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In answer to many of the questions that remained from yesterday’s active shooting at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston, police have identified the shooter and the child that was with her. What was originally shared was that a female shooter with a young child in tow opened fire at the church before being quickly killed by off-duty law enforcement officers working as security in the building. The church was between services at the time the woman entered the building.

As it turns out, the woman, who was originally described as between 30 to 35, turned out to be a 36-year-old trans woman named Genesse Ivonne Moreno. Moreno also reportedly had a long mental health history, as well as a lengthy history of criminal charges.

No motive has been determined.

The child that was with the shooter and who was critically injured in the shoot-out was originally believed to be 5 years old. However, the child described as the shooter’s son, is actually 7, and remains in critical condition after reportedly being shot in the head during the incident. It is still unclear who fired the shot that struck the boy. The security guards who exchanged fire with the shooter reportedly did so after Moreno aimed what news outlets are describing as a legally purchased AR-15 rifle with a Palestine sticker on it at the men.

Another bystander was shot during the incident, CNN reporting him as Tom George Thomas. Thomas was shot in the leg, sought treatment at a hospital and was released.

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  1. It is so hard to keep track anymore, is this an XX chromosomed or XY chromosomed “woman?” How did one with “a long mental health history, as well as a lengthy history of criminal charges” legally purchase a gun?

  2. some folks better start figuring out how to get along with others
    before this comes to a head
    lest they figure out two things the hardest way imaginable in very short order:
    1 that which cannot continue wont
    2 it is a dreadful thing to start a war with a group of armed people that outnumbers you a million to one

    • Why do you think the Left is madly importing millions of potential fighting men from other countries? They are trying to improve their odds.

  3. Trans woman? So did it start as male and got the wedding tackle removed? Or started as a split tail and got dangly bits added?

    And who the fuck brings their kid on a suicide run like this?

    • Still can’t answer the first question — supposedly she was the kid’s biological mother.

      The second question? Someone who intends to die and intends for the child to die with her. Another supposedly — custody battle with the estranged father.

    • Local reporting:

      “During the 2022 divorce proceedings, Moreno’s ex-mother-in-law also tried to become the managing conservator of their son who was born in 2016, according to Montgomery County court records. Walli Carranza claimed Moreno has a diagnosis of schizophrenia and Munchausen by proxy; had been investigated by CPS four times, and was found to have harmed her child twice. Carranza alleged Moreno pointed a gun at her ex-husband and stored an unlocked handgun in her son’s diaper bag.”

    • Or, simply not trans at all but has used a male alias in the past, so identified as such by those with an agenda to push.

      • So was it a biological dude or a gal? The reporting still isn’t clear. A guy can marry a guy, so he could still have a husband and be a guy.

        Typically the tranz identifier means you’re the opposite. Ex: tranz woman means you’re a dude. However, I’ve seen the media do the opposite before. Initial reporting on the Nashville Christian school shooting said a tranz woman. I heard the initial report on the radio and thought it was a man. There’s a reason our language developed the way it did. Real journalists should end this preferred pronoun BS. I see TTAG is now playing this game. Big thumbs down 👎. You’re officially a woke joke.

        • It turns out TTAG wasn’t being woke. They were just failing to properly convey the facts. See more detailed comment below.

  4. Was it a 5.56 AR or one of the 22 Rimfire, 9mm versions? Looks like a woman, looks like an AR-15, perp had a long mental, criminal history and NCIC green lights? Talk about loose ends.

  5. “You need to give up your guns. Give up your civil rights. Or you will be called a homophobe.”

    Well you can just call me names if you want to.
    I don’t care.

  6. “You need to give up your guns. Give up your civil rights. Or you will be called a h0mo ph0be.”

    Well you can just call me names if you want to.
    I don’t care.

  7. Don’t forget this “migrant” likely broke a bunch of laws(including laws of nature)but don’t dare point that out on fakebook. Interestingly there’s quite a bit of pushback in all this woke BS. Finally🙄

  8. Yes I know I’m not suppose to bring up history, that makes certain “protected groups” look bad.

    But it is a fact that the political atmosphere was set years ago in Houston TX. That brought us to this attempted mass murder in a church.

