Jacksonville Sheriff Waters: It’s Not the Gun, It’s the Individual

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The story is always about guns — people are bad — this guy’s a bad guy. If I could take my gun off right now, and I lay it on this counter, nothing will happen. It’ll sit there — but as soon as wicked person grabs ahold of that handgun and starts shooting people with it — there’s the problem.

The problem is the individual.

— Jacksonville, Florida Sheriff T.K. Waters via X

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    • While the sheriff was explaining the nature of inanimate objects for spoon fed morons he should have taken the opportunity to tell the same morons History Confirms the Gun Control they flock to is Rooted in Racism and Genocide. Anything less is peeing in the wind.

  1. File this under “no shit, Sherlock.”

    In spite of the fact that no law did or could have stopped this “scumbag,” which is
    common refrain among everyone commenting on the tragedy, Jacksonville’s Donk mayor calls for —

    more gun control.

    Jacksonville’s mayor speaks out on gun legislation following tragic shooting.
    “I am absolutely a proponent of common sense gun legislation,” Mayor Donna Deegan said on MSNBC on Sunday, warning Florida is “going backwards” on the issue.

    And of course, our liberal citizens demonstrate their renowned tolerance and inclusion during a solemn memorial for the victims:

    Florida governor Ron DeSantis was heckled at a vigil held for the three victims of a racially motivated mass shooting in Jacksonville.

    Mr DeSantis, who is running for the GOP nomination for president, has been criticised for easing gun laws in Florida and initially staying silent on the shooting. In April this year, the governor signed a bill into law that allows people to carry concealed weapons without a government permit.

    As the governor began speaking at the vigil on Sunday, many members of a crowd of over a hundred people booed Mr DeSantis, forcing him to step back from the microphone.
    — The (UK) Independent

    • Fortunately, the councilman representing the area of the city where the shooting took place:

      Leftists Protest DeSantis At Jacksonville Prayer Vigil, Black Democrat Councilmember Slaps Back: ‘A Bullet Don’t Know A Party’

      Pittman then took the microphone and addressed the agitators head-on.

      “Let me tell, we putting parties aside, because it ain’t about parties today,” she said. “A bullet don’t know a party. So, don’t get me started.”

      “If the governor wanted to come here, and he bringing gifts to my community, y’all know I’m taking the gifts, because we’ve been through enough already,” she continued. “And I don’t want to go through no more. Now y’all be quiet just a minute and let the governor say what he gonna say.” — Daily Wire

      • ““If the governor wanted to come here, and he bringing gifts to my community, y’all know I’m taking the gifts, because we’ve been through enough already,” she continued.”

        Literally free stuff.

        The democrat party has trained them to be a pacific islander cargo cult… 🙁

        • One of the “gifts” was a $1 million grant from the state to Edward Waters College, to increase security. I hope it’s money well spent.

        • It will be interesting if the money goes to security at all.

          I hope the press follows-up to see if anything actually happens, or if it evaporates into a security ‘study’… 🙁

        • “to Edward Waters College, to increase security. I hope it’s money well spent“

          Objectively, they’re doing very well with their security. No armed citizens on campus, yet their security was able to repel the white supremacist shooter with no injuries.

        • “Objectively, they’re doing very well with their security. No armed citizens on campus, yet their security was able to repel the … shooter with no injuries.”

          That could have changed very quickly — if the shooter had been armed and ready when approached by the security guard, he could have neutralized that obstacle with little effort and continued into the campus to increase the death toll. We’ve seen it before.

          I don’t understand why you are opposed to the idea of lawful individuals being able to protect themselves — it looks as if you’re in favor of letting defenseless students die in a senseless shooting by a mentally-deranged assailant.

        • “I don’t understand why you are opposed…”

          I do. It has nothing to do logic, or being for or against owning and carrying firearms. Recall that Miner owns multiple firearms. The answer is partisanship. Miner follows The Party.

        • “I don’t understand why you are opposed to the idea of lawful individuals being able to protect themselves“

          I am not opposed to the possession or carry of firearms. My position is that both classroom and live fire proficiency demonstration should be a prerequisite before adults are permitted to carry firearms in public spaces.

        • “My position is that both classroom and live fire proficiency demonstration should be a prerequisite before adults are permitted to carry firearms in public spaces.”

          And that’s an unconstitutional restriction.

    • Yes, because obviously a murderer wouldn’t want to carry a concealed firearm without a government-issued permission slip. I’m pretty sure all murderers are responsible citizens like that.

      • Report was that the murderer had a handgun and MSR, the latter presumably carried openly. Perhaps he should have added a fishing pole to make it legal? That could have saved 3 lives….

    • Once again this person should not have been able to legally purchase firearms since he was another KNOWN nutcase. But those in a position of responsibility didn’t want to place a “black mark” against him because ?-? he’ll grow out of it — he didn’t. What is the sense to have background checks if mental health issues aren’t reported. At least this sheriff has enough brains to not blame the gun, but other politicians will still blame all other gun owners as because guns exist.

  2. He’s right you know! Too bad he ‘s not in ILL annoy where lawful gat owner’s get blamed for the criminal scum crime🙄 Oh last night TTAG was down for awhile on my phone. An attack Dan???

  3. Let’s take the Regime at their word. They can’t release the tranz manifesto because it would be way too dangerous. We can’t release to the general public this idea that certain people want to target certain groups for death and destruction.

    Fast forward a few months. We have a white guy targeting black people. The idea behind his manifesto is released simultaneously with the news of the killing. What could this mean? If we take the Regime at their word, then they don’t see this particular type of targeting as a negative. They obviously see it as a positive. Therefore, the Regime wants white people to target and kill black people. How do black people feel about that?

    • Yes pretty much even before any details emerged, the (irresponsible) headlines were “white shooter targeting black people” it was all motive before even basic facts.

