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The USA Today reports that the Bluegrass State is now allowing persons applying for, or renewing, their Concealed Carry Deadly Weapon (CCDW) Licenses to complete all required forms online. “The process requires state police to either issue or deny a license within 15 days of receiving an electronic application — down from the 60-day processing period allowed for paper applications.” . . .

Supporters, including the National Rifle Association, say the change improves access to concealed-carry permits at a time when demand is high. Kentucky issued more than 59,500 permits in 2013, compared with 10,900 in 2004.

“If we can get these applications processed and back to people in two weeks, instead of two months, that is better for everyone,” said Sara Beth Gregory, a former Republican state senator and key proponent of the change.

The Kentucky State Police appear to have been handling the change well:

Officials said the transition has been smooth and that several hundred people have used it to apply for new permits or renew old permits. They reported no problems meeting the 15-day deadline or performing criminal background checks, which are required for licenses.

“We are able to adapt to any changes and have not experienced any unexpected issues,” Kentucky State Police Sgt. Norman Preston said…. “We are expecting to see a gradual increase (in use) after the general public has been made aware.”

Previously, residents of the Bluegrass State could only obtain a CCDW license by submitting a paper application to their county sheriff. It appears that the law enacting this change has not altered this older procedure, but the turnaround time for paper applications is 60 days versus the 15 days for the electronic applications. Of course, if one can apply for, and obtain a license in a quarter of the time, with no apparent additional fees, why wouldn’t you want to do that?

Well, this might be a reason. And that.

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  1. We live in the internet age; every shall issue state should have had a program such as this up and running 5 years ago. Good job Kentucky!

      • Yeah, well in California they’ll roll out an online system for people to summon the local sheriffs or police to confiscate guns from someone who they think is a daaaaaanger to themselves. Or others. Or… something.

        I’m getting a chuckle here because you know this won’t take any five years to get up and running.

    • Funny how we take comfort in a small concession such as this when in all actuality there shouldn’t be any permit required for any permit to carry anywhere in the entire country.
      “…shall not be infringed.”

  2. The data breaches at Target and Home Depot had nothing to do with internet-based transactions, so I don’t know why you would even bring that up. No matter how you apply, you’re giving the vendor your credit card or checking account info. Keeping that data secure is not related to the application method.

    Illinois’ concealed carry licensing process has been web-based from the start. The advantages in labor efficiency are obvious. The only question I have for Kentucky is, why did it take you so long?

  3. Does Kentucky not have a fingerprint requirement? Curious how they handle that aspect if they do

    • No fingerprint requirement. I love my state. And they say Texas is more gun friendly. Kentucky kicks ass.

      • Kentucky does kicks ass. “But they say Texas is more gun friendly.”
        Who is the “they”? I’ve lived in Texas most of my life, my forefathers helped settle this state and don’t recall ever hearing a Texan brag about what gun friendly state we have. Maybe someone who has recently moved here? We are better than some states, not as good as others, could we just let it go at that?

        • Umm, that movie, where the FBI agent pretended to be a Miss America contestant. “They” said Texas was super gun friendly.

  4. If you go your whole life without having to draw a pistol do you still need a “Deadly” weapons license?

  5. For the record, there is an additional $10 fee for electronic renewal. Nevertheless, the new system allows the applicant to submit a digital photo (I took a “selfie” with my phone) instead of a hard copy, eliminating the hassle and expense of having a photo taken and saving an additional trip to and from the sheriff’s office. The speed is impressive; I submitted my electronic renewal last month, and my license was awaiting pickup at my sheriff’s office within a week.

    • Mark,

      I just applied online and I’m pretty sure they already had my CCDW Certificate of Training in their data base. I was never asked/prompted to upload my paper copy. Is this correct? I uploaded my picture and they never asked for a copy of my certificate. I believe I’m good… Just wondering if the same applied for you when you applied.



  6. Wish they had this when I got mine several months ago, would have been nice to only wait 15 days.

    • I don’t know where you live Mark, but isn’t it pathetic that in some states, people are jealous of people in other states where they allow citizens to ask for, and hopefully receive, the government’s permission to exercise a God-given, constitutionally guaranteed right (after your check clears).

      As for me, I’m jealous of the folks in Vermont, Arizona, Alaska, etc.

  7. I was one of those 59k who applied in 2013. I’ll enjoy renewing from the comfort of my home when the time comes.

    Next KY CCDW law that needs changed is the stupid 50% test. You’re telling me that whenever I walk in to a restaurant I need to be some kind of wizard and know how their revenue stream is broken out? Just make it illegal to be intoxicated while carrying and you’ve covered the whole reason for that law to begin with.

  8. I had to wait six weeks and two trips to the county sheriff’s office. I applied through a neighboring county because they’re faster. That was 18 months ago. Online application would beat that. I’m in Ohio.

  9. West Virginia rocks, 21 and over you do not even need a permit to carry a concealed weapon,law was just passed

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