daniel webster bloomberg school
Courtesy Johns Hopkins

Johns Hopkins University is the home of the Bloomberg School of Public Health. Yes, that Bloomberg. Daddy Bloombucks spares no expense in funding the university’s anti-gun research and advocacy efforts, which is primarily directed out of the Center for Gun Policy and Research.

That operation is run by Professor Daniel Webster, the Garen Wintemute of the east. In an effort to ensure that the ranks of “gun violence” advocates stay stocked, stoked and energized, the CGPR brought a gaggle of yoots to Charm City this week for an indoctrination educational session on gun policy and research (no doubt with a decided civilian disarmament bent).

It’s the first time the Center for Gun Policy and Research has brought high schoolers onto its Homewood campus for this kind of program, a reflection of a larger push by the public health school to expand access to its bevy of gun violence prevention research.

At ages 15 through 18, the assembled students are already leaders of grassroots efforts in their communities. They’ve founded organizations to fight gun violence and crafted legislative proposals to their local elected officials.

On Tuesday, they furiously scribbled in college-ruled notebooks as Hopkins researchers clicked through PowerPoint presentations on where to find reliable data on gun violence and convey it to the public in a meaningful way.

Gun policy researcher Cassandra Crifasi cautioned students not to allow themselves to be in a situation where they have to argue over the credibility of their numbers rather than the strength of their message.

– Talia Richman in They grew up practicing lockdown drills. Now, they’re at Hopkins to steer the conversation on gun violence


  1. Who’s educating our next generation of gun rights advocates? …and please don’t say “the NRA”

      • Font Sight Training Academy in Nevada. They just announced last week that their mission is to become the premier training institution in the nation. They’ve formally paired up with Rick Green (Wallbuilders, Patriot Academy) to teach civics and constitutional history.

        • Never heard of them. I’ve heard of Bloomberg. I’ve heard of Mom’s Against blah… blah…
          blah… It’ means nothing if the average guy hasn’t heard of you.

    • As odd as this sounds Youtube and video games are laying a lot of the foundation for the next generation of pro gun advocates. Video games only so far as generating a strong interest in firearms and familiarizing users with models, calibers, and characteristics.

      • In the local library half of the kid’s computers were being used to play violent video games the last time I looked. Boys, girls and whatever were blasting away.

      • The problem is there are just as many contrary voices on Youtube (soon to be a lot more as they increase censorship, too). People will just seek out what they already agree with, total unfettered access to all information is –we are finding– a terrible way for a person to build an identity/philosophy for themselves. You end up with equal portions of kids who learn the right thing, the wrong things, become scary extremists, jaded nihilists, or become apathetic from being overwhelmed. Hardly any effective leaders will ever come from such a free-form system. Kids need guidance to learn right from wrong, and they always have. So you need to have a formal system for educating young people. Boy Scouts was once such a system, though it never did teach the true fundamentals of citizenship in my experience, but obviously that institution has become thoroughly corrupted by leftists, so it’s out. The NRA could have become such an institution, but was also corrupted by competing interests. And obviously any new organization that attempts to undertake this task will be immediately targeted for destruction by leftists who rightly see it as a threat to their ideological hegemony. Count me among the hopelessly jaded, and because I’ve learned *too much* about the history and effectiveness of gun rights advocacy from all the information out there.

        • I have seen very few leaders in gun rights come from organized training or education and plenty come from the free form world of unfettered access to information. People know basic right from wrong. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you is pretty easy to grasp and kids figure it out pretty early.

          The issue isn’t unfettered access to information. It is a socialist welfare state that allows children to be raised by the government without fathers while being supported by money stolen from others.

          I would suggest you look into the research of people like Jean Piaget and Jaak Panksepp. It may give you some deeper insight into personal development.

        • Which leads me to firmly believe that the only sensible solution to this whole mess is to simply divide up America into different nations and let the citizens decide where they want to live and what government they want to live under, Communist, Socialist, Moderate Democrat, Republican, Constitution only or Libertarian. Give the Libertarians the states of Wyoming and Montana and let us live in peace. We won’t stick our noses into other nations business meaning that we won’t be wastefully spending the lives of our military men and women and the billions of dollars what have been wasted trying to enforce our will over them. Our taxes and regulations will be some of the lowest in the word.