      It’s like the wanted to stir the racial tensions immediately before any facts were raised or looked into, I think they were hoping everyone would immediately start rioting and looting.

      • United we stand Divided we fall.
        As long as the Zebras are kicking each other the Lion has nothing to fear.
        Racism works.

      • “headlines were “white shooter targeting black people” it was all motive before even basic facts“

        Sometimes it’s a little more obvious:

        “Jacksonville shooter carried a swastika-decorated gun, police say
        By PHILISSA CRAMER/JTA Published: AUGUST 28, 2023 06:46
        Updated: AUGUST 28, 2023 06:57“

        Let’s see, racial purity hate group symbol on the weapon, shooting only black folks, letting white folks go…

        Doesn’t take a rocket surgeon…

        • What was the motivation of the tra-nny in Tenn. murdering kids?

          What cause was it trying to push forward?

        • No it doesn’t take a rocket sturgeon, however trying to stir sht up and get 60’s era race riots going does take some planning.
          .giv didn’t take long making the Black Panthers into villains.

        • ShittDiggingidiot:
          Maybe it’s like recent strings of vandalism propagated against the Adherents Of Moe, the Baby Raper…

          After the hue and cry of “Islamaphobia” was spread far and wide by the town criers, the perpetrators turned out to be….

          /drum roll..

          Members of the Adherents of Moe!

          Nah, couldn’t be…

        • Still tarring with that brush.

          Aren’t you ashamed of your melanine impoverished appearance?

        • Having a Swastika on a weapon does not make it more lethal, than a weapon without a Swastika.

          So what???

          The overweight black man who shot up the new york city subway.
          Shooting fourteen or sixteen people didn’t have a swastika on his guns.

        • “Having a Swastika on a weapon does not make it more lethal“

          No one said it did make it more lethal.

          But it certainly gives a clue to the possible motivation for the killing committed with that weapon.

          Regarding Frank Robert James attack on the NYC subway station, the motive was clear from the beginning, he was a black nationalist who acted on anti-white, anti-Asian bigotry. The hundreds of videos he posted online for several years would be your first clue.

          Joe Biden’s justice department charged him with 10 terrorism counts:

          “Earlier today, in federal court in Brooklyn, Frank James pleaded guilty to 10 counts of committing a terrorist attack or other violence against a mass transportation vehicle—one count for each gunshot victim—and one count of discharging a firearm in furtherance of his attack. The charges relate to the defendant’s April 12, 2022 mass shooting on the New York City subway in Sunset Park, Brooklyn“


        • But we were speaking of the shooter in Jacksonville this past Saturday.

          Arming oneself and killing innocent people, while intending to die afterwards either by suicide or getting shot, is not the action of a sane person. The racism/white supremacist angle is a red herring — this guy was a mental case.

          “I urge us all not to look for sense in a senseless act of violence,” (Sheriff Waters) said. “There’s no reason or explanation that will ever account for the shooter’s decisions and actions.”

        • I have no hard evidence to back my intuitive claim that a good whorehouse *might* have prevented this…

        • Yet not a PEEP about this from the MSM about the BLACK RACIST!!!

          And they refused to call him a “RACIST” after his attack!!!

        • “a good whorehouse *might* have prevented this… “

          Intuitively, that seems valid… But when you consider the white shooter who killed those folks at the Asian massage parlor it seems the house of ill repute might’ve actually been the problem. Or rather, his Christian extremist response to his own ‘sin’.

        • “The racism/white supremacist angle is a red herring — this guy was a mental case“

          I’m sure some would want to ignore his avowed motive for the shooting.

          But the research shows folks like this are radicalized by the extremist messages they see in popular media.

          That’s true for the Islamic terrorists as well as the white supremacists, there are far too many bigoted people who are willing to sow their seeds of violence in the fertile fields of the mentally unbalanced.

          Add the easy availability of MSRs and you have an increase in mass shootings.

        • MINOR49er Well, you certainly aren’t a rocket scientist. Hour about those BLA murderers who killed police officers with ILLEGAL firearms? How about the BLM and ANTIFA Stormtrooper thugs who rioted during the summer of 2020? How about the Black thugs who are making Chicago a battle ground?
          The REAL ISSUE is NOT guns, but criminal individuals and mentally ill that you Lefties REFUSE to address.

        • “I’m sure some would want to ignore his avowed motive for the shooting. But the research shows folks like this are radicalized by the extremist messages they see in popular media.”

          The reason that the shooter committed this act was because he was mentally ill — his “motive” is unimportant and irrelevant.

          “… sow their seeds of violence in the fertile fields of the mentally unbalanced.”

          You admit that the shooter was mentally unbalanced. That’s progress.

          “Add the easy availability of MSRs …”

          And that’s a step backwards — MSRs should be easily available. Perhaps you advocate for unconstitutional restrictions on firearms — also irrelevant, as we already know that won’t stop criminals from criminaling.

        • “Hour about those BLA murderers who killed police officers with ILLEGAL firearms? How about the BLM and ANTIFA Stormtrooper thugs who rioted during the summer of 2020?”

          Prosecute them to the fullest extent of the applicable law.

          Like this:

          “Whatever happened to the hundreds of people arrested during Denver’s 2020 George Floyd protests?
          Elise Schmelzer
          December 26, 2021 at 6:00 a.m.

          “Charges in the remaining cases ranged from municipal counts alleging public fighting to attempted first-degree murder charges for two men who drove their vehicles into groups of people.

          Of those remaining 81 cases:

          33 people were convicted at trial or through a plea deal
          15 people received deferred judgments, meaning their case will be dismissed if they successfully complete probation and other requirements
          11 cases were dismissed
          One person was found not guilty at trial
          21 cases remain open
          Sentences for those convicted of misdemeanors and felonies ranged between 10 days of home detention and six months in jail. Many will spend months or years on probation”

          Or this:

          “St. Paul Man Sentenced to 100 Months in Prison for Arson and Riot During August 2020 Riots in Downtown Minneapolis
          Wednesday, December 29, 2021“

        • MINOR49er. So you claim to espouse the prosecution of the BLA murderers. How come they are now being released on parole? That is not the “fullest extent of the law” by any real criteria.
          You cite a few prosecutions, when the vast majority in Seattle and Portland were ignored. Typical BS!

