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Latest Freedom Granted to Saudi Women: Gun Ownership

Saudi women can now legally lock and load. In barely two years, Saudi women have earned the right to both drive and to own a firearm. While women have been legally behind the wheel since 2019, it was only last year that they were allowed to own firearms.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, shooting became popular with many Saudis as a social distanced and outdoor activity. Yet, some women have been shooting for far longer.

“At a young age my father taught me how to use and train with air rifles. I later joined the Saudi Archery Federation,” said Reem Alatawi, who later earned first place in a Saudi shooting competition.

Alatawi pointed out how relatively straight forward the process is. Potential owners first select the firearm they want to purchase either online or at a store. Then they must complete a series of checks. If the application is granted, they are allowed to make the purchase and pick up the weapon. The process can take just a few minutes.

“We must thank the government and the Saudi Falcons and Hunting Club for this opportunity. Now everyone can acquire weapons legally and much easier than in other countries,” she said. 

— Joseph Hammond in Saudi Women Take Up Shooting After Gun Ownership Legalized

59 thoughts on “Latest Freedom Granted to Saudi Women: Gun Ownership”

  1. Funny how when oppressed people celebrate wins toward liberty no matter how tenuous or small and when largely free people demand more oppression for imaginary reasons like safety and hurt feelings.

    Grass is always greener I guess.

  2. People can say all they want about Saudi Arabia being an “oppressed” Society. But now women are encouraged to purchase and own firearms. That is something that IS NOT encouraged by the United States government.

    And it seems that the American government is as backwards as Saudi Arabia used to be.

  3. The stupid ass burka/tent the gals wear should make concealed carry easy. Access and draw may be a problem though.

    Perhaps just carry a Shockwave (or Barrett) under the thing and shoot thru.

    • Will gat ownership make it easier for Saudi gals to shoot the men mutilating them? Yeah it’s interesting all the “freedoms” happened after the Orange man pushed them🙄

      • yep.

        Everyone can talk about “natural (or “god given”) rights” but if you try it you’ll be talking about how you’re naturally free… in a prison cell

      • We’re so far gone here that conservatives are bragging about allowing people to worship during Covid Insanity. Think about that one for a minute.

  4. If they wound an attacker in their home and he runs off they will clean up and say nothing. Why? Women aren’t allowed to be alone with any man other than a relative and someone will believe she was doing the dirty and then ran him off. They have actual mortality cops and still believe in stoning an adulteress.

  5. Sumabitch, emu is hard enough to find, now all them A Rabs are going to be buying it, and since theBiden decided we need their oil they’ll have the money to do it.
    Olin Olin Olin
    Keep them cartridges rollin

    • now if Olin would just make ammo that would go bang everytime. now i have rawhide stuck in my head, thanks possum.

  6. And of course Albert Hall/dacian/Miner49er will be along shortly to post how this is a bad thing and women should remain oppressed and not afforded rights.

    • Ballsock. If there ia ONE thing I am against it’s the oppression of women. And that got nothing to do with gun ownership. Here In the UK gun control measure apply EQUALLY to both men and women. What happens in Saudi Arabia has gor exactly nothing to do with me eithyer . MY son was in GULF 2 as an Officer in the ROYal Air Force and receiveed a HONOURARY COMMISIONas a CAPTAIN in the SAUDI DEfence Forces [and no he is NOT a MUSLIM!!] and he would tell you that women are not nearly so down-trodden as you might think and but they do have traditional roles to, play and in those roles THEY TAKE PRECEDENCE.
      If you can show me a single entry I have made on these pages that indicates that I supoport the OPPRESSION of women, or anybody else for that matter, I’ll eat a Dead Dog dod raw.
      Having and opinion about gun control and does not meean I support oppression.
      And most assuredly NOBODY in the UK sees that banning wannabe Rambos walking armed in the street looking for the chance to slot somebody as being in anyway Oppressive, In fact the overwhelming majority and I’m talking over 95% of the electorate SUPPORT UK gun control measures.
      Neither do we think the possession of a SEMI-AUTO KILLING MACHINE or an over powerful handgun is nessessary for the expression of out manhood. We leave that to you lot.
      I was a long term Service man I spent fitfteen years in the Royal Air Force and for a periuod of that time was a SERGEANT Armourer and SMALL ARMS INSTRUCTOR and trained both men and women to shoot from the recruit stage right up to real expertise. I then spent a futher 7 years in the UK ARMY INFANTRY RESERVES which are among the best trained Infantry in the world. I trained on every thing from the LEE-ENFIELF No4 .303 to the 7.62SLR to the SA80 to various handguns including the S&W .38 and the BROWING HI-POwer all heavy and light Machine including the GPMG and the BREN , the STERLING and the STEN THe sommHISPANO, the 30mm ADEN Gun and the BOFORS 40/70. I also trained in explosives storage, testing and demolition and all current, at the time EJECTION SEATS. and aircraft ordnance
      I think perhaps that give me a considerable level of broad expertise and a bloodysight more than you have.
      But it is nice to know that there are people out there who actually care about what I write ebven if they appear delusional. But it would als be even nicer if they bother to come up with counter argument insted of making delusional statement with not the slightest foundation of truth in them.