    • You are. I am. And so is every other responsible patriotic adult in the country. Or we should be if we aren’t. Don’t dump it off on some politician, school, organization, or neighbor. YOU do it.

      • Exactly.

        Passing on the love of liberty and what it takes to remain free has been a large part of my entire life. I’m out preaching the gospel of liberty each and every day.

      • Umm SoCalJack I’m not sure what you meant by saying U.S. Military. But if you were referring to the military as helping cultivate the next generation of pro gunners that’s far from the truth.

        • S. CROCK, I may be reaching when I said the military. Drawing only from my own experiences, I did not get into guns until I joined and and the same with a few folks ive meet when active. Talking to a few Vets, it was like that for them too. A lot of us that joined didn’t come from a gun owning household, but now we have them. I honestly have ow idea what percentage of active duty are first time users of small arms, but on the flip side I worked with a lot who had hunting backgrounds, but that was in the 80’s and 90’s. Thanks for the comment.

        • My son was in the military. Doesn’t care about guns. Joined to pay off college loan. Never fought overseas. There’s a lot of kids out there like that. It’s a job. Just like cops who don’t like guns. It’s a job.

      • @SoCalJack, Ok that does make sense. I was already very pro gun when I joined. But I have been surprised by how many soldiers have no interest in guns or are actually anti gun. Overall, yes it is still a gun friendly environment though.

    • We are!! That is why it is important to take new people, especially kids shooting. A day at the range working their way up to things like the scary ar15 or ak47 shows that guns can be used responsibly and safely. Everyone walks away safe and with the knowledge that guns are not the problem. An example of this is I have spent $100 in ammo taking a dad and his two sons out to the range a couple years ago. I still get text from them on a regular basis asking my thoughts and opinions on what guns to buy, who I am going to vote for, did I call/write my senator/representative about pro/anti gun bills, and how I address people who are anti gun (I remind them they were antigun at one time too). Just one of many such range trips and I have people voting for gun rights above all else, not to mention the numerous people they are now taking to the range to do the same thing. You are right the NRA is not the answer, it NEVER should have been.

      • I emailed Leonard Pitts of the Miami Herald and offered to take him and any of his friends to my local ranges. Haven’t heard back yet.

    • We are.

      My kids have been shooting since they were 8 years old. We also bring their friends to the range – and occasionally the parents of their friends.

      Explaining individual liberty and the rights of self-defense can be a lot of fun for everyone.

      It’s our responsibility to educate those around us. Don’t outsource this responsibility to someone else.

    • Responsible Moms and Dads are are educating their children at different stages of their lives with pertinent safety, handling self defense at home and hunting. We can only hope they also screen their potential dates and mates for like suitability

    • Why not say the NRA? They run or support about 95% if the organized youth shooting programs, be it their badge system or youth hunter education challenge.

  2. They start with children so the next generation is raised to fear firearms and place their trust and safety in the hands of the authorities. Pretty bad.

  3. “At ages 15 through 18, the assembled students are already leaders of grassroots efforts in their communities. They’ve founded organizations to fight gun violence and crafted legislative proposals to their local elected officials.”

    The first sentence –“grassroots”– directly contradicted by the second sentence. No local officials are taking high-schoolers’ proposals seriously unless they are already politically connected/supplied (and funded), ie not “grassroots.” Like those kids in Parkland, who ‘founded local efforts’ yet also unanimously had pre-existing connections to the national DNC offices or media outlets.

  4. “…clicked through PowerPoint presentations on where to find reliable data on gun violence ”

    I think he meant to say Party Approved Data from Party Approved sources.

    • Bloomberg’s ‘center for health’ or whatever exists to compile and/or fabricate such data sources. The purpose of this event was to essentially tether these young rabble-rousers to Bloomberg’s outlets, before they could be tied into others. Much like how the NRA gets rather jealous of other gun rights groups vying for donations, there is competition in the anti-gun world. For a decade or so, the Brady folks were the cool kids and got all the money. Ahead of the 2012 election, they were only able to contribute about $5000 to the presidential election, their finances had collapsed so badly. Bloomberg’s financial and media resources made his gun control side-project far and away the leader in his sector; he’s cornered the market. But that won’t remain the case unless he makes future leaders of gun control dependent upon his propaganda services. Hence this seminar on how to use Bloomberg gun control propaganda data sources in your policy arguments. If they NRA had a brain in their head or were serious about promoting gun rights, they would have had ‘outreach bootcamps’ doing exactly this for decades, and funded a think tank dedicated to creating arguments for gun rights & against gun control. Instead, Colion Noir had to be brought in on a half-assed NRATV channel with tiny visibility, to even begin the process of systematically delivering ideas & talking points (that I assume he mostly/entirely had to come up with himself) on behalf of the organization.