  4. Sheriff is correct, the leftist blame the object, not the person responsible… BTW Chicago is suing auto manufacturer Kia because the cars are too easy to steal. It’s not the criminals fault, he was just walking down the street when the evil blue Kia grabbed him, forced him in the drivers seat, made him break the ignition lock and made him drive away…. same was Glocks shoot convenience store owners after jumping out of criminals pockets.

    • They can’t admit that their policies are harming people. It’s racism, climate change, Russia (remember the initial excuse for inflation?), not enough gun restrictions, etc. It’s never their fault.

  5. Primitive tribes blamed inanimate objects for the fault of the individual. The Democrat/Socialist/Communist Partie(s) are of this primitive persuasion. This should stop the “confusion” (and conflation) of inanimate objects being the source of murders and other social ills.

    Thus endeth the lesson.

    • ShittDiggingidiot…
      Or the car, or the bus, or the can of gasoline, or the pressure cooker, or…

      Shall I go on?

      • If you do go on, it’ll be reminiscent of the scene in Forrest Gump where he and his army buddy are discussing shrimp.

        • Man, note the name – “Stuck in Pugetopia”

          It sounds to me like someone is very angry they can’t escape the Puget Sound area of Washington state…

        • Geoff, noted, but I think he’s on our side.

          I just thought it would have been funny if he did continue to list items used by violent people — like in the movie: “shrimp gumbo, fried shrimp, shrimp Creole, sweet and sour shrimp …”

          What, too soon?

      • “Shall I go on?”

        Have you considered the possibility that if you were nicer to people you might actually get to escape ‘Pugetopia’?

        • GeoPR
          I have ZERO sympathy for, and just flat out don’t pull punches for people like Shittdiggingidiot that want to take away my right and ability to defend myself and family.

          I gotta ask, are you offended by the use of Alinsky techniques against the very people that espouse them?

        • @Mr. Stuck
          Geoff thinks you’re me. He’s still butthurt over being called out for using different names to stalk Debbie W. He later admitted to fantasizing about me or you smashing his car windows. Uhhh okay.

        • GeoPR

          “Man, note the name – “Stuck in Pugetopia”

          It sounds to me like someone is very angry they can’t escape the Puget Sound area of Washington state…”

          Actually, I grew up in the Puget Sound area, but no longer live there.

          I’m just pissed off at what the idiots in Pugetopia are doing to the rest of the State..

          Washington has three counties that basically ‘wag the dog,’ much like other states that have brain-dead large population centers that can ‘out vote’ the rest of the state.

          And, ever since Wa went to ALL MAIL IN VOTING, you can be sure that whenever a libidiot needs to be elected, it happens.

          The first major wake up call, (to most folks,) was the Gregoire vs Rossi governors race years ago. It took three ‘recounts’ to tip the balance to the ‘LibDonk’, (I just had to steal that moniker and play with it a bit,) and guess what? Those ‘votes’ were found in various places in King County as just ‘over looked’ ballots in the earlier tabulations.

          The only possible silver lining is that -some- people in Pugetopia are waking up to what is happening. For example, my wife has a life long friend who lives by the area that was turned into CHAZ / CHOP.

          When it first got underway, I asked him what he thought about it..

          ‘Ah, just some people protesting, etc.’ and he basically poo-poo’d it.

          Three weeks later, after some bullets flying around and people being killed, it was ‘OMG! I just can’t BELIEVE this is happening!! It’s not supposed to BE like this!!’

          Eh. Sometimes the 2×4 between the eyes does effect a ‘wake up call,’ but it seems to be quickly forgotten.

          Not by the cops, though. They are STILL baling out.
          BTW, that recent letter written by the SPD lieutenant really nails it.

          You should do a quick search and take a look at it.

          Pretty succinctly sums it up.

    • Prohibition cured alcohol abuse, didn’t it? The drug war ended addiction, didn’t it?

      miner. Just admit it. It is not about crime or safety. You fascists simply want to limit rights.

      • Somehow leftists always assume that limiting rights will lead to less violence.

        “Assuming facts not in evidence.”

        • They also seem to assume that we have short memories, and forget about the toll on humanity caused by leftists over the years. Oh, wait, there’s still plenty of them in office…maybe those of us who aren’t paying attention will soon realize that it’s the leftists who are perpetrating this violence. There’s an abundance of evidence of that.

      • The Supreme Court has ruled that rights have limits.

        That includes firearms, even Thomas Jefferson and James Madison voted to ban the carrying of weapons on the college campus.

        Does my freedom of the press include the freedom to post handbills in your neighborhood identifying you by name as a violent pedophile?

        • How many limits? When does a right become a .gov granted privilege?

          Rights have limits? Why are you still howling about scotus’s decision on abortion? After all, rights have limits.

          You even lie to yourself, don’t you, miner?

        • :Does my freedom of the press include the freedom to post handbills in your neighborhood identifying you by name as a violent pedophile ”

          We have the right to be armed, not the right to murder.
          We have the right to free speech, not the right to slander.

          Any other comparisons you want to try?

        • “…post handbills…”

          So long as it’s true, otherwise slander and/or libel laws will kick in. Sheriffs post that info on their websites, and local newspapers used to publish the local police blotter. Probably still do in some locales.

          So ask a real question. Or I will. Why do you leftists want to restrict my personal right to obtain, own, accessorize, carry, and use firearms just because some big city gangsters use illegally obtained firearms to plug other gangsters on the next corner?

          If it’s numbers of lives that you want to save, then focus on auto accidents, or abortion, or medical malpractice, or the millions that have died during the pursuit of leftist ideology.

