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Question of the Day: What’s Kreskin’s Next Prediction?

It doesn’t seem possible to ring out an old year without everyone and their uncle Pete predicting what the next twelve months will hold. But let’s face it, most of them are rank amateurs. When you really want to know what will happen, you go to a pro. And who better to reveal what’s in the crystal ball than the ever-popular, uncannily accurate…Amazing Kreskin? Last seen publicly while sitting on Johnny’s couch between Charo and Joey Bishop, Kreskin has – improbably – resurfaced just in time to give the world his bold prognostications for 2012. And you’d better buckle up, folks, because he sees some real doozies headed our way…

Besides unveiling a humdinger like, “everything about people’s lives will be accessible with technology” (Mark Zuckerberg call your office!) AK’s prodigious prediction, reported by, that will have the Armed Intelligentsia dropping their New Year’s morning fizzing glass of Alka Seltzer all over their keyboards is:

More people will own guns. A by-product of the increasing crime rate is that more people will buy guns, Kreskin says. “The gun industry will soar,” he says. “Owning weaponry is always powerful when there is a breakdown in society.” However he says gun owners are “under a delusion that carrying a weapon will protect them,” because it will not.

You can’t accuse AK of taking the easy path can you? After years of declining firearm ownership and serial bankruptcies in the gun-making industry due to declining demand, Kreskin bravely peers into the mists of the unknowable and divines a turn-around in the beleaguered gun business. Sure hope he’s right.

All TTAG readers can do is slide a little closer to the edge of their seats and wait breathlessly for The Amazing One’s next prophetic utterance. What will it be? The relaxation of gun control laws across the country? More shooters gravitating toward “tacticool” products? Oooh, I know! Maybe we’ll even see – amid Kreskin’s predicted firearm industry boom – more interest in guns and self defense…among women!

I don’t know how he does it. Living with the gift of that kind of foresight must be such a burden. So let’s help Mr. K out with some predictions of our own. Look into your own crystal ball…what do you think Kreskin’s next prediction – gun-related or not – will be?

15 thoughts on “Question of the Day: What’s Kreskin’s Next Prediction?”

  1. “A by-product of the increasing crime rate is that more people will buy guns”
    — I thought most areas of crime were down…despite the increase in gun ownership the past ten years (sarcasm off).

    Members of a pro-physical gold and silver blog that I visit have been rolling their eyes for years at the mainstream experts who keep predicting gold to permanently crash. Gold remains after fiat currencies turn to dust. Those guys like their guns too and cooking in cast iron.

  2. More people will own guns. A by-product of the increasing crime rate is that more people will buy guns, Kreskin says. “The gun industry will soar,” he says. “Owning weaponry is always powerful when there is a breakdown in society.” However he says gun owners are “under a delusion that carrying a weapon will protect them,” because it will not.That and probably we will see Mitt and Barry running for the White House.

  3. This guy is only correct on one point out of three. People are not buying guns because of an increasing crime rate per se. Everything I’ve read indicates that crime, including violent crime, has been trending down for years. They are buying guns because they do not trust the state to protect their Second Amendment right, and they don’t trust the government to keep law & order during times of civil unrest. (See Greece and the Occupy movement.)

    He says guns won’t protect the owners, but he gives no explanation as to why he believes they won’t. Surely, firearms and ammunition are just one piece of a survival plan for natural and man-made disasters, but I’m quite certain that looters, or a mob of Occupy Anarchists, are more likely to move on to the next dwelling if they see the barrel of a 12 gauge shot gun stick out of my window.

    I don’t give any credence to prognosticators. If history has proven one thing, these snake oil salesmen are almost always wrong. (Nostrodamos was one of the biggest con-men ever, with the exception of Barry Obama.)

  4. My crystal ball is somewhat out of focus, but I think I see a new product on the horizon: Kreskin zombie targets.

  5. It’s not easy to predict the future, but it takes pure stupidity to get your current empirical facts as wrong as this clown does. Crime is declining, not increasing, and CCW holders are safer than most. Maybe he should sling his hash of misstated facts and bogus prophecies on The View; they usually seem to have an empty seat these days.

  6. My wife and I saw Kreskin about 40 tears ago at the now defunct Shady Grove amphitheater in Maryland. As a stage performer, he was excellent.
    While an outstanding stage performer, he has had his foibles in terms of predictions:

    His full prediction on the 2012 gun issue:

    •Crime will increase nationwide.

    Kreskin says as the economy continues to struggle and unemployment remains high, the amount of crime will increase caused by “the breakdown of American society.”

    “We have become socially dysfunctional and there will not be enough police to protect us,” Kreskin says. He says the new style of criminal will work in teams, breaking into homes and getting out quickly before police can arrive. Since neighborhoods have become so isolated and people don’t get to know other in the community, criminals will be able to get away with this tactic.

    “The only answer is to make neighbors aware that they have watch out for other neighbors,” Kreskin says. “What we need is stronger family structure and the return of neighborhoods. People have to look out for each other.”

    •More people will own guns.

    A by-product of the increasing crime rate is that more people will buy guns, Kreskin says. “The gun industry will soar,” he says. “Owning weaponry is always powerful when there is a breakdown in society.” However he says gun owners are “under a delusion that carrying a weapon will protect them,” because it will not.

  7. This guy’s a fool but people keep reporting about his silly ideas, so he must be doing something right.

  8. Note that in the past few days the Media has been reporting here in Kalifornia that people are flocking to Gun Stores Nationwide and buying guns in record numbers before the New Year. It might be that AK just picked-up on a factually “safe” news phenomena and threw it into his bag of predictions as a sure bet for at least one successful hit (no pun intended).
    Let’s just hope all these new gun owners practice as much prudence in the use of their new firearms as they showed in buying them. At least this increases the base of the populous that has a stake in warding-off the Politicians’ attempts to further infringe our Second Amendment Rights.
    Now that the Census Bureau has announced that more Americans live at, or below, the Poverty Level, there is (sadly) more motivation for criminal activity.
    So, whether a gun can protect me or not may remain to be seen, but my .45 ACP slants the odds in my favor a bit, I think, and I am good with that.
    BTW- didn’t this Kreskin guy appear in several of Ed Woods’ schlocky films in the late 50’s-early 60’s?

  9. The Amazing Mikeb could have made that prediction, And if I had, you guys would have ignored the most relevant part, just like you did with Kreskin’s.

    “However he says gun owners are “under a delusion that carrying a weapon will protect them,” because it will not.”

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