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Jury Finds Illegal Immigrant Not Guilty of Murder in Kate Steinle Shooting

“A jury on Thursday found Jose Ines Garcia Zarate not guilty in the death of Kate Steinle, a case that sparked a nationwide debate on immigration. Garcia Zarate, a Mexican man who was in the United States illegally, shot Steinle on a San Francisco pier in 2015.” Jurors could have found Zarate guilty of first degree murder, second degree murder or manslaughter.

A jury of six men and six women started deliberations last Tuesday and considered dueling arguments that Garcia Zarate was either a hapless, homeless man who killed Steinle in a freak accident or a calculated murderer intent on playing a sick game.

They apparently went with the former argument, though how that doesn’t constitute manslaughter is for more educated legal minds to divine than ours.

Zarate was convicted of illegal possession of a firearm, a felony. He shot Steinle with a pistol that had been stolen from the vehicle of a Bureau of Land Management ranger.

217 thoughts on “Jury Finds Illegal Immigrant Not Guilty of Murder in Kate Steinle Shooting”

  1. Can White people riot in SF and cry “No Justice, No Peace” now? If the justice system is this broken, especially after Bergdahl, what’s the damn point anybody obeys the law now? Hell, in Minnesota if you call the police to report a possible sexual assault, YOU’RE the one who’s likely to be shot by a cop and the cop will still be on the force!

    Enough, it’s time to burn it all down man.

    • With Hollywood and Democrat politicians sex scandals and the NFL SJW debacle they are all self-immolating. It would probably be better to just stand by and bask in the warm glow.

      • Nah, we need to throw gasoline on the heat source. We voted last year for Trump and change, and we’re still being stuck and the knife continues to go deeper.

        The people will be forced to change this and we’ve tried to do it peacefully. The Deep State, the media, etc. have made peaceful revolution impossible, thus violent revolution is inevitable.

        • The Feds and Atty Gen. Jeff Sessions need to shut down, raid, bust heads, at ALL the pot dispensaries (destroy the crop @ farms too) in Sanctuary Cities/States, hit them where it hurts most, the revenue generated from marijuana sales, seize ALL weed and proceeds under RICO even the local and state taxes collected, lets see what the populace does when the politicians raise their property, sales, and income taxes to offset the losses.

        • That’s opening Pandora’s box to civil war. Sessions will not do that because he’s a member of the Deep State and Trump won’t do it because when National Guardsman shoot civilians in the US, it looks like Nazi Germany or some shit.

        • Is that dude being serious about raiding the legal pot businesses? How’d he arrive at that response as a result of this article? I am thoroughly confused because I really don’t think he’s kidding. Yeesh.

        • What type of prison sentence goes with this? I am shocked / no words can make any type of rational response. Does this guy go to prison for his felony ? then get deported? I was born L.A. -I have 2 brothers there. One of which has worked his way up the ladder and is a pilot for LAPD airsupport.. These states like Minnesota where I currently reside that are not behind our president (Sanctuary cities) require hardcore ICE attention. I know they are working hard. We need to be careful who we elect as our govenors.

        • DangerDave,

          “Yes” I’m “serious”, serious like a F-ing heat attack, under Federal Law pot is “ILLEGAL”, I say the laws of OUR nation MUST be upheld. If the Left thinks it’s “collective punishment” tough shit, they’re the same ones looking to restrict and or abolish OUR 2nd Amendment Rights.

          On a side note Honolulu Hawaii Police have sent letters to ALL dopers (“Medical” (LOL) Marijuana Card holders) who were stupid enough to apply for the program and who own firearms, they now have thirty (30) days to surrender their guns. THAT’S “karma” baby. Yay!

        • “I say the laws of OUR nation MUST be upheld”

          Which is why everyone should totally ignore the laws about marijuana, etc.: the law of the land does not grant the federal government authority over what people do with their own bodies to have fun, so those laws are not valid.

    • I remember when white homosexuals burned San Francisco to the ground causing millions of dollars in damages, when a SF jury found the the former police officer Dan White, diminished capacity, not guilty of murdering Harvey Milk, and SF mayor George Moscone.

      Yes, white people do riot, loose their mind’s and destroy a city.

      • So you can verify that all the rioters were white? I’m sorry but I don’t see how the rioters being white trumps the fact they were homosexuals. That aside, I’m fully aware of the situation you speak of and can say that the rioters were of all sexual preferences. The riot was absolutely led by a gay contingency but associating the race of the people is grasping straws at best. Hell, gay white males seem to get a pass from being associated with being white and don’t get me started with how homosexuals equate their “struggle “ with what black people went through in America for hundreds of years.That argument is one of the largest expressions of stupidity America has known. All that aside, white people historically have had nothing to riot about in modern America. That may change if the media continues on the current narrative of blaming white males for the entire worlds problems.just because the leaders of the free world are predominately White has nothing to do with the average white male just trying to be a responsible adult in society today. When you accuse someone of something they play no part in,it triggers a primal response. It part of the human psyche. Same with black people when they are associated with the the criminal element of their race. Statistically the negative element of any race is a small fraction. That is why racism is based in ignorance and arrogance. I don’t respect foolish A-holes regardless of race or sexuality. Just seems like more and more people are falling in the FA category anymore.

      • It’s a shame Dan White isn’t around to go all “Dirty Harry” on that HIV/AIDS-ridden cesspool of illegal alien enablers/harborers @San Fransissyco City Hall.

        • “Yet another reason why I would give a hearty cheer if Little Kim used LA or Frisco to test his nukes.”

          An idea that sounds good at first blush, but the ugly reality of that situation is something we don’t want in the least.

          And I ain’t talking about radioactivity, either.

          It would kill a million or so, and then the panic to get out hits. The government’s response will to do something like what happened to Houston after Katrina wiped out ‘Nawlins.

          A mass migration of *millions* of Leftists being resettled to areas ill-equipped to deal with them. Bringing their Leftist politics with them to pollute likely conservative areas at the ballot box.

          Not just no, but *HELL* NO, no nuke attack on California.

          Unless you’re willing to have a family of them living in your garage.

          But hey, the government will probably cut you a resettlement check of a few hundred a month…

        • Same exodus, same result. How about we build a wall, real quick before Rocket Man gets his shit together?

    • Defendant says the gun went off as he was holding it. Defense argued the bullet ricocheted off concrete before striking her. There was evidence of a ricochet that went undisputed. Apparently, prosecution didn’t or wasn’t able to counter the story with evidence of intent so all murders and voluntary manslaughter off the table because they require intent. Only left with felony possession. Bummer, but possibly a correct verdict from the jury’s point of view. It’d be nice if the Feds actually deported this guy for the umpteenth time and it stuck. That’s why crossing the border illegally more than once ought to be a punishable felony.

      • So where was a charge for involuntary manslaughter? Because if his story is true (as the evidence suggests it is), then that is what he should have been found guilty of. Is it possible that the prosecutor did not seek such a charge? If not, that was a major mistake.

        • Ya.

          Where is wrongful death during the commission of a felony? This is not much different than if the dude walked into a liquor store with a fake gun and the cashier had a heart attack.

        • I don’t disagree. It’s probably hard to get an involuntary manslaughter vote if you really think it was an accident. The jury was not allowed to consider prior acts or immigration status. I’m sure the jury composition and its location was also a factor as well.

