Lori Lightfoot
Voters had a message for Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh)

Chicago suffered yet another horrific weekend of carnage under Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s leadership. While hundreds of cops were tied up protecting Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s street and the Columbus statue in Grant Park, violent criminals racked up quite a butcher’s bill elsewhere in the city: 13 killed and 65 more maimed.

Things got off to a busy start for police on Friday evening at Grant Park. Scores, if not hundreds of cops were attacked by Antifa and Black Lives Matter “peaceful protesters.”

For an even higher resolution video, from the air above, visit this clip on Vimeo.

From there, the weekend just crashed downhill.

Image via HeyJackass.com

In the end, HeyJackass reports 13 dead, 65 more maimed.  More than the last two years combined in homicides and almost as many wounded.

Final Stupidity Tally: 13 killed, 65 wounded
2019 weekend tally: 3 killed, 41 wounded
2018 weekend tally: 9 killed, 36 wounded
2017 weekend tally: 7 killed, 38 wounded
2016 weekend tally: 6 killed, 42 wounded
2015 weekend tally: 7 killed, 34 wounded
2014 weekend tally: 2 killed, 30 wounded

Friday 7/17
2:45p 3200 W 13th, North Lawndale, M/18
2:45p 3200 W 13th, North Lawndale, M/20
2:45p 3200 W 13th, North Lawndale, M/21
2:45p 6600 S Ingleside, Woodlawn, M/21
3:25p 7700 S Carpenter, Auburn Gresham, M/26
5:30p 8200 S Drexel, Chatham, M/14
5:30p 8200 S Drexel, Chatham, F/27
5:30p 8200 S Drexel, Chatham, M/31
Audio: Mostly Peaceful Rioters Gather in Grant Park
CWB Update: Grant Park Riot Dispatch
Second City Cop Riot Update
7:25p 100 E 71st, Grand Crossing, M/?
7:30p 7500 S Racine, Auburn Gresham, M/26
7:40p 9800 S Avenue L, East Side, M/22
8:05p 7400 S Peoria, Englewood, M/28
9:30p 10900 S Wentworth, Roseland, M/42
9:30p 10900 S Wentworth, Roseland, M/49
9:30p 10900 S Wentworth, Roseland, M/49
9:45p 6900 S Lafayette, Grand Crossing, M/17
9:50p 8200 S Drexel, Chatham, M/60
9:50p 8200 S Drexel, Chatham, M/22
10:25p 7000 S Cregier, South Shore, M/36
10:30p 8000 S Cottage Grove, Chatham, F/19
10:30p 8000 S Cottage Grove, Chatham, M/20
10:30p 8000 S Cottage Grove, Chatham, M/30
11:25p 3200 W Cermak, Little Village, M/43
Saturday 7/18
12:30a 4900 W Hubbard, Austin, M/67
1:00a 3600 W Argyle, Albany Park, M/14
1:25a 2000 W Congress, Near West Side, M/29
2:30a 100 W Erie, Near North Side, F/18
2:30a 100 W Erie, Near North Side, M/21

