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Once again my erstwhile hometown makes the news, and not in a good way: 

DENVER — It began when a Denver patrol officer stopped a young man who had just left Shotgun Willie’s strip club driving a Jeep with illegal flashing red lights and a blaring siren last month. Then the officer spotted a machine gun among an arsenal of weapons in the Jeep. 

Now, 21-year-old Andrew Thomas Gunzner, an apprentice gunsmith at a Littleton gun shop, has been indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of possessing two machine guns that he stole from his employer, Prairie Arms Manufacturing, and possessing explosive devices, the Colorado U.S. Attorney’s Office told Tuesday. 

The charges carry a maximum penalty of 40 years in prison and $760,000 in fines. Gunzner remains in Denver jail 

I almost posted this under “irresponsible gun owner of the day”, not for Gunzner, who is of course, innocent until proven guilty (even with a stolen machine gun in his jeep) but for the owners of Prairie Arms, who apparently didn’t know the Class III hardware was missing until police arrested Gunzner.  However, as this story just broke, I’ll reserve judgment for now. 

After all, a business owner has to trust his employees at some point, and Gunzner isn’t the first gun store employee to be accused of embezzling his employer’s wares, nor, sadly, is he likely to be the last.

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  1. Someone needs to check on this gun shop. I think that they are up to no good. This kid had a clean record and was a sucker for these people. His life has been ruined by these crooks

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