Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart faced off with an Oklahoma state senator on gun regulation and the Second Amendment, calling out the lawmaker for “hypocrisy at its highest order” for his contradictory stances. …

The comedian [accused Senator Nathan] Dahm of being a “Second Amendment purist” and bringing “chaos to order” by opposing background checks and registrations for firearms. Dahm argued the focus should be on individuals, especially ones from “fatherless” or broken homes, citing school shooters as often falling into one category or the other.

Stewart laid into Dahm for his hardline position.

“You don’t want anything that could help law enforcement or society determine whether or not a person is a good guy with a gun or a bad guy with a gun,” he said. “The registry would allow you to have much more effective background checks so I don’t understand why you won’t just admit that you are making it harder for police to manage the streets by allowing all of these guns to go out without permits, without checks, and without background stuff? Why can’t you just stand by that?”

“Because that’s not what I’m doing. I’m defending the individual’s right to keep and bear arms,” Dahm said. …

Stewart laid into Dahm during their final exchange, telling him he doesn’t “give a flying fuck” about protecting children:

Stewart: “What is the leading cause of death among children in this country? And I’m going to give you a hint, it’s not drag show readings to children.”

Dahm: “Correct, yes.”

Stewart: “So what is it?”

Dahm: “I’m presuming you’re going to say it’s firearms.”

Stewart: “No, I’m not going to say it like it’s an opinion. That’s what it is. It’s firearms. More than cancer, more than car accidents, and what you’re telling me is you don’t mind infringing free speech to protect children from this amorphous thing that you think of, but when it comes to children that have died, you don’t give a flying fuck to stop that because that shall not be infringed. That is hypocrisy at its highest order.”

— Zachary Leeman in ‘You Don’t Give a Flying F**K’: Jon Stewart Clashes With Second Amendment ‘Purist’ GOP Legislator on Gun Control, Drag Shows


    • Afghanistan is not the “current thing” to the chagrin of many Afgani women.

      Also “that would NEVER happen here” as explained by the same people who work everyday to instate a full featured police state.

      • I remember entering locals into that system. Honestly that it was left behind to fall into Taliban hands is worse than the small arms by orders of magnitude.

        • Yep the American people were told the technology we were deploying in Afghanistan, “IS THE FUTURE OF THE WORLD”!!!!

          Iris Scan, digital fingerprinting, ect ect,

          The perfect “TOOLS” for a “DICTATORSHIP”!!!!

        • Neiowa – we gave it to them long before we considered it a total loss. you should have seen them painting HMMWV’s bright blue and putting boat style bumpers on them. And that was in 2010. Anything that got left over there wasn’t worth bringing back. We should have never been there anyways and in 4 years, what was left over there will be in such shit condition because they can’t maintain it.

    • Once again an incompetent Gun Supporter allows a Gun Control drama queen to set the stage and run the show with the usual bogus concerns for children and other props.

      Because Gun Control is rotten to the core it inherently effects innocent people exercising a Constutional Right to defend life and home. American Gun Owners who had zip, nada nothing to do with crime and disdain criminal activity are fed up with being thrown in the pot with criminals. Criminals who criminally misuse firearms, bricks, bats, knives, feet, fists, vehicles, etc.

      Bottom line jon boy…We will not under any circumstances bow to your calls for Gun Control when History Confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is an agenda Rooted In Racism And Genocide. In other words jon boy take your nazi, racist agenda and shove it up your azz.

    • I watched his babble last night on TV.
      I thought he was dead so I was kind of shocked.
      Trevor Noah was his puppet for 8 years and quit.
      Jon Stewart still writes and produces The Daily Show.
      It’s all far left wing nonsense and always was.
      I have taken dumps that were more interesting.

      • Rob, I’ve never seen him, but I am aware of who Stewart is. The article opened with something about him being a comedian. So, there’s that. Nothing against comedians. Still, they’re standing there being laughed at. How seriously do they expect to be taken. But, the President of the United States is standing there being laughed at too. So, there’s that. Except that shouldn’t be funny.

      • Stuart as a comedian was a better news reporter than 95% of all news reporters. But then he had a heck of a team doing his research for him those days.

  1. Every time I think that the boy has finally grown up he pulls this sort of adolescent temper tantrum. Sad.

  2. john who?
    he thinks that he’s smarter than everyone else.
    but he has no clue what he’s talking about
    do people actually listen to that idiot?