        • Ladd Boid – If you are an American citizen you better pray you never do this! There are scores of people in prison right now for far less. Just because it’s an illegal does NOT make it right!!!

        • CTStooge – That hunter was hunting after hours (a misdemeanor) which meant that any unintentional killing would almost automatically meet the involuntary manslaughter criteria. The prosecutor could have also nailed him for recklessness and would also meet the standard.

          In this case, the Prosecutor had to convince the jury that the shooter was being reckless and apparently was not convincing enough to get to even the involuntary manslaughter level. Although I’m not sure why a “Felon in possession” charge doesn’t also meet the involuntary manslaughter threshold. That again would have been on the Prosecutor’s head to prove. Red State ran an article that stated that the Prosecution “aggressively overplayed their hand” and also had to contend with a “misguided police interrogation strategy”.

          This is why we have defense attorneys. To make sure Prosecutors and Police do their jobs correctly.

      • Are you ignoring a charge of INVOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER? If a white male shoots a gun in the air during celebration, and if that shot kills someone after it inevitably falls back to earth, then that white male would, with near 100% certainty, be found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. The entire purpose of this charge is precisely for the actions of which cause accidental death.

        However, if you’re an illegal alien, and a FELON no less, then firing a gun into a crowd such that a death occurs via a ricochet, then you’ll go off scot-free because……. why exactly? The verdict rendered unto the defendant is utterly inexcusable, and, as such, this verdict is nothing less than JURY NULLIFICATION.

        • Theres a mountain of indisputable evidence well-known to non-racists documenting that white folks of course receive preferential treatment in every aspect of dealing with police and courts. To be male and hetero is naturally also an advantage. Zarate by contrast is Mexican, homeless, a drug addict, has a criminal record and is an immigrant… thats about as marginalized as you can get

          Thanks to the racist Hump acolytes for giving decent folks a peek into their ignorant persecution complex

        • Zarate did not fire a gun into a crowd as you lie, the bullet travelled 4 or 5 yards striking the pavement.

          Again its your lack of integrity and your dishonesty more so than your ignorance and doltishness that prevents you from living in reality.

      • Not enough evidences . The cartridge case has not been found by SF Police. More then impossible to find out if he shot her or an accident shot.. Based on that fact- right decision has been made..

      • This is what happens when you donkeys imbibe Stump demagogically endlessly referring to this as a murder… no indication existed that Garcia Zarate had purposely killed her yet Chump typically irresponsibly spewed this lie and his uneducated xenophobic acolytes gobbled it up : O

        If it was one of your buddies in Zarates situation you would be jumping up and down screaming that he fired the bullet 4 or 5 yards and then it richocheted and hit someone OVER 25 YARDS AWAY!! You would be endlessly repeating technical aspects about the unpredictability of a richochet and how completely impossible it would be to target someone with this kind of circus shot…

        But only one of you even mentions the richochet with no details, while the rest absurdly talk about the case as if was obviously a murder, and thats because yall are AT LEAST AS DISHONEST and lacking integrity as you are bigoted and dimwitted : D

        “… found an indentation about 12 to 15 feet from where Garcia Zarate was believed to have been sitting and about 78 feet from where Steinle had fallen.”

        “… investigators found a chip in the concrete 12 to 15 feet from where Garcia Zarate was believed to be sitting and about 78 feet from where Steinle fell to the ground.”

        • So, name changer, you think that shooting into concrete in direction of people is all right (if you first illegally enter foreign country, become a felon, get hooked on illegal drugs and lose everything so you sleep on the street).
          Then you are surprised that guys who own and use guns are not O. K. with it.

          And of course, it wouldn’t be your typical idiotic attack without calling us names and making couple of OH SO FUNNY Trump-frump quips. And you consider yourself smart…

      • Once the evidence for a ricochet was introduced, the only way to get a murder charge to stick would be to dispute the evidence, or provide evidence that Zarate had the marksmanship skills of RoboCop.

    • That’s stupid. At best this is an isolated miscarriage of justice. White Americans don’t live in a situation where the scales of justice are systematically tilted against them.

      When white people are discriminated against for generation after generation, then you can make a stupid comment about rioting in the streets.

      • Yeah… Cry me a river. Nobody is discriminated against more in this country for the past few decades than straight white men.

        • Discriminated against for..
          …being white
          …being male
          …playing sports with violence
          …watching sports with violence
          …watching war movies, with our kids
          …going hunting
          …desiring a wife
          …working to be successful and provide for a family
          …being faithful to my wife and shunning perversion and infidelity
          …upholding morality
          …willing to defend against criminal attacks and seeking tools and skills to be more effective
          …desiring victory over enemies who wish us dead
          …paying for college
          …paying for illegals college
          …paying for illegals foodstamps
          …getting up for work everyday
          …committed to our family
          …willing to learn from history instead of rejecting it

          but yea, you’re right. the Geys got it reeel bad. All they have to do is scream about a Christian baker having a conscience, and they get all the support of the Feds.

        • AZWild you have mistaken criticism for discrimination, thats how intolerant you are, thats the extent of your persecution complex!

          Youre so childishly unwilling to accept ANY challenge to your retrograde delusions that you sincerely feel under seige whenever a decent educated person criticizes ANY of your regressive prejudices.

          Im gonna do you the favor of giving you documented corrections to this particularly ugly and absurd fantasy you live in where white folks suffer all the racism that matters… lets see if you can be a big boy and look at the evidence and try to think, instead of your usual immature ignoring and lashing out

        • AZWild heres that favor I promised you, enjoy!

          Black unemployment has been double white unemployment for several decades

          The median black family’s wealth is 1/13th that of the median white family’s wealth

          Employers evaluating Identical resumes invite the ones with black names to interview 50% less than the same resume with a white name!

          Unarmed black folks are significantly disproportionately shot by the police

          When subjects are faced with suspects variously white armed, white unarmed, black armed, black unarmed and given a split second to decide whether to shoot, they more often mistakenly shoot the unarmed black suspect

          And this from the first paragraph of the linked study:
          “The stereotype of Black Americans as violent and criminal has been documented by social psychologists for almost 60 years (Allport & Postman, 1947; Correll, Park, Judd, & Wittenbrink, 2002; Devine, 1989; Duncan, 1976; Greenwald, Oakes, & Hoff- man, 2003; Payne, 2001; Sagar & Schofield, 1980). Researchers have highlighted the robustness and frequency of this stereotypic association by demonstrating its effects on numerous outcome variables, including people’s memory for who was holding a deadly razor in a subway scene (Allport & Postman, 1947), people’s evaluation of ambiguously aggressive behavior (Devine, 1989; Duncan, 1976; Sagar & Schofield, 1980), people’s decision to categorize nonweapons as weapons (Payne, 2001), the speed at which people decide to shoot someone holding a weapon (Correll et al., 2002), and the probability that they will shoot at all (Correll et al., 2002; Greenwald et al., 2003). Not only is the association between Blacks and crime strong (i.e., consistent and frequent), it also appears to be automatic (i.e., not subject to intentional control; Payne, 2001; Payne, Lambert, & Jacoby, 2002).”

