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In Gun Fight; the Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in AmericaAdam Winkler tries to play it both ways. He acknowledges the inescapable fact of American gun ownership while arguing for “common sense” gun control (or some such thing). Needless to say, anyone on either side of his position is, by definition, an extremist. A conflagration of fanatics that includes—you guessed it—the NRA. Winkler focuses in on the NRA’s attempt to torpedo the Heller lawsuit in favor of their own Second Amendment D.C. court case. Here’s the inside dope, ascribed to the non-NRA brief who represented Heller in front of America’s highest court . . .

[Alan] Gura suspected the NRA was fearful its fund-raising machine might grind to a halt if the Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment guaranteed an individual’s right to own guns.

Really? Really? It’s hard to imagine that the NRA would be cynical enough to put its financial health ahead of Americans’ gun rights. But it’s not inconceivable. The gun rights org plays realpolitik like Amarillo Slim Preston played poker.

In its lobbying efforts, the NRA’s ready, willing and able to horse trade what’s right for what’s possible or, if you prefer, what’s best in the long-term view. As Winkler and Gura wonder, best for whom?

The image above illustrates the conundrum: gun rights equals uh-oh equals the NRA will save you equals buying something from the NRA equals supporting right-wing politics against left-wing loonies (i.e. Occupy Wall Street).

There’s also something in there about white people. Mind you, I’m not accusing the NRA of racism. But you only have to scan their website to know the gun rights group has done little to nothing to recruit black and hispanic gun owners.

Incorporating members from these two groups would do much to defuse hard-core gun control advocates, who draw their support exclusively from the left of the political spectrum. It would also give the NRA more, dare I say it, soul.

And boy do they need it. I recently attended a Friends of the NRA dinner. There wasn’t a single minority in the building. As we say in these parts, it was OFWGs (Old Fat White Guys) uber alles. With all the excitement that entails.

I make that two “challenges” for the NRA’s future: recruiting minorities and replacing white guys heading for the happy hunting grounds in the sky. Would a Call of Duty player have had a good time at the FOTNRA gig? Not unless they brought their XBox.

The NRA would do well to consider the possibility that their endless “the gun grabbers are coming!” alarms turn-off (or fail to excite) their caucasian core. White Americans growing up without draconian gun control—thanks in large part to the NRA—must wonder WTF the NRA’s on about.

To bring in minorities and young folk, the NRA needs to turn the volume knob down from 18 to 5, create some kind of Johnny Appleseed project for concealed carry and take it to the streets. Moderation might not swell the corporate coffers, but I reckon the gun rights groups’ long-term survival depends on it.

Winkler’s work chronicles the NRA’s evolution from a gun control-sympathetic marksmanship training org to anti-gun control Chicken Littles (with extremely sharp claws). Perhaps the NRA will pull a Madonna and reinvent itself. It could be a gun rights group that represents all Americans in a calm, forceful and, most importantly for its future, funky way.

Meanwhile, I passed on bidding for the NRA toaster. And it has nothing to do with the fact that I prefer brown bread.

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  1. The long-term future of any sport that only appeals to a single minority is far from certain. Anglo/European-Americans will be a minority in a few generations, and if we (I say ‘we’ because I happen to have been born into that demographic) want the 2nd Amendment to outlast our children we need to broaden it’s appeal and accessibility to *all* Americans.

    Stereotypes, whether they’re about (angry) white (supremacists) or (urban) black and Latino (gang-bangers), are extremely dangerous to the 2nd Amendment. I’m disappointed that the NRA seems to be hunkering down into a Rural White Rifle Association, flooding it’s convention halls with country music, and ignoring the other 75% of the country.

    • What’s wrong with having an armed, rural White party? If we are going to be a minority we should be capable of collective self-defense. Minorities always suffer at the hands of armed majorities.

      • “What’s wrong with having an armed, rural White party?”

        its not a sustainable business model, that’s the problem. not all “white people” are rural for starters. not all people hunt (a skill that i would love to learn i might add)

        “Minorities always suffer at the hands of armed majorities.”

        Well good thing that an armed insurrection of minorities against the US government is not really possible is it?
        i doubt the range of gun ownership is higher outside of the white community.

      • We’ve seen this movie before, Nuovo. Whenever white people have gotten together in the name of ‘whiteness’, somebody gets hurt. Defining yourself as a ‘minority’ isn’t going to change that.

        As they say around, here, it’s a whole barrel of not-good . . . and it’s been used as an extremely destructive political tool time and time again.

