This is SO not fair. TTAG writer and firearms instructor Rob Pincus sent me a snap of his training session with Khloe “FFBF” (Famous for Being Famous) Kardashian and told me to “be nice.” That’s like spending a day at the beach watching an SI photo shoot for Genevieve Morton, only a lot more frustrating. So here’s the straight dope on KKD’s MOA from our favorite dome-headed gun guru: “Stuff like this helps us reach a demographic that Outdoor Channel and American Rifleman never even graze. She was a great student… honestly. You can say that I introduced her to the fundamentals of Combat Focus Shooting with a carbine and handgun…  and she did a familiarization with full auto fire as well.” Make the jump for Khloe’s take on the ballistic bonanza and some more shots of her trigger time . . .

“Earlier today Scott and I and a few friends went on a little adventure together. Scott has been wanting to learn how to shoot for a while now and didn’t have anyone to go with him, so I volunteered. It’s always good to try new things! So accompanied by two police officers and a gun specialist, we ventured out into the middle of the ocean where it is safe to shoot and we practiced a little. I personally like the land of glitter and unicorns better but hey… to each his own!”

A reality show never looked so real. Although I prefer a rod and reel when I’m fishing for compliments.



  1. Like the man says, it’ll reach an audience that normally doesn’t watch the gun and outdoors shows. Am I a fan of these people, no. But if it shows guns in a way that’s not hostile and venom filled I say go for it.

  2. Another Kardashian? They were, like, the bad guys on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, weren’t they?

    Not knowing who any of them are is just another of the joys of having no TeeVee.

  3. Maybe this makes me a weirdo, but all I can think of when I look at those pics is “She’s gonna drop that thing in the drink. Get that rifle in a sling!”

    I agree with Rob. This helps mainstream guns, and that’s a good thing.

  4. I didn’t know until now why I always liked Kloe more than her sister “what’s her name”. I have to agree, if it shows firearms and the shooting sports in a good light, any publicity is good publicity. Here is hoping that she continues with her training, and incorporates it into their “reality” show.

    • Ex was a fan of the Kardashian show.

      Khloe was the only one I think I could actually stand to be around and talk to for more than 10 seconds.

  5. The muumuu like apparel Miss Kardashian is wearing is hilariously inappropriate. What, no pearl necklace?
    Sartorial silliness aside, teaching a newbie how to shoot from a moving platform doesn’t seem like a good idea.

    • Don’t worry too much. They’ll spin it as how dumb and stupid another Kardashian is acting in public by playing with evil deadly and dangerous guns (and maybe how she was lucky it didn’t jump up and bite her), without saying it…. if they give it more than 15 seconds air-time.

  6. Kudos for Rob Pincus reaching outside of the tribe to find new members.

    Although, I didn’t realize how un-free California has become. To go shooting you need to go into international waters, while being accompanied by two police officers and a gun specialist, and wearing black socks.

    On the positive side, Pincus didn’t have holes in his socks.

  7. Interesting that there are so many negative comments.

    The fact is that, for all the TALK about expanding the ranks of gun owners and reaching younger people and more females, the kind of ignorant responses that some have offered here aren’t going to encourage a twenty-something girl who happens to follow the Kardashians to come to a shooting range and give it a try. In fact, some of the comments might downright chase them away from even being open to trying shooting.

    Biggest offenders here: Moonshine7102, Dom, DDavis, freeport56, Kardashianundo

    But, similarly retarded comments are being offered in other places that the pic has been posted as well.

    Whose side are you guys on??

    We’ll be discussing this topic (“gun people” chasing away potential new shooters) on Armed American Radio tonight…

  8. Why do gun owners not control every election held in this country you ask? Answer: Just read some of the above post.

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