        • “That includes firearms, even Thomas Jefferson and James Madison voted to ban the carrying of weapons on the college campus.”

          The shooter’s initial target was Edward Waters College, where the death toll would have been much higher — as it’s a gun-free zone where the attendees and staff have no way to protect themselves.

          Why do you want defenseless college students to die, Liar69er?

        • “We have the right to free speech, not the right to slander“

          Interesting. So I take it you support the criminal charges against Donald Trump for his public slandering of Ruby Freeman?

          Or is that different?

          “The shooter’s initial target was Edward Waters College…
          “Why do you want defenseless college students to die, Liar69er?“

          So how many unarmed students and faculty were killed?

        • “Interesting. So I take it you support the criminal charges against Donald Trump for his public slandering of Ruby Freeman?”

          Slander is slander regardless of who does it. Correct?

          We weren’t talking about Trump, but you interjected him into the conversation. That is interesting. I’ll entertain your question. If Trump slandered the man, then try him and and if guilty he has earned what the law subjects him too. That is relevant to everyone regardless of political persuasion or any other status they have.

          Is that clear enough? Now, do you agree that anyone who commits an offense of slander they should be held liable? To include the Progressive Party and Democrats?

        • “The Supreme Court has ruled that rights have limits.

          “That includes firearms, even Thomas Jefferson and James Madison voted to ban the carrying of weapons on the college campus.”

          And as we discussed previously when this topic came up — you are in favor of banning firearms on college campuses.

          “So how many unarmed students and faculty were killed?”

          Are you really as stupid as you make yourself out to be?
          If you’re in favor of preventing firearms access by lawful citizens on campus, then you must want college students to die in shootings — as many leftists apparently do.

        • “…even Thomas Jefferson and James Madison voted to ban the carrying of weapons on the college campus.”

          By the *children* attending, not adults, you brain-dead fuckwit…

        • “If you’re in favor of preventing firearms access by lawful citizens on campus, then you must want college students to die in shootings — as many leftists apparently do.”

          Leftist-Fascists WANT dead kids.

          Dead kids are a political tool they can exploit. They want videos of tiny sheet-covered corpses being taken out of the school so they can broadcast it far and wide… 🙁

        • “By the *children* attending, not adults, you brain-dead fuckwit… “

          Your juvenile profanity does not add validity to your claim.

          Jefferson and Madison sat on the board of visitors of the University of Virginia, which was not attended by children.

          I understand you may not of enjoyed the benefit of a higher education, but let me assure you 99% of college students are indeed adults, the population Thomas Jefferson and James Madison would forbid from carrying arms on campus as shown by the documentary evidence in contemporaneous records of the time.

        • “I understand you may not of enjoyed the benefit of a higher education…”

          May not of? Of?

          I’m not a grammar Nazi. I had to draw attention to this one because you were trying to look down on someone like they weren’t on your level of education.

        • “So long as it’s true, otherwise slander and/or libel laws will kick in“

          So you’re saying the first amendment actually says:

          “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press so long as it’s true.”

          Interesting, my copy of the constitution seems to be different from yours…

        • MINOR49er. As usual, you Lefties want to enshrine yourselves in the 1st Amendment and then ignore the rest of the Constitution. I seem to remember that the Supreme Court has said that the right to free speech is NOT absolute. Not to mention what you claimed he said is not at all in his post. doesn’t that make you a liar?
          In RE: the 2nd Amendment what part of “SHALL NOT BE INFORNGED” don’t you understand?

    • “No, it is the individual with the gun.”

      No, its the individual.

      The gun did not decide to commit the crime.

      Are we going to say next that it is the individual with the Nike shoes? It is Col. Mustard with the candlestick in the library? If you are in a car accident being run into by another driver it is you with your car?

      Simply because some inanimate object exists, its not with as if they teamed up with a common goal like you are implying. This was a mentally ill person, intending to kill and if he did not have a gun then would have probably used something else.

      So, take away ‘guns’ and violent crime still stays (and it does even in gun ban countries) … whats going to be the next excuse of your anti-gun stance? Is it going to be Miss Scarlet with the lead pipe? (and sure enough a lot of criminal women do seriously injure or kill others with a blunt object like, for example, a pipe).

    • Hey Liar your getting off your GOV’T MEDS!!!

      Be careful you will get a lecturing by your “OVERLORDS”!!!

  6. It is the individual with whatever the individual chooses to use.

    Do you believe mass murders are only possible using a firearm?

      • So everybody is a potential mass murderer? Guilty and cannot prove yourself innocent?

        Do you still not see that you are, indeed, a fascist, miner?

        • Honestly JWM with all the laws against just about everything, yup it’s hard not to be guilty of something.
          From owl feathers to sawed off shotgunms there is a law against it.

        • “So everybody is a potential mass murderer?“

          Yes, that is true. While I’m sure individuals would claim that they would never mass murder, it’s impossible to determine whether or not any person on the street is a danger just by visual inspection.

      • Shittdiggingidiot

        Then why did the guy use a CAR to run down all those people in a parade awhile back?

        • “Then why did the guy use a CAR to run down all those people in a parade awhile back?“

          That’s easy, he was a violent abuser who was fleeing apprehension, he didn’t premeditate attacking the parade with a vehicle.

          “Brooks had been charged on Nov. 5 with obstructing an officer, battery, reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct and felony bail jumping in a domestic abuse case, prosecutors and state court records show.

          Around the time of Sunday’s carnage, police also had received a complaint of a domestic disturbance involving Brooks and a knife but were unable to respond because they were preoccupied with the parade, Thompson said.“

          The perpetrator was fleeing the scene of his last attack, where they had already contacted the police.


