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Kel-Tec at the 2016 Texas Firearms Festival. Come and Shoot It!


(sponsored post) Kel-Tec made their Texas Firearms Festival debut at least year’s event, showcasing their innovative 15-round bullpup KSG shotgun [above]. This year, on October 14 – 16, the Florida gunmaker’s bringing the noise to a large bay at Best the West Shooting Sports in Liberty Hill.

Kel-=Tec RDB (courtesy

Ticket holders can shoot, shop and buy from Kel-Tec’s extensive catalogue of firearms: shotguns, pistols and rifles. We’re talking serious trigger time (ammo’s free!) behind guns ranging from the backpack-friendly folding Gen2 SUB-2000 to the bullpup RDB rifle [above] to the company’s wide — and widely regarded — range of pistols. 

Click here to buy your tickets — assuming you haven’t already. Please note: to assure short lines, Texas Firearms Festival ticket sales are strictly limited. With 92 percent of last year’s participants promising to return — with friends! — we anticipate a sell-out crowd. So don’t delay. Buy your tickets today!

6 thoughts on “Kel-Tec at the 2016 Texas Firearms Festival. Come and Shoot It!”

  1. Will they show off their amazing Sub2000, you know, the one that doesn’t break in half whilst shooting?

  2. I’ll be shopping for a new trigger for my DPMS G2, hopefully the selection will be as wide as last year, I found a bunch I liked, but didn’t need one, then. Supposedly, the rifle takes standard AR triggers, otherwise I suspect I’m screwed.

  3. Ah, the KSG.
    I still can’t wrap my head (or wallet) around a $900+ pump shotgun, however cool it is.
    File that dream away with the other winning-the-lottery fantasies…

  4. I am a proud owner of most if not all the most popular and sought after KT products , I like em , I like em a lot . From the hard to get CMR 30 (2) to the venerable PMR 30 (3) to the pretty awesome Sub 2000 and the light little P 11 . All are fun and functioning firearms and last but most definitely not least the KSG , oh my , I have a couple of these put away for WTSHTF because they will be perfect for bad guys trying to prick the prepper . Nothing pisses me off more than the people who refuse to prepare and then say if TSHTF they will just take what they need . I’m prepared for them too . PIP

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