          As you see from my last citation this is just a tiny sample, there are countless studies and real-world metrics in all areas of life documenting this racism in America. So now that youve been shown the evidence you will of course ludicrously dismiss all of this as “fake news” and explain reality away with more gibberish

        • Seriously though AZWild how DO you handle the cognitive dissonance of confronting this mountain of indisputable evidence documenting that racism disadvantages black folks in every area of life while posing as the beleaguered white victim of racism?

        • Heres another surprise for you AZWild!

          Employers evaluating Identical resumes invite the ones with black names to interview 50% less than the same resume with a white name!

          Again this doesnt sound like the white guys being discriminated against as you claim…

          • “Local law enforcement must be able to use their discretion to determine who can carry a concealed weapon”- Attorney General Kamala Harris

            So either:

            – systemic racism magically disappears when the police determine which among us can carry a concealed weapon.
            – the near-inevitably that the police will “use their discretion” in a racially discriminatory manner is a worthy price to pay make lawful gun ownership more difficult.
            – making lawful gun ownership more difficult is a worthy price to pay to enable the police to use more of “their discretion” in a racially discriminatory manner.
            – You are wrong
            – Attorney General Harris is wrong
            – You are both wrong

        • Heres the last one AZWild, theres no question that even you can see that these posts document black folks suffering racism in every facet of American society, the only question is are you a big enough person to admit that youve been wrong and unfair all these years, and that is VERY unlikely mostly because youd lose all your buddies who have likewise been living in that delusion of the besieged white guy suffering racism…

          But for what its worth this is from the first paragraph of the linked study:

          “The stereotype of Black Americans as violent and criminal has been documented by social psychologists for almost 60 years (Allport & Postman, 1947; Correll, Park, Judd, & Wittenbrink, 2002; Devine, 1989; Duncan, 1976; Greenwald, Oakes, & Hoff- man, 2003; Payne, 2001; Sagar & Schofield, 1980). Researchers have highlighted the robustness and frequency of this stereotypic association by demonstrating its effects on numerous outcome variables, including people’s memory for who was holding a deadly razor in a subway scene (Allport & Postman, 1947), people’s evaluation of ambiguously aggressive behavior (Devine, 1989; Duncan, 1976; Sagar & Schofield, 1980), people’s decision to categorize nonweapons as weapons (Payne, 2001), the speed at which people decide to shoot someone holding a weapon (Correll et al., 2002), and the probability that they will shoot at all (Correll et al., 2002; Greenwald et al., 2003). Not only is the association between Blacks and crime strong (i.e., consistent and frequent), it also appears to be automatic (i.e., not subject to intentional control; Payne, 2001; Payne, Lambert, & Jacoby, 2002).”

        • jwm did wrong but in his “mind” everyone else is to blame…

          “Everything we did in those faraway lands, good or bad, we did in the name of folks like ehren, rob and comrade more dead soldiers. We did it in their names and under their orders. The American military is under the leadership of the American pols and people.

          We did nothing without their approval beforehand. And if they did not approve then they should have had the moral courage to try to stop what they thought was wrong. Refuse to pay your taxes. Renounce your citizenship and move to another country.

          Until they have taken actual steps to remedy what they see as wrong they do not have the right to judge others.

          My service was over 4 decades ago and I’m still proud of the men I served alongside.”

    • This was jury nullification by a ignorant left wing San Francisco jury. They only pinched him on the gun conviction because…. well guns. San Francisco can no longer govern itself. This verdict is evidence of that.

      • Spot on. In essence the jury said, “It’s the gun’s fault.” The only charge they found the defendant guilty of was felon in possession – the SF jury hates guns more than criminals.

    • Can white people differentiate between all those years of systemic institutionalized racism and ongoing ubiquitous implicit bias, and an isolated case?

      Apparently not…

      Try looking at the history of race riots, decades of racial terrorism and barbarism where white folks invaded black neighborhoods attacking folks randomly and setting homes and businesses on fire… the cherry on top was often the mutilation including castration of a black man who had transgressed Southern-style Apartheid, then those rioting white folks would hang him and set him on fire, cut off fingers from the corpse for souvenirs and pose with the corpse to make a photo for a postcard to tell their family and friends what a fine outing they had…

      And why do I suggest this? Well because your small minds might be able to grasp the very simple idea that you must first endure this kind of racial terrorism and brutality for decades before it would possibly be understandable for you to erupt into a contemporary riot…

      Now heres a big step for you… try imagining this same kind of degradation and dehumanization in EVERY aspect of your life for decades ie school, job, housing, medical care, police and courts etc, AND imagine this is still going on all day everyday in more subtle form aka implicit bias and so you are at a documented disadvantage in every area of your life simply because you are BLACK in racist America…

      What youve just imagined is actually REAL, while the world you will continue to live in where white folks suffer all the racism is “fake news”, its the world of pathetic resentful white guys who had blighted parents and who struggled to graduate high school, the world President Gump exploited including lying about and demagogically using this case…

    • Can white people distinguish between a demonstration and a riot?

      Well white folks who are not overt racists and morons can, others conflate the two to smear anyone broaching the topic of the ongoing history of race and racism in America…

  2. This is hard to imagine based on what imhave seen abiut it in the news.

    But….. I wasnt on the jury so I reserve judgement.

    They evidently didnt have manslaughter as an option.

    May be a prosecutorial mistake.

    • Incredibly, they apparently did have the option. From the article:

      “Jurors during deliberations considered first-degree murder, second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter”

      INvoluntary manslaughter seems like a pretty low bar in this case, but I wasn’t there either.

    • No, this lays right on the jury. I presume they’re all SF residents and they couldn’t bare to convict a brown man of murder.

      I know had I a CCW permit and found a stolen agent’s gun and it went off when I touched it, I’d have been convicted of involuntary manslaughter because of my White Privilege.

    • You wont hear about it here or in other dishonest xenophobic venues but the documented reality remains that Zarate shot the pavement four or five yards away and a wildly unlucky richochet travelled over 25 yards killing Steinle:

      “… found an indentation about 12 to 15 feet from where Garcia Zarate was believed to have been sitting and about 78 feet from where Steinle had fallen.”

      “… investigators found a chip in the concrete 12 to 15 feet from where Garcia Zarate was believed to be sitting and about 78 feet from where Steinle fell to the ground.”

      If you paid any attention to reality the verdict would not be so hard for you to imagine!

      It would be easy to understand if you didnt imbibe Stumps ongoing lies about Zarate committing a murder, and read Dan Zimmermans lies and repeat this BS back and forth endlessly in echo chambers like this site.

      But your lack of integrity specialist38 and your xenophobia overwhelms your capacity to fairly evaluate the evidence; naturally if such a fluke had happened to one of your buddies you would recognize the justice in the verdict

    • The State itself has some value and making it a foreign country would seriously impede travel up and down the left coast.

      But they need to be severely spanked and forced to decide if as a state in the United States the are or are not willing to abide by The Constitution of the United States of America.

      • Cliff, this same state is one of the states that is going to bring court cases against the National Reciprocity bill if it ever becomes law. Besides the farmland, the state has absolutely no redeeming value.