        • Miner, have you forgotten about me already busting your propaganda? We discussed this extensively when it happened. You’re a pathetic liar. What sort of grown man goes out of his way to lie as much as you do? The most pathetic part of it is that you do it in service of a political party that doesn’t give a rat’s ass about you. They would toss you under the bus without a second thought. You’re nothing to them. Does the lying make you feel important?

          He was not being pursued when he decided to hit the parade. That was a lie. He was actively swerving his vehicle to run over people. White people. He had publicly claimed his hatred for white people in the past. It didn’t fit the narrative, so the propagandists immediately lied about the incident. Then they forgot about the story. That’s how it works. A black man can shoot his white neighbor kid, yell that he hates whites, and the story is buried. Remember that one?

          Btw, the parade killing was an example of a (racist) mass murder, and mass injury, without the use of a firearm. Did a license to drive and a registered vehicle stop the killing?

        • Interesting how you are ignoring the facts expressed in the local reporting:

          “police also had received a complaint of a domestic disturbance involving Brooks and a knife“

          Brooks knew the police have been called, that’s why he fled the scene before they got there. Their response was delayed because they were dealing with the parade and Brooks flight to avoid apprehension was not premeditated.

          What you’re suggesting is that he had a premeditated assault on the parade planned, and just so happen to go by his old lady’s house and threaten her with a knife before he headed over to the parade.

          Tragically hilarious

        • MINOR49er. You claim that Brooks’ fleeing the scene was NOT “premeditated”? JBOL! Using what criteria?

        • It’s tragically hilarious that you just admitted I was right? Correct. He was NOT being pursued. That was propaganda which you echoed after it happened. He ended up going to his house in the end. Why would he go out of his way to “accidentally” drive through a parade? If you think you’re wanted by the police, do you drive anywhere near a parade which will have the police blocking roads? Of course not. He DROVE THROUGH POLICE BARRICADES, YOU IDIOT. Then he proceeded to drive through the parade without even trying to exit. He was actively swerving to run over people. He ran over way more than five people. He ran over children and grandparents. He was in a rage trying to take out as many white people as possible.

          And here you are trying to run cover for him. He’s your kind of guy. You’re the most pathetic human being I’ve ever interacted with.

        • “He was NOT being pursued“

          He was fleeing a domestic violence scene where the cops had been called, but had not arrived. He knew the police had been called and he was fleeing to avoid apprehension when he blasted through the parade.

          Tell me if I have your position right;

          He planned an assault on the white folks at the parade, but on the way to his pre-planned assault, he stopped by his old lady’s house and threatened her with a knife. Then, he left her house to continue his attack on the parade.

          Do I have that right?

        • He wasn’t being pursued. He just left the scene of an assault. It wasn’t like the police were combing the city for him. He was in a rage. He said fk it, and decided to finally take people out like he had been dreaming about. He rapped about killing people. One of the songs on his Youtube channel was “Gon Kill U.” He publicly stated that he hated white people. If you’re “fleeing a domestic violence scene where the cops had been called” do you intentionally drive through a police barricade, you drooling idiot?? Do I have that right? He ran over and killed 6 people, including an 8-year old. He tried to kill dozens more. He wasn’t trying to avoid people. He was actively swerving his SUV to hit them. Here you are taking up for that monster because he’s from your tribe. What does that make you?

        • To the Drooling Idiot (Miner),
          If you take a wrong turn, and find yourself approaching a police barricade, do you a) turn around or look for an alternative route, or b) decide to drive through the police barricade so you can avoid the police who weren’t even chasing you?

          You really are an idiot in the historical sense of the term. That’s why you look down on people with your bad grammar. You’re doing your best to fool yourself into believing that you actually matter. You even lie to yourself. How pathetic. Your epitaph should read “Darrell Brooks was innocent! It was an accident!!”

      • “No, just much easier and more efficiently using a firearm.”

        How about a mixture of commonly used household cleaning agents placed in a buildings HVC system? What of vehicles filled with easy to obtain fertilizer and other products you can get at home depot?

        If the desire is to commit mass murder, there are no shortages of more efficient ways to do so without a firearm.

      • “No, just much easier and more efficiently using a firearm.”

        ** On 17 December 2021, a fire occurred in a psychiatric clinic located on the fourth floor of the Dojima Kita Building in Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan. … According to two survivors who were at the reception desk, a man walked into the clinic carrying a paper bag, which he placed next to a heater at the reception desk. He kicked the bag, spilling and igniting the liquid inside the bag, and the entire floor was set on fire. Twenty-four people were confirmed dead at the scene of the fire, while three more died in the hospital after the event, including the suspect and the 27th victim who suffered smoke inhalation, but survived.

        ** The Kyoto Animation arson attack occurred at Kyoto Animation’s Studio 1 building in the Fushimi ward of Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, on the morning of 18 July 2019. The arson killed thirty-six (36) people, injured an additional thirty-four (34) (including the suspect), and destroyed most of the materials and computers in Studio 1. It is one of the deadliest massacres in Japan since the end of World War II … The fire began with an explosion at around 10:31 a.m. when the perpetrator walked into Studio 1 and set the building on fire with 40 litres of gasoline.

        • Aim,
          And why isn’t the fact that Harris and Klebold built FAE devices, that had they functioned as intended, would have made the body count at Columbine drastically higher?
          Yep. All the guns’ fault, right? /sarc – as if needed…

        • “that had they functioned as intended“

          Thanks for stating the fallacy to your logic clearly.

          Most people don’t have the ability to build an FAE device, or other improvised munition.

          After an extensive search, I’ve been unable to find a single case of a toddler killing anyone utilizing an FAE device or any other IED.

          But the evidence clearly shows, even toddlers can be deadly with firearms, with no special knowledge or training.

          “Deputies arrived and confirmed that a 3-year-old had gotten access to an unsecured handgun and accidentally shot their 1-year-old sister, according to the sheriff’s department. The 1-year-old suffered a head injury and was transported to a local hospital.“

          “Police in Norwalk, a city west of Cleveland, say a 2-year-old boy shot and killed his pregnant mother, WOIO reported.”

