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Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Savannah Ramirez

What goes better together than partying and drinking all night to ring in the new year, followed by some early morning Facebook portraiture with your pal’s pistol? Savannah Ramirez will be thinking about that question for the rest of her life. Judging from the photo above, holding guns to their heads seems to have been a favorite pastime of Ramirez and her brother Manuel Ortiz. Except on Tuesday morning, when Savannah thought it would be awesome to get a snap of her holding a gun up to her brother’s melon, as reports, “it went off striking Ortiz in the head” . . .

Yeah, guns will do that sometimes, especially when you pull the trigger. Cue the usual post-mortem hagiography:

One friend who wanted to remain anonymous said she wanted to remember Ortiz as a ‘kind, funny guy he was’.

‘He was a very close friend to everybody. He was just always there and it’s sad because one second he’s here and the other he’s not.’

‘Every time he saw somebody sad or down he would be right there making jokes so you could be happy. Even if he was just having a hard time he was always there for someone,’ said the friend.

The Phoenix po-po aren’t sure if they knew the gun was, you know, loaded. They probably do now. Meanwhile Ms. Ramirez is looking at a manslaughter charge. And the cops are checking into the pistol’s provenance.

Authorities are looking into who owns the gun.

On both Manuel and his sister’s Facebook pages there are numerous shots of them posing with guns and making gang symbols.

It’s always funny until someone gets hurt. Or dead. With the pending funeral arrangements, criminal charges and legal bills, we’re guessing Ramirez won’t need one of our IGOTD trophies to know she’s earned the title. [h/t Tyler Kee]

65 thoughts on “Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Savannah Ramirez”

  1. Let me see…..gang signs……..facebook pics with guns to head………..ownership of gun, possibly in question. Well, duh….one less gangbanger to commit a gun crime.

    Looks good from here.

    • My exact conclusion when I first read this story. Not only the gang signs (as shown in the picture published) but the age of the two persons involved would tend to indicate lack of legal ownership. Someone ought to have put up a sign: “Danger! Darwin at work!”

      • It’s also nice to see the return of IGOTD after the last very intense couple of weeks. Even better that it’s a spectacular two-person effort instead of the usual solo performance.

  2. 1. All guns are always loaded. Even if they are not, treat them as if they are.
    2. Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy. (For those who insist that this particular gun is unloaded, see Rule 1.)
    3. Keep your finger off the trigger till your sights are on the target. This is the Golden Rule. Its violation is directly responsible for about 60 percent of inadvertent discharges.
    4. Identify your target, and what is behind it. Never shoot at anything that you have not positively identified.

    • Maybe he was aiming at his sister, through his head??
      Yeah pretty much threw all four rules out the windows didn’t he????

      • I’m pretty sure gang bangers & gang banger wanna be, don’t know gun safety rules.
        It’s not taught in school, should be but not. Doubt all schools even teach children what to do if they find a gun.
        Surprised no PSA on gun safety.

  3. Forgive me if I don’t stop to mourn, but I’m deep into rearranging my sock drawer.

    On the plus side, the collective IQ of Arizona just increased a wee bit.

    • One can only hope that the “victim” exited this plane of existence before propagating his genetic line.

      • Much as it is sometimes necessary to fertilize the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants, sometimes it’s necessary to dump some chlorine in the shallow end of the gene pool.

        • You’ve gotta be kidding — we’re only 3 days into the year. It’s pretty much guaranteed that someone will come up with an even more spectacularly stupid way to opt out of the gene pool in the next ~360 days.

  4. It appears the 21st century youths’ idolization of the so called “gang culture” is doing its job well. This girl was a moron, as was her brother. Why anyone would trust someone else to hold the muzzle of a firearm against any part of their body for a photo shoot of all things is beyond me. Keep on thinning, gene pool, keep on thinning.

  5. Oh no another example of the dangerous “assault pistol” shooting someone. I wonder if it took a high capacity 30 round magizine… another reason why the fight to keep our arms is so hard.

  6. Why would anyone who values their life actually point a gun at their head? How stupid can you be?

    • theyre gangbangers by the looks if it. they probaly wouldnt care much for their lives anyway. i say good riddance. one more pest deceased like these is hood in my books

  7. “Don’t play Russian Roulette with a semi-auto.”

    Oh wait, this isn’t the weekly photo caption contest? I don’t feel sorry for flagrant self-destructive stupidity, and in that I’m just talking about the gang signs. Putting a gun to anyone’s head for a picture is even lower in my opinion.

  8. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

    (that’s not mine, I stole from someone… I think it was someone on here to tell you the truth)

  9. Long time no see, folks!

    I’m surprised Mikey the gun-grabber isn’t all over this article. It’d be right up his alley.

  10. If only she’d caught a pic of the look on his face just as he realised the gun was loaded! Blew his mind! (sorry everyone, couldn’t resist).Play stupid games, you win stupid prizes!

  11. Just thought of this! We are missing an opportunity to avoid the fiscal cliff! Is there a way we can encourage “all” our gangbangers that it is “cool” to drink and put a loaded gun to their head????

    Think of all the advantages.

    1. Increase in ammo sales. Helping the economy.
    2. Casket sales would skyrocket. Putting more people to work, helping the economy.
    3. Funeral homes business booming. More income, paying more taxes.
    4. Land sales for new cemeteries. More property tax revenues.
    5. All those glocks ending up in you local pawn shop. More quality pistols at an affordable price. More sales tax.

    Is there a down side?

    • You forgot the likelihood of removing people from the entitlement rolls. Decrease spending!

  12. I’ve never doubted that what we need to remove to improve public safety is lots of fingers.

  13. If we have to ban something Gangster rappers need to be banned not ARs!!!!!!!!!!!

    Luckily if the gun went off there noting in his head to get hurt in the first place!!!

  14. I just… I just don’t… How in the hell did the trigger get pulled? Even if the gun’s magazine and chamber were as empty as my wallet, you still don’t pull the effing trigger.

  15. Alcohol, Weed, and God knows what else must have also been thrown into the mix along with the lack of basic gun safety and guetto horseplay. I do feel a bit sorry for the sister and what she will have to live with as the collective stupidity still was not worth the hellish price these two paid.

  16. WOW! I just can’t figure out exactly how stupid a person has to be to do this. I do have somewhat mixed emotions about this. I feel for the family that lost a loved one. It is a tragedy that no family should have to face. At the same time, I feel that society as a whole is better off, and the more “gangstas” and gangsta wannabees taken out of society, the better the world will get. But I guarantee that this guy will be added to the list of “beloved children” that are killed by “gun violence”. This wasn’t “gun violence”, this was just stupid is as stupid does.

  17. Maybe I’ve just become a callous OFWG, but I can’t bring myself to feel anything except anger that another perfectly good handgun is now going to end up being melted into scrap.

  18. Whew, I don’t have to spend money on lawsuits, ammo, and my gun getting confiscated when they break into my house. Now can we get a group picture involving all of them in the same pose?

  19. I wonder if that gun was 1) registered, 2) using a “clip” of less than 10 rounds. If so then it really didn’t happen!

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