        • You mean, other than the farm land, the largest port on the west coast (Los Angeles) plus two major smaller ports (San Diego and Oakland), Silicon Valley, the center of the aero defense industry, multiple major military training facilities, and Edwards AFB…California, as I recall, has the seventh largest economy in the world.

    • Nothing will change until an example is made of a few of these liberal politicians. A few treason convictions will whip em into shape.

      • No just another reason to send in the Marines and put down this insurrection with a few very public executions.

    • to Gopher in Texas an apt moniker.

      No we need to kick the Nazi state of Texas out of the Union. California is a civilized State.

      • Only in specially super civilized state you can kill a woman and get convicted just of illegal possession of firearm.
        Maybe this homeless, drug abusing illegal alien felon piece of stinking garbage needed to get vetted and get a mandatory safe. Yeah, that would have help the girl, right crisco?

  3. “COMMIFORNIA” What can we say…..
    Just like breakfast cereal……….
    What ain’t fruits, and nuts, is flakes.

  4. Let this serve as a lesson to everyone. Not only can’t the government help you when you are alive, it can’t even get you justice when you’re dead. The government has no purpose except to perpetuate itself at the public’s expense. It’s nothing more than a criminal conspiracy and a hypocrisy of monumental proportions. At this point, government cannot even pretend to be anything else.

    “[A]cquittal after acquittal after acquittal… until the stench of it reaches so high and far into heaven, it chokes the whole fucking lot of them.”

    — The Devil’s Advocate (1997)

    I think we’re there.

    • Not to mention, elected members of gov’t can sexually assault people and use taxpayer money to pay off victims in a settlement and stay in office.

      Or grope women in photographs and have an “ethics committee” decide their fate, even though most of the people on that committee have done the exact same thing.

      It’s f*cking disgusting and the rot is running so deep that there’s no reason to pretend that there is such a thing as law and order now.

      It’s time to fight back with more than words.

        • Someone could make them take themselves out. It wouldn’t be rocket surgery, The enemy always brings at least half of the ammunition needed to finish the job.

          It’s the same reason why it’s illegal to yell ‘fire’ in a crowded theater. People will trample each other no-problem.

  5. It’s InSan Francisco home to more mental midgets than even DC.
    It’s a wonder this jack wagon was even brought to trial in that asylum on the bay.
    One more reason to avoid Commiefornia like the plague it is.

    • yes that would be prop 47 which lower the dollar value of a crime from felony to misdemeanor but use of the stolen gun in crime would be a felony

  6. So who is really the shooter? Obviously they recovered the firearm because know who it was issued to…THE JURY WAS SIMPLY ANTI TRUMP.
    Guess their politics are more important than legal principles.

  7. Trump should authorize and indemnify the Citizen Militia to round up every illegal criminal alien in return for a $10,000 bounty for each of these illegals SAFELY delivered to newly constructed DNA collection and deportation internment camps. It costs on average, between Welfare, medical, SNAP, Section 8 and education, $75,000 PER YEAR for each of these subversive domestic enemies. In perpetuity!!!I suspect that within 18 months we can remove all 25-30 million of them. Let’s not forget that their mere presence is a violent attack our national sovereignty. The Liberal Terrorists™ are fraudulent in their claims that this unfettered immigration is because of humanitarian reasons. They are attempting to destroy our Constitutional Republic by allowing these third world parasites to become citizens for only 1 reason.. the ability to vote. Ted Cruz proved this, unequivocally when he inserted a poison pill into the Gang of 8 legislation, cynically conceding to amnesty, but with a permanent ban on voting, ever, in the future. Of course the filthy, feral leftists refused. After all the illegals are processed and removed, the camps should be repurposed to “handle” the 20-25 million Liberal Terrorists™ who pose an existential threat to our Constitutional Republic. MAGA.

    • quote————————————I disagree, vehemently. Unfettered immigration that we’ve seen over the last 20 years has been a coordinated, violent attack on our national sovereignty. The democrats entered into a conspiracy to fundamentally transform our Constitutional Republic by allowing millions of parasitic, potential democrat voters. This was PROVEN to anyone paying attention when Ted Cruz added his poison pill into the gang of 8 legislation that conceded amnesty/citizenship to all illegals but withheld voting privileges forever. Of course, the filthy, subhuman Liberal Terrorists™ refused. By doing so, Cruz exposed their true motivations. Here’s the litmus test- if 10 or 20 million low/no skilled foreign peoples showed up at our ports tmrw- all of our military, national guard and citizen militias would be immediately mobilized to prevent that “invasion”. These 3rd World leeches have essentially done the same exact thing, with the aid and comfort of the complicit filthy leftists. They can keep pushing the American people until we “snap” and the backlash becomes unstoppable. That means authorize and accept newly created DNA collection and deportation camps today. Or gasp in horror at the internment/concentration camps of tomorrow. And yes, I’m serious.——————————–quote———————–

      Right out of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” but what else would you expect from a Nazi. You represent everything that is wrong with America but you are a very small minority as the outrage in North Carolina proved when your fellow storm troopers carried torches and shouted racist epitaphs. We need laws to deport people like you to make America a civilized place to live in and replace you with “real Americans” hard working refugees and immigrants that really believe in the Constitution and the right to religious and cultural freedom for all people not just Right Wing Storm Trooper Racist Nazi’s. Truly the scum of all humanity. And remember your beloved leader Herr Drumpf (whose old man was from Germany) said Nazi’s in North Carolina (and probably everywhere else) are really nice people when they carry torches, threatened Jews praying in a synagogue and carry assault rifles while threatening everyone else in the town. Please leave this country its only for civilized people. You are the real danger to all of us civilized people.

    • I’m surprised that they didn’t find the gun guilty of murder. Y’know how guns just “go off” and start killing folks.

      • Well, prosecuting the gun would have been futile, but the gun manufacturer just lucked-out, big time.

  8. “Deliberations among the jury of six women and six men, three of whom are immigrants….” well, that explains a lot.

  9. “though how that doesn’t constitute manslaughter is for more UNEDUCATED legal minds to divine than ours”

    There, fixed it for ya.

  10. A complete and total miscarriage of justice. At this point, I think that it will be up to Ms. Steinle’s family to get justice for their murdered loved one anyway that that they must get it.

  11. Michael Savage is correct, Liberalism is a mental disorder. The people in San Francisco are weak. They would let a child rapist off the hook because that is who they are.

    Unless you commit a crime against a white homosexual. Only then do you get the “death penalty”.

  12. And what is the name of the police officer (a woman?), who left her weapon unsecured in her car to be stolen????
    Is she a lesbian, or black, or an tranny??? Why is the government protecting her name???

    • As detailed in the link at the bottom of the article, John Woychowski’s gun was (at least according to him) hidden out of view, in a container and his (apparently) personal vehicle was broken into by smashing the windows when he was off duty.

      • Absolutely wrong. It was not hidden from view it was in a large back pack partially stuffed under the seat and that is exactly why the thief broke in as he could see the back pack. Now they make very small low priced metal safes that you can cable lock under the seat which would have made it light years harder to steal. Criminals know they only have seconds to steal something before someone on a cell phone reports them so here again the blame lies largely at the feet of the Moron Woman who caused this whole tragedy to begin with. As a matter of fact the theif probably would have grabbed the back pack and not even seen the small metal safe with the gun in it as they are so small you can even stuff them under the rug of the car.