    From 2014

    The proud les bi@n mayor demands you give up your 1st amendment civil rights.

  9. Yes I know, I’m not suppose to bring up history, that makes certain “protected groups” look bad.

    But it is a fact that the political atmosphere, was set years ago in Houston TX. That brought us to this attempted mass murder in a church.

    From 2014

    The proud les bi@n mayor demands you give up your 1st amendment civil rights.

    The link went into Moderation. How about that!!!

  10. What in Hades is your problem?!

    Stop using the word ‘woman’ when you damned well know it was a man.

    Giving cover to the deranged makes YOU complicit.

      • Gender fluidity = Mental illness = Anti-Semite = Murderer
        The formula is always the same and so is the tragedy.

      • “Just when was it you had an opportunity to interview the perpetrator and examine their genitalia?

        Perhaps you may be interested in some local reporting, which strangely does not mention a genitalia:

        Well, look at the murderer-apologist Miner49er trying desperately to attack others for telling the truth because the shooter was transgendered male > make-believe female. He seems to think because one place doesn’t mention “a genitalia” that its not true this was a biological male no matter how much of the make-believe ‘female’ was there or not there.

        Yes, we know “damned well know it was a man.”

        Learn what context means Miner49er.

        • Moreno was an actual female, who wanted to be seen as a man. A “trans-man” as it were. It’s amusing how many outlets get this stuff wrong. Even the news orgs that push this woke crap can’t figure it out.

        • “Moreno was an actual female, who wanted to be seen as a man. A “trans-man” as it were.”

          Hmmmm no.

          It was a actual biological male who wanted to be a woman. He was born a biological male, interviews with family members revealed he was born male.

        • Even the news orgs that push this woke crap can’t figure it out.

          It’s ridiculous, isn’t it? TTAG couldn’t even figure out how to clear it up. It turns out, she was a woman.

  11. Anything I have to add would be unappreciated as it would contain transphobic overtones, be insensitive to certain sexually oriented groups of people and cause Dylan Mulvaney to piddle his/her Underdog Underoos® in a fit of anger. As civilized adults, we should not allow ourselves descent in thoughtless gratification using unashamed tactlessness.

    • “Anything I have to add would be unappreciated as it would contain transphobic overtones”

      nah, go ahead – the hoplophobe’s would not hesitate to do it to you.

      Not what you were going to say probably – but fact anyway: Another violent transgendered person, in terms of overall context of just violent, nationwide, so far in this year, one of several thousand since Jan 1 2024 that has inflicted violence and death on others including within the LGBT (and what ever alphabet is after that now) community. In terms of this incident, another transgendered mass killer.

      And just what is it with transgender and kids? Why do they target children specifically? They target them in schools and in public and in politics and in business and in sales and in medicine, in just about every area of society – for the trans agenda.

      The Nashville trans school shooter wasn’t like others – that targeting was specifically the kids and those that dealt with the kids rather than the political or social agnst type targeting of other school shooters, now we have another trans mass killer that although a general targeting for what ever reason they bought a child with them thus in effect targeted the child.

      it is not “transphobic” to state the truth.

      • They target (more correctly, groom) the kids in order to fill their ranks for the future, since they cannot reproduce like normal people.

        • That’s one thing, a smaller part, but not all. They are also ‘colonizing’ and ‘victimizing’ – take a look at it, they have their own ‘flag’ they try to plant everywhere to proclaim basically ‘trans nation’, they ‘group together’ to try to change ‘politics’ and ‘public opinion’ in their favor just like tyrants do prior a country overthrow or genocide, they have allies in violent extremist groups like ANTIFA and BLM and others they use, they ignore whats good for children in favor of a ‘trans agenda’ (e.g. California law changes that basically lets the state take away children from parents if the ‘state’ says “the child might be trans” and the parents do not agree), they ‘indoctrinate’ children – not just ‘help’ those with genuine ‘gender identity issues’ like they claim but actually try to indoctrinate all children they can reach. Its more than just ‘in order to fill their ranks for the future, since they cannot reproduce like normal people’ – its more colonizing and victimizing.

