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Judge Frees Hutarees

As TTAG reported previously, the case against the nine members of the Hutaree militia continues to unravel. Given all the glee accompanying their arrest from the left end of the political spectrum—quick to connect the alleged Hutaree conspiracy with the Tea Party and, thus, the Republican Party—you’d think the mainstream media would be falling all over themselves to recant their allegations and investigate the FBI’s obvious malfeasance. That’s if you woke up on Opposites Day. Back in the world where sponges don’t bray like LSD-fueled mules, the Detroit News leads the non-charge of the light news brigade. “A federal prosecutor cited the pending funeral for slain Detroit Police Officer Brian Huff today as he urged a judge to keep nine accused Hutaree militia members behind bars while the government appeals their release.” Excuse me but WTF does that tragedy have to do with the Hutaree, given that it has nothing whatsoever to do with the Hutaree?

Prosecutors say the Lenawee County-based group was planning to kill a police officer and then use bombs to attack the scores of officers drawn to the slain officer’s funeral. The group hoped the killing would spark a general uprising against the government, prosecutors allege.

“There will be a police funeral in the near future” in light of Huff’s killing in northeast Detroit early Monday morning, Assistant U.S. Attorney Ronald Waterstreet said in a court filing.

“Given the defendants’ obvious animosity toward police officers, and their previous discussions regarding their intent to bomb a police funeral, this fact presents additional reasonable basis for the requested stay.”

Do I even have to deconstruct that? The Hutaree’s leader’s lawyer did a pretty good job:

“To make that suggestion is just outrageous,” [Detroit attorney William] Swor said. “It’s insulting to the police officer’s family; it’s insulting to the court.”

U.S. District Judge Victoria A. Roberts, in effect, agreed. She freed the nine members of the Michigan militia must surrender “all their guns and gun licenses and cannot apply for gun licenses.” So, no guns then. “They must seek employment and report to federal authorities weekly. They also cannot drink alcohol or use drugs and will be tested regularly. They also cannot have contact with each other unless their attorney is present.”

Seek employment? “Hi welcome to McDonald’s. Can I take your patriotic pledge—sorry, order please?” Not publicly you can’t. And not over the Internet either.

The judge also put other restrictions on individual members. David Brian Stone Sr. cannot associate or have contact with Mark Koernke, a long-time militia advocate who has broadcast pro-militia radio programs. Stone also cannot use a computer or the Internet.

Stone’s wife, Tina, who was described as the communications specialist of the Hutaree, is banned from using a computer or the Internet, as well. Clough, who operated the group’s website, is ordered to shut it down and refrain from starting any other website.

He must also get a mental health evaluation and refrain from using a computer or the Internet.

Ward must get a mental health evaluation. Meeks must get an alcohol assessment.

The order is silent as to any financial aspects of the bonds. In federal court, defendants are normally released on $10,000 unsecured bonds, meaning they do not have to put up any money.

Given the lead agent’s complete gormlessness on the stand, expect this case to disappear into plea bargain obscurity.

1 thought on “Judge Frees Hutarees”

  1. It is nice to see that federal law enforcement is taking its time to conduct thorough investigations. It is even nicer to see that the vast majority of all media takes the feds at their word. Oh, cynicism…

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