        • Oh, so it was the legal owners fault. She just made the thief (not theif) to break into her locked car and she forced him to steal her bag. Then she pushed the gun into this human garbage dirty hand, raised his arm and pulled his finger to squeeze the trigger. He couldn’t help himself. All her fault!

  13. The big problem is high profile cases, that set precedence for future rulings, always seem to come out of Cali or NYC. These places are not America. Their jurors don’t represent American thinking. Yet now their idiocy will be the basis for trying similar crimes in the future. Since California is so easy on illegal immigrants, now we all have to be. And since we’re all getting so lax there will be thousands of copycat crimes.

  14. This absolutely sickens me. This should be an example to all that the deep state is in control and the leftists will never abide by the constitution or the law. California should be taken over by force, corrupt leftists impeached and thrown in jail. If they fight back we should just nuke the son of a bitch from space. F!@k CA.

    • California is the way it is because the people who live there want it to be that way. If they didn’t they would elect politicians with a different agenda. Remember Proposition 13 which limited property taxes? The voters passed that in the face of opposition from entrenched politicians and bureaucrats.

  15. What’s the problem? Justice has been served. He will remain in the sanctuary city of San Fransisco and continue what he has been doing. The people of San Fransisco welcome him and his deeds. Let them enjoy more of it. I salute them!

  16. Less some leftist come here and screech white racists I will congratulate the readeership for their consistency since today’s reaction is the same as it was when officer Yanez was acquitted. However, i ask the same question I did in the Castillo case: do you wish to dispense with trial by jury and just lynch the accused?

    • Except for the part where this clown is an illegal invader and has no right to a trial in the first place. Under international law, he’s subject to summary execution when captured.

        • Incorrect. They are a foreign national in a country illegally. That’s the textbook definition of an invasion, which makes them an illegal combatant.

          • I disagree, vehemently. Unfettered immigration that we’ve seen over the last 20 years has been a coordinated, violent attack on our national sovereignty. The democrats entered into a conspiracy to fundamentally transform our Constitutional Republic by allowing millions of parasitic, potential democrat voters. This was PROVEN to anyone paying attention when Ted Cruz added his poison pill into the gang of 8 legislation that conceded amnesty/citizenship to all illegals but withheld voting privileges forever. Of course, the filthy, subhuman Liberal Terrorists™ refused. By doing so, Cruz exposed their true motivations. Here’s the litmus test- if 10 or 20 million low/no skilled foreign peoples showed up at our ports tmrw- all of our military, national guard and citizen militias would be immediately mobilized to prevent that “invasion”. These 3rd World leeches have essentially done the same exact thing, with the aid and comfort of the complicit filthy leftists. They can keep pushing the American people until we “snap” and the backlash becomes unstoppable. That means authorize and accept newly created DNA collection and deportation camps today. Or gasp in horror at the internment/concentration camps of tomorrow. And yes, I’m serious.

      • We need to take all Right Wing Racist Nazi’s like you and put your feet in cement and dump you into the Pacific Ocean and the give citizenship to the real patriotic people of this country the “immigrants” that have been here for years, worked hard, got along with everyone without hating other people and other religions. That is the true definition of being “real Americans” not racist scum like you. Go back to Nazi Germany we don’t need filth here like you and take your head Nazi Herr Drumpf with you his old man originally came from Nazi Germany, no surprise.

        • Come and try little commie. Come and try. You lost. Trump is your president and isn’t going anywhere.

        • Ha! You libs don’t even own guns and avoid hard work. You wouldn’t even know how to drive the cement trunk. And what would happen to your precious manicure if you got your hands dirty?

          You talk tough but we all know you are full of excrement. Heck, you’re probably too lazy to vote.

  17. Would the result have been the same if the dead victim was anything other than a straight white woman? Okay, maybe if Kate Steinle was Fred Steinle the result would have been the same.

    It isn’t open season just for deer.

    • We know the answer, Ralph. White women have no value in California except as a cudgel against white men.

      Between this and Nicole Simpson, it’s clear that dead white women matter far less to California than black men and illegal Mexicans.

  18. There are many possible explanations. The most obvious one is that California is a mess because the residents like it that way. Another is that Zarate was overcharged. That is, he was charged with an intentional murder, which the state couldn’t prove, instead of negligence which would have been an easy conviction. Why he was overcharged is another question. Did the prosecution even try hard for a conviction? Was the jury biased in favor of the defendant?

  19. What can you expect from a Sanctuary City full of degenerates; where is the Federal Government for those of us who believe in the Laws of the United States and served for it and the Constitution? This state is aiding and abetting illegals and letting them vote for laws that effect citizens of the United States without regard for the impact of such a travesty of imposition of a non citizens wants and wills being imposed on legal citizens.

  20. I wonder if any of jurors ever fired a gun? I bet not. According to ABC7 News , the jury was “…curious about the amount of force it takes to pull the trigger because the defense argued the gun went off by accident.” Even by accident, it is still reckless disregard for life playing with a gun. If you drove a car recklessly and killed someone it would be manslaughter.

    Being a native and former resident of California, it looks like the jurors were successfully brainwashed into believing the guns just go off and kill people.

  21. Law-abiding Americans, identify a Sanctuary City politician and remember what Atty Gen Jeff Sessions said tonight ie. “consider carefully the harm they are doing” (to American citizens) ……….

  22. Another incompetent CA DA. Shades of OJ. California is only keeping it’s nostrils above water with the state retirement fund because of the current bull market. If the market was to fall hard CA would have to substantially raise taxes to pay their retirees.

  23. Illegal commits a felony on you aim center mass. The only way to permanently deport them is in a pine box.
    Meanwhile will the last true American out of San Fran please turn off the ligbts.

    • The last “real” American in San Fransissyco was Dan White and we know what they did to HIM don’t we?

  24. ‘Garcia Zarate was found guilty of illegal firearms possession, which carries a sentence of 16 months to three years.’ – I certainly hope he at least serves the whole 3 years. And if he ever steps foot in the United States of America again (like he’ll actually be deported) he should probably be shot on sight, preferably right between the eyes.

    In my state we have IA code 724.30 – Reckless use of a fi rearm;
    A person who intentionally discharges a firea rm in a reckless manner commits the following;
    1. A class “C” felony if a serious injury occurs.
    2. A class “D” felony if a bodily injury which is not a serious injury occurs.
    3. An aggravated misdemeanor if property damage occurs without a serious injury or bodily injury occurring.
    4. A simple misdemeanor if no injury to a person or property damage occurs.

    You’d think that an anti-2nd Amendment state like CA would have a similar provision.

    San Fransisco isn’t San Fransisco because lunatics are running the asylum. San Fransisco is San Fransisco because the people of San Fransisco put the lunatics in charge and they like it that way. They want illegal aliens running amuck in their city. They’re that stupid.