        • So White people should be consigned to a slow death because our cohesion disrupts the “diversity” sacred cow? We are getting hurt now by *not* organizing. Our wives, daughters, sisters, and brothers are being killed in a silent war on the streets. The US government sues any state that tries to defend its demographic integrity. It’s quite moral and quite right to band together.

            • What are “Turner Diaries?” It’s pretty easy to see the demographic future of America just by looking at current statistics. If you want to see how White folks will be treated, just look at the Boers or White Rhodesians after they lost power.

              • “What are ‘The Turner Diaries’?”

                Lol. I hate to provide fodder for your nativist thinking, but it’s surprising that your book shelf doesn’t have a well-worn copy.

          • I think Robert was trying to point out the simple birthrate logic – by 2050, Whites will be a minority because as a group, your childbirth rate is too low. Same problem in Europe. You can either accept this and do nothing or try to ensure that those who follow behind you who may not look exactly like you at least think exactly like you do. Otherwise, what happens when the 2nd amendment pendulum swings the other way? Who will stop the gun grabbers?

          • Silent war? Slow death? That’s news to me. Are we talking about actual living and breathing people here? Or are you speaking figuratively about a loss of group cohesion?

            I’ve never heard of defending demographic integrity before, but it sounds like it means going after anyone who doesn’t look like us and running them out of town. What exactly would that ‘defend’? Lebensraum? Sounds like aggression to me.

            If defending a principle –an abstract concept– like ‘demographic integrity’ requires aggression against living, breathing people, then there’s something wrong with your principles.

            Nuovo, diversity is *good*. Ask any nutritionist.

    • Amen. I am Black, well educated, suburban and conservative, and I find NOTHING in the NRA message speaking to me and suggesting membership, let alone life membership (read $$$$$) and attendance at their annual meetings. The NRA Annual is here in STL next year, and before I would go (take time off from work), I need to feel some NRA love. Nothing against country music (and not suggesting gangsta rap), but . . . . can we get a little Metallic or Rob Zombie instead?

      • “I find NOTHING in the NRA message speaking to me and suggesting membership”
        WTH more do you want from them other than the fact that they protect our 2ndA right with membership dues?

        • i’m not bitching about the NRA, that is the subject of this entire post man, the topic WAS chosen by the author. since you are not reading any of my previous comments, at no point in any of my posts on this have i smack talked the nra, just the potential for awkwardness.

      • I’m white and feel pretty much the same way. The NRA’s general message seems to be “We’re a bunch of toothless hillbillies who only wear denim and camo and drive around in rusty pickup trucks”.

        • Because they really go out of their way to advertise / cater to educated middle / upper class people. *rolls eyes*

          I’m not saying that those people aren’t IN the NRA, merely that the publicly shown image is of the stereotypical redneck hunter.

          • …and a few of the loudest NRA supporters unwittingly keep playing right into that caricature…
            I do belong to the NRA, despite misgivings about some of their politics and much of their fear-mongering divisive message (and annoying spam — NRA Wine of the Month Club, anyone?). I also belong to GOAL and other gun-owners’ groups, as well as a few gun clubs. The NRA has been crucial in preserving SA rights, but is losing its way by narrowing its political alliances as opposed to broadening its base by greater inclusiveness, as per the insights from sdog’s, DirkD’s & LC Judas’s informative posts and of course the original article above.

            • Hell, I think the NRA might do a better job if they just hired some non-white models to pose in some of their pictures that they use for advertising.

              • Why? so then the black americans could blast them for having a “token black” in their advertising. Either you want to join NRA and defend your 2A rights or you don’t. Minorities shouldn’t want to join because they’re getting “preferential treatment” they should want to join to secure their rights, plain and simple.

              • This is illustrative of the divisive voice of a few members which mars the image of the NRA: “either you are with us or against us, take it or leave it”. This is not only in regards to this discussion of broader NRA outreach being twisted into “minorities want special treatment”. Debates on the NRA (not just on this forum) often get quickly reduced to: “anyone not 100% NRA party-line is a gun-grabbing whiner”.
                Several SA-supporting gun-owners of color here have very informatively discussed their own discomfort with the perceived NRA culture. If the mission of the NRA is to defend the SA, it would be in our interest as NRA members to hear them out and see what we can do to include them and grow our ranks.