  3. Well, the left wants to defund the cops anyway so why does that even matter? But then it’s all kinda pointless when you already know that the same gun has been run through the system enough to be part of a string of crimes. The fact that they know that really should say something in itself.

    Nevermind that it’s illegal.

    Personally, I don’t see how it would have made any difference at all to George Floyd. Cops end up in prison either way.

  4. “Stewart: “No, I’m not going to say it like it’s an opinion. That’s what it is. It’s firearms. More than cancer, more than car accidents…”

    Hm… no, that’s not accurately true when its placed in proper context.

    According to the CDC ~2,000,000 people are (collectively) seriously injured or killed in car accidents annually. ~90,000 of those are children 12 years of age or younger.

    The only thing that shows up in car accident death stats are those who die immediately or very soon after the accident. Those who die weeks and months, sometimes up to a few years later, as a result of those serious injuries from those car accidents are not counted in car accident death stats numbers but they still died as a result of the car accident. Instead these appear in stats for the ‘body function that ceased to function’ leading to the death even though the ‘body function’ eventually stopped due to the serious injury from the car accident. Many of these are children age 12 and younger and those exceed 6,000 annually, and this is not even counting those from age 13 – 16 which are still children and those are ~7,000 annually.

    (note: collectively ~1.2 million people annually die as a result of complications from serious injuries from car accidents, these die later and are not counted in car accident death stats numbers – but die as a result of the car accident they did.)

    Heck, defective glass table tops and toys (collectively) result directly and immediately in deaths of over 27,000 children annually. There are many things in every day life that result in death of kids that outnumber any with guns.

    These types of slanted number tactics, either leaving out context or repainting into their own context, are what anti-gun uses to substantiate their ‘i feelz’ to appeal to the emotional confirmation bias of the weak minded.

    • then Stewart is broadly referring to numbers that were not really children but 18 year old gang members that are adults at that age, gang members who shoot it out with other gangs or police. Guns were not the cause of these deaths, it was the criminal gang mentality which is a mental illness that has been studied and documented extensively.

      • Stewart appears to be downplaying the effect drag queens are having on our children’s sense of moral compass, and the path they’re being encouraged by our schools/teachers to take. Our children are being actively steered into a direction that leads to confusion over their very selves, not to mention the lack of moral structure in the society around them. Remove God from conversation…check. Mock traditional marriage and encourage things that are unnatural (whether “wrong” from a faith-based POV, or simply biologically incompatible from a secular POV)…check. Now tell the kids the presence of a pee-pee down there doesn’t mean they’re really boys, but could be girls if they want…check.

        Bake at 350 degrees for one hour, and this recipe is certain to result in a lot of young people entering adulthood with a lack of mooring. Many of whom will see things like truth, biology, and consequences as “fluid” things they can change whenever they want. They’re told that little baby growing inside a mommy-to-be is a parasite that hinders a person’s career options, instead of being precious.

        We should not be surprised at the notion that the degradation of morals in our schools – including drag queen story hours – will lead many in the next generation to consider shooting innocent people as an acceptable outlet for their angst, anger, or despondency.

        Children need structure, and to know their place in a moral society. There’s a saying that children testing the rules are like security guards, constantly going around to the same doors again and again, testing them to see if they’ll open, but inwardly hoping they’re still locked and secure.

        Ignoring the (engineered) moral collapse of our society and focusing instead on containment of the masses after the fact is backwards.

        • Stewart supports kids to become trans and have access to medical trans care. He even compares it to being as necessary as chemo treatments. Stewart drinks deep from the liberal koolaid well, and it shows in how poorly he has aged.

      • Ahh…moderation jail for me again. I forgot to perform the “Spongebob technique dance” (nod to the very first episode of that show 20+ yrs ago) and wiggle around the WordPress filters. Let’s see if this tweak of the probable offending term gets through:

        Dr@g qu33n

    • If you go to the study that is referenced, you’ll see that “children” includes 18 and 19 year-olds, i.e., ripest age for gang bangers.

      • yep, its deceptive Stewart again.

        ironically, if we are going to include 18 and 19 year olds as ‘children’ then the leading cause of death of ‘children’ is the U.S. government because it places them in situations in the military that result in deaths of 18 and 19 year olds.

        • I have not checked, but I would bet that being a gang banger in the U.S. at 18-19 is more dangerous than being a member of the U.S. Military at 18-19.

          The lack of safety teaching is the biggest part of it.

