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Jeffry Smith Visits St. Louis Zoo Wearing Empty Holster


“’Would you like to engage in dialogue?’ (gun rights advocate Jeffry) Smith asked (Moms Demand Action) group organizer Becky Morgan. ‘No, thank you,’ Morgan said. ‘Have a good day.’” And that’s about what you’d expect from your average member of Shannon’s Moms brigade. Tell them to walk in circles, hold a sign and maybe chant a little “hey, hey, ho, ho” and they’re perfectly capable. But asking expecting them to debate the merits of gun control is like asking a gibbon to translate Crime and Punishment from the original Russian. Smith showed up at the St. Louis Zoo as promised yesterday, but he left his heater in his ride and entered the park sporting an empty holster after schmoozing with supporters and the media for a while outside the gate . . .

Telling a friend on the phone that he was “going in for video,” Smith pushed through the turnstiles without any hassle — save for the disapproving glares from the roughly 10 counterprotesters. His empty holster was in response to a court order Friday from St. Louis Circuit Judge Joan Moriartybarring gun rights activists from carrying sidearms into the zoo.

Smith planned the zoo entry after hearing Sam Peyton, 40, say that on Memorial Day he was harassed when he wore an empty holster inside the zoo. In a statement Saturday, the zoo said it disputed “Mr. Peyton’s description of the incident that caused him to leave the zoo. The zoo does not eject visitors for carrying empty holsters.”

So now empty Blade-Techs are OK while strolling through the Penguin & Puffin Coast. That’s one small step for man. But as we mentioned yesterday, the Zoo has gone to court with claims that it’s not just a public park inside a larger public park, but a school, a day care center and an amusement park and can temporarily exclude licensed carriers thanks to a judge’s restraining order. Watch this space.

104 thoughts on “Jeffry Smith Visits St. Louis Zoo Wearing Empty Holster”

  1. And once again, the last thing we need here in Saint Louis is some idiot from Ohio coming here trying to stir up trouble and nonsense.

    Responsible gun owners and people who have even an ounce or two of common sense know that you put yourself at a major tactical disadvantage parading around open carrying your firearm to begin with (unless you are just trying to join the ranks of the Chipotle Ninjas).

    Carry your sidearm concealed and do not talk about it. End of story.

    Jeffry Smith, stay in Ohio. We do not want you here. We do not need you here. Buzz off, pal.

    • You act like FLAME DELETED. We need people to open carry not hide all their guns. The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infinged. Unfortunately people like you have allowed it to be to with your passive attitude towards are rights.

        • Hey, for all you know, mmm is his or her real name. I have equal assurance of that as I have that your name really is Paul McCain.

        • Yes, because in a country of 300,000,000+ people that’s totally relevant… /sarc

          You’re still acting like a prick. He has an inalienable right to keep and bear any arms in any manner in any place he is legally allowed to be. The fact that you’re too busy grabbing your ankles for the jackboot brigade has no relevance to us.

          I am still waiting on your commentary as to the flavor of this season’s jackboots.

        • Hey Serge

          Come on down to Saint Louis and open carry yourself into the Zoo, get a TRO slaped on you, get arrested, and then I **might** think your are something other than a Keyboard Commando.


        • Hey False Profit

          Come on down and call Jeff an idiot to his face and then I **might** think your are something other than a Keyboard Commando.


          Jeff is a friend of mine and I’m confident that you wouldn’t have the balls to insult him in person. 😉

      • I’ve never seen Paul say open carry should be outlawed(If he has I’d disagree with him on that front), I’ve just seen him advocate for people not to be jackasses

        • Bingo. But you know what they say about common sense…it is incredibly uncommon.

          Carrying concealed is wise from a tactical point of view. I enjoy open carrying now here in Missouri as well from time to time, but I don’t do it that much.

          My point in this conversation about the idiot from Ohio coming here to get his fifteen minutes of fame on local media is simply that it is absolutely stupid, and may well result now in us having to go through a metal detector, like they put up at Busch stadium.

        • My point in this conversation about the idiot from Ohio coming here to get his fifteen minutes of fame on local media is simply that it is absolutely stupid, and may well result now in us having to go through a metal detector, like they put up at Busch stadium.

          A lot of times, change is invoked by the use of protest. (E.G. Rosa Parks, Withdrawl from Vietnam, etc). Texas has open carry because Texans (and chipotle ninjas) made such a big deal about it. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. If we all stayed silent – we wouldn’t have any rights.