              • I wasn’t attracted to the NRA because Ted Nugent or Karl Malone were board members. I joined to help the defend our 2A rights, if you consider that a “take it or leave it” approach I guess you and I wouldn’t see eye to eye.

              • It’s not preferential treatment to take down the sign that says “No women or non-whites allowed”. Again, while that may not be the OFFICIAL policy, they do a damn poor job of making anyone who’s not a white male feel welcome.

          • I just looked at my American rifleman magazine and the pics of “redneck hunter” were few and far between. You’re making up your own stereotype.

  2. I actually like the caricature of gun owners promulgated by the MSM. It makes firearms unfashionable to the Left. History shows that giving Leftists guns never ends well. Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, and a slew of others reinforce that point.

  3. The NRA is the loudest voice speaking for American rights. But they’re also the harshest. The National Rifle Association’s strident, deeply political message doesn’t appeal to minorities. To do so, the NRA needs to turn the volume knob down from 18 to 5, create some kind of Johnny Appleseed project for concealed carry and take it to the streets.

    I would challenge Point A and agree with Point B.

    I think the Gun Owners of America is a little more strident in their message and therefore a little (actually a lot) less ineffective. No compromise = No reason for the opposition to talk to you = No political power.

    And yes, there needs to be someone in Washington speaking for Gun Culture 2.0. May the Concealed Carry Association needs to form a PAC, maybe the NRA needs to get a clue and stop thinking that guns=hunting. If you walk the floor at an NRA convention, you’ll see booth after booth of high-end safari outfitters hawking multi-thousand-dollar trips to exotic locales to shoot animals no one else has shot.


    Gimme Gunsite and the SiG Academy any day.

    Now, in the NRA’s defense, you’ll also see PACKED seminars on “Refuse to be a victim” training as well, but there is still the pervasive feeling at an NRA convention that owning guns is still all about hunting.

      • As to why the NRA is dominated by OFWG, follow the money. He who pays for the dance gets to call the tune.

        That probably means that the NRA is at least one generation out of touch, but that also means the NRA has deep, deep coffers.

        The trick is making the two ends meet by getting the OFWG more in-tune with today’s gun culture, and getting kids of today off the couch and out into the fresh air.

        • I often tell people my favorite color is Green. As more minorities achieve “success” (however that is defined), more of them will want to protect what they have earned. This will increase a desire to protect their loved ones and themselves from those who would take what they have earned (whether by force or by taxes). As those earnings increase, there is more disposable income, which then gets donated to favorite causes. The NRA benefits.

  4. great write up RF, this is a definite problem. There are definitely gun owners of color out there. (right here).

    “Incorporating members from these two groups would do much to defuse hard-core gun control advocates”

    it really would help decenter firearms ownership as an exclusively “white thing”, which it is really not, as my grandfather from the south was an avid gun owner his entire life. I think gun culture is often portrayed this way because of the difficulty that people may have in getting involved in shooting sports if they don’t live in the right part of the country. I don’t go to the range in my country any more because of the horrific safety standards (or lack there of). %90 of the people who shoot there have never shot a gun before, i get muzzled by dumb asses almost every time i go there, and the staff says nothing. I have to drive out of my own county to shoot at a range where i am confident that i won’t potentially get capped. I hope to try to get involved in idpa or a similar active shooting sport, i just need a connection to this in my area, (MD)

    “It has nothing to do with the fact that I prefer brown bread.”
    i’m a multi grain Rye man myself.

  5. As a person of color when I first got into shooting I had to really content myself that the only people who knew anything on the subject were either OFWGs or…some other form of WG. That was the beginning, now I can do my own homework and buy something I really want to see in action and find out just what it is like. That’s been more educational than anything and I have to say first-hand teaches best.

    Honestly, my hesitance to get into shooting sports is because of the entire demographic and the lack of belonging that it brings about. Sure it’s easy to say “Just go do it, they’re friendly.” but saying that when you’re not the odd person out is not a hard task. I’m going to get past it but the fact that the NRA has traditionally been OFWGs has kept me out of it.

    I instead come to places online (like this place) to find people who understand modern ballistics and do not have to be explained the difference between .357 Magnum and .357Sig every ten minutes when talking round geometry and ballistics. The fact that a Hydra-Shok is not called that because “it hits you like a wall of water” but because of a questionable medical term called “Hydro-static shock” which seems to only apply to rifles if it exists at all eludes a great many folks and…things like that bug me. I could go on but ignorance is easier to find in large groups who are allowed to pay to belong. Hence my avoiding them and the stigma attached to them. An image revamp would do the NRA some good, then I would actually enroll when they send me junk mail.

