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Dailybreeze,com reports that citizens possessing illegal / unwanted handguns, shotguns or rifles can hand them in for a $100 Ralphs grocery store gift card or a prepaid VISA card. If they turn over an “assault rifle” (a.k.a. “modern sporting rifle“), jackpot!

Los Angeles residents can get up to $200 by turning in their firearms — no questions asked — on May 8, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced today.

LA residents, eh? How are the authorities going to know that, given that one of the questions not being asked is “where do you live?”

So criminals from Phoenix, could drive to LA (nobody walks in LA) with five “assault rifles,” check in with LA’s Gun Buyback program and get $1000 from the government. Maybe I should have italicized the amount instead. Still, success!

“Last year, we reclaimed 1,700 guns and assault weapons (in) the most successful gun buyback program in the United States of America,” Villaraigosa said. . . Villaraigosa said the city handed out 1,302 gift cards worth about $130,200 last year. This year, although the number of sites has been whittled down from 19 to five, it is prepared to spend $200,000.

The program’s proponents are being too modest. Last year, LA’s gun buyback program ran out of money. Other than another $100,000 worth of gift cards, this year’s effort is good to go. Of course, it would be nice to see some factual data proving that gun buy-back programs reduce violent crime, but who’s got time for that?

Oh, last year, the po-po pointed out that “anyone who wants to get rid of a gun can do so anytime at a police station.” They can leave the gun in their car, walk into the station and tell an officer they have a firearm to turn in. “No questions asked.” Yeah right. What if the cops smell dope in the car or see blood stains on the seats? They might—just thinking out loud here—take note of the license plate for future reference.

In wonder how many times citizens have driven an illegal gun to a police station in the proscribed manner? Alternatively . . .

The could wait until the annual buy back program. A sensible thing to do really—that keeps illegal guns ON the street. And in conclusion, Hizzoner’s very own op-ed on the subject in the gun control advocate’s literary safe haven, the Huffington Post.

We began this effort last year in May to incredible success with the collection of nearly 1,700 firearms. Not only did it serve to take dangerous weapons off our streets, but it also served as a theft deterrent . . .

he bottom line here is that the gifts-for-guns method has been tested and it works. It effectively takes firearms off our streets and away from our children, makes our neighborhoods safer, and goes a long way towards combating the scourge of gang violence and it puts some extra cash in the pockets of those who need it, especially during these tough economic times . . .

By thinking strategically and by offering the right incentives, we can create a safer Los Angeles, neighborhood by neighborhood.

Or, perhaps, the exact opposite. In any case, our LA readers can download a flyer promoting the program from the Mayor’s Website. Oh wait, the link’s broken. Never mind. Here’s an image showing the clarity of thinking involved.

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  1. They should have a day where citizens get to pay a 100.00 dollars for the stupid mayor not to spend their money on a ideas that accomplish nothing. Then these people would have nothing to do.

  2. I agree with Philip 100%. And I have to say – As crooked as the LAPD is, it wouldn’t surprise me if they’re turning around and selling them to criminals. Guns and violent crimes guarantee their paycheck…just stating the obvious.

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