        • “I’ve never seen Paul say open carry should be outlawed”

          No, because he lacks the gonad mass to come right out and say it. Instead, he flings childish insults at those that dare to exercise their right to Keep AND BEAR Arms…in public…in a manner he disagrees with.

          He uses terms like “idiot” quite freely. He has voted himself arbiter of How One Must Properly Carry…all without committing to anything. In addition, he smugly sits on the claim of things happening (like TX getting OC “despite the OCT ops”) with no evidence to support it whatsoever. It’s easy to make such empty claims. Ask him for data on that, though, and his reply will be just another bratty insult about someone being an idiot. But no evidence will be forthcoming.

          And, ALL…every single one…of his dire predictions have been FALSE. His logic, reasoning and efficacy of claims renders his input no better than that of the anti’s.

          With his return, TTAG’s net Maturity Level has dropped at least a decade closer to Adolescent.

          So, MAYBE he’s never come right out and said he opposes the legality of OC…but he pretty much has insulted everyone that has admitted doing it or supports it. How is that better? Or different?

    • You know, you might have a point. I mean, after the open carriers doomed Texas with their antics, forcing republicans to cave on their open and campus carry legislation and replacing shall issue with highly restrictive may issue requiring psychological evaluations and documented good cau… ooooooohhh, crap… I just double checked and none of that happened.. and they got open carry AND campus carry passed and signed… oooh, damn… well this is awkward. I’m just gonna go now.

      • Open carry WITH A LICENSE! Nice for a pro-gun state……I’ll stick with my home in Arizona: you know, open carry period, and concealed w/o a license. And don’t tell me that ‘its a step’. The only step should be the debate with yourself of ‘carry concealed, or open today’.

        • Shawn, are there any stats/numbers of Arizona license holders? Although Constitutional Carry is great, it doesn’t help you when you travel to another state for work or leisure. If my state went Constitutional Carry, I’d still get a license until most states become Constitutional Carry states.

        • If you think open carry is stupid, don’t do it. Simple.

          I would argue that alcohol and stupid, uninformed voters are more of a danger to our society than someone who chooses to open carry. If you want to rail about something that harms America, why not choose something that really harms America and let people carry as they wish without berating them? It’s the price of freedom. As far as I’m concerned, you are either pro-gun and pro-liberty or you’re not. If you are, then stop drawing division lines and let people enjoy their liberty and choose for themselves.

        • Danny, now it is you choosing to be obtuse. As I made it perfectly clear, my beef if with the moron Jeffry Smith hauling his sorry hide from Cincinnati to Saint Louis to pull a PR stunt. There are plenty of Saint Louis folks carrying their firearms into the zoo and anywhere else they possibly can and not trying to attract attention to themselves. That’s the point.

          We don’t need a bunch of idiot Chipotle Ninja types here in Missouri. We are doing just fine without them. You can play all your fanatical OC games you want in Michigan, just do it there.

          Please and thank you.

          • There are plenty of Saint Louis folks carrying their firearms into the zoo

            Then they are violating the law, aren’t they?

        • There are plenty of Saint Louis folks carrying their firearms into the zoo
          You can read this a on a little tilted angle and conclude that Saint Louis is a zoo.

        • As I made it perfectly clear, my beef if with the moron Jeffry Smith hauling his sorry hide from Cincinnati to Saint Louis to pull a PR stunt. There are plenty of Saint Louis folks carrying their firearms into the zoo and anywhere else they possibly can and not trying to attract attention to themselves. That’s the point.

          So… here is what I got out of this:

          You don’t want anyone to come anywhere where you are and attract attention in regards to firearms because you don’t want the powers that be to take any “more” freedom from you. Uncle Toming it up. Someone is protesting and making a point to obtain attention – and again your sphincter pucker factor shoots off the scale and you fawn obeisance to those who would take your freedoms away in a heartbeat. Good lord grow a pair.

          Good thing Jeffry Smith is there to handle this. He couldn’t rely on you guys to stand up against it.

          We are doing just fine without them.

          You speak for all the people of Missouri now?

        • my beef if with the moron Jeffry Smith hauling his sorry hide from Cincinnati to Saint Louis to pull a PR stunt.

          He had other business in the area. He did not go there for some PR stunt.