  5. Mike ain’t stupid. He is 77 yrs old. He knows if all goes well he has 10 yrs to go. Maybe more, maybe less. He has seeded his evil projects right NOW with 100’s of millions of dollars. When he kicks the bucket Lord only knows how much of his 50 BILLION DOLLAR WORTH will be directed to even more of these projects. We are screwed….

    • Throw in your personal towel then, coward. If you’re just gonna surrender and crybaby about, then do the rest of us a favor and get out of the way!

      • Ok tough guy. Kick in 50 million now ! You worthless scum with a big mouth but your contribution to 2A is probably jacking off to pictures in Guns and Ammo.

        • You’ve never read my posts, or you just ignore, but I suspect you’re nothing more than a leftwing, Bloomberg pooch-lackey, Democrat troll. If you are not, but instead an apathetic gunowner, then I’ve got news for you

          Get involved with your Local and Statewide Groups. Get involved civically with your community over the firearms issue. Help your gun club organize meet and greets with people on the fence. The chips will fall where they may, but the fruits of your labor will pay off longterm.

          My wife is 3 months pregnant, we have a family starting up, and we’re busy as hell with work. At the same time, we budget our time to be civically involved here in Southeast Ohio to exercise our Rights and be an example of it.

          You with that “We’re Screwed” Mentality is a surrender-mentality. You’ve chosen to give up your Rights. Either you have a change of heart and get civically involved, or you can FUCK OFF!!

          If it’s option 2, I’ll call the WWWHHHAAAAmbulance for you.

    • Ancient Chinese saying:

      Wealth does not last longer than three generations.

      Mike Bloomberg’s wealth will be unrecognizable in three generations. Freedom and liberty, however, persist with time – if we do our part.

      Take your kids and their friends shooting. Show people, through your actions, that gun owners are good, responsible and reasonable people.

      This is a long-term battle that will never be done.

  6. “Gun policy researcher Cassandra Crifasi cautioned students not to allow themselves to be in a situation where they have to argue over the credibility of their numbers rather than the strength of their message.”

    …Right, those pesky numbers are really meaningless. What’s really, really important is how emotional we feel.

    “Gathered on a bench on Hopkins’ quad, a group of students started talking about how old they were when they first experienced trauma because of a gun.”

    …Yes, it’s so much easier and better to blame an inanimate object for the actions of a gang banger thug.

    “Madison Humes, a senior at Bel Air High School, said she signed up because she’s tired of people looking at her like just a kid. “I’m here to show the adults around me that I know what I’m doing,” Humes, 17, said.”

    …Because children are so wise and adults should always do what their children tell them.

    “Dozens of teenagers snapped in agreement.”

    …”snapped in agreement?” Because clapping is so triggering? How woke. The Johns Hopkins seminar mentioned in this article gives one insight into how the next generation of our “rulers” is being developed. Tyranny 101.

    • Snapping is a leftist signaling thing, IIRC. Nothing to do with ‘triggering,’ so much as proclaiming “we are of one mind” to everyone in the vicinity.

    • “Oh, snap: Campus kids drop ‘triggering’ applause to show approval”

      “When a Yale student’s angry meltdown at a professor went viral, viewers may have noticed the crowd gathered and some students snapping their fingers. It’s the currently preferred method of showing approval in some circles, given complaints that traditional clapping can be “triggering,” or even painful to hands unaccustomed to work.”


      H’mm. It seems ‘snapping’ hurts like a motherfucker when you have broken fingers trying to heal…

  7. Is it just me, or does that scenario remind anyone else of the Hitler Youth form of indoctrination?

    • It’s no different from any other form of youth indoctrination, and there is nothing intrinsically wrong with that in any case. It’s a useful & necessary job of adults to teach the next generation, and the future belongs to whoever bothers to do it. Leftists tend to be more motivated since they have a clear, central mission to pursue, which their opposition generally lacks.