  12. The entire nation is turning into a circus freak show. We’re now three generations out from the destructive 1960s. It is doubtful what we’ve lost can be found again, unless there is some sort of reactionary backlash against mental illness dressed up as “human rights.” Here’s hoping.

  13. Didn’t her/his/it AR-15 have the words “Free Palestine” written on it? If so, this is another mentally unstable gender fluid individual who can’t decide on a penis or vagina, and who thinks the Holocaust was a play by Elia Kazan.

  14. Maybe some day we as a society can admit that a certain subgroup of homosexuals are mentally ill.

    Then again I don’t think so.

    Sexually and mental illness do go together sometimes.

  15. Maybe some day we as a society can admit that a certain subgroup of h0 m0 sexu@ls are mentally ill.

    Then again I don’t think so.

    Sexually and mental illness do go together sometimes.

    • Lordy, would that make for a fun year, as all those nutbars try to find excuses to violate/ignore the decision.

  16. Trans woman?
    So a dude with balls and mental issues? That would explain why i didn’t hear much about this anymore. Doesn’t fit the narrative that the people whose mental issues are encouraged and distilled into hate for white christian conservatives would snap, and that non mental Texans with guns aren’t the problem here…

  17. Of course the Far Right hides the real truth about Capitalvania under the jackboot of Republican slavery and oppression for the worker troglodyte slaves.

    1. Criminal Republican Jackboots have blocked Universal Health Care which would provide for mental health care for the people who need it most i.e. the poor and or unemployed. 150,000 worker troglodyte slaves die every year because they cannot even afford preventive health care.

    Republican gangster criminals regard life as cheap and expendable in Capitalvania.

    2. Have blocked government subsidies to working mothers for child care.

    3. Have promoted right to work laws in Hillbilly States which bust Unions resulting in wages so low people cannot live on them.

    4. Have prevented workers from forming Unions to get Company paid health care, vacations and retirement benefits.

    5. Have actually been behind the hiring of illegal immigrants so companies can pay slave wages with no benefits and bust Unions that pay wages that enable people to pay their bills.

    6. Have promoted racism and xenophobia against Jews, Muslims, Blacks and Oriental American citizens.

    7. Have blocked restrictions on assault rifles which are weapons of war.

    8. Have blocked Red Flag laws at the Federal Level

    9. Have blocked mandatory mental tests before purchasing a deadly weapon

    10. Have blocked safe storage laws which would save 1,300 children lives each year (1,650 children were gunned down in 2023)

    11. Have blocked waiting periods

    12. Have blocked Universal Background Checks.

    Show me the difference between Hitler’s or Trump’s jackbooted candlelight marching Charlottesville Nazi Thugs. There is none, they all believe in the teachings of Mein Kampf which Trump has kept by his bedside for years according to the statement of his own wife.

    13. Have praised Herr Drump’s Jackbooted Stormtroopers that stormed the Capitol on Jan 6th trying to install Herr Drumpf as dictator for life just as Hitler attempted to do in his 1923 beer hall putsch. History repeated itself and the Far Right fell and worshiped at Herr Drumpfs Jackbootes licking them clean.

    • All those blocked laws were a violation of human and civil rights. It is the ,gov’s job to stop such violations.

      You nat-zees never learn, dacian.

      • Lil’d will propose a “T-4” program for all those E-V-I-L Republicans. He will consider them “life unworthy of life”.

    • There is so much stupid and false in dacians post it would take another separate web page to address them all.


    Trump and NRA profit off our divided country

    HARRISBURG, Pa. – Donald Trump on Friday acknowledged his cowardice when it comes to America’s epidemic of gun violence and the resulting slaughter of this country’s children.

    Being Trump, he tried to make that sound like a virtue.

    Speaking at a National Rifle Association gun show in Pennsylvania’s capital city Friday, Trump bragged about his record of inaction.