      • Danny ,you know we have a book load of small laws that are so held in secret,that if you look deep enough, here in Arkansas you can bring your gun,with or with out paper work or permit,,I had my gun taken from me back when we was on the search and rescue team.Do to one to many situations caused concern for or leaders,so we always carried , I admit I was driving to fast to get to point A to point B and was pulled over,i had let my permit,drop,because I was not going to keep paying $ 210.for something that is legal in Ark, the cop who took my gun ,got in a lot of trouble,he is no longer to pull me over or talk to me,due to the fact he did not write me a ticket,just a warning,but held me for more then 15 min,{ If you can prover your going more then 10 miles away from your home. You have the right to carry open weapon, in some states, If your there longer then 30 to 90 days you might need to register with any other state that does not approve our legal right to carry concealed or open gun policy ,,peace out.

    • What we have here is someone ashamed to be an American. Someone satisfied with the status quo and happy take the ‘privileges’ awarded by the government rather than demanding the rights protected by the constitution.

      • You tell ’em, Chief. I love being an American. I hate a lot of the “stupid” that infects the boneheaded rabid “I’m going to open carry my gun anywhere I darn well please, because ‘Merica!” crowd.

        • Of course.

          If you can’t see any difference between people who carry wisely and responsibly and some PR-hound like Jeffry Smith then there’s nothing I can do to help your defective thought processes.

        • If you can’t see any difference between people who carry wisely and responsibly and some PR-hound like Jeffry Smith then there’s nothing I can do to help your defective thought processes.

          So where exactly is the line between a guy carrying a rifle on his shoulder (perhaps out hunting, etc) – and a Chipotle ninja?

          You don’t want to leave that decision to law enforcement officers, or prosecutors. That is why we push the law in our favor.

    • It is the long game for the re-normalization of guns, just cause you vehemently hate OC, doesnt mean there isnt a point. Doesnt seem like the Chipotle Ninjas (not surprised you popped back up for the OC post yesterday mentioning your favorite topic) had much of a negative impact overall on OC in Texas, imagine that.

        • They were a minor footnote, barely worth a mention. The incident at the capital with Poncho Nevarez didnt even end up being THAT big of a deal in the long run.

          “and good for ’em!”
          Thanks, looking forward to carrying something full size.

        • My name is Austin McMann if you think posting comments on the internet in your real name makes you a man then you have more problems than your unwillingness to demand your constitutionaly protected right from the government.

        • “My name is Austin McMann” …. sure it is.

          The point simply is that it is funny to watch a guy insult somebody for a lack of courage, doing so behind a fake name.

        • “The point simply is that it is funny to watch a guy insult somebody for a lack of courage, doing so behind a fake name.”

          Paul McCain loves to pull the name card. As if it really matters at all. The validity of an argument has absolutely nothing to do with a person’s name. Get over your fake courage of flailing yourself all over the internet like some PR chipotle ninja who doesn’t even have the courage to walk in a Zoo with an empty holster or even defend such. We got it – you are Paul McCain. Are you done yet? Sheesh.

        • “What happened in TX (and good for ’em!) happened quite in spite of the Chipotle Ninja crowd, not because of them.”

          Prove it. Show some data to support that blind assertion.

        • Open carry was going nowhere in Texas until the open carry movement started demonstrating with the open carry of rifles.

          It has become the biggest social movement since civil rights, with over 2,500 open carry marches in the last 18 months.

          They are the direct reason that Texas has open carry. Sure, the other second amendment supporters get an assist, but the biggest single reason is the number of activists created by the open carry marchers and their organizations.

    • If I was a criminal and was going to attempt to commit a crime in public, any person open carrying would immediately raise a red flag for me. How do I know they aren’t a LEO of some sort? Trying to steal their weapon? That’s absolutely ridiculous and would only happen by a very stupid and inexperienced criminal or someone mentally unbalanced. A career criminal is going to avoid obvious danger.
      The people who keep saying that OC is a tactical disadvantage and should never, ever be encouraged are the same as the people who say that the rare mass shooting is a reason to ban all gun ownership; because something with a very, very, very small chance of happening should happen we should take no chances!

    • After all this time, anyone still playing the “Chipotle Ninja” canard is either willfully ignorant of, or too stupid to understand, facts.

      Likewise, there is no “tactical disadvantage” to open carry in civilian environments. Criminals fear armed civilians above all else.

      You anti-open-carry bigots are just as much a threat to liberty as Bloomberg and his civilian disarmament brigade.