2:35a 5500 W Diversey, Belmont Cragin, M/17
3:10a 300 N Mayfield, Austin, M/34
3:10a 1600 S Keeler, North Lawndale, M/25
3:10a 1600 S Keeler, North Lawndale, M/32
3:10a 1600 S Keeler, North Lawndale, F/36
3:10a 1600 S Keeler, North Lawndale, M/?
3:10a 1600 S Keeler, North Lawndale, M/?
3:15a 10500 S Edbrooke, Roseland, M/26
3:15a 10500 S Edbrooke, Roseland, F/27
3:30a 2600 W 24th, Little Village, M/18
4:00a 300 W Ontario, Near North Side, M/21
4:30a 2200 W 21st, Lower West Side, M/24
5:00a 5800 W Wrightwood, Belmont Cragin, M/? (selfie)
6:30a 3400 W Ohio, Humboldt Park, M/25
1:30p I57 @ 111th, Morgan Park, ?/?
1:30p 4100 W 24th, Little Village, M/35
1:35p 7900 S Lafayette, Chatham, F/35
3:35p 1500 S Sawyer, North Lawndale, M/14
3:35p 1500 S Sawyer, North Lawndale, M/17
6:00p 4400 W Gladys, Garfield Park, M/34
7:25p 1300 N Hudson, Near North Side, M/35
9:30p 7600 S Green, Auburn Gresham, M/14
11:30p 5600 S Wolcott, Englewood, M/25
Sunday 7/19
12:35a 5700 S Paulina, Englewood, F/19
12:35a 5700 S Paulina, Englewood, M/26
1:40a 1200 W 79th, Auburn Gresham, M/31
2:35a 300 N Wabash, Loop, M/35
2:35a 300 N Wabash, Loop, F/25
2:55a 3200 W Cermak, Little Village, M/20
4:25a 7200 S Paulina, Englewood, F/24
4:25a 1200 S Fairfield, North Lawndale, M/26
12:15p 5400 W Quincy, Austin, M/25
1:05p 2900 W 36th, Brighton Park, M/22
4:30p 8200 S Ada, Auburn Gresham, M/10
4:30p 8200 S Ada, Auburn Gresham, M/11
4:30p 8200 S Ada, Auburn Gresham, M/28
5:50p 2200 S Millard, North Lawndale, M/32
9:30p 100 N Keeler, Garfield Park, M/17
9:30p 100 N Keeler, Garfield Park, M/19
9:30p 100 N Keeler, Garfield Park, M/26
10:45p 8200 S Cottage Grove, Chatham, M/21
11:05p 5000 S Wood, New City, M/48
11:50p 11300 S Carpenter, Morgan Park, M/26
11:50p 11300 S Carpenter, Morgan Park, M/41

11:50p 11300 S Carpenter, Morgan Park, M/26
11:50p 11300 S Carpenter, Morgan Park, M/37
11:50p 11300 S Carpenter, Morgan Park, M/48
No Accountability Monday
12:30a 7800 S Euclid, South Shore, M/28
3:10a 4700 W Arthington, Austin, M/31
3:35a 11700 S Loomis, West Pullman, M/?

Meanwhile, Mayor McGrumpypants Lightfoot grows increasingly irritable when called out for her derelict leadership. Donald Trump had offered to help three weeks ago, but Lightfoot was having none of it.



After a few dozen more dead bodies stacked up at the Cook County Morgue, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany called Lightfoot out again for her dereliction of duty. The queen of mean shot back…


To which McEnany took the high road, but still slapped the snot out of Lightfoot.

So what does Mayor Lightfoot do after that?

After the Grant Park melee, she didn’t call out the violent Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters. Instead, she sided with them, and urged them to file complaints against the cops trying to defend themselves.

Screengrab by Boch from Twitter.

Oh, but Lightfoot hadn’t finished.

As the Associated Press reported,

The war of words between Chicago’s mayor and President Donald Trump escalated Monday after a weekend when 12 were killed in the city and dozens injured by gunfire, with Lori Lightfoot rejecting any suggestion federal law enforcement officers should be dispatched to the city and Trump all but promising to send them.

In a letter sent to the president on Monday, Lightfoot said the deployment of secret, federal agents who “arrest, and detain residents without any cause” is a bad idea and urged the president not to do it.

Lightfoot, a frequent Trump critic, slammed the president in the letter for “unhelpful” rhetoric and detailed ways the federal government could help the city to reduce violence, including gun safety reform, public safety support, community outreach and community investment.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why criminals run with impunity in Murder City, USA. She won’t spare any resources to investigate the cops. But jailing the violent thugs shooting women, children and babies?  Lightfoot’s too busy using her Twitter account to manage that issue.


    • There should be a law against stupid mayors. 😉
      Those cops should be allowed to walk out with their ‘thumpers’ and give those asshats a good attitude adjustment!

      • There is such a law. It’s also known as election.To bad it seems that so many of the electorate have there heads stuck up, you know where.

    • Trump’s trying to score political points…and she’s making it easy for him…nothing short of martial law will be required to pacify some of those neighborhoods…and a judiciary that refuses to support the cops isn’t helping…as is her failed leadership….

      • Don’t worry, Trump supporters have their own special tactics for reforming the judiciary:

        “The “anti-feminist” lawyer who allegedly shot a federal judge’s family had volunteered for Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, according to writings he posted online.
        Start your unlimited Newsweek trial >
        Roy Den Hollander was the “primary subject” in the shooting that took place at the home of U.S. District Judge Esther Salas in Brunswick, New Jersey on Sunday, the FBI said in a statement on Monday. The FBI said Den Hollander, a men’s rights attorney, was deceased, but provided no details.
        Salas’ 20-year-old son, Daniel Anderl, was killed after a gunman posing as a FedEx delivery person opened fire at the home. Her husband, defense lawyer Mark Anderl, was wounded, but Salas was in another part of the house at the time and was not harmed.
        According to the Associated Press, Den Hollander wad found dead in the Catskills in New York of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.
        In more than 2,000 pages of writings—often racist and misogynistic—that he posted online last year, Den Hollander wrote about how he had volunteered for Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016.
        He recalled “leaving the law library in the early afternoon for Trump Tower, 12 blocks up Fifth Avenue, to make telephone calls during the primaries and the general election.”
        He added that most of his fellow volunteers were “aging baby boomers like me”—but that “once in a while some hot young model chick would show up to make calls. They never sat next to me.”

        That bit about the hot young models not sitting next to him is accurate, Donald Trump himself has to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to get women to hang out with him.

    • Believe it or don’t, there are many in America (Joe Biden comes to mind) who would decry a law prohibiting crime as blatantly racist.

      • “So what?”

        So you’re OK with terrorist murdering federal judges, as long as it’s a Trump supporter doing the killing.

        Interesting position you have there.

  1. What if I feel I’ve been mistreated by the Chicago criminal force? Where do I file a complaint about that, Mayor Lighthead?

    She has completely lost touch with reality.

    • You can now file an anonymous complaint against a CPD officer ON-LINE! Let’s make it simple to jam up an honest cop with baseless harassment. What ever happened to the right to face one’s accuser?

      Here in Crook County, it’s simple: If you support law enforcement, you’re a racist. Any questions?

      • If your boots are on the ground, please continue to let us know what’s going on where you live. None of us trust the media to give us the complete, honest story.

    • yea the cops ducked when i threw rocks at them and i had to keep throwing till my arm got sore this should be investigated

    • Many more shot last night(7/21) ironically, at a funeral service for another gang-banger shot and killed the week before. You can’t make this shit up.

  2. All you cop hating jackals in need of help should cease calling the local police and call the Black Lives Matter Hotline.
    BLM will dispatch a car load of punks to assist you as soon as they return from looting and burning another business, etc.
    Remember all BLM assistance applies first to the BLM Elite. All others are considered useful idiots and must be patient while they are placed on hold. Hold times can be several hours or days. If you leave your number the BLM Help Squad will return your call in order received. Have a nice day and if you want more of this sht don’t forget to vote democRat.

    • The problem is the cops will stop you from dealing with the trouble makers.

      The people commiting all the crime aren’t na threat to the cops. People getting rid of the source of the crime are a threat to the police.

      No one here would object to the police if they got out of the way.

  3. If I was a cop up there I would be sick on these weekends and dang sure would not be protecting her I would quit before I would do that Trump needs to nationalize all monuments in the US so that nobody could mess with them without breaking federal law The Governor up there should temporarily suspend her from office with a full investigation and send in the national guard to help the police take back control

    • Lightfoot is an elitist supporting elitist. It will have to take much more 5#!t to hit a bigger and faster rotating fan for Gov higher ups to take action. Maybe make that an occilating fan.

    • Governor Prickster? He’s as big an idiot as she(?) is. He probably backs every thing she is doing.

      • Prickster is exactly what the citizens of Illinois voted for. They had a governor who worked to lower the crime rate. Extend 2A rights, curb spending and lower taxes. They (Illinois Citizens) hated him. Keeping in mind the word Illinois: Is an old Indian word for Land of the Dumb Fucks. It all Makes perfect sense.

  4. The citizens of Chiraq are getting exactly what they want. Crime, shootings and murders are nothing new. They continue to vote for the same type of leaders year after year. Knowing full well nothing will change unless “They” the Citizens Change. Except They never do. Until the Citizens of Chiraq change their behaviors, The violence will continue. Living on the Government Plantation is a Generational Lifestyle. Developed by the Liberal Democrat Party in the 60’s as a way to keep the Black Community. Always in need of the Government for Sustenance. Now that need is 3-4 generations deep. With no end or solution in sight. The saddest part of the whole situation is. Black Lives Don’t Matter to the Black Community. Unless there’s a Government Handout attached to it.

    • And isn’t this racsisss?

      Hey, Karen. Watch your mouth.
      — Mayor Lori Lightfoot

      • Hundreds of years ago slavery was forced upon “some people”, unfortunate but true, you can’t change history. For the last 55 years slavery has been voluntary and the line is still growing with each generation.

    • Triple??

      awww come on without any cops holding them back we know they can do far far better than triple…lets say ten times is a great start!

      why low ball our expectations

  5. Any day now the never trumpers are going to bring down AF1 in Chiraq and the United States having no men left will have to reanimate Charles Bronson to go in and get him.

  6. In socialist territories and somehow it’s Trump’s fault? Actually, when socialists fail, it’s always somebody else fault. Personally, I am thankful for big cities and their socialist rule, pulls most of the crime into them.

  7. There is just so much in there… I’m reduced to saying, mental illness is a real thing, and you don’t have to have someone lie on a couch and talk about their childhood to see it. And I mean everyone, the mayor, her advisors and cabinet, the voters, EVERYONE. 🤯

  8. I fear the days of vigilantism are on the horizon.

    The absolute breakdown of the rule of law will demand it.

  9. More dead thugs please. Let them kill each other. I don’t regret that, and I do feel bad about the collateral damage, but c’mon. Who voted for Lightbrain? Odds are it was the parents of the dead innocents.

    You made your bed, Chicago. Now die in it.

  10. ‘Things got off to a busy start for police on Friday evening at Grant Park. Scores, if not hundreds of cops were attacked by Antifa and Black Lives Matter “peaceful protesters.” ‘

    You forgot to say MOSTLY peaceful protesters (AKA rioters). And LBJ was a sometimes racist.

  11. That kind of thing happens in Leftard chitholes such as Chitcago,avoid Leftard chitholes like the plague they are.

  12. My employer used to be based in Chicago before our 350 person company was gobbled up be a 140,000 person behemoth. Means I know a few folk who still live there. None plan to leave. Family. Friends. Roots. Even those who have told me they do not feel safe are not planning to leave (stops typing to bang head on desk)………………….

    Suggested arming up. They are not doing that, either………………

    I consider myself a wild-eyed optimist, but I do not see any hope for Chicago.

    • Interesting anecdotes… Thanks for sharing buddy. I am with you, that’s so foreign a mindset for me I can’t even comprehend it. I hope your friends and acquaintances stay safe, but if they don’t, 🤷‍♂️

    • Have relatives in Chicago, son has visited several times, all say the city is just fine, love it there. Of course, they say, there are places you don’t go. Otherwise, beautiful and fun. Y’all have fun, hear?

  13. Everyone is complaining about our Chicago leaders. But no one complains about the parents of their “little children” who evidently can do no wrong.

    These “Parents” do not care what their “children” do or where they are at any given time. It seems like the parents are just satisfied that their kids are out of the house so they won’t have to worry about them.

    Then if something happens to their kids, they say “Where are the Police?” When Street Action happens in their neighborhood, the parents know who’s at fault but their scared of retribution. Probably so, but someone has to stand up to these gang affairs.

    Further, with the actions Trump has taken, to send his Gestapo enforcers to “Help” with a city’s Street Action is exactly what Mao-Tse-Tung, Putin, Stalin and or Castro would do. “Beat the Hell out of the non-violent Protesters.

    I can’t wait until the “Trumper” loses the election. Of course his comeback will be that the results were rigged. What a “Goon”.

    • pansy.
      so you would leave the “peaceful protestors” to provide cover for violent vandals. you should run for mayor. your simcity 2020 floyd covid edition session would be over in a few minutes.

    • That’s half, “parents should take responsibility for their children,” which is an excellent and salient point (my only disagreement being your use of the plural. How many two parent households do you think there are there, because it’s a huge minority).

      And then I guess the paint you were drinking kicked in, because you turned into a black pilled little bitch pretty quickly. I’m having trouble connecting the two thoughts there