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If you work at the McPaper and are ever at a loss for article ideas, you always have a sure thing with guns. Their latest evergreen revelation: President Obama and his civilian disarmament push have been…wait for it…good for gun sales! Who knew? What a rush it must be to break news no one else had any idea about. Of course, that’s only the hook for working in some info from Smith’s and Ruger’s latest earnings release. “In late April, Sturm Ruger (RGR) reported first-quarter results that exceeded targets. Net sales for the largest publicly traded gun manufacturer surged 39% to $155.9 million, compared to $112.3 million a year earlier.” Judging solely by the traffic in the Ruger booth in Houston, there’s still some upside potential in those numbers. USA Today’s next revelation: the NRA will continue to fight for gun rights. I smell a Pulitzer.

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  1. Sales would be even better if there was some available inventory.

    I’ve had a Springfield 1911 MC Operator on back order for almost a year. The original estimate was 6 mos out but that was a little before the most recent SHTF with Sandy Hook and the gun grabber initiatives.

    Now there is no ETA, and every shop I check with has nearly empty shelves (just the last few guns no-one wants) and no idea when any stock of any sort will arrive. New guns just trickle in a couple here and a few there. What does arrive is gone as soon as it is delivered.

    • Huh, where do you live? There is a boat load of guns at the local Cabela’s here in Arizona, as well as my favorite gun store (At reasonable prices too, which would be slightly below MSRP for most everything in the store.) Only thing I’ve felt the pinch on was ammunition availability and even then every Saturday I stand in the bread line for my 6 boxes at the Sportsman’s Warehouse.

  2. But, I swear that i’ve been told that we gun owners and buyers are a dying demographic. Please don’t tell me I’ve been lied to by our trusted American pols like kapo bloomberg, difi, slow joe and their lackeys like mikeyb and hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmjob. If gun ownership and use is dying out in America, why can’t I find a box of 9mm at the lgs?

    • Funny you should mention that, I haven’t heard from MikeyB numbers or anyone else… I guess it is kind of hard to ignore the numbers, NICS checks, lines at the LGS, and manufacturers with 6 month wait times. Many are saying the have orders for the next 3 years.

  3. I stopped bymy LGS last week, and they had a lot of inventory. Also, I noticed quite a few AR-15 deals posted at this weekend. Looks like supply is loosening up?

    • I think it’s more “demand is running out” than “supply is increasing”. I know it’s the same basic end result, but there’s a difference in semantics. Namely, that production hasn’t significantly increased–people are just running out of money and can’t buy any more. Most of the people who want something have it, and they don’t have the cash to buy any more.

      The supply of ammo on the other hand is still badly outstripped by the demand for it, and at least in my area isn’t showing any signs of recovery.

      • The demand for guns may be partially related to the supply of ammo. Why buy a gun you can’t feed?

        • I bought 2 handguns in 9M and 2 riffle in 5.56 had zero ammo in house. Then again in my case all 4 guys can’t be bought after 10/1 with it original mags. The 2 handguns can’t have more then 10 rounds and the 2 riffles are banned after 10/1. Maryland sucks.


        • If this period of shortage has taught people anything it should be to think and buy for the long term: Buy what you want when you find it at a price you are willing to pay. Specific firearms, magazines and ammunition may not be available at the same time for months to come.

  4. I like how that article says they were “70” protesters across the street.

    I was there all weekend and never saw more than 15-20. A lot of the time there was less than 5.

    • 20 people over three days could be called a group of 60 that attended.

      If you are the MSM that is.

  5. I hope McPaper is more healthy then the McSalad. It sounds light though, better get it with a regular large coke instead of diet.

  6. Ruger was very busy. I have had a 10/22 Sporter on order for over a year. I talked to one of the Ruger people and was told they are turning out guns as fast as possible. But, the Sporter has a wooden stock (being old, I like wood) (hummm…. that might be taken differently than I ment it) anyway, the Sporter having a wooden stock takes more work than the composite stocks therefore they tend to produce more of the composite to try to catch up with demand. But from the sound of it, Ruger is going to be busy making guns for a long time.

    • I’ve been looking for a Sporter for at least 2 years. Haven’t seen one and nobody would even put one on order for me. Finally, I just bought another carbine at Dick’s last Black Friday. For $179, I couldn’t help it.

  7. Was in the Peoria – wait for it – IL (last bastion of gun bans – though we’re getting company again.) Gander Mountain today. Haven’t been in since Feb. Gun counter was about 10 – 15 of double sided space, at the very back of the building. Walked in today, you pass the register at the door take one more step, and the counter starts. Glass handgun case in front. Long guns on a shelf behind. And it extends around exactly half the store. A virtual cornucopia of guns! AND IT WAS FULL OF STUFF.

    Over representation of the better known names. Only one CZ, but everybodies out of them right now. Did not have the new Canick I was eager to see. But a large variety of brands. Had ARs by half a dozen manufacturers. Mausers, mil surplus Mosin / Nagant types. I wanted one of everything!

    Just compared that to the latest news from Dick (heads). One forgot it’s core customer, one caters to them.

    Forgot to check out ammo – running late for appointment.

  8. I was a little late for the 1st quarter sales figures, but my purchase of a Super Blackhawk 44 mag last month will help in the 2nd quarter. Even scored a box of CCI 22lr 375 waiting 20 minutes in line at Turners at openning. It is getting a little better maybe.

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