    • Stir up? I thought he wanted to engage in dialogue.

      Engage in dialogue! Get some big boy pants, buy a pair if you don’t have ’em. Smith from the Castro? Who talks like that?

      • He often uses their own terms when interacting with them. It allows them the opportunity to demonstrate their own hypocrisy. I’ve seen it work first hand in the heat of the moment; priceless.

    • “…a major tactical disadvantage parading around open carrying your firearm to begin with…”

      Then why don’t cops conceal carry? Yea my comment is just as dumb as your comment.

      • Because they are law enforcement officers, and you and I are not.

        Now, on the other hand, were you ever actually to kit up in full combat dress, with armor plate, uniform in place, and fully decked out with rifle and sidearm and prance down the street in full Rambo mode, I ***might*** just think you are something other than a keyboard kommando.

        Go ahead. Make my day.

        • Because they are law enforcement officers, and you and I are not.

          We got it. You like cops, and cops don’t like people open carrying. They want to open carry – they don’t want anyone else to open carry so as to make their jobs easier than they already are. Also, as cops they should have more rights than us mere “civilian” plebeians.

        • Apparently you are the world’s #1 “keyboard kommando” as you like to put it. I’m still trying to find any sense in your posts.

    • May the bird of paradise fly up your nose, may a elephant caress you with his toes and may your wife be plagued with runners in her hose, may the bird of paradise fly up your nose!

    • Part of the predicament we are currently in is that we have stayed in the closet too long on being visible law abiding gun owners. That has allowed the very active anti gun/ anti gun owner movement to write a false narrative that many people in their ignorance and prejudice believe.

      I have seen enough good responsible open carry individuals in Connecticut to make the connection that most people don’t even notice, and the rest know there in nothing to get hysterical about.

      Shannon Watts said this of her supporters that they have to “speak out” and that is what we have to do too. Not sit at home quiet, foolishly thinking that if we hide just a little better our rights will be spared. No we have to stand tall be honest, fair and firm, we have our rights and we will keep them. In the voting booth, in the courts. We have one huge advantage over them is that the honest whole truth is on our side, they have to twist facts, and spend a lot of money on false biased studies and PR messaging. We just have to stand up an be counted and stick together through our civil rights organization. Of which the NRA is only one.

    • wow. not only are you a self righteous douche but you are fairly lame as well. go away again. you’re the worst keyboard commando on this site. i’ll give you an invitation to dance and if you accept i **might** think you’re only a shit eater as opposed to a donkey raping shit eater. GTFO.

    • Agreed, I’ve carried at the zoo, science center, art museum, etc in Forest Park every visit for the last ten years since first licensed… Figure 20 visits or so a year for 200+ total times. Shockingly zero incidents.

      Some jerk that doesn’t live here wants to generate a ton of “look-at-me” press to what end? Get an actual 571 restriction on carry in the park??

      Forest park and surrounding areas are not places to be disarmed, period. You will be playing a game of statistic chance.

    • First of all, carry in the manner of your choice. I will not berate or belittle you whether you open or conceal carry.

      Which pool of criminals is the largest: the cowardly opportunists that search for easy prey, or the bat-crazy fools that would attack a known armed person?

      I would rather not shoot someone, even a criminal, so I let them know they can pick someone else besides me, as I typically open carry.

      Whenever I open carry, I also conceal a backup pistol and a knife, in case the second type of criminal mentioned above attacks me. My OC holster has level II retainment. That’s not foolproof but it’s better than level I.

      Open carriers don’t discount the importance of tactics, and I’ve not divulged the entirety of my bag of tricks here in case I’m attacked.

      And does disagreement over tactics need to rise to the level of hostility towards someone, to tell them to stay away? If so, then I’d say it would have something more than tactics as the reason for this.

  2. And to be fair, Beck might have thought Mr. Smith was coming on to her and politely told him to buzz off. Maybe he was too old for her; maybe she doesn’t dig the standard Murkan cub scout uniform of baggy saggy shorts, sneakers, and kiddy hat/visor. Only thing missing so far as we can see are the multiple tatts, also part of the modern standard getup.

    And St. Louis, like Mordor-on-the-Potomac is just not gonna give up on their anti frenzies; hell, if they can’t change the laws or stonewall endlessly, simply change the geographical nomenclature. If there was actual truth-in-advertising, all of Mordor would be declared a friggin’ zoo.