  6. The Nra is not perfect, but it is the best game in town. It has the unenviable task of having to multitask the varying needs of a wide variety of gun owners.

    I hate to invoke Kennedy, but members really ought to participate. Don’t like the racial makeup? Then YOU go out and persuade your minority gun buddies to join and get involved. Not enough people at your monthly shooting match? YOU get into the community and recruit them.

    Thats what separates us from entitlememt liberals, right?

    • The NRA has the same problem the Republican Party does. They make great inroads to be inclusive and then wham – they do some real stupid shit that is offensive so they can pander for some votes/money. Whomever is their communications person needs to be let go and they need to work on a message that appeals more broadly. It is not just a function of joining them.

    • i don’t think is about NOT wanting to participate, there is usually an accompanying awkwardness involved in this. Additionally, some individuals are the sole POC (people of color) gun owner they know personally. I only know one other, and he is not really into shooting often.

      In my own case, i think i just need to do some networking and meet some folks, most of my shooting buddies are really only into shooting trap causally, where i have branched out into handguns, and target shooting as well as shotguns.

      • I have about 4 buddies of color who like to shoot and we are all into it because of conceal carry. Granted we need to get involved, but why not choose the Second Amendment Foundation over the NRA? It is all in the messaging.

  7. Just chiming in that the only reason I, a YFWG, don’t support the NRA is indeed because they come off as a bunch of alarmist fruit-loops these days, as hysterical as gun grabbers, just with a backwards agenda. And thanks for the FYI that those FOTNRA dinners are just a bunch of old farts.

  8. Jesus christ Robert. You know there might be a reason why the NRA is mostly white. Not a whole lot of blacks/latinos will donate to or help a cause which isn’t explicitly setup to help their minority exclusively. Also nice job on your affirmative action comment, I always love being openly discriminated against.

    • Wrong Matt. Not a lot of minorities will donate to or participate in a cause when code words and negative comments are thrown our way.

    • “I always love being openly discriminated against.”you sound like an alarmist whiny little girl, are you really oppressed by society or are you just listening to too much talk radio? You are presenting racialized stereotypes as factual information.

      • A stereotype isnt factual? How do you think that stereotype came to be? Go to any race neutral protest (anti-war, anti-wallstreet, etc) and tell me how many minorities you see. Its not that there arent any, but they are few and far between.

        “Openly discriminated against” was in reference to RF’s implied affirmative action comment.

        • “A stereotype isnt factual”

          you have answered your own question.

          Quote: “Stereotypes are standardized and simplified conceptions of groups based on some prior assumptions.”

            • “Of course it couldn’t be from life experience.”

              claiming that one’s “life experience” involved knowing the inner workings and education level and social orientation of every single person (gun owning or not) of color in the US is not possible. Are all black people in the NAACP or, CBC? nope.

              “Go to any race neutral protest (anti-war, anti-wallstreet, etc) and tell me how many minorities you see.”

              why in the HELL would anyone with sense not go to work or take care of business and instead walk around with these neo liberal hippies? This is not the 1960’s. getting beat up and arrested by the cops does not get you anything (unless you are a wackjob like Cornell west)

              Our economic issues are structural, not socially entrenched like ordeals during the mid 20t century. turning the screws on wall st. and banks like BOFA and JP morgan chase aholes at the government or DOJ level will elicit a reaction.

              How many non working class black or Latino people do you know or have met? there are different class levels within these communities believe it or not, and not all black gun owners are “homies” shooting their “gats” sideways.

              has it ever occur to you that promoting racial stereotypes to like minded individuals does not help or promote the expansion of gun ownership in the US?

              • I never claimed to know the inner workings of every single person of color in the US. It would help if you actually bothered to read my comments, for instance when I said “Not a whole lot of blacks/latinos…”.

                Regarding the protests, plenty of people there are unemployed. I though you hated stereotypes, or is it only racial stereotypes you hate?

                I know plenty of white collar minorities, Im not sure if you noticed, but most large corporations actively practice affirmative action. But why bring up the stereotype of a white guy who doesn’t know a white collar black guy? I thought you hated those racial stereotypes?

                As I said, blacks/latinos by large wont support causes that arent explicitly setup to help their minority exclusively. You comments perfectly highlight my case, you claim to be against stereotypes, but then recite plenty of your own to support your viewpoint.

