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Leatherman CAM, c

I’m a HUGE Leatherman fan. So when they introduced their MUT, I was all over it. A multi-tool designed just for guns? Sign me up! Now, it looks like Leatherman is taking notice of the MUT’s popularity and cranking out some firearm- and bow-specific tools.

Read all about it over at TTAK.

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  1. Suggestion: Don’t ever walk around San Francisco wearing a T-shirt that says “I’m a HUGE Leatherman fan”.

  2. I am also big fan of Leatherman. Leatherman Multi-Tool that finest fits your exploration, assignment or trade. It is the unique American multi-tools through a 25-year.

    This Line of Gun / Bow Related Multi-tools is an only one of its kind multi-tool that each shooter wants in their gun carrier. The Gun Tool be capable of formulate the speedy repair that can keep a hunt or a tour to the range.

    This Gun Tool is specially completed to fit which firearms? Is it for Rugar firearms? I thinks is specifically designed for rifles and shotguns into single compact.

    Gun Holsters Unlimited

    • Is this comment some kind of computer generated gibberish, designed to evade spam filters? I think so. Where is the “flag as spam” link?

  3. Scanned the post title really quick and thought it said “Letterman announces new line of gun / bow tie related tools.”

    I was really looking forward to hearing how David Letterman has seen the light and joined Alan Gottlieb in the great quest to unite gun culture with bow-tie culture.

  4. I really like Leatherman’s products, and I don’t wish to precipitate on the parade, but doesn’t Leatherman have a history of being unfriendly to gun rights?

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