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Yes, buying a firearm from another individual — at a gun show, in a shooting range parking lot, or in the front seat of your car — is legal in most states, no background check or other paperwork is required. Much to the horror of all branches of the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex. The real story here, though, (click the image above to view the video) is this quote from the TV reporterette: “Their goal at the State Attorney’s office is to get as many of the guns off the streets as possible. So by doing that, as you saw, they purchased guns from this teenager more than once. They’ll do that, and not arrest, until they reach a point where they say, ‘Hey, this is so many guns this is getting dangerous. We just gotta get this guy off the street.'” Huh? . . .

The prosecutors where concerned that they were buying up too many guns? Didn’t she just say getting firearms off the street was the goal?

The truth is the State Attorney, in this little operation, was encouraging the commission of more crimes. Rather than arresting the featured teenager — a convicted felon — after he sold them the first gun, they asked him for more. In the report above, after the buyer paid for the SKS, he asked the kid what else he had in stock. The answer: a .22 rifle. Yet he’s back in the car later, this time proffering an attractively appointed semi-auto shotgun.

Ten will get you twenty that, knowing he had a willing customer, the kid in the report stole that shotgun from its lawful owner. Either by breaking into a car or someone’s home. Possibly even in a dangerous home invasion situation. So by not nabbing the kid — and who knows how many others they’re working with — after he sold them his first gun, more firearms are being stolen from their owners at the behest of local prosecutors.

The best way for local cops and prosecutors to address local crime isn’t by focusing on guns. Instead, they need to arrest small-time hoods and gang members, keeping them off the streets so they can’t continue to shoot people (usually each other), victimize law-abiding citizens and steal more guns. Still, it’s good to hear the kid in the report is really regrets what he did.

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  1. So how is the kid supposed to pay for his college tuition? He was just getting his life on track and was selling guns to fund his education.

    • Sounds like the work of Angela Corey. Don’t have the answer, but I love that photo of Kaley Cuoco in the spammy links at the bottom.

  2. To be honest, I thought this post would be about a gun ”buyback”. The lack of a no questions asked policy seems to be the only difference though.

    • I used to work for a British company. The managing director’s policy if we were in error was “always express regret; never apologise”.

    • I disagree, as far as Democrats are concerned, he IS an eligible voter. He just might have to do it under some other [deceased/fictional/domestic animal/infant/illegal immigrant/whatever] person’s name. If he’s still in jail on election day, he may get furloughed out just for that purpose.

    • Mine says I can activate my female horomones to burn what while I sleep.

      I’d rather activate my male horomones and do other things with females besides sleep, but that’s really neither here nor there.

  3. But if the idea is to get guns ‘off the street’, why do they care where or who the guns come from? Isn’t he just a different kind of paid government law enforcement employee?

    • I am in favor! Just imagine the wonders! They should offer $10,000 for any working gun, $2000 for replicas, and get them ALL off the street. What, 500 million? A billion? Cool! We just won’t tell them the guns are being produced and sold for $500 each as fast as they buy them. These guys are really stupid, and some of them have $billions. What a plan! Once they are all bankrupt, we can get back to buying all our favorite toys with their money!

  4. No real surprise that the undercover cops are creating a criminal environment. Undercover drug agents created an artificial drug economy at my old high school.

  5. Why is it more important to get guns off the street than it is to get the criminals off the street? That is the question they are axing in New York City.

  6. Sounds like they’re not getting as many guns “off the street” but rather out of your house and out of your car, by encouraging more thefts to make their buys possible.

  7. My question is, when will these “cops” and state attorney be prosecuted for their little burglary/theft ring? More than 3 people involved, doesn’t RICO kick in?

    And were these stolen weapons returned to their rightful owners? Is that not what police are required to do with stolen property they seize?

    All kinds of questions left unanswered here. Perhaps said reporterette should go back to reporter school for a refresher course.

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