              • “Not a whole lot of ”

                this is a generalization, once again you make my point for me by grasping at straws.

                “But why bring up the stereotype of a white guy who doesn’t know a white collar black guy?”

                what are you talking about? are you talking about here? calling out big banks and wall st is a racial stereotype?

              • Whats wrong with generalizations?

                Regarding your second quote, it was in reference to when you said “How many non working class black or Latino people do you know or have met? ”

                Why don’t you actually read my comment this time and try posting again. Or do you need me to hold your hand and write it in ebonics?

  9. Large organizations have a tendancy to become bloated and one should always be a bit cynical regarding them. Yet warts and all I feel the NRA is a force for good. A scenario you might like to run with is what America’s pro-gun lobby would look like without the NRA in it’s current form. Factionalised, hunting v’s target v’s right to carry v’s sports v’s home defence v’s collectors, isolated and easy pickings for gun banners.

    Not gonna happen? You Say? Hop into a time machine and visit the United Kingdom circa 1910 “Always carry a gun east of Auldgate, Watson”. And now? I don’t need to tell you how cowed the British public are. Yes there are unique historical reason that made gun control easier in the UK, but don’t think it couldn’t happen in the US.

    I’d also mention I am an NRA member, and it’s not for the insurance, hotel or Hertz rental discounts, even if it doesn’t apply to me I still believe in the fundemental right of the individual to protect themselves with appropriate means within the law. It’s that law bit that needs watching.

  10. The NRA has its good points and its bad points. The NRA over the years has obtained the reputation of being the crackpots of the right and often a bit too extreme. However, they do more to enlist todays youth to the shooting sports (not just hunting) than you will see in other organizations. One of the great programs they have is the NRA Whittington Center where they have a week long shooting camp for teens called the Adventure Camp. The NRA also offers the Camp Pendleton Event if you are into long guns and long shots. NRA also promotes open range days where anyone can come and try shooting with an instructor and are the only ones I know who have done anything for establishing shooting events for disabled Americans and Vets. Also, they do a lot in regards to firearms safety and their Eddie The Eagle Program (gun safety for kids) is far superior to anything any anti-gun bueracratic liberal school district has ever come up with. The stigma of the radical NRA prevents them from adopting a very good program. (while the libs claim to be open minded, here is point against that argument IMHO)

    Do they have their share of right wing nut jobs and back woods fear the govt. types? yes. Are they full of OFWG? Yes. Could they be more inclusive? Yes (Minority and Women). Is the NRA perfect? No. NRA has its problems but they do try. BTW, if you want to change the NRA, you do need to join so you can vote for officers or influence the vote.

    Do they cater to hunting crowd? Yes, and for good reason because a lot of hunting and shooting lands both public and private have rapidly diminished over the years. As a hunter, I can tell you there are lot more restrictions and lot less places to hunt. Part of it has been because of population growth and housing growth that has taken away hunting areas but part of it is from the same gun grabbers who also want to ban hunting — no hunting no guns — no reason for you to own any gun. In many areas you are down to bow hunting and are not even allowed to keep a side arm even in known brown or black bear country.

    There are many reasons people get into guns; Hunting, target shooting, competitive shooting, long range shooting, and self defense. The NRA does not cater to all those things, but there are other groups that do and you should seek them out. If anything, you should at least support the USA Shooting Team going to Olympics. At least our team, unlike the Brits, can at least practice in the USA where the anti-gun brits have forced there own team to practice in another country.

    Speaking of the Brits — their gun fans stood silent and did nothing and had their guns taken away.

    The worst thing that anyone who likes guns can do is not get involved. The NRA is not for everyone, but I am member because hunting is important to me and they have on many occasions have stepped up in court for people who have been bogusly arrested.

    So, don’t like the NRA? that is OK, but how about The Second Amendment Foundation ( How about your home state? If your in NJ, there is the New Jersey Second Amendment Society ( They have come to bat for many citizens including suing the State Police for 2a violations. In CT, there is Connecticut Citizens Defense League ( They are fighting for Open Carry in CT and have held several rallies including one that flooded the state capital and helped repeal many anti-gun bills with the show of force.

