Keanu Reeves was reportedly not at home early yesterday morning when a number of masked men reportedly broke into his Los Angeles home by smashing a window. According to TMZ . . .

We’re told the actor’s L.A. home was burglarized Wednesday evening … with LAPD responding to an anonymous call about a possible trespasser at his property at around 7 PM. Cops arrived on the scene, and conducted a search, but found no one.

But, we’re told police were back there again around 1 AM when an alarm sounded on the property … and this time officers say multiple men in ski masks were spotted on security cams smashing a window and entering the house.

The thieves stole one firearm before beating a hasty retreat.

The good news is that Reeves’ dog was apparently not harmed during the break-in. Given the existing level of crime in the City of Angels, the fallout that might have resulted if the movie star’s dog had been hurt could have been catastrophic.



  1. They probably made VERY sure he wasn’t gonna be home, eh!? Hope the a-holes didn’t get the Raptor!

  2. A-holes!!! Keanu is reportedly a great guy. I bet there’s a multitude of folks who’d go to bat for him(Like Taran Butler).

    • Paul, it’s an urban myth that LEO shoot dogs out of hand. In twenty five years of law enforcement I only shot one. It had already mauled three children. I went with animal control to standby while they impounded the K-9. The owner waited until we were too far from our vehicles to retreat. Then he turned the dog out. He was at my feat before I could bring my 1911 into action. That Speer 230 gr Gold Dot wound things up. Did he think I would run away like the UPS driver had to and also complained. Along with all the neighbors. Just like men, some dogs have to be shot.

      • Shame on you, ruining my snark!!

        To be honest, I guess I’ve put down more dogs than you have. I get along well with dogs, almost always. Dogs that scare other people just don’t scare me. But, I’ve met a few that were just bad dogs, that actually scared me. And, I don’t mean merely startled me, or frightened me momentarily. I mean, they scared me – they might not take me down, but they could and would take down a child, and maybe a woman, or even a man who didn’t know how to defend himself from a dog. Yeah, if they scare me that badly, doggie goes bye-bye.

        • I’ve had a lot of dogs. Multi titled champions. Nationally ranked. I condition them by running them, harnessed in the woods on a bike. I am always packing in the woods for rabid raccoons, bobcats, coyotes, bears and dogs owned by irresponsible owners.

      • @Gadsden,

        I don’t recall any myths about LEOs. All the stories I’ve read have involved Federal LEAs. A minor point, maybe, but…

  3. As an trained gunman. Mr Reeves could have been able to handle all of those men. Quite efficiently and very quickly.

  4. Well my dogs are dead and gone now. However if someone were to have broken into my house I’d just hope the dogs left me some leftovers.

    • ‘If your front porch collapses and kills 12 dogs you might be a redneck.’

      It;s been a lot of years since I lived in the country. But we always had a pack of fangly mutts around the place.

    • possum, it’s been a minute since I’ve owned a dog. I miss it. I’m thinking Rhodesian Ridgeback this time. A friend once owned one. Addie was a very good dog. I’ve been in touch with a couple of kennels. I like the lady I’ve been talking to just outside of Tampa. I’ll give you a sit-rep next year and let you know how it goes.

        • Whatever you do, don’t get one from a breeder who is breeding oversized ridgebacks, which is by the way, very much the style these days, even among some of the best known and most winning breeders. The really big ones have health issues and can’t get out of their own way. Don’t buy anything from a breeder who isn’t an avid lure cluster.



  6. Speaking of stolen guns, and Side Show Bob totally thumbing their noses at Bruen..

    I REALLY hope the USSC clobbers these idiots HARD!

    From NRA Alerts…

    Washington (State): Two Anti-Gun Bills Pre-Filed for 2024 Legislative Session
    HB 1903 will penalize law-abiding gun owners who are the victims of a crime by placing a civil liability and a $1,000 fine on gun owners who are the victim of theft and requires mandatory reporting of the theft or loss of a firearm within 24 hours to law enforcement.

    HB 1902 will implement a permit to purchase system in Washington, which will require Washingtonians to receive government permission to exercise a constitutionally protected right. The system will require mandatory live fire training prior to purchasing a firearm and the creation of a government registry of personally identifiable information, including fingerprinting and a waiver of medically protected information.

    The NRA was in Olympia this week preparing for the 2024 session, and more anti-gun bills are expected. Please sign up for NRA alerts below and stay tuned to the NRA-ILA website to keep up to date on the upcoming battle in Washington.

    • The United States Supreme Court.
      I just bet that if there was a Right in the Constitution that stated.
      The Right to Keep and Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed. The United States Supreme Court would bang their gavels real hard and a President that swore to protect the Constitution to the best of his ability would do just what the Supreme Court said.
      Free Hunter Mandela

      • Soap box, Jury box, Cartridge box…

        “America is at that awkward stage. It’s too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.” — opening lines of 101 Things To Do ‘Til The Revolution by Claire Wolfe

  7. I wonder whadt took the police so long to get there. Hmm. could it be that the adage of “When seconds count, police are minutes away” is right?

  8. I almost feel sorry for those burglars, given what will inevitably happen to them when John Wick visits each of them in the middle of the night!

    I did say “almost.”

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