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London AK-47 ‘Art Show’ Features Lots Of Glitter, Twaddle

I’d love to know how many AK parts could be openly displayed in Hoplophobicke Olde England without causing a mass case of the vapors. As for my own creation . . .

I don’t think any of them hold a candle to my own masterpiece: a fully-functional souvenir from my ‘Green Period.’

7 thoughts on “London AK-47 ‘Art Show’ Features Lots Of Glitter, Twaddle”

  1. “The AK-47 is one of the most devastating weapons ever created by man, and is often cited as being the most deadly…”

    Sure, if you don’t count tanks, planes, bombs, intentionally spread diseases, or even a recklessly driven automobile.

  2. The women in London must be keeping smelling salts handing for when the british males see this and get hysterical and pass out. Wouldn’t be a bad idea to put adult diapers on them in case they start drizzling.

  3. That’s funny when the woman who was cleaning the guns said that she found congealed blood in the barrel. Who wants to bet that it was just some cosmoline they packed these in when they shipped them in from wherever? Besides what are the odds that blood would make it into the barrel of a firing weapon?

  4. I get the vapors whenever the Subjects of Britian make a video about guns. How can a nation surrender its balls like this?

  5. I was in London in June this year. They have lots of big and free of charge museums there. I walked into the Tate Modern art museum, walked up all the stairs poked my head in one room, walked down all the stairs and exited. In the name of free I forgot that I hate modern art.
    All the other museums were pretty cool though, particularly the British Museum and Imperial War Museum.

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