          “JACKSONVILLE, Fla. —
          Police in Jacksonville say a 9-year-old shot and killed a 6-year-old at a home on Shady Pine Street.
          According to First Coast News, officers responded just before 3 p.m. Monday.“

          “HARRIS COUNTY, Texas (KTRK) — A 4-year-old girl has died after an apparent shooting in northwest Harris County on Sunday evening, according to the Harris County Sheriff’s Office.
          Authorities believe the young girl was shot unintentionally by her three-year-old sister.“

          “MCDONOUGH, Ga. — Police are investigating the death of a Georgia toddler who they say was shot at his home in suburban Atlanta by his 3-year-old brother or himself.“

          Really, mass shooters use guns because they are so much easier and more efficient at killing large numbers of people.

          Y’all is just pissing up a rope to claim otherwise.

        • Shittdiggingidiot..

          Yes, it’s tragic that kids are killed by accidental firearm discharges, and some of the people responsible for allowing that access need a good thrashing. Some don’t, as the pain will be the punishment that will haunt them forever..

          At six years old, my kids already had firearm safety training. They had it demonstrated to them what would happen if it went ‘bang.’

          They had been to the range and helped to fire a small .22 rifle.

          They also were trained that if they were at the neighbors, and their kids started the ‘lets look at dads guns’ crap, they were to immediately BAIL out and come home.

          However, more kids are killed by 5 gallon buckets, than accidental firearm discharges.

          Kids are killed ‘playing with matches/lighters.’

          Kids are killed climbing bookcases and pulling them over on themselves.

          Better get right on down to the hardware store and protest.

  7. The Sheriff has done something something not often done, he used a little common sense in the heat of the moment.

    • Don’t lose your head to save a minute.
      You need your head ‘cos your brains are in it.

  8. Correct me if l am wrong – I am kinda sorta just guessing maybe, but l suspect the shooter had to lie on 4473. Given that he was an invol commit in 2017.

    “Bought legally” might a slight stretch…

    • hunter biden lied on his 4473.

      But it should not be needed to lie on a 4473. That form is a violation of my human and civil rights. Buying and owning firearms is not the .gov’s business. If I commit a crime with the gun it becomes .gov’s business.

    • Question H on the 4473 form asks:

      “Have you ever been adjudicated as a mental defective OR have you ever been committed to a mental institution?”

      It’s said that the killer was involuntarily hospitalized for 72 hours back when he was 15 years old (six years ago) under the FL Baker Act, but there’s now some question if it was an actual Baker Act case. Regardless, that doesn’t qualify as “adjudication as a mental defective” or “committed to a mental institution.”

  9. So, if the perp couldn’t have gotten a firearm, would his victims be any less dead if he had chosen another method/weapon? Are burn victims less dead than gunshot victims? Is the person perforated with a knife any less dead than someone ventilated with a bullet?
    Were the kids and granny’s in Wisc. any less dead being struck by an SUV than those struck by gunfire? Was the parade attack any less racially motivated then the Florida shooting?
    Hate comes in all colors. Death comes in many forms. Individuals commit murder regardless of the tool or method used.

    • Interesting, you list all these other means and suggest that they are just as easily used to commit mass murder.

      But you know, every military in the world has chosen the firearm as their individual weapon of choice for killing and maiming humans with great efficiency.

      I wonder why that is…

        • “Bullshit. The military likes artillery and airplanes and bombs”

          Do you really think the military issues artillery and airplanes and bombs“ to individuals?

          I said: “every military in the world has chosen the firearm as their individual weapon of choice for killing and maiming humans with great efficiency”

          Maybe you’re thinking of the 75mm pack howitzer.

        • “Do you really think the military issues artillery and airplanes and bombs“ to individuals?”

          Yep. My uncle was issued a B-24 Liberator bomber when he served with Chennault’s “Flying Tigers” in China. He had to sign for it and was responsible for any damage to it. He also got the blame when it crashed — the pilot always does.

        • Miner,
          The manpack radio is the most destructive device the military uses. That simple device is used to call for fire from all other weapon assests and is used to coordinate offense and defense.

          Historically the weapon that was used to take the most lives, to include firearms, is the Roman Gladius.

          Until you blame the individual, not the device, you cannot solve an isssue of misuse. That is where the divide is, and until those who blame everything else but the individual, the problem cannot be solved.

          Why don’t you see this simple truth?

        • “Miner,
          The manpack radio is the most destructive device the military uses“

          When you folks use these bullshit arguments about airstrikes and nuclear weapons, you’re just being intellectually dishonest.

          The mass shooters don’t have the military industrial complex infrastructure behind them, no one is going to answer their call on the radio for a fast-mover airstrike.

          But those individual mass shooters sure can go to the local flea market and purchase a modern sporting rifle with ease, the only question being “Do you have the cash?”

        • MINOR49er Please tell me you are serious. 1st of all, you try to bring Eisenhower’s “military industrial complex” nonsense.
          it seems your vaulted FBI has changed the definition of “mass shooting” so many times, it is all but a useless term and you use it like a club.
          Speaking of being “intellectually dishonest”, you have been caught in more lies and perversions of the truth than most people here in this blog.

        • “But those individual mass shooters sure can go to the local flea market and purchase a modern sporting rifle with ease, the only question being “Do you have the cash?””

          But that’s not how the overwhelming majority of shooters obtain their weapon.

          98 of the mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and July 2023 involved weapons which were obtained legally; a clear majority. Only 16 incidents involved guns that were obtained illegally.https://www.statista.com/statistics/476461/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-legality-of-shooters-weapons/

        • “When you folks use these bullshit arguments about airstrikes and nuclear weapons, you’re just being intellectually dishonest.”

          It is not intellectually dishonest. It is a progression of the nonsense you posted about militaries using firearms. You made a dubious claim, which I am sure inside your head sounded like a winning statement.