    • Sorry your bullshit and rabid racism is getting very deep. He really “did not possess it at all”. Possession is when you have bought or stolen a gun with full knowledge of what you bought and did not go through the legal process to have it. He did none of the above but merely found package without even knowing what was in it at first and picked it up. If he had been going to turn it in to the police he would have had to take possession of it and transport it to the police (and for all we know maybe that is what he would have done once he found out that there was a gun inside of a large white cloth). So is he guilty of just picking up something off the ground that he did not even know was a gun? Would a white guy have been jailed if he had just picked up a package that he did not even know what it held or once he discovered what it was then claimed he was taking it to the police when it went off. They would have let him off without even questioning his story.

  25. “Jury Finds Illegal Immigrant Not Guilty of Murder in Kate Steinle Shooting”

    This is absolutely beyond me…only in CA…

    • It’s beyond you because you obviously were not in the jury box listening in detail to actual evidence and not rantings from idiots.

      • Salem – You sound like another liberal idiot that has no grasp of the law. He admitted to shooting the gun so at the very least it is negligent homicide. You better hope this situation never happens to you or you will be seeing another side of the story!

  26. It’s CA what did anyone expect but this. The jurors wanted to see the gun and said the trigger pull was very light. Bet you they pulled the safety and though it would have fired. It’s time for CA to either float off or get out of the union! Let them try to make it with out water and electricity for the rest of the union!

    RIP Kate Steinle, you got NO justice today!

  27. I would say let’s all grab our kits and march to Washington, and heard em’ all into the river(savings on ammo) but I can’t. To busy working my ass off to take care of my family and give 33% of my blood and sweat to this cesspool of a government. I’m a Bosun on a ship delivering +67,000 tons of coal(Gasp!! Black Death!) per trip. When these USG a$$holes put me out of a job, there will be hell to pay. HELL TO PAY.

    • “To busy working my ass off to take care of my family and give 33% of my blood and sweat to this cesspool of a government.”

      As are all the revolutionists on this forum. Thank you for being a realist.

      • quite————————-“To busy working my ass off to take care of my family and give 33% of my blood and sweat to this cesspool of a government.”

        As are all the revolutionists on this forum. Thank you for being a realist.————————–

        And your going to be working your ass off even more after the Republican Greed Monger Gangster Criminals pass this new tax bill. Most of it is still secret and what we do know about it proves the working man is going to have the hell raped out of him and fools like you keep voting for them. Diane Feinstein just introduced an amendment to force the Republicans to put up or shut up the lying in regards to giving raises to the working man when they make billions more in profit by not paying taxes and the Republicans laughed in her face proving that if you think the working man is going to get even a penny in raises look how we go screwed under Reaganomics that promised trickle down economics and the workingman’s wages actually went down and his tax hikes helped only the filthy rich. Yea guys like you vote for the very people that are going to screw them and even with Reaganomic greed monger History behind us you ignore the truth. You cannot get any dumber than that. Have fun shelling even more of your hard earned money into the greed monger pockets of the Republican Gangster Criminals they will be laughing all the way to the bank and saying “you cannot get any dumber than a right wing hillbilly, what suckers they are”.

        • These tax cuts don’t go far enough. If they truly slash taxes we will have a second economic boom like the great Reagan caused economic growth of the eighties and nineties. Stop reading the New York Times Troll.

  28. Not guilty???? This is nuts….. So who shot her? Mr Peanut? Mr. Met? Mr. Softee?
    Or… the guy with the smoking, stolen Glock in hand?????

    • Joe you just proved you never fired a weapon in your life. Anyone with any experience with firearms or anyone who actually bothers to “read for a hobby” knows that bullets can easily travel a mile or more when they glance off objects. Years ago Readers digest documented an accidental killing where a bullet traveled over a mile and went and hit a young lady driving down the freeway and penetrated her head behind the ear and killed her. The beer drinking hill billy slob that killed her later confessed as to exactly were he was when he fired the shot at a beer can.

  29. “The stolen gun I was illegally in possession of just WENT OFF and happened to kill someone!”

    When I first heard that defense, I laughed. I should have remembered the jury pool in certain places.

    • Your spewing forth the mouthing of blind hatred and racism. You are telling us that you were there and that the gun could never have went off accidentally. Ever hear of an automatic with the hammer cocked back and concealed in a towel and the immigrant who picked it up may not have known what was inside it? Again a white guy who was a citizen would never have spent a day in jail and the Government Moron who left an unsecured gun in his car in a high crime area would now should be facing jail time or at least a very high fine. But this time he gets off scot free because the guy that picked up the stolen gun happened to be an illegal immigrant which absolves the Government Moron from all blame as well as the thief that stole the gun and then left it lying in towel at the beach. Your not only a blind racist but your an ignoramus as well but that is par for the course with most Right Wing Racists.

      • If you believe that he “found” the gun, you’re more delusional than I thought. The reality is that there is witness testimony of him twirling it like an idiot. Worse, he changed his story three times and attempted to get rid of the evidence. The only racist here is you. Go back to your cross burning. The FBI will be along to pick you up shortly.

        • Yea sure make up more of your right wing hate propaganda. If all these myriad of stories were even half true he never would have walked. The jury said that they went with the testimony that it went off inside a towel. Now who are we going to believe the jury and evidence or some ranting Nazi screaming from the pulpit next to Herr Drumpf and the Southern Racist Jeff Sessions. Brother those are two beauties for you they make America look like a Nazi state to the rest of the civilized industrial countries. And don’t forget to give the stiff armed salute they require it from you their devoted follower.

      • Why do you bother trolling here? You just look stupid and no one listens to your whining Libtard bullshit. Why waste your time? Paid troll?

      • If the jury believed the story that he just picked up something, without knowing what was inside, they wouldn’t convict him of felon in possession. I’m sure he dropped the gun like it was hot as soon as he unpacked it enough to recognize what it is. Not.

      • Don’t know much, do you? Ask your mommy to explain it. Meanwhile, read your own comment-you are a racist.

  30. But be a stand-up law-abiding, tax-paying citizen, and get caught with an AR-15 that has a bayonet lug, and you’re in possession of an illegal ASSAULT WEAPON and will be charged with a felony and sent to prison and have your life ruined.

  31. This should come as no surprise from California. Draft dodgers during the Vietnam war era walked around freely without fear of being arrested. Charles Manson was spared from a death sentence even though he was sentenced prior to the sentence being abolished. He lived a long life which he enjoyed in prison. When he was released from prison before he formed the “Family” , he pleaded to stay and not be released.
    This state is one sick scenario after another.

    • Demonizing draft dodgers? Still believing the obscene, immoral unjust war was a sacred imperialistic U.S. Nazi Storm Trooper right. Give us all a break. The draft dodgers were the true hero’s of the Vietnam War because they had the intestinal fortitude to stand up for what was right and moral and call out a rabid, moronic U.S. Government who new less about Vietnam and its people and history than they did about the theory of relativity. History proved them right on all counts. Where have you been for the last 50 some years living in the Right Wing Cave of U.S. Storm Trooper Imperialism. Get Real. You can go preach to Nazi’s but not civilized and educated people.

  32. Okay, so a 5 times deported undocumented immigrant did something idiotic and killed somebody. However, the Vegas, Sacramento and Texas church shooters are completely unrelated issues right? Those guys had all their paperwork in order so it’s different, they were just crazy lone wolves who do not represent their demographic.

    Those white guys aren’t like you at all, that’s an unfair comparison. This immigrant however is just like all those other immigrants.