  8. You need schooling for hysterical, emotional reactionism?

    All of the numbers, all of the research puts the lie to their stated goals, so what is the school for?

    • How to pose for the camera/organize the group to look bigger than it is on the news. Probably some public speaking and team building activities and whatever filler is needed to get accreditation and funding.

  9. “…cautioned students not to allow themselves to be in a situation where they have to argue over the credibility of their numbers rather than the strength of their message.”

    /clears throat, takes deep inhalation




  10. Ah yes, Daniel Webster. The Stalinist Doctor, and pooch-lackey figurehead pushing to make Doctors across America nothing more than wannabe cops who assist the Government with imposing police-state gun bans.

    Their “research” at Johns Hopkins doesn’t even use FBI Uniform Crime Reports, just political campaign rhetoric.

  11. The real facts are that the younger generation no longer hunts as suburban blight has ravished and consumed millions of acres of farms and wood lots once open to the public for hunting and recreational shooting. If I as a young man could have got into a time machine and went forward into the future and stepped out of that machine in my home town of today I would not recognize where I was at because it has changed that much. Where farms once stood and fish pounds were brimming with fish now all that remains is miles and miles of asphalt, concrete and shopping malls with cheaply made Chinese goods for sale. Small towns have been gobbled up by Megalopolis that stretch for hundreds of miles in every direction. No one knows each other and no one cares to either. People who live there are transplants and are there because of their jobs and have no roots in the community and no life long friends or relatives, only work related “acquaintances of the moment”.

    Today over 67 per cent of the public do not own guns. Kids are into video games not guns. Children have grown up to panic at the mere mention of a gun because of weekly mass murders in our schools. No other generation of children has ever went through this traumatic experience. It is no wonder that even if Bloomberg had never been born the gun hysteria in the country would not be any less.

    A Lack of good high paying jobs, the destruction of traditional family life with a mother and father, high divorce rates, high crime rates, higher rates of mental illness all left untreated because society just does not care, random road rage because too many nut cases carrying guns, no hope of ever being able to retire in dignity or be able to afford medical care or even have vacation time or holidays off has driven many young people into such despair that mass shootings are a way of protesting the insanity that is now life’s reality within their own country.

    All these complexities spell the doom of gun ownership in the U.S.
    With the upcoming elections along with the implosion of the NRA gun owners are all living on borrowed time. An Australian/New Zealand type of confiscation is very close on the horizon and yes it can happen here and yes when the hapless gun owner minority is faced with economic and physical survival the guns will get turned n and melted down. The gun owner knows that his neighbors who do not own guns will turn him in if he does not comply

    As Johnny Carson once said before he died “Nothing lasts forever”. “Yes it was fun while the ride lasted but the roller coaster is about to go off the rails and the amusement park is about to shut down forever “Vlad Teepes 2019”

    • As always every word you printed was a lie. Are you enrolled in the kapo bloomberg school pf bullshit? You haven’t a clue and it shows.

      How’s that whole satan/bloomberg worship going for you? The day your overlords demand a virgin sacrifice is your last day here.

    • So, Vlad, forgetting for a moment your throwing out of numbers you are obviously pulling out of your @$$, ‘splain to me how all this is going to happen in a country that:

      1. Has the 2A;
      2. Finally has a SCOTUS that seems to recognize that the 2A exists;
      3. Was literally BORN in revolution against tyrannical government;
      4. Has, by even ‘conservative’ estimates, as many guns as it has citizens?

      Lemme put ya some knowledge, Vlad – Australia and NZ, WITHOUT a 2A and WITHOUT our national history of widespread gun ownership and use, are experiencing low-double digit compliance rates to their gun confiscation schemes. Your gun grabbers in the DEEP BLUE states of New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts and California have achieved low-single digit to low-double digit compliance rates to their dipshit bans and buybacks. And you’re gonna “round up and confiscate” 350 Million+ guns HOW, exactly??

      We get that you are passionate about imposing YOUR vision of “right society” on the rest of us, and itching for the opportunity. I don’t think it’s going to go down the way YOU seem to think it’s going to go down. But, hey, it’s differences of opinion that make for horseraces, innit? Let the boogaloo commence, Vlad. See ya on the other side – Oops, no I guess I won’t. Well, have fun watching your fascist fantasy blow up in your face, then.

