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“Vice-President Biden blasted Republicans today in Philadelphia for suggesting that Obama’s jobs bill was only ‘temporary,’ reports.  “‘Let me tell you it’s not temporary when that 911 call comes in and a woman’s being raped and a cop shows up in time to prevent the rape. Its not temporary to the guy who’s [sic] store is being held up has a gun’s being pointed to a his head if a cop shows up and he’s not killed! I wish they knew what it was like staring at the other end of a gun, or a 200 lbs person standing over you telling you to submit. Folks, it matters!'” To quote Phineas, yes. Yes it does.

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  1. ” I wish they knew what it was like staring at the other end of a gun, or a 200 lbs person standing over you telling you to submit.”

    I doubt the cowardly Mr. Biden has ever been in that situation either. But then again, when has he ever bothered with facts?

  2. I take it that this job’s bill comment by Joey know-nothing includes special funding to hire or maintain police forces? If police efforts focused on working and helping individuals and neighborhoods set up their own neighborhood watch groups, trained citizens in basic self-defense, and trained store owners in using guns for self defense then crime would drop even further. Private citizens should be taught to be their own first responders since they are whether they want to be or not.

  3. This is the man who would sitting behind a desk in the Oval Office if the “Birthers” had come up with adequate proof of Obama’s ineligibility.

    • Never woulda happened. Hillary would have seen to it that he pulled a Vince Foster. Or somebody would have questioned that Biden was born. Actually, I think he might just be a physical manifestation of a stand-up comedian’s punch line.

      Think about this – a bad standup comic makes a deal with the Devil, his soul for a sure-fire, can’t miss subject to be the butt of his jokes. The minute the guy inks the contract, Satan tells him, “I’ve got good news and bad news.”

      “What’s the good news?” the guy asks.

      “I’m gonna see to it that a lifelong politician with hoof-in-mouth disease, no impulse control, a mangled way of speaking that would make Rev. Spooner proud, and a tiny, tiny brain the next Vice President.”

      “That’s great!” sez the guy. “I’ll get at least four years of milage off that clown. What’s the bad news?”

      Satan smiles and says, “He’s a Democrat. Criticize him, and your bookings will dry up, you’ll be blacklisted, and your career will be over. Only Republicans are funny in the Entertainment biz.

  4. If Biden and his ilk had their way, there would only be three kinds of people: Cops, criminals and politicians. Or maybe that’s just two kinds of people …

    • “there would only be three kinds of people: Cops, criminals and politicians. Or maybe that’s just two kinds of people …”

      That was mean.
      Wished I said it.

  5. The last “jobs bill” was clearly temporary. What makes this new one permanent? Absolutely nothing.

    How dare you state the simple truth!!!!

  6. When the hell does a cop EVER show up in time to prevent a determined rapist or burglary? When the hell does a cop ever show up in time to prevent a flash convenience store robbery? Talk about being out of touch.

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