    • Because retards like Stewart have an audience of NPCs that will be fed this bullshit over and over. They will regurgitate the nonsense after it is ingrained enough as fact.

  5. So just how would my guns being registered prevent some punk 500 miles away from stealing a gun or buying something on the streetcorner? How would my guns being registered prevent some drug thug or gang banger from shooting a couple kids while missing his actual intended target in the hood?
    How many of the “Children” Stewart is concerned about are 14 to 19 year old gangsta’s or drug thugs?
    Always the “But it’s for the Children” crap when it has always been and always will be about disarming the citizens and lawful gun owners.

  6. Failing of course to mention the fact that a huge number of the “children” he is referring to are older teenagers killed in the shooting range known as Chitcago, and other cities, which would in no way be affected by measures he thinks should be put in place.

  7. Like California, Illinois, New York and New Jersey are doing so great with massive gun control that most of the violence stems from Democrat run states and cities. Stewart is a moron.

    • To MB

      quote————Like California, Illinois, New York and New Jersey are doing so great with massive gun control that most of the violence stems from Democrat run states and cities. Stewart is a moron.——-quote

      Falsehood: Blue states have less deaths from guns than Red States. Republican liars only report the deaths in the big cities NOT the overall deaths of the entire blue state which again are less than red states.

      Nor do Republicans admit that Red States with lax gun laws ship in thousands of second hand guns into big cities that fuel the violence and death from guns.

      • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD. Your fricking Blue States have more violent crimes committed with a firearm than Red States. Nice try. The LIARS here are you Leftist control freaks looking for ways to control the American people. Without that control, your Leftist agenda will never fly.

        • To Walter the Beverly Hillbilly

          quote——————-dacian, the DUNDERHEAD. Your fricking Blue States have more violent crimes committed with a firearm than Red States———-quote

          Falsehood Hilljack read below.

          By Inside Edition Staff
          First Published: 2:35 PM PDT, April 6, 2022
          A new study says that eight out of 10 states with the highest murder rates all voted for Trump.
          States controlled by Republicans have higher murder rates than blue states, according to a new study by Third Way, a center-left public policy think tank based in Washington, D.C.

          While Republicans have focused on big-city crime as a crucial midterm election platform, Third Way released a survey of state murder rates from 2020, the latest year available for such statistics.

          The study says that the six states with the highest per-capita murder rates all voted for Donald Trump in 2020, as did eight of the top 10 states.

          “Mississippi had the highest homicide rate at 20.50 murders per 100,000 residents, followed by Louisiana at 15.79, Kentucky at 14.32, Alabama at 14.2, and Missouri at 14. The national average was 6.5 per 100,000 residents, but the top five states had rates more than twice that high,” the survey said.

          Murder Rates
          Third Way
          South Carolina, New Mexico, Georgia, Arkansas, and Tennessee completed the list. New Mexico and Georgia were the only states to vote for Joe Biden, the study said.

          “The increase in murders is not a liberal cities problem but a national problem,” the survey concluded.

        • dacian you lying pos. You know that murder, regardless of color of state is a big city problem. And even in red states the majority of the big cities are blue run. Any place that is held by you fascist leftists is a crime hell hole.

      • Chitcago alone has more deaths from guns than a dozen or two red states combined, over 700 last year. As usual, you push out the BS, with absolutely nothing to back it up.

      • dacian with his false crap and ignorace again.

        then this little gem of false and stupid is especially funny…

        “that Red States with lax gun laws ship in thousands of second hand guns into big cities that fuel the violence and death from guns.”


        show us the shipping invoice that shows a ‘red state’ shipping “thousands of second hand guns into big cities”.

        • to the Depraved paranoid Booger Brain

          quote————-show us the shipping invoice that shows a ‘red state’ shipping “thousands of second hand guns into big cities”.———quote

          I could mention the two Chicago Studies or FBI Stats but here is just one of many studies about the “Iron Pipe Line”

          Bassier admitted to transporting more than 112 guns, including 20 assault weapons, in a single year, making $130,000. This is only part of this study.

        • @dacian

          yes, you could mention any number of things and thats part of your problem, YOU don’t mention them.

          You copy and paste blindly to fill in your confirmation bias and thats all you search for rejecting anything else that says different from your confirmation bias. You blindly accept what you copy and paste as definitive and true when in reality it isn’t always definitive or true and its obvious a lot of times. But you don’t know how to do actual research and make up your own mind without confirmation bias and determine the context or how to read the data, and apply it in anyway other than your confirmation bias of your own copy and paste of what some else said.