    • If there was actual truth-in-advertising, all of Mordor would be declared a friggin’ zoo. I can think of more than a few urban environments that should be re-zoned as a zoo area.

  3. Go to a “gun-free zone” wearing an empty holster. Not a bad idea.

    How about every once in a while, (especially when you get one of those disapproving glances} you pat it with your hand and act like you just realized there’s no gun in it and look around on the ground in an apparent panic.

  4. Zimmerman wins the interwebs today for pointing out the similarity between Demanding Mommies and gibbons.

  5. I think that Paul McCain is using a fake name and that his real name is PIERS MORGAN (PM). You can’t fool us paulie and we all know you silly brits hate us because we kicked your ass during the war for freedom. I don’t open carry, but I’ll support anyone who wants to OC.

    • Seems much if not most of your beef is the fact that the guy is from out of state, so what? Why is that important.

    • Come-on Reverend. Keep your fantasies zipped up.

      That said, if that happened I think it would be beneficial.

      • OK tough guy….come to Saint Louis and open carry all you want. Get yourself arrested and I will come to your hearing and shake your hand for being something other than an Internet Warrior.



        I did not think so.


        • But when someone actually comes to St. Louis and does something, *cough* Jeffry Smith *cough*, you insult him on the internet like a little hypocritical coward.

          Clean your own house first, False Profit!

  6. am I the only one to notice how fat bullet proof vests make our st. louis’s finest look?
    what happened to physically fit and healthy?

    • Same thing that happened to walking a beat instead of rolling through in an urban assault vehicle… Liberals

      • I would take one of those luxury urban assault vehicles, like the one in Madagascar 3. “the car goes Vroom Vroom!”

  7. I love OCers. They will be the first targets while I seek cover and participate in the serious defense until the back-up police arrive in huge numbers. Indurgents are capable of sound planning and good execution of those plans. They are not the botderline insane like Lanza or the guys in Tucson or Aurora. They are soldiers of Allah, not stupid and unafraid to die. They won’t run at the sight of your chrome .45. They will kill you.

      • Give him six months and he’ll be banned or he’ll chase thousands away from this website.

        Other sits banned him before he could cause too much harm. One site likened him to a large bird that shits all over everything and then flies away, leaving others to clean up his mess.

        • Hate to burst your bubble, Ralphie baby, but I was never banned. Just got sick of Farago’s anti-cop rants which got so far out of line, I stopped reading the site.

          But I’m back. Seems Farago has chilled a bit.

          But it sure is fun taking on you guys on open carry issues.

        • But it sure is fun taking on you guys on open carry issues.

          But what if we don’t like you shooting full auto at all in this video:

          There is absolutely no need for you to be shooting a firearm in that manner. Kind of like there is absolutely no need for people to be open carrying. In fact, since you don’t like open carry and can’t tolerate it, and we don’t like your full auto nonsense – lets just ban both. That way we are both happy? Right?

        • That was almost funny….

          Come on down to Saint Louis and I’ll take you to a place where you will get legitimate firearm training and get your head together.

        • “Give him six months and he’ll be banned or he’ll chase thousands away from this website. ”

          All that needs to be done is to push his buttons and yank his chain.

          He’ll snap like a rubber band.

  8. Smith showed up at the St. Louis Zoo as promised yesterday, but he left his heater in his ride and entered the park sporting an empty holster. Well, if he went to the Tbilisi Georgia Zoo, having a gun in the holster might have been a swell idea.

    • LOL…you saw that story too?

      The only “heater” he should have had to get into that mess would have been some huge elephant gun.

      Hippos and lions loose on the streets!

      Lions, and tigers, and bears…oh my!

      • wow. not only are you a self righteous douche but you are fairly lame as well. go away again. you’re the worst keyboard commando on this site. i’ll give you an invitation to dance and if you accept i **might** think you’re only a shit eater as opposed to a donkey raping shit eater. GTFO.

        • saw MDC with Skate Death in the 80s. I carry concealed when i put my hands in my pockets. Ol dipstick wouldnt last 10 seconds in a mosh pit

  9. Why do Moms never want to engage in dialog?

    Because they KNOW that their entire position is based on emotion and that they will either display that emotion during the dialog or will fall flat on their faces because they also know they don’t have the facts and data on their side.

  10. as before we need to ban all beer sales at the educational institution inbev may be upset at issue

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