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Kim Rhode set a new Olympic record today by dusting 99 out of 100 on her way to winning women’s skeet. This after setting a record earlier in the day by busting 74 out of 75 in the prelims. Oh, and she managed all this after changing events when her chosen game, doubles trap, was discontinued as an Olympic sport. With the win, she also became the first US athlete in an individual sport to medal in five consecutive Olympic games.

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  1. Yea!!!! Hot damn!!!! Wonder what the media has to say about this????? Guns in a good light????15 second mention on the media and sports channels max!!!!!

  2. hmm seems dangerous, that sport definitley needs some smart, common sense regulations to make it safer.

  3. Outstanding effort! Enjoy because there will be a year when they outlaw all shooting sports in the Olympics.

  4. I would have liked to see it, but I’m so over NBC and their shitty coverage. Tape delay of the “good stuff” to force people to watch in Prime Time so they can get better ratings is such crap. Delaying the Phelps-Lochte race yesterday from 2:30 to 7:30 meant it was effectively impossible to hear about the results before you had a chance to watch it, due to social media. Instead, they ran an interview while that race was going on. FFS, they even spoiled the results of that race on the evening news at 6:30 without offering any warning that they were about to do so. Raging assholes.

    • It can be seen online. I watched her final a couple of hours ago. They can also be watched live online if you want to get up early enough. I plan on watching most of the shooting on the computer. Awsome accomplishment for her.

    • Agreed, TV coverage sucks. The internetz are your friend… both the official site and *ahem* unofficial *ahem* sources.

    • Olympic coverage has been atrocious at least since John Denver singing at Sarajevo in 84. I didn’t think this year’s was as bad as it’s been.

      BTW for those of us who came over from Robert’s old site, Kim also built a Cobra replica.

  5. I just saw that winning that gold makes her the first American to win a medal in five consecutive Olympics.

    That’s pretty awesome.

  6. Way to go Kim. Your the best, always have been and will continue to be the best.

    Support the Olympians . Support Skeet and other firearms sports.

  7. Bravo, and go Team USA! Very impressive show of skill… and to think she won her first gold medal in 1996 (17)! Youngest gold medalist in a shooting event, ever.

    I’m sure her family must be proud.

  8. The Olympic shooting venue is to be demolished after the games. The insect overlords who comprise our government have decreed it.

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