    So, in the end, the worst thing anyone who cares about gun rights and is on this forum can do is to have apathy and not get involved at all with any group. There are many local, regional and national 2a and gun rights groups. Find one that has meaning to you and be involved and support them (or if you are so inclined, start one). The NRA may not speak to you or your values, but the absolute worst thing you can do is to be silent and not be involved. To politicians, if you are silent, you are compliant — don’t be silent — remember you are the govt. and they simple work for you and you fire them via votes [That is, if you even bother to register to vote and give your opinion at the polls]

    I have less fear of the NRA and the OFWG than the gun enthusiast who sit quite playing with their guns and not raise their voices as loud as their .357 about their rights. Because the libs and gun grabbers (see Occupy Wall Street) they are not silent and their voice is on every mass media outlet. We are in a time where it is not the ones with the biggest guns that wins, it is the ones with a the biggest, loudest most unified voice that wins.

    BTW: I am not a OFWG, I am Young Italian-American WG.

    • Pascal, you raise excellent points about the need for gun-owners to identify and become engaged in gun-rights organizations with which they ARE comfortable, whether it is the NRA or another group.

  11. In addition to minorities, the NRA should also try to be more inclusive of women, since they make up a pretty healthy percentage of the population too. Plus, if you get women there, THEN you’ll get the COD young male generation there too.

  12. From observation at the ranges where I shoot, African-American men seem to be a fast-growing CCW demographic. The NRA doesn’t seem to reach out to them, and I won’t guess why. Women are also a growing demo, and the NRA doesn’t seem to spend much time courting them, either. That’s too bad, because the organization needs more youth and must improve its market penetration.

    The oddest thing about the NRA is that the left accuses it of being a crackpot right-wing org, and the right says it’s a sellout. It can’t be both too left and too right, can it? No, but it can be a powerful organization that the left loves to demonize and the right forgets about. When the SAF was just a figment of Alan Gottlieb’s imagination and nobody heard of Alan Gura outside of his own immediate family and the people who sat next to him in the law school lecture hall, the NRA was representing gun owners.

    The NRA’s incessant fund-raising turns me off, too, but the fact remains that without the NRA, there wouldn’t be a gun left in America except those wielded by cops and crooks.

  13. matt, i see you have to finally stoop to insults to make yourself feel better and justify your prejudiced viewpoints.”Whats wrong with generalizations?”they are employed by the uninformed and mentally weak in discussions.i think this is the website you are looking for:

  14. quote from matt “Or do you need me to hold your hand and write it in ebonics?”

    you are actually trying to say i’m making it about race?

    all that i am trying to say and RF (the author of this post btw) is that the NRA has to improve things. the post is trying to talk about race, why are you pissed that people are trying to talk about their own personal perspective with this.

    • Matt’s ebonics comment was hostile and wholly uncalled-for, and served only to shut down what should be an open discussion of the NRA and its need to grow membership beyond its traditional base to remain politically viable.
      I noticed that Matt backtracked and deleted some of his other comments.

  15. Didn’t we hear a similar story about minorities and the Tea Party? Or the Minutemen? seems to me that minorities make it impossible for more Conservative orgs to reach out to them and then bitch that they aren’t being reached out to? I think these orgs know who their audience is and who it’s possible to reach and who isn’t.

    And like it or not the tactics you so dislike are activism/fundraising 101 and won’t be changing anytime soon.

    Love the blog but found this post very weak and ill thought out.

  16. I do hope your right. I cancelled my NRA membership and now support my local AZ Citizens Defense League. Small, nimble and has more impact on local and state 2A rights than the NRA could ever dream. I sincerely hope each of us has local, state or regional organizations we can turn to other than the NRA.

  17. There will always be a need for the NRA because the people who want to take our guns will NEVER GO AWAY…..


  18. I like the points made in the article but couldn’t help to think of alternative reasons as to why NRA may have a diversity issue…and my remark may be taken as possibly unfair, but I will leave it here for people to consider…

    Perhaps minority groups are not joining the NRA in the same numbers as white/Caucasians, because these groups suffer more violent deaths from gun usage and violent crime overall. (I don’t have the date on this so this is a pure guess, perhaps another has the statistics)

    It probably can correlate with poverty statistics, so the Hispanics, blacks, and any immigrant groups…many of these groups likely experience poverty in higher levels. The immigrants they have probably experienced or lived in armed conflict areas more so than the NRA Caucasian members have.

    In sum, perhaps these groups have had negative experiences, make them more likely to oppose gun ownership. Or not wish to be around weapons or for the weapons to be around children and family.

    Just some thoughts, read the article on the ‘UN Gun Grab’ and think this specific debate hits this difference in opinions, dead on because of the international element of these issues which clashes with US constitutional and business perspectives.

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