          Yes, you could mention a lot but you don’t.

        • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD. Here we go about with your vaulted “studies” that reached their conclusions before they even started collecting their skewed “data”. Do us all a big favor. Don’t go away mad, just go away.

      • @dacian Ten years ago, no Trump to blame :
        Homicides, 2012 Chicago=1,806 Houston=207
        I rest my case.

      • dacian,

        The headline is a partial truth, it does not break down where in the State these crimes are. I wonder why? Perhaps it would show those areas in those States in Blue hands have more problems than the rest of the State?

        The best part, is you know this. I know you looked at the breakdowns.

    • @MB

      Stewart is pretty much a washed up “comedian”. He is striving for relevancy in a world that is passing him by. He represents the Liberal portion of “Boomers” that younger generations disrespect and fervently wish were already dead in their graves. It is easy for the Left to concentrate the Public’s attention on firearms…less easy for them to tackle the causes of homelessness, addiction, violence, etc…so they distract from their abject failures in ideology and governance by focusing on one highly polarizing issue. Jon accepts money from anti-gun sources to show up and use his presence to disrupt proceedings. His arguments are persuasive when you do not fact-check his numbers…this is what he does…using his voice and wit to push Agenda’s he approves of. He is a “tool” in all meanings of the word.

  8. Wow!!!! I cannot believe T Tag actually posted this. Jon Stewart totally fried and made a complete fool out of the Moron Republican 2A Fanatic. The Republican nut case could not make even one believable rebuttal to Jon in the debate. The Republican was shot down in flames (pun intended)

    I must say Jon Stewart made one of the greatest cases for gun control I have ever had the privilege of listening to.

    And remember the Republicans are all for destroying the 1st Amendment and its not hard to understand why. They want only one news media allowed, the propaganda machine of Fox News that has been totally discredited with the lawsuit over their lies about voting machines and how they knew that it was a total lie that the election was stolen.

    • The only fool was Jon Stewart. “Gun control” has absolutely nothing to do with crime control. The people is violent people who will do anything to get what they want. Much like you Leftists who lie, cheat and steal elections to get your agenda in place.

    • dacian doesn’t realize Stewart lied through the whole thing and Dahm was simply not rising to the false bait Stewart was spewing.

      thats dacians mental illness confirmation bias trolling.

    • Do recall, some of the greatest gun control advocates were the likes of Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot.
      All socialists or their bother communists.
      11 cities with Blue, Democrat mayors, made the top 50 most dangerous cities in the world. Their soft on crime, strict gun laws for law abiding citizens, no cash bail, de-fund the police is what makes them the most dangerous cities in the world.

    • “Fu*king Amateur Hour”: Democrats Livid At Biden Over DC Crime Bill Flip-Flop</strong?

      That is right, socialists loosers even some degree of the Biden admin knows this is a bad idea.
      Yet, those socialists loosers still claim they are right and this kind of crime bill will lead to some kind of civilized socialists Utopia.
      For those of us who live in the the real world, we know twits like Dacian are living in a dream world.
      The good news is Dacian is old, and will soon expire in his own filth. As he should.

    • Dacian, your racist hatred of black people is very telling. You evil leftists and your ignoring of gangs and their destruction of the once great major cities, and we all know why. Shame.

  9. “You don’t want anything that could help law enforcement or society determine whether or not a person is a good guy with a gun or a bad guy with a gun,’ he said. ‘The registry would allow you to have much more effective background checks so I don’t understand why you won’t just admit that you are making it harder for police to manage the streets by allowing all of these guns to go out without permits, without checks, and without background stuff? Why can’t you just stand by that?”

    First, Stewart is falsely conflating ‘registry’ with ‘background checks’. Its two different things.

    Second, Stewart is using the false logic of ‘causation=coorelation’ so common with the anti-gun crowd.

  10. Okay. So let’s say they’re all registered.
    How does that enhance background check data in any other way than the state being able to say “you already own X so you don’t need to own Y, transfer denied.”

    Of course that’s exactly what they want they just won’t say it out loud.

    • This has been happening for MANY decades in His Majesty’s colony of Western Australia.

      If you have a .303, you can’t own a .308.