    “During my four years nothing happened,” Trump said. “And there was great pressure on me, having to do with guns. We did nothing. We didn’t yield.”

    That’s Trump telling the truth for a change.

    Here’s what did happen. From Jan. 20, 2017, to Jan. 19, 2021 – Trump’s time as president – the country saw 1,714 mass shootings in which four or more people were killed or wounded, with 1,679 deaths and 7,355 injuries, Everytown for Gun Safety, a nonprofit that advocates for solutions to stop gun violence, told me.

    Trump can’t stand up to the NRA because they’re too alike. They sell the same product – division. They turn your fear into their money.

    • Opinion column. You know what they say about opinions — “everyone has one, and dacian is an asshole.” At least I think that’s how it goes.

    • Gun Violence epidemic? That’s as fake as “assault weapon” The grabbers twist statistics to meet their narrative, like saying more children die from guns than anything else.

      When we think of children, we think of little kids at home finding a gun.

      The truth however is order to attain that statistic, they INCLUDED 18 and 19 year olds as children. That was done to include all the gang-banger deaths so they could come up with a statistic that enhances and conforms to their phony narrative.

      I don’t believe anything those lying demonrats say or come up with. They need something to run with but so far all they have are galactic failures in the Biden administration, a failing economy, a nightmare immigration disaster at our southern border and the Afghanistan withdraw total failure. Easy to see why they need to invent something to run on.

    • Bullshit. Nothing happened except for a bump-stock ban, the ATF’s first draft of the pistol brace ban, and the president expressing the view that one should take the guns fuirst, due process second.

      True that nothing happened on national CCW reciprocity or the Hearing Protection Act, because neither got any support from Mr. Self-proclaimed Champion of the 2nd Amendment.

  19. Wouldnt “free Palestine” or whatever on the barrel constitute as motive? Or maybe that was just her/him/it’s excuse.

    • It was only a sticker on the buttplate. It only counts officially if you “scrawl” some anti-Semitic or racist verbiage or symbols on the rifle stock. Writing or printing doesn’t qualify.

    • The shooter’s former mother-in-law said the shooter wore a hijab when she first met her. I assume that means she was a Muslim at some point. Also, the shooter was a woman (as in actual female), not a tran[z] woman. She may have possibly been a “tran[z] man” at some point, but I haven’t seen anyone explain that.

  20. Why is everyone using the term “active shooter” any time there is an incident like this? Are there inactive shooters? If they’re inactive, how do they move about, and how do they point the bang-stick? Doesn’t wiggling the booger hook count as some kind of activity? So, I guess the answer is no, there are no inactive shooters. Why, then, must we say there was an active shooter? I can see using that phrase when calling for help while the perp is still shooting people, as that conveys a sense of urgency to 911 or whoever you called, but to use it for events that are over makes no sense. Seems redundant, but in the big scheme of things it still seems redundant. I need to actively run, now. I must actively pour myself more coffee & actively run some active errands. Bye!

  21. The usual main-stream media outlets are trying desperately to downplay the transgender part and frame it in terms of ‘cis-gender’, Newsweek especially.

    For example, Newsweek says here >

    “Christopher Hassig, commander of Houston Police Department Homicide Division, identified Moreno as female during the press conference but noted that she has a history of using both male and female aliases.

    ‘She utilized both male and female names, but through all of our investigation through this point, talking with individuals, interview, documents, Houston Police Department reports, she has been identified this entire time as female. She, her,’ he said.”

    But Newsweek leaves out the parts where interviews with family members who said the shooter was born biologically male. The further Newsweek goes on to say this:

    “A Reuters fact check conducted in March 2023 also found that cisgender men, not transgender or non-binary individuals, comprise a majority of shooters. A shooting in Nashville last year marked the first instance of a transgender shooter in a mass shooting, in which four or more individuals were killed, a spokesperson for The Violence Project told the news outlet.”

    Which has basically been debunked.

