently slid the mag in released the slide just. Squeezed three rounds just fine, put the safety on and laid it on the bench, the damn thing went off. I grabbed the pitol, unloaded it, hopped in the car went to venders storefront who sold me the pistol and got my money back. Sometimes firearms do have a mind of thier own. I agree 99% of unintended discharges are due to user error, but there is that 1% attributed to faulty firearms that squarley fall into the accident category.

  2. I didn’t hear Plaxico blaming the gun, or was that in a different interview?

    “Never try to catch a dropped gun,” unless the MikeB one-strike-you’re-out rule goes into effect. Then you better catch that gun, ’cause if it drops, that your one strike. You’re out.

  3. I’ve seen ADs, so don’t say that there’s no such thing. That’s absurd.

    A rule of thumb: when someone says that something never happens, it happens.

  4. Plaxico Burress does commercials for the Brady Campaign Against America. Mike Vick does commercials for Alpo. Same sh!t, different day.

  5. Plaxico was a holster away from probably never having had this happen. Also wouldn’t have been an issue in a Constitutional Carry state, although the ND itself would have carried some sort of penalty, most likely – but nothing quite as serious as a “New York Gun Crime.”

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