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Jackson County DA: I Won’t Enforce Unconstitutional Gun Laws

Forget Chicago. Mayor Daley reaction to the Supreme Court’s McDonald decision striking down the Windy City’s handgun ban was a foregone conclusion. This is news. “In the wake of a U.S. Supreme Court decision, Jackson County’s district attorney said he will no longer prosecute some state weapons laws, including a ban on concealed weapons,” reports. “Gerald Fox said in a news release the court’s ruling ‘immediately renders some of Wisconsin’s current laws unconstitutional’ and therefore his office will not accept police referrals for violations of statutes that prohibit carrying concealed weapons, loaded firearms in vehicles, possession of firearms in public buildings or bars and the possession of switchblades.” Switchblades? Fox’s statement [download pdf here] sets the stage for some serious argy-bargy on the gun control front . . .

“All of these statutes constitute unjustifiable infringements on the fundamental right of every law-abiding American to arm themselves for self-defense. Does preventing the barkeep from protecting herself when she carries the bank bag home from the tavern make sense? Not here, not anymore.”

Spinning air movement device meet excrement. ‘Cause the cops serving and protecting the County’s 18k residents are NOT on board.

Black River Falls police Chief Don Gilberg said he disagrees with Fox’s assessment and that his officers will continue to enforce state and local gun laws.

“We don’t think it’s a good public policy,” Gilberg said. “It’ll make our community less safe. We don’t want people walking into the courthouse or city hall or god knows where (carrying firearms).”

Yes, well, this, from Fox’s statement:

“Only by the strictest adherence to firearm safety rules and common sense will we show that the elitists who seek to disarm all of us are wrong,” he wrote, “and that every law abiding citizen can be trusted to protect themselves.”

This puts Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen in the media crosshairs. Where he wants to be (of course). Along with 16 other attorneys general, Hollen filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the McDonald Case supporting the incorporation of the Second Amendment.

If Hollen takes Fox’s policy statewide, the rest of the states’ gun control laws could fall like dominoes, pressuring the states that didn’t sign up to get with the program. Here are the 16 amicus states.

RICHARD CORDRAY Attorney General of Ohio
DUSTIN MCDANIEL Attorney General of Arkansas
THURBERT E. BAKER Attorney General of Georgia
TROY KING Attorney General of Alabama
DANIEL S. SULLIVAN Attorney General of Alaska
TERRY GODDARD Attorney General of Arizona
JOHN W. SUTHERS Attorney General of Colorado
BILL MCCOLLUM Attorney General of Florida
LAWRENCE G. WASDEN Attorney General of Idaho
GREGORY F. ZOELLER Attorney General of Indiana
STEVE SIX Attorney General of Kansas
JACK CONWAY Attorney General of Kentucky
JAMES D. “BUDDY” CALDWELL Attorney General of Louisiana
JANET T. MILLS Attorney General of Maine
MICHAEL A. COX Attorney General of Michigan
LORI SWANSON Attorney General of Minnesota
JIM HOOD Attorney General of Mississippi
CHRIS KOSTER Attorney General of Missouri
STEVE BULLOCK Attorney General of Montana
JON BRUNING Attorney General of Nebraska
CATHERINE CORTEZ MASTO Attorney General of Nevada
MICHAEL A. DELANEY Attorney General of New Hampshire
GARY K. KING Attorney General of New Mexico
ROY COOPER Attorney General of North Carolina
WAYNE STENEHJEM Attorney General of North Dakota
W.A. DREW EDMONDSON Attorney General of Oklahoma
THOMAS W. CORBETT, JR. Attorney General of Pennsylvania
PATRICK C. LYNCH Attorney General of Rhode Island
HENRY MCMASTER Attorney General of South Carolina
MARTY J. JACKLEY Attorney General of South Dakota
ROBERT E. COOPER, JR. Attorney General of Tennessee
GREG ABBOTT Attorney General of Texas
MARK L. SHURTLEFF Attorney General of Utah
WILLIAM C. MIMS Attorney General of Virginia
ROBERT M. MCKENNA Attorney General of Washington
DARRELL V. MCGRAW, JR. Attorney General of West Virginia
J.B. VAN HOLLEN Attorney General of Wisconsin
BRUCE A. SALZBURG Attorney General of Wyoming

2 thoughts on “Jackson County DA: I Won’t Enforce Unconstitutional Gun Laws”

  1. "Spinning air movement device meet excrement." Nice1.

    I don't know about Jackson County, but WI overall has open-carry. Last year, when some people in Milwaukee exercised that right, (perhaps just to prove a point), the cops arrested them for disorderly conduct and said they would continue to do so. But then the AG I think it was told them to stop.

    Of interest for open-carry laws vs. concealed is that, as far as I know, you can open-carry a rifle or shotgun if you want. I don't know about you, but that "barkeep carrying the bank bag home with her from the tavern" example in the article makes me think that person would be even more safe with an open-carry shotgun than with a concealed-carry 9mm.

  2. I’m sorry, but that is gibberish. “Odds” dont equal ahtyning. The probabilities to which they convert have to equal one (or 100%), if all potential winners are included. In the case of the Big Line, it is possible that not all candidates are included, so the sum of the probabilites could be less than one (or 100%). But it is mathematically impossible for the sum of the probabillites to be greater than one (or 100%).

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