          Yes, the military uses firearms. Before that they used swords, lances, daggers, pikes, horses, and rocks to inflict damage on the enemy. When something is invented superior to the firearm, they will adopt that as well.

          Will you then be wanting that item banned as well because someone uses criminally?

        • “You made a dubious claim“

          So you think it is a dubious claim for me to assert that the militaries of the world have selected firearms as their weapon of choice for individual soldiers?


          “Will you then be wanting that item banned as well because someone uses criminally?“

          I have not asked that anything be banned.

          I do assert that adults need classroom instruction as well as live fire range proficiency demonstration before they should be permitted to carry firearms in public areas

        • MINOR49er, Sorry again, you are WRONG! IT seems that NO military in the WORLD has or will ever issue a semi-automatic (only) weapon to its military EXCEPT handguns. You really have no clue.
          You are again LYING. You have steadfastly advocated for the banning of AR-15 and AK-47 type weapons.
          You can “assert” anything your little heart desires. I would love to have it to be Constitutional to mandate people be mandated to show proficiency with firearms. However, it would amount to an unconstitutional intrusion in that it “infringes”; you do recall the phrase, “shall not be infringed”?

      • Fire, large vehicle, various readily available commercial and industrial chemicals, misc machined metal pieces at areas of DOT jurisdiction. You know misc early 2000’s areas of concern.

      • @Miner49er

        “But you know, every military in the world has chosen the firearm as their individual weapon of choice for killing and maiming humans with great efficiency.

        I wonder why that is…”

        what a stupid thing to say. completely lacking consideration of context and understanding. And a old thing too.

        First, they chose firearms for the intended purpose of lawful uses in the performance of their duty.

        Second, because when they have lawful intent to repel/stop the enemy they use the tool that works. Like an ordinary person who acts in lawful defense to defend uses the tool that works. For both those that happens to be a firearm because it gives the best overall chance and thus is the better tool to use. If its valid for a police officer or a military member to posses and use a firearm in lawful defense/use its just as valid for the ordinary citizen law abiding person to posses and use a firearm in defense of their lives or lives of others.

        The guy in the store had mental illness intent to murder (like all mass shooters have), intending to commit an illegal act, he would have chosen something else had he not had a gun.

        You see the difference? Probably not.

        • He doesn’t see the difference. People who are true believers of the authoritarian government, whether it be far left or far right, see only the government as the provider and protector.
          To them, the individual is incapable of the wisdom needed to live their lives. Only the government can make decisions that are best for society and society must serve that end.
          If he and others can remove their craniums for their 4th point of contact they would be able to understand.

        • And mass arsonists choose a flammable liquid because it’s highly effective in killing a large number of people, thus the better tool to use in lieu of a firearm.

        • @Miner49er

          “Correct, mass shooters choose ”a firearm because it gives the best overall chance and thus is the better tool to use”.

          100% False.

          You still don’t get it.

          mass shooters choose a firearm or any other weapon because they choose for what ever reason to kill. They did not kill because they could get a gun or any other weapon, they killed because they made a choice, for what ever reason, to kill.

      • Imagine being too stupid to use google.
        The most effective tools for mass attacks or terrorism are boxcutters+airplanes, one pound of plastic explosives+airplane, a jerrycan of gasoline and a bike lock for the emergency exit, 18-wheeler trucks and fertilizer bombs. As shown by reality.

        • “The most effective tools for mass attacks or terrorism are boxcutters+airplanes, one pound of plastic explosives+airplane… “

          Sure, if you’re a team of 19 hijackers from Donald Trump‘s butt buddy the Saudi royal family.

          But if you are a single nut job who has been radicalized then firearms are your best option, that’s why the vast majority of mass killings are committed with firearms.

          We’ve had more than 10 mass shootings this year, when was the last time there was a mass arson attack in the United States that killed four or more people?

        • We’ve had more than 10 mass shootings this year, when was the last time there was a mass arson attack in the United States that killed four or more people?

          Insert cricket sound sample *here*

        • MINOR49er, Another Leftist lie. Trump was not at all aligned with the Saudi govt, nor the terrorists. It also seems that you have ZERO proof of your allegation that the Saudi govt had a direct connection with the terrorists.
          IT seems though that you Leftists want the 9/11 terrorists confined in Gitmo to go free.

        • FBI statistics, 2019 — 28 active shooter incidents, 247 dead.

          Only 12 of these were mass killing incidents (3 or more killed in incident, FBI definition).

        • “Deaths from arson, US: 3,704 in 2019“

          Do you really believe that there were 3700 arson deaths in the United States in 2019?

          Hilarious, you have to lie in a vain attempt to prove your delusional narrative.

          “Published by Statista Research Department, Jun 2, 2023
          In 2021, there were 3,800 civilian deaths caused by fires in the United States. This is an increase from the previous year, where there were 3,500 civilian deaths caused by fires in the country.“

          The number you quote is for total civilian deaths, not just deaths from arson as you claim.


          So again, name the last time in the United States when a mass arson event killed four or more people.

        • MINOR49er. It is not a question whether or not he believes that there were 3704 deaths due to arson. Can you PROVE otherwise? That graph shows 3800 deaths due to arson, which when you use a graph to show something, the stats are approximate.
          Do yourself a favor. Shut up when you still have some face. (Not much but…)

      • ” So you think it is a dubious claim for me to assert that the militaries of the world have selected firearms as their weapon of choice for individual soldiers?”

        I think your assertion in this argument is stupid. So what if militaries adopted the firearm? Before the firearm they adopted other weapons of the time.

        As far as classroom instruction, the fact it is a right means it is optional. I am all for instruction, in fact I believe we should be teaching our children military instruction. Bring a little discipline and knowledge into the system. Firearm instruction would create better soldiers in the future already having knowledge. And for those who choose not to be soldiers, they have training if they so choose to practice their rights. It is actually a win for all, a d a hopefully better society in the long run.

