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Joy Behar Calls Out the Real Culprits Behind the MSU Shooting: Congressmen Wearing AR-15 Pins

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It was Behar who followed up by accusing Republicans of lining their pockets with blood money from “the gun lobby.” “These people take money from the gun lobby and so they promote the guns. That’s what it’s about. It’s about circulating money,” she proclaimed.

She then drew attention to Georgia Republican Congressman Andrew Clyde, who owns a gun store. She was irate that he had the audacity to hand out AR-15-shaped lapel pins (which she called “automatic weapon lapel pins”) to his colleagues.

According to her unhinged mind, these pins were directly linked to mass shootings because they were “promoting more and more gun love, love of guns! Love of guns!” “Many of these people don’t seem to understand that their actions are causing kids to die!”she shouted.

What was missing from the discussion was the truth that the shooter had a prior felony gun charge dismissed by a progressive prosecutor, which allowed him to remain on the street and commit the shooting. And that he used a handgun, not an AR-15. Then again, The View was not a place for truth and honest discussion.

— Nicholas Fondacaro in The View Blames GOP Gun ‘Lapel Pins’ for ‘Causing Kids to Die’


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