    • The Vegas shooting is unresolved in my mind.
      The church shooter is dead so we can’t get outraged at a wrong verdict.
      Kate’s killer was a known illegal. Should have been prevented from even so much as jaywalking.
      We don’t hate foreigners. We hate our leaders for not enforcing our laws.
      Let’s fix what we can. Mass murderers is a different issue. There’s no hypocrisy here.

      • I’m a troll because I think people are people, or is it that you seclude yourself in an echo chamber because you can’t engage people?

    • That guy is not an immigrant. He’s an enemy combatant and should be executed as such. I am an immigrant. I came to this country legally and got my citizenship the hard way. This scumbag just decided that the law didn’t apply to him.

      • I’m sick and tired of illegals being called immigrants.

        And if I were an immigrant I’d be pissed as Hell when my fellow immigrants (Columba Bush) act as if illegals are the same as me.

      • Didn’t you say you’re from Ukraine? How did you immigrate legally? Petitioned by family? Jewish asylum from anti-semitic threats? Immigration lottery? Pay off officials? Fake marriage?

        In Russia there was a select few available options, not sure how different it was in the Ukraine, but it doesn’t make me feel any special compared to people from other places who can’t afford to pay off officials for arbitrary paperwork.

        Also who do you see as a father figure, the state or Japanese childrens cartoons?

        • Ok…
          1. My parents came here on a work visa because they were talented scientists. No visa lottery or payoffs required. It’s exactly the sort of immigration system we need, people coming here who can contribute to society. I came here as a kid, and got my citizenship when I applied for USMC OCS.
          2. I see my father as a father figure. The character is just a very old in-joke that someone like you would never understand.

        • … and only someone who has never seen Evangelion would consider it a “children’s cartoon”.

        • pwrserge I have to remind you that youre posts are being edited out and your banned from posting owing to your ongoing posting of flapdoodle and ignoring documented corrections, most recently regarding Roy Moore changing his story aka lying about whether he knew the women talking about how he sexually abused them.

      • Judging by the kind of tripe you regularly post here about the Constitution, I’m amazed that you managed to pass the citizenship exam. In fact, I would go so far as to consider your comments bona fide evidence that you cheated your way through it, with all that entails.

  33. The verdict was a message to the normal, non-criminal public.

    Message received, loud and clear.

    DACA just went the way of the passenger pigeon and the dodo.

  34. They need to sue the city of San Francisco and the SFPD in a civil suit for gross negligence for releasing the dirt bag and not allowing ICE to hold a retainer on him.
    Set the precedent and end sanctuary cities.

  35. Michael Jackson’s doctor WAS convicted of manslaughter and served the maximum penalty of 4 years
    So a manslaughter conviction would not add much to the possible sentence
    I used to enjoy visiting San Francisco
    Now I will never return there
    It is not safe when this illegal alien will be released in a few years to commit more crimes

  36. As some wag on Gab put it, Illegal Immigrants do jobs Americans won’t do, like killing white women. Sí, se puede.

  37. Rabid Racist Jeff Sessions and Herr Drumpf now cannot deny the truth and that is that if the immigrant had been White and a Citizen he never would have spent even one day in jail. The real cause of the tragedy was a Moron Government Employee that left an unsecured gun in his private vehicle in a high crime area and the gun was stolen and then abandoned where the homeless man picked it up wrapped in a white cloth. It went off and hit the payment and hit an innocent young girl. He never should have spent a day in jail over the shooting only in regards to being deported.

    The racism by Herr Drumpf and the southern rabid Racist Jeff Sessions prove both are not fit to hold public office. THREE CHEERS TO CALIFORNIA WHO HAS REJECTED CAPITALVANIA AND THE GREED MONGER RACIST REPUBLICANS WHO ARE NOT FIT TO BE CALLED HUMAN BEINGS.

    Meanwhile Michael Flynn has pleaded guilty as sin and everyone is wondering if Herr Drumpf will ask Putin for Asylum in Russia next door to Edward Snowden. Herr Drumpf cannot leave soon enough.

    • He never should have spent a day in jail? Come on now, dude was around heroin long enough to know what a gun was. Even if his previous convictions were nonviolent he’s still responsible for being stupid. I don’t think he’s a murderer, but he is reckless. I don’t care about his immigration status or drug related offenses though.

      The fact that this is some national scandal is pathetic. As if Chad, Bradley and Corey never goofed up and popped someone.

    • Oh you’re adorable. You think a convicted felon caught with a gun in CA would walk if he wasn’t a protected illegal. Hate to break this to you, but a straight white guy would be spending the rest of his life in prison for felony murder after the SF DA threw the book at him and you damn well know it. This is racism of the first order, apparently killing an innocent woman is not a crime in CA if she’s white and you’re not.

      This is no different than a KKK jurry finding some good ole boys guilty of littering after they chain some random black guy to their truck and drag him a couple miles. What do these two groups have in common? They are both run by Democrats. Time to send in the Marines and arrest on treason charges anybody who claims that their “sanctuary” statutes allow them to ignore federal law.

      Oh, and nothing Flyn could say would even begin to approach a criminal act on the part of Trump. If you commies had anything, it would have leaked months ago. The only person conspiring with the Russians in 2016 was Hillary Clinton.


    • Yeah. It was about racism. If the scumbag in question was white, he would be spending the rest of his life behind bars. But apparently killing an innocent woman is not a crime in CA so long as you’re not white. The federal prosecutor is going to nail this scumbag’s balls to the wall in federal charges prosecuted well away from the racists in SF.


      • Quote————————- “Troll”———————quote

        No it is spelled “TRUTH” as repulsive as the truth is to you. Again if it had been a white man and had he been a citizen he never would have spent even a day in jail as the jury trial proved beyond all doubt. Since the truth goes counter to your Nazi racism that’s just too damn bad as the truth does not change to fit the pages of your bible “Mein Kampf” which all Right Wing Racists live by line by line.

    • Crisco: Joe R is the only person on this site licensed to comment in all caps. Please cease and desist.

    • Perhaps Trump should send in the Marines and remind you commie scum what happened the last time you clowns decided you could ignore federal law because of your racism. I say round up every politician who signed this “sanctuary” garbage and put them up on charges of treason and conspiracy.

      • Nah we need to round up commie scum like you and ship you and your stiff armed saluting Nazi Herr Drump back to Russia. I think now with Flynn pleading guilty that Herr Drumpf will be asking his buddy Putin for sanctuary and live right next door to Edward Snowden (who should not even be there) so then maybe you could live in Snowden’s place of residence where you would be right at home with Herr Drumpf and his fellow Nazi’s. Make America a civilized country to live in and give citizenship to the “real Americans” the hard working immigrants and deport Nazi’s like you.

      • quote———————-Come and try commie. We’re the ones with all the guns.—————-quote

        What are you the new comic on the block. My helicopter gun ships will make short work of you and all your hillbilly neighbors. We don’t need any pop guns we have got all “the real weapons of mass destruction and their pointed right down your throat.

        • How many helicopter gun ships you personally own, crisco?
          Funny how progs always think they are the ones who own and can use the military to do their dirty work. You know who is the commander-in-chief or US armed forces? You guessed it – your favorite orange NY millionaire.