      • @Albert LJ Hall

        Stop your lying.

        Oh and this > “If there ia ONE thing I am against it’s the oppression of women.” < yet according to you in one of your other stories your 85 years old and beat up women, punching them causing them to pass out which means in the definition of deadly force you applied deadly force.

      • Just real quick,
        I am tired of you mushy mouthed limeys telling America how we should conduct business. We kicked your asses out of this country for that very reason. Wanker off !!

        Semper Fi,
        Tracey D. Leavell
        SSgt. USMC ret.

      • Albert,

        You say:

        “What happens in Saudi Arabia has gor exactly nothing to do with me eithyer .”

        What happens here has the same relevance. Yet you opine.

        You also say:

        “And most assuredly NOBODY in the UK sees that banning wannabe Rambos walking armed in the street looking for the chance to slot somebody as being in anyway Oppressive, In fact the overwhelming majority and I’m talking over 95% of the electorate SUPPORT UK gun control measures.”

        Whether you bellieve it exists in good ol England, there are those who are waiting to commit violence on someone, and not in self defense. In every society there exists evil people. The vast majority of those in this Country that carry for self defense does so hoping that they will not need to. I am sure you own a fire extinguisher in your home? Are you just waiting to use it on an inferno? Or do you have the hope you may never need it?

        “Neither do we think the possession of a SEMI-AUTO KILLING MACHINE or an over powerful handgun is nessessary for the expression of out manhood. We leave that to you lot.”

        You do know the marketing that uses those terms came about after people like you compared firearms to penis envy. Many took the expression and turned it. Ridicule did not work as it wasn’t truthful and it just made people like you look more sexually deficient or deviant considering you thoughts always went to the penis.

        “I think perhaps that give me a considerable level of broad expertise and a bloodysight more than you have.”

        Seems debatable, maybe a sit down sometime with certifications over tea and crumpets may be in order?

        “But it is nice to know that there are people out there who actually care about what I write ebven if they appear delusional. But it would als be even nicer if they bother to come up with counter argument insted of making delusional statement with not the slightest foundation of truth in them.”

        You do not reply when refuted with fact, you just move on a regurgitate the same tired talking points, albeit with a supposed English sensibility.

        You won’t reply know, but you will again post. One of your alter egos may step into the light and post awhile as well. Are you a Billy Milligan?

      • Your spiel sounds like so much horse crap. An Air Force NCO training with infantry weapons, and not as an MP? Sorry son, doesn’t wash. Nor does the claim you have ever bedded a woman, much less are old enough to have an adult son. Most of your postings read like something some adolescent gamer would come up with.
        Just like your claims of how gun owners here in the US are Rambo wanna be’s. Not anyone with enough sense to wipe their own backside has the desire to wander around with whatever long arms, be it a single shot musket, or the latest semi-auto on the market, looking to shoot someone over an imagined slight. You’ve got to stop reading, or believing the crap put out by the government and major media.

      • “Ballsock. If there ia ONE thing I am against it’s the oppression of women. ”

        Yes, I’m sure that you are a ballsock. And, yes, you are against oppressing women. Now get off your lard arse and get your own snacks Phat Brother.

  7. Expect the new law to be rescinded in only a short period of time. Considering that women are treated as slaves in Saudi Arabia they will soon start to blow away a lot of their husbands. It does not matter what country you live in because a gun in the home means you are 800% more likely to use it on a family member.

  8. All the women are wearing pants and looking pretty good walking away while in the background it looks like some guy is wearing a dress. SA seems like a strange place. And all the women here can hate on me for the walking away comment but I only speaketh the truth

  9. And exactly what has this got to do with the USA or American gun control measures? I do not see the connection.
    What happens in Saudi Arabia has NOTHING to do with the USA believe it or not!

    • sir albert of nuttingham…That is like saying what happens in Russia has nothing to do with the UK staying warm this winter…brrrrr.

    • A L J Hall and your opinions and views have nothing to do with POTG in the U S A.
      Therefore, mind your own subjective business! Keep you nose in the U K.

    • @Albert

      And exactly what have you to do with the USA or American gun control measures? You live in the UK, according to you, so you don’t have a connection to this discussion so go away.

    • Don’t you have a funeral procession to watch? The Queen is dead, long live the King, and all the rest of that nonsense. Run along now, if you’re really, really, REALLY lucky, one of the royals might fornicate you.

  10. Funny how the left will celebrate firearms ownership for women in SA, but deny the same right to women in NYC. Guess it must be because the firearms are not in the US.

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