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It Should Have Been A Defensive Gun Use: Burn Notice Edition

 Blowtorch (courtesy

“The victim was walking near a gas station when she when she was forced into a car at gunpoint,” reports. “[Roderick] Neely is accused of driving a short period of time, then parking the car, beating the woman in the face, pulling off her clothes and using a blowtorch [not shown] to burn her feet. ‘The woman escaped by taking a tool and injuring the defendant’s face,’ said Maria Miller, a spokeswoman for the prosecutor’s office.” Actually, she stabbed him in the eye with a screwdriver. I’m sure she would have preferred to have shot Mr. Neely in the chest a few times to avoid the car journey. “Authorities are investigating whether there is a connection between the attack and two incidents in July, when two other women were burned by a blowtorch, Deputy Police Chief David LeValley said. ‘The (method of operating) and description matches the previous incidents,’ although police are not ready to link the man to the summer cases without further investigation.” Not an original idea, of course. Nor is defending yourself through force of arms.

24 thoughts on “It Should Have Been A Defensive Gun Use: Burn Notice Edition”

  1. Stabbed in the eye with a screwdriver? He should be easy to pick out from the crowd. People notice a new eye patch on their co worker or family member.

    • The article indicated he’s already been arrested, in the commission of a home invasion the very next day.

      Now, I can’t speak for anyone else here, but for me, if I’d just been stabbed in the eye with a screwdriver in the course of my third abduction/sexual assault/feet burning torture outing, I have to say that it would give me pause to reconsider some of the life decisions which had delivered me to this moment. I wouldn’t be out invading someone’s home the very next day.

      • It has been unfortunately proven over time that persons in the thrall of obsessive sexual perversions (I think this would qualify) cannot, even under the most dire circumstances, change that behavior nor the compulsion to seek out this form of gratification. This is the reason for “sex offender” registries and why pedophiles and such rot can never be considered “cured”.

        Unless convicted and incarcerated this person will continue to seek out victims for the purpose of burning their feet for his own sexual gratification until or unless someone shoots him for his trouble. And if he is incarcerated I would look for him to re-offend within weeks or even days of his release.

        Best case, release him in Florida or Texas.

        • Sounds well and good, but you can qualify as a sex offender for a variety of inane reasons. Urinate in public? You betcha.

          You’re basically saying ‘one strike and you’re done’. Which is terrible. No chance for rehabilitation. While there are people out there that you really can’t fix, there are those who make a bad choice and deserve a second chance once they have been determined to not be a repeat offender.

        • Funny how every single sex offender you ever hear of will tell you all they did was urinate in public.

          I am generally against the death penalty, but these types of sexually motivated crimes are the same sort of thing that eventually lead to serial killer behavior, I don’t think there is a cure, they should never be released, or they should be put to death.

        • “there are those who make a bad choice and deserve a second chance once they have been determined to not be a repeat offender.”

          Once they have been determined to not be a repeat offender? Really? And by what method do you make that determination?

          Whether or not they DID IT AGAIN.

        • David, I worked at a prison. The system is truly broken cause every inmate I met was not guilty of any crime. Don’t believe me, just ask them. And that whole urinating in public thing. If you don’t care where you whip your dick out don’t be surprised if others get upset with you.

        • Applying the death penalty to sex offenses only, whether rape or child molestation or other, restructures the criminal incentives at the margin. That is, it removes the marginal (dis)incentive for a sex offender not to go ahead and murder his victim. After all, you just removed the marginal penalty, essentially handing a sex offender a two-for-one coupon.

          And while you think about that, think about this: sex offenses typically have no witness but the victim him/herself. Cashing in that coupon could allow him to get away with the original sex offense, too, transforming it into a two-for-none coupon.

          Now, it’s possible that some would-be sex offenders might be deterred by the death penalty from committing their sex crime, resulting in fewer sex crimes. However, because individuals have different degrees of motivation and risk aversion, the potential unintended consequence is we could end up with more rape/murder combinations.

        • “It has been unfortunately proven over time that persons in the thrall of obsessive sexual perversions (I think this would qualify) cannot, even under the most dire circumstances, change that behavior nor the compulsion to seek out this form of gratification.”

          Absolutely correct. Just look at all the professional politicians.

    • Eric Holder will probably find something to pin on her, like using a deadly weapon for standing her ground.

  2. Gosh, I didn’t think the moms were going to get much action & here we have a screwdriver in the eye. I guess that teaches me a thing or 3, Randy

  3. “…a gas station when she when she was forced…”

    Does anyone proofread at news offices anymore?

  4. If any of you have read the John Douglas books, this is the type of behavior that eventually ramps up to killing to get the same thrill. This guy is bad news.

  5. This dude is one sick puppy, anyone who has used a blow torched knows how powerful they can be, he was looking to inflict pain and suffering, period.

    You can fix something that broken, that puppy probably needs to be put down.

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