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“Former Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder Milton Bradley is a violent ticking time bomb,” asserts TMZ. Wait. I’m not a big baseball fan. There’s a player in The Bigs with a mother and father by the surname of Bradley who named their child Milton? I’ve got only one thing to say: YAHTZEE! Sorry. There’s nothing humorous about a restraining order. But here’s something you don’t see every day: “Details surrounding the arrest of Milton Bradley are starting to circulate…and not surprisingly..aren’t pretty. Milton Bradley threatened to shoot his wife, and went as far as picking up a picture of the gun and showing her.” LA’s in California, right?

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      • Robert, keep drinking that male-hating pro-feminist propaganda. Men should expand the marriage boycott for their own safety, sanity, and solvency. 85% of men in prison for their second violent offense grew up in families without a father. 70% of one-way domestic violence attacks are started by the woman against the man.

  1. I don’t know what the big deal is, people can’t carry guns in CA so there’s no way he can physically transport the gun. We all know that people with criminal intent are always stymied by their adherence to gun laws.

  2. Allegations are claims and not proven facts. Until he has been convicted by a jury the man is innocent.

      • Not necessarily just like OJ. Good innocent people have been convicted, sent to prison, and some executed before the truth came out. It is a dangerous slide America is in when it begins assuming anyone is guilty of a crime before a trial. Already, the violations or destruction of the Bill of Rights, Trial by Jury, and our civil liberties are well under way.

        • Based on news reports, people are going to form opinions, and express them.
          Only a jury, or judge can evaluate if there is enough proof of guilt to convict someone of a crime.
          Again based of reports of the trial, people can and will second guess the outcome.
          No rights violated.
          Last thing we need is to gag the press and people. Close the courthouse doors to public scrutiny.

  3. Anyone who has follwed MLB knows this guy is nutz, often combative and confrontational he never reached his full potential. Of course, he still played 10+ yrs and made millions of $$ long the way.

  4. I say we lock him up and throw away the key, because this poor woman could have suffered a nasty paper cut from that dangerous photo.

    • If Milton made the claim that his wife threatened him with a picture in the same manner would she have been arrested?

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