        • Except that the military likes people like me a whole lot more than vermin like you. I would know.

        • The real hilarious part is that these liberal soy boys will be extinct in a generation or two due to their plummeting testosterone levels resulting in a biological inability to reproduce.

      • We have long established statutory law which prohibits the use of the Marines as you suggest. Thank God. Your lack of legal knowledge is staggering.

        • Smh. My God. He can’t send in the marines. But….. he can authorize and indemnify the Citizen Militia to literally destroy/eliminate those that the Trump administration declares as enemies of the state under the Patriot Act. He could designate the 20-25 million Liberal Terrorists™ as domestic enemies marked for summary execution. Perhaps even offer a $5000 bounty for each of these filthy subhuman leftists that are executed in the streets like the vermin they are. Sign me up and let’s get to killin’. Genocide is the only remedy.

        • Then we need to change the law.

          “Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Department of Defense shall have full authority to use any and all resources at its disposal to keep the people of the United States safe.”

          Thirty-two words.

          That is it.

          That is all we need.

  40. One if the BIGGEST travasties of Justice EVER. A ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT committing ANOTHER ILLEGAL CRIME and he walks. Yeah the Justices system is fine in this country. MY ASS

  41. I am staring at the gun on my desk and I am having a panic attack. Just as in the Zarate case, I am worried that the gun will go off all by itself.

    Maybe a gun can have a spirit possession? If a bad ghost/demon can move objects around in the room, why can’t they also pull the trigger on a gun? Still yet, always pointing the gun in a safe direction won’t help because the demon will just point the gun at its intended victim. I think the safest approach is to not have a round loaded in the chamber. I’m pretty sure most evil ghosts will find it impossible to rack the slide on my S&W Shield.

    – Signed your Libtard thinking friend

  42. I think the bereaved Father should be suing the hell out of the Moron Woman Government Employee for leaving that gun in a car and also not locked in a small flat wallet type safe. She bore the largest part of the blame for the tragedy and if nothing else the lawsuit would scare the hell and send a clear message to all the other shiftless irresponsible hillbillies that leave their guns get stolen an then end up causing needless deaths. Since we do not have a civilized Federal law mandating such safe storage practices then we need hundreds of lawsuits that bankrupt the hell out of these hillbilly Morons that refuse to act like responsible gun owners.

    • He has a much better case against the city for letting this illegal scumbag out on the street in the first place, since they broke federal law by refusing to honor a federal detention order.

    • Sigh.

      Propose a non-draconian safe-storage law that’ll do some good, that isn’t already covered by negligence. “Stupid storage laws” proposed by the anti’s are just prohibition by other means, imposing cost and reducing the gains from owning a gun. Or propose one and prove me wrong.

      Lacking that, perhaps work on your trolling. It’s pretty lame.

      /How This Works
      There’s already a standard for negligence, casually put: “If someone acting normally, and non-criminally doing their own stuff can hurt themselves because of whatever you let slide, yr being negligent.” Busting into people’s cars is neither normal nor non-criminal. Waving loaded guns in other people’s direction is not normal, and usually criminal. Unless California Ricochet there reasonably believed himself under immanent threat of death or bodily harm, he’s outside the exception.

      “Safe storage laws” like “Don’t leave a loaded gun around where toddlers can grab it.” are redundant. Toddlers are dumb. A loaded gun can be discharged in a couple of steps. Leaving a loaded gun around where toddlers can grab it creeps toward negligence, depending on how you define “around.” Adult mental midgets don’t count: they’re presumed to know what they are doing, especially to know when they don’t know what they’re doing. So, if you can’t handle a gun right, don’t, and if you don’t know whether you can handle a gun right, you can’t. Simple.

      “Safe storage laws” from the anti-folk read like like you must keep your guns taped under a drawer, in an unlit basement, accessible only by broken stairs, with the bolt & cartridges similarly stored under different drawers in separate basements. Plus you are subject to ad-hoc inspection for compliance without cause or suspicion, permitting the gendarmes to toss your whole house, looking for guns or etc. might be stored improperly.

      Propose a non-draconian safe-storage law that’ll do some good, that isn’t already covered by negligence.

      On-point, I think the Uniformed Enforcer in this case was stupid, but not negligent in the legal sense. You’re not required to keep motivated people from taking your stuff that isn’t theirs, even less from doing crimes with your stuff once they take it. California Ricochet was at least criminally negligent. I wonder if the DA over-charged on this one. It sure looks like assault & robbery gone bad, but professionals are supposed to know that if you can’t make the case, don’t charge it.

      • Instead of ranting like an irresponsible hill jack I suggest you look to the success of civilized nations and their safe storage laws that have indeed lowered their accidental deaths of children and theft of guns light years lower than our mass slaughter of 10,000 children each year being maimed and killed off by hillbillies to lazy and ignorant to keep guns from being stolen or left lying loaded around the house. When you start bankrupting hillbillies and throwing them in jail the rest of the Ozark retards get the message very fast and we thenwill have cut down on the tens of thousands of stolen guns going right to the streets of Chicago and New York etc. etc. And the graveyards are not overflowing with dead children and the hospitals are not overflowing with crippled children either but this is way over your head as for you the body count can never be too high as it might inconvenience your lazy shiftless ass as far as storing guns safely and keeping them locked up. Vetting all purchases of second hand guns would also keep Jethro from selling them to the highest bidder at gun shows with no paperwork or out on the street after he staggers out of a bar at night and needs more booze money. Brilliant but no other civilized country tolerates such madness. Mad men and crooks should not have free reign to buy any and all weapons they want because it might inconvenience your lazy shiftless ass to sign for all gun purchases. These necessary laws have proven in all other countries to work and work very well and no amount of lying will change the facts.

        • You assume that liberal criminals shooting other liberal criminals in Chiraq and NYC is a problem. I consider it a good way to put a bit more chlorine in the gene pool.

    • If she just put another level of security between the thief and the gun, making it a bit more difficult for him to commit his illegal deed!
      This might have not happened if she locked her gun in small safe in her locked car parked in locked concrete garage with steel gate. Inside a hangar. Locked.

      Do you also blame rape victims for not wearing hard to strip clothes? Or chastity belts?
      What happened to blame the criminal?

  43. I politely suggest that it might be time for the white people still in California to leave for other States where their life and liberty are still valued. California had a good run but it’s not going to be America again for a long time if ever. Do what so many others already have and give your kids the gift of a peaceful life away from a crime ridden multicultural nightmare.

  44. What part of “illegal immigrant” is so hard to understand? What’s all this “undocumented worker” bullshit?
    I said in a letter of mine printed by the Register Guard (Eugene, OR) If you are caught the first time sneaking across the border, you get 30 days building on the “Wall”, second offense, six months on the wall! Third offense, you stay on the wall till it’s finished!
    How much money could we save in labor?

  45. If he wasn’t here at all, as it should have been then none of this would have taken place. That being said the lack of accountability and responsibility just reflects the intrinsic level of stupidity that California represents as a whole is more the big picture. The state needs a overhaul and be recalibrated.

  46. I read that the defense actually put up evidence showing that the bullet ricochet.

    Without the prosecution rebutting that evidence or providing evidence that Zarate had the marksmanship of RoboCop, murder charges were off the table.

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