  11. Huh. Looks like the heavyset woman who posted this deleted my perfectly legitimate comment. Wait till she puts down her box of donuts and hears about Judge Benitez handcuffing an innocent 13 year old girl in his courtroom.

    • “Wait till she puts down her box of donuts and hears about Judge Benitez handcuffing an innocent 13 year old girl in his courtroom.”

      Like a typical fascist Leftist Scum ™, you didn’t tell the whole truth of what happened in that courtroom with the 13 year-old girl.

      The concept is known as “Scared straight”.

      “According to a transcript of the hearing, Benitez gave the man a chance to address the court before being sentenced back to prison for violating the terms of his probation. The defendant told the judge he grew up in San Diego, which means he’s constantly running into people he knows and falling into prior bad habits.

      “It’s a reoccurring cycle. It’s a revolving door,” the defendant said.

      **He went on to say that the only way he believed he could turn his life around was by “leaving what I know, leaving everybody I know.” Then he told Benitez his daughter is “following the same footsteps as I am right now.”

      The judge interrupted the defendant, asking him what he meant. The man told the judge: “She’s basically growing up where I grew up, so she’s encountering the same people that I grew up with that’s going to lead her into the same path that I went down.”

      After some additional arguments about his case, Benitez addressed a U.S. marshal in the room.

      “You got cuffs?” he asked the marshal. Then he addressed the defendant’s daughter in the gallery, asking for her name, and then asking her to approach and stand next to her father’s attorney.

      “Do me a favor,” Benitez told the marshal. “Put cuffs on her.”

      At this point the girl started to cry, according to a filing by the client’s defense attorney, Mayra Lopez.

      Benitez then asked the marshal to escort her to the jury box. Lopez wrote that her client’s daughter continued to cry before Benitez released her after a “long pause.” But he did not immediately let her go back to her seat.

      “Now, don’t go away,” Benitez told the girl twice. “Look at me. Look at me for just a second. You see where your dad is?”

      “Yes,” the girl replied.

      “How did you like the way those cuffs felt on you?” Benitez asked her.

      “I didn’t like it,” she responded.

      “How did you like sitting up there?” the judge asked.

      “I didn’t like it,” the girl answered.

      “Good. That was the message I was hoping to get to you. So your dad’s made some serious mistakes in his life, and look at where it’s landed him. And as a result of that, he has to spend time away from you. And if you’re not careful, young lady, you’ll wind up in cuffs, and you’ll find yourself right there where I put you a minute ago,” the judge lectured.

      “And then some day, you’ll look back and you’ll say to yourself, ‘Where did my life go?’ And the answer will be that you spent most of your life in and out of jail — in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out — and it will be, probably, because of drugs. You’re an awfully cute young lady, and I have a feeling you have a wonderful life ahead of you. But from what I just heard about your dad, from your dad, causes me to be very troubled.”

      Benitez then told the girl to go back to her seat and proceeded with sentencing her father to 10 months in prison — the term recommended by his attorney, the prosecutor and the U.S. Probation Office. But he addressed the girl again after imposing the sentence.

      “I hope the next time you’re tempted to use drugs, even weed, OK, even weed, you’ll remember what happened here today,” he said. “I hope you remember this mean, old face.”

      He added that she had “so much life” ahead of her and urged her to tell her mother if she was ever tempted to use drugs.”

      Benitez did that girl a huge favor…

      • red wolf, dacian, miner…..they have to lie. The truth would doom their cause.

      • quote———Benitez did that girl a huge favor…———-quote

        This is the typical right wing brutality and ignorance. The judged did no such thing. Psychological studies prove that with children brutality only temporarily changes behavior while taking away privileges has a much more lasting effect in regards to changing behavior.

        • As if treating “criminals with kindness so they’ll see the error of their ways” has worked. This philosophy assumes the perpetrator has a conscience and is a victim of society. Most of the criminals don’t have a conscience and see it as a sign of weakness among their peers.

        • “This is the typical right wing brutality and ignorance. The judged did no such thing. Psychological studies prove that with children brutality only temporarily changes behavior while taking away privileges has a much more lasting effect in regards to changing behavior.”

          Being handcuffed and sat in the courtroom was not brutality. The child needed the reality check. Enough with your peoples softness on bad behavior, rewarding that behavior encourages it to grow.

          What would you have done with her? Taken her for ice cream?

          Nah, you probably have dressed her up like Greta and tried to hide her from your Mom.

        • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, seems herre that the ignorance is all yours. No one is being “brutal” to children except you Leftists trying to propagate your permissive nonsense. I was raised by parents that cared enough to punish me when I did wrong.c I raised my son the very same way. I can see your parents failed miserably.
          ANYONE who abuses a child should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Brutality and abuse does not include a sharp smack to the posterior.

      • Not really a good comparison but I got sat down by a cop after being caught shoplifting as a kid and it has stuck with me for 50+ years. A life of crime was not for me.

    • Geoff just nailed your disingenuous ass to the cross wolf. How about some honesty next time think you can manage that? Judge Benitez may have well saved this child’s life.

  12. ““You don’t want anything that could help law enforcement or society determine whether or not a person is a good guy with a gun or a bad guy with a gun,” he said.”


    It’s so simple, even a Leftist Scum ™ is capable of understanding it –

    If a cop comes across someone with a gun, the cop checks to see if that person is legally-prohibited from having it. If prohibited, the cop then arrests that person.

    Easy-peasy. Zero need for registration…

    • Not with out probable cause or reasonable articulable suspicion.

      The Supreme Court has already held, several times, that the mere presence of a gun in a place in which guns can be legally owned, possessed and/or carried does not constitute reasonable suspicion or probable cause.

  13. Abortion. Abortion is the leading cause of death among children. Abortion kills more than any other cause of death by orders of magnitude. The legislator should have told him that. Don’t talk t me about the children if you support abortion.

    • Nailed it. Morons like Dacian, Jeffy and the rest, you know who they are, are socialists at heart. They firmly believe that they are the ones anointed by God to dictate and control the rest of us. Sad, really.

    • Yep baby murder kills a lot of (real)children. You’d think a Jewish dude with a fake English nom De plume would “get” murdered children. I guess not🙄

  14. Take away the cash that Stewart is getting to show up at legislator hearings and you would never see or hear Stewart again.

  15. Other than talk smack, what exactly does John know how to do? The managing the streets certainly be easier if they take everyone’s guns? Tell the truth John, the registration is so only the rich, connected, elites like yourselves can defend themselves. Come and take it Johnny!

  16. your thug-idols obtain by renting, stealing, & straw-buys, registration of any kind = no impact

  17. It’s always amazing to watch a jeeew demand gun registration. This white liberal self-hating jeeew is no friend of black kids. He and people like him are totally supporting single mothers on welfare. With five kids from five different men. And never getting married.

    I hope more conservatives talk about the broken homes these kids come from. And not having a father in their life to give them love and discipline they need.

    Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz is a racist pig.

  18. A jew pushing gun registration and control…….may be the closest he has come to humor in a decade.

    • never forget: is all about the Benjamins for guys like this.

      Money in hand, whaever they want flows out of his yap.

  19. Jon Stewart is what happens when you don’t understand the philosophy behind natural rights and the rights guarantied in the constitution. They put severe restrictions on the government to protect the people from it. Some of those restrictions have been slipped but there are still some controls that the government is beholden to.

    Stewart thinks that the government should place strict controls on the people to create a false sense of safety. This is a direct contradiction to the way the founders saw the role of government and free people. He uses the opposite of “own the libs!” on an unprepared Republican to score points for his base of NPCs so they can parrot the talking points and strut around.

  20. At what point in American history have the police managed the streets? We are, at best, an unruly bunch. People still get drugs and alcohol and do violence in prison, the most controlled environment on earth.

  21. Look at what was done to those that dared resist COVID shots, do you think the left would not like to do the same to those that own firearms?

  22. “The comedian”?

    Lil Dacian is stupid enough to believe that Stewart is some kind of hal fassed (unfunny) “comedian”

  23. The problem with Stewart is he can do good things but seems hung up on stupid.

    What he has done related to helping veterans with burn pit issues was excellent.

    I think he needs to realize his voice for veterans is possible because of the freedoms we have from the BoR. The BoR is not a buffet where you pick and choose what you like, you take it all equally.

  24. OK, when was the last time Jon Stewart went to the range or actually hunting, yea, never. Total Douch bag talking shit about things he knows nothing about. Dipshit thinks he is relevant.

  25. real nazi’s used gun control/registration on their way to murdering 6 million (mostly jews) during ww2

  26. Wait so John Steward trusts the police to have guns, even though the left tells they are evil and can’t be trusted. But yet he doesn’t trust the public and people of color with guns so that they can protect themselves from the police?

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