      • they’re first step is to make felons of us all…they’ll get around to enforcement later…maybe…

    • “An Australian/New Zealand type of confiscation is very close on the horizon and yes it can happen here and yes when the hapless gun owner minority is faced with economic and physical survival the guns will get turned n and melted down. The gun owner knows that his neighbors who do not own guns will turn him in if he does not comply”

      Sorry, wrong again VLAD. What you fail to understand – given your below 90 IQ, is that many of us hillbillies as you call us not only subscribe to Colt, Sig Sauer, and Glock to name a few but also subscribe to NASDAQ, S&P 500, and the Dow. We invest in the very corporations that you emulate and kiss ass to. And the revenue (millions) we take in supports our causes. Such as Pro-Life groups, Conservative Christian fronts and of course such endeavors as the GOA. Meanwhile you, a 20 year civil servant and former custodian of a federal building where you cleaned toilets for a living will have to sit on your throne and accept the facts that your type is not going anywhere.

      The Las Vegas shooter however deranged was found to be a savvy investor who was worth several million. His investments included property and stock. We hillbilly conservatives have more money and power than your feeble mind could imagine.

      Your taste is in your ass.

    • “Today over 67 per cent of the public do not own guns.”

      43% of American households admit to possessing a gun.

      “Children have grown up to panic at the mere mention of a gun because of weekly mass murders in our schools.”

      There are no “weekly mass murders in our schools”.

      “As Johnny Carson once said before he died “Nothing lasts forever”. “Yes it was fun while the ride lasted but the roller coaster is about to go off the rails and the amusement park is about to shut down forever “Vlad Teepes 2019”

      Good, and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

      • ”””””””””””””””43% of American households admit to possessing a gun.””””””””””””

        Actually there were two big studies done and naturally you picked the one that looked a little less threatening. I will go with the 67 per cent out of personal experience. And remember too its a lot worse than even that because out of the remaining 33 per cent of gun owners not all are people with huge collections as many own only 1 or 2 guns and support tougher gun laws so the 33 per cent is very misleading as well. After the Florida shooting there were gun owners that took their AR 15’s and sawed them in two pieces showing that they had enough of mass killings with these weapons.

        Nearly Half Of Guns In U.S. Owned By 3 Percent Of Population, Study Finds

        • “Nearly Half Of Guns In U.S. Owned By 3 Percent Of Population, Study Finds”

          Prove it.

        • question the validity of that 3% stat…sounds like more of the misinformation they constantly put out there to further their ends..

  12. How does legislation against an inanimate object affect the behavior of people with an anti-social intent? And they keep talking about “gun” violence when a great deal of the violence begins with illegal drugs. And 50-60% of murders occur in about 5% of the counties. About three years ago around 25% of gun CRIME took place in 4 cities, Chicago, Detroit< Washington D.C. and lo and behold the home of Johns Hopkins, Baltimore.

    • “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””About three years ago around 25% of gun CRIME took place in 4 cities, Chicago, Detroit< Washington D.C. and lo and behold the home of Johns Hopkins, Baltimore."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

      You made a good point but failed to realize "the why". With a lack of high paying jobs crime increases dramatically. Guns get funneled into big cities from States that lack tough gun laws. With universal vetting of all gun purchases and safe storage laws we could cut down on tens of thousands of second hand and illegal guns ending up in the wrong hands and these laws do not take away anyone's guns. But do to the paranoia of the gun owners they resist commons sense laws and the situation has now deteriorated to the point where 67 per cent of non gun owners simply are fed up with the gun crowd and are saying "get rid of all the guns".

      • Vlad, buddy, I’m beginning to be concerned about your mental health – such as it is. Vlad, Vlad, Vlad – you can make a functional firearm w/$25 dollars and a trip to Home Depot. I can make a FULLY functional, semi-automatic firearm, a full AR pattern rifle, with hand tools and some billet aluminum (I’m not just flapping my gums; I’ve DONE IT). I can, with an expenditure of less than $5K, set up my such such that I could MANUFACTURE fully functional firearms on a small scale.

        And guns are going to go away. Are you daft????

        So, what color is the sky, on your world? Do you harvest the unicorn farts for energy?