        I believe civics knowledge is essential for voting. Yet we can’t mandate that either. It would be considered one of many -isms to do so. I suspect you would could it consider it as so.

        You say say you haven’t said you wanted things banned. That does not mean you would not want to do so. So, do you want any firearms banned?

  10. It is so encouraging to see someone finally showing a bit of the intelligence the good Lord gave us. This sheriff hits the nail right on the head. It is the hand behind the gun that causes the problem, NOT the gun. I figured that out years ago. I took my revolver, loaded all six cylinders. Then put the revolver on the table and waited on it to fire. I waited all day…..Nothing happened. So, as with this sheriff, I figured the gun is an inanimate object, incapable of firing on its own. (Not even Alec Baldwin’s gun fired by itself) So why are there so many stupid people out there who think guns fire by themselves. Figure that out and you can win the “no bell” prize

  11. Too bad none of the patrons at the Dollar store were armed and able to defend themselves from this snapped whacko killer. Florida is a permitless carry state now so there should not be many “soft targets” even in a libtown like Jacksonville. Good on the Sheriff for not being as woke as the unarmed victims at the dollar store.

    • I might take issue with “libtown,” but the rest is right on.

      The shooter’s initial target was Edward Waters College, but he was chased from the campus by security who reported him to a Jacksonville Sheriffs Office deputy patrolling nearby.

      The shooter then had to shift to a “target of opportunity” which was the nearby Dollar General with few customers inside. It is regrettable that not one of them was armed. As it was, the approach of the good guys with guns — the Sheriffs Deputies — prompted the incel to off himself, as is often the case with these mentally-ill killers.

      Imagine the havoc he might have wreaked at the gun-free zone college campus — “like shooting fish in a barrel.”

      • Aim,
        Very cogent point.

        Several years ago, a shooter was in a mall in Oregon, and one armed person either got off a shot, or the shooter saw that he had a gun, (I forget if the armed individual fired or not,) but the end result was the shooter dived off into a stairwell and promptly offed himself.

        The thing is, there is a large percentage of these nutcases, at the first sign of armed resistance, take the easy way out and take their own lives.

        • Stuck — and that bolsters my claim that someone intent on killing and being killed as a result, is mentally ill. Normal people don’t think like that.

    • We’re pretty happy with him so far. He was elected in November 2022; sheriff is a partisan position and we have a consolidated city/county government. (Hence “Jacksonville Sheriffs Office” rather than “Duval County Sheriff.”)

      This will really chap Liar69er’s ass — Sheriff Waters is a strong Republican.

      • “This will really chap Liar69er’s ass — Sheriff Waters is a strong Republican“

        No, it doesn’t bother me a bit.

        I do wonder how you know he’s strong, do you guys go to the same gym?

  12. The opening comment must take the Century’s prize for stating the bloody obvious. A HAMMER is also an inanimate object until i’s used, Does this ‘SHERRIF’ think we are all fucking morons?? BUT without the FIREARM in the first place it’s irrelevant anyway. Why cannot these idiots get it through their heads that it’s the AVAILABILITY of firearms and inadequate licensing and control measure that allows firearms, especially HAND GUNS and SEMI-AUTO rifles to get into the wrong hand’s that’s the problem. Most other Civilised Countries get along fine without firearms being a way of life and most other [I can’t off hand think of a single one] do not have over 20.000 Deaths a Year- on-year and counting and the number of MASS SHOOTINGS, on a pro-rata basis that AMERICA Has.
    Do idiots like thbis not realise that for instance [and I don’t suggest that the UK is anything but average for Europe or for instance Canada or Australia pro-rata] less than 1000 ILLEGAL DEATHS per annum in a population of around 70 million ? And that ILLEGAL deaths includes Deaths by Gun Crime, Knife Crime Domestic Violence, Infanticide Acts of Terrorism and MANSLAUGHTER, [ by illegal ‘sootings in 2021 X5 and shootings by the POLICE TWO. And every single such incident makes the NATIONAL MEDIA HEADLINES and ”Questions Asked’ in the Houses of Parliament. I mthink I’m correct in saying that bthe TOTAL number of deaths due to GUN CRIME is Europe including the UK is LESS than that in any of the TOP TWENTY, by population, Cities in the USA!! [But for those interested it’s easy enough to check [
    And yet here we have yet again some Dick-Head telling us the blatantly effin OBVIOUS

    • Yes, Albert, the Sheriff’s statement is OBVIOUS. But it seems that just because something is obvious, does not mean you Leftists will understand it. And for your edification tools such as hammers, etc are used far more often in criminal acts than are firearms.
      And again, for your edification, if you want to “license” firearms, why not hammers, etc? How about kitchen knives? They are used quite often in domestic abuse cases?
      For your edification, again, the US is quite civilized. Seems you use dacian the DUNDERHEAD’s term “civilized” as well. One has to wonder if you aren’t really dacian the DUMERHEAD.
      Tell us all about the stats for criminal acts where your criminals used an inanimate object other than a firearm to commit their crime in Europe?

  13. Dear Uncle Albert, the Moron..
    “Most other Civilised Countries get along fine without firearms being a way of life..”

    Yeah, Dick-Head, and in the last 100 years or so, they’ve all had to have the US bail them out, or otherwise you would be “Deutsch sprechen..”

    Ban Fords.
    All the accident rates of the remaining brands will escalate to include the missing numbers.

    And, if you were to eliminate the top twenty or so of the largest DEMOKKKRAT blue sheet hole controlled cities from the US crime stats, our ‘position’ in the world list of violent demographics will PLUMMET to almost the bottom of the list.

    Switzerland has FULL AUTOMATICS available to the citizen / soldiers too, but you have to ask, Dick-Head, what is DIFFERENT about the societal attitudes of the US and Switzerland?

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