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John Wayne’s Pistols Up for Auction

On January 27, Milestone’s Historic Military & Firearms Auction offers Smith & Wesson collectors the chance to own John Wayne’s silver-grip Smith & Wesson revolvers, holsters and spurs. (Click here to view the online catalogue.) We’re talking . . .

two 1932 Smith & Wesson matching .38/.44 fixed-sight revolvers — with JW initials on the grips — a hand-tooled leather double holster with gold-overlaid, ruby-adorned silver buckles; stirrups, spurs. How much? The estimate runs between ten and twenty thousand dollars.

Whaling captain Will Sherman's pistols (courtesy

Acquisitive Smith Weenies with more cash on hand might want to consider picking up a collection of 19th-century Smith & Wesson revolvers and other items belonging to whaling ship captain Albert Sherman (1849-1914) of New Bedford, Mass.

According to an old National Geographic article, Mr. Sherman was the “probably the boldest and most active of the Arctic whalers.”  So now you know. The family provides the provenance if you provide twenty-five to thirty-five thousand dollars.   

General John Creed Moore

Milestone’s also auctioning off Confederate General (and Texas math teacher) John Creed Moore‘s 1851 Colt revolver.

Box fresh Engraved Colt King Cobra

And I spy with my little eye an arsenal of Winchester rifles, a boxed, engraved Colt King Cobra (above), 1911 Colts and SA Colts, 1877 and 1862 Gatling guns, Brownings, Remingtons and Mausers.

What tickles your fancy? If you score something be sure to let us know ([email protected]).

12 thoughts on “John Wayne’s Pistols Up for Auction”

  1. Reminds me to get my butt to the local Tandy Leather to stock up for a few projects on the back burner.
    Damn, I need cheaper hobbies…

    • Tandy leather is not your only option. Unless you get materials on a brother in law discount. Try Zack White leather out of N. Carolina. I still buy some odds and ends at Tandy but ZWL is the real McCoy.

  2. Every so often I see one of these auctions (especially the ones run by Sotheby’s) and, just for a second, think that PowerBall tickets might be a good investment.

  3. I am betting the Duke’s Heavy Duty pair will go for way more than 20k.

    Hell, an engraved HD in pristine condition from a mere mortal would go for 4 or 5k.

  4. I don’t have the cash to play this game but, if I did, I’d be pretty interested in John Wayne’s rig.

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