Seems that TTAG scribe Patrick Carrube’s comment underneath the post Karl Lippard Defends the Combat NCO 1911 A2 caught the eye of the Colorado gunsmith. First, here’s Patrick’s comment: “Well I am an engineer and I still don’t know how he is able to get a .45ACP round to fly 400 yards accurately. He’s going to need to equip his 1911′s with the same ladder-type sights found on the SKS grenade launcher! A pistol is a pistol is a pistol. And BTW, just this past weekend I went shooting with 2 Marines (former). Neither of them could hit a 12″ target at 50-yards (S&W 586 in .357Mag) or a man-sized silhouette at 100-yards with an AR, so he should probably get off his ‘all Marine’s are world-class sniper’s’ horse. I don’t have a good chart or calculator, but even a FMJ .45ACP round must be below 500 ft/sec at that distance. I would hardly consider this ‘combat effective.'” And here’s Karl’s response . . .

Good stuff and comments are well received and generally intelligent. It is understandable people that are not educated in firearms or ballistics understand much about the business of why this or why that. I am an expert; my contemporaries are experts. [Carrube’s] comment is an example and with “I don’t know how.” My website to the extent I can will instruct “How.”

But when you have say a former Chief Sniper Instructor from the Marine Corps who contracts to teach Arm Forces today in tactics and Sniper shooting with all manor of arms, who has tested the claims, shot and now carries the pistol himself, (and still engaged in combat operation) used the arm in warfare classes where shot and evaluate by DM Marines, Special Forces, Security Contractors etc., you better believe we know what he and we, are talking about.

A pistol that remained a secret and not in the public view for 20 years. Sadly the language we use is military and the discussions are clinical in nature about our business which is not socially acceptable.

While civilians “want to know,” often what we are discussing is not pleasant. Some things like our Tactical Manual is not discussed or disseminated at all. Being the most visible and hardly humble I have been blunt in some statements that civilians don’t appreciate. And in most forums the mix or skeptics not use to such technical evaluations of a battlefield nature are counter productive. In other words, our communication becomes more restricted to our brothers in active combat and that support line should they need immediate assistance. We are not commercial in those associations. The tone is professional, never “On his Marine horse.”

But now making my weapons available to the public, from pistols to atomic needs, I will skirt the military side in which I have trained more than 10,000 men and turn to educate millions who have an interest in shooting our guns shown on the Home Page of our website.

As for the “I don’t know how” I would refer to the CQBP Manual that will be viewed soon for all to read. Civilians included. Certainly the Pistol Patent is illuminating source of information found on the internet, as I hope my website is.

It is good to see someone who has a name tied to what he says as I do, for both rise or fall from their assertions equally as fast. As far as being a combat Marine I believe it can be read in Leatherneck 1984. And what one thinks is “combat effective” has little bearing on one who has been in extensive combat, used a pistol in an offensive mode there, taught Jungle Warfare, Sniping, Mines, Booby Traps and IED’s; taught Hand to Hand Combat and knife fighting as a Marine. So my comments in military circles are often appreciated as was my left hand salute pardoned while a DI at MCRD, San Diego. We all came from the same school, and I became the teacher of it.

There is no “I” in team and the knowledge disseminated is a reflection of more than 2,000 of us who continue to train, push the envelope to greater technological and battlefield advantage. We do not degrade someone who does and always ready to assist those who seek to learn. As for the two “Former Marines” I can only say (as they would with a smile) “we have not been previously instructed.” They will tell you as well that I can put them on a target, if I say so, in 10 minutes. And 100 yards is for, well let’s not put on my Drill Instructors hat…. today.

Keep up the good work Robert and all the best to your readers,

Karl Lippard


    • Kinda, but you have to read it a couple of times. The man can’t write, but maybe he’s a gun-designing genius. Maybe.

      • Understood. I hope I didn’t come across as arrogant. The physics of 45ACP at 400 yards, though, boggle my mind.

  1. If Lippard’s NCO actually performs as he claims, it will be worth every dollar he’s charging for it. Only time (and a complete gun test) will tell. Until then, I’m going to remain a bit of a skeptic, but I reserve the right to change my mind and jump on the bandwagon.

  2. How much does it cost and could he comp and put a break on a Coonan Mod B? I want a Coonan but would like to comp it due to the load I like to use. Any contact info?

  3. Indeed the gun will just have to prove itself. I’m not a combat vet, or an engineer, or really an expert of any kind. But that doesn’t disqualify me from noticing that nothing above answered the questions that Patrick Carrube posed whatsoever.

  4. Other than silhouette competition, or a range toy, what purpose would a 400-yard .45acp pistol serve?

    Granted, the round (for 230gr loads) starts out subsonic, so it won’t lose an inordinate amount of velocity coming back below the speed of sound. But if the rights on the gun are calibrated to be dead on at 400 yards, the gun won’t be much use any closer than that, will it?

  5. Wow.

    Complete non-response to anyone’s valid questions.

    Especially Mr. Carrube’s. Save for saying that the engineer asked an engineering question and was patted on the head. Then told to go away because the grownups are talking about magical things way over your head.

  6. I don’t know about anybody else, but I felt an irresistible desire to stand up and snap to attention while reading that.

    I did like his final sentence, though.

    • …I felt an irresistible desire to stand up and snap to attention while reading that.

      Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.

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