        • “””””””””””””””””””””””Vlad, buddy, I’m beginning to be concerned about your mental health – such as it is. Vlad, Vlad, Vlad – you can make a functional firearm w/$25 dollars and a trip to Home Depot. I can make a FULLY functional, semi-automatic firearm, a full AR pattern rifle, with hand tools and some billet aluminum (I’m not just flapping my gums; I’ve DONE IT). I can, with an expenditure of less than $5K, set up my such such that I could MANUFACTURE fully functional firearms on a small scale.

          And guns are going to go away. Are you daft????

          So, what color is the sky, on your world? Do you harvest the unicorn farts for energy?””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””

          You Far Right Wingers are a real gas. They claim we can do this and that but its already been tried. People who have made illegal silencers usually get caught after they have made only a few and it would be the same with guns. You ignore the fact that tens of thousands of guns would dry up overnight with tough vetting and safe storage laws. That dwarfs a few nut cases making a few illegal weapons who could go to jail sometimes in a matter of days. You fantasy world does not mirror history or reality.

      • VLAD’s a former civil servant who cleaned toilets and had no security clearance except for the restrooms. Can’t expect much from a resume like that.

      • Vlad, you seem to forget your history, that was already tried in 1775, it didn’t work out so well for the folks that tried it.
        And the other thing you don’t seem to realize it says nothing about hunting in the 2nd amendment it was to Protect the rights of the people. Remember they just fought a war with the King.

      • straw purchasing remains the prime source of guns that find their way into the wrong hands…more needs to be done about that….

    • ”Killing is a matter of will, not weapons.
      You cannot control the act itself
      by passing laws about the means employed.”
      The late Col Jeff Cooper, 1958
      Handgun expert and founder of Gunsite Academy

      A politician with a law never stops a bad guy with a gun. He only controls the good guys, which is his true agenda.
      The bad guy with a gun…..or the mentally deficient guy with a gun……or the terribly distraught family member of a shooting victim…….is the politician’s Useful Idiot Tool to achieve his agenda……control of unarmed, defenseless people.

  13. theyre being brainwashed
    the good old fashioned way
    eric holder would be proud
    the only good thing is that when these young men tell their girlfriends that guns make them feel afraid they will tell them that its time they both started dating other men

  14. ” Gun policy researcher Cassandra Crifasi cautioned students not to allow themselves to be in a situation where they have to argue over the credibility of their numbers rather than the strength of their message. ”

    That pretty much sums up every conversation I’ve ever had with a gun-grabber.

    Kind of a stupid statement, actually— the strength of any message is in the credibility of the numbers.

  15. They were told not to get into an argument about, “the credibility of their numbers rather than the strength of their message”, So basically they’re admitting that they’re lying about their facts and numbers . They’re just evil people.

    • lying and the dissemination of misinformation have always been part of their methodology…and needs to be challenged at every opportunity…especially on the liberal websites controlled by the media…you can’t be passive in this regard…..

  16. Reducing violence is easy if that is what they really want. The FBI statistics tell and show us clearly where the gang violence is, break it down into sections even in the cities. So saturate the areas with police, arrest those that need arresting, charge them hard and put them away for long periods, get rid of soft on crime fools like that Foxx person, etc. The solutions are actually fairly simple because the majority of the violence is fairly restricted to very specific areas.

    Of course this makes the poor assumption they really and truly want to solve this violence.

    • ask Chicago PD how effective that has been when the justice system undermines their efforts at every turn….

  17. There won’t be any next generation of gun control advocates. We’ll divide before they take our guns away. If we divide up and lose the war that’s sure to come, then we’ll lose our guns, but I’m betting they’ll lose and also lose their lives rather than anything as emblemomatic as guns.

  18. “Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School Educating The Next Generation of Gun Control Advocates”
    No that isn’t accurate at all.

    It should be…
    Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School Indoctrinating The Next Generation of Gun Control Advocates

    There I fixed that for you. The difference is not at all subtle.

  19. Funding
    The Center for Gun Policy and Research receives and/or has received funding from, among other sources, The Annie E. Casey Foundation, The David Bohnett Foundation, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, The Funders’ Collaborative for Gun Violence Prevention, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, The Joyce Foundation, The Overbrook Foundation, The Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund, Bloomberg Philanthropies, and The Harold Simmons Foundation. The Center’s website, as well as Webster, have said that the research conducted there is done independently of any funding source.[1][2]

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