    First, ‘transgender’ (often shortened to ‘trans’) means a person whose gender identity differs from the gender they were biologically at birth. It does not mean they have had surgery or hormones to actually ‘transition’ to the opposite gender ‘physically’. So to be ‘transgendered’ really means that one only need adopt a gender identity differs from the gender they were biologically at birth.

    Second, its disingenuous and deceptive for NewsWeek or “The Violence Project” to use and apply the term ‘transgender’ as they are using it.

    Third, the majority of mass shooters (who lived or not) expressed gender identity issues and/or wanting to be ‘transgendered’. So in reality the transgender shooter in Nashville did not actually mark “the first instance of a transgender shooter in a mass shooting” – notice how Newsweek throws in the “in which four or more individuals were killed” and the source as “The Violence Project”.

    For example, in a nationwide collective sense, last year in 2023 on a single day on 15 July, there are over 87 ‘mass shootings’ carried out by ‘transgender’ shooters if the shootings, although distributed across the nation individually, are counted in groups of four fashion – collectively, 384 people injured/killed by ‘transgender’ shooters in a single day in 2023.

  22. The “guy”, “girl”, “it”, had “free Palestine” written on his AR-15. That says it all. When you are so concerned with your genitalia life is confusing. If you can’t beat ’em, incarcerate them – forever.

  23. Since the shooter’s gun stated “Free Palestine” and not “MAGA” this story will quickly be memory holed.

  24. “My daughter-in-law when she was taking medication for schizophrenia was a very sweet and loving woman,” Walli Carranza, the mother-in-law of 36-year-old Genesse Moreno wrote in a Facebook post Monday. “But mental illness is real illness and when family members seek emergency protections they’re not doing so for their own sake but for the sake of the person who is ill.”
    “She is a diagnosed schizophrenic and [Child Protective Services] has told her that she cannot have a gun,” he said. “I am afraid of her having my address. She has guns and she brags about it while having my son in the car.”

    A separate affidavit filed by his mother, Carranza, echoed the concerns and allegations outlined by Enrique.

    In January 2020, Moreno “pulled an unlocked and loaded gun from underneath a seat in the car and pointed it at the head” of Carranza, “only hours after a first unlocked and loaded handgun was found” by their then-3-year-old son “in his own diaper bag,” according to the ex-mother-in-law’s affidavit. She added that Moreno should not have been allowed to own a weapon, claiming that under an alias, she had been under involuntary psychiatric commitment at least four times.

    • Sounds like the antigun system we’re all supposed to bet our lives on is working exactly as designed!

  25. I had to do some checking around to figure this out since the media, including TTAG, has been so vague.

    Per TTAG above:
    turned out to be a 36-year-old tran[z] woman named Genesse Ivonne Moreno

    No she did NOT turn out to be a tran[z] woman! If she’s actually a woman, then why is TTAG calling her a tran[z] woman? If you’re going to be a journalist, then you need to make it clear to your audience what you’re talking about. We don’t call women tran[z] women. A tran[z] woman is a less condescending way of calling a man a pretend woman. It turns out that Genesse Moreno is a WOMAN. At some point, she was apparently calling herself Jeffrey Escalante. I’m not sure what that was about.

    While checking around, I saw one MSM source that never mentioned any pronoun. They gave her name, then proceeded to call her Moreno every time she was mentioned. I’m sure they were fretting about offending someone. Whatever happened to informing the audience? I realize that MSM exists to push their narratives. I expect more from TTAG. Please do better in the future.

    This woman wasn’t just a Palestinian defender. She was, at least at some point, a Muslim. Her former mother-in-law said Moreno wore a hijab when she first met her. Also, Moreno’s mother attended this church she tried to shoot up.

    • At some point, she was apparently calling herself Jeffrey Escalante.

      To further clarify this, if you’re going to use the tran[z] identifier, this is how it’s used:
      If she was “identifying” as a man (calling herself Jeffery), then she would be called a tran[z] man, not a tran[z] woman. I don’t like the whole tran[z] identifier thing, but if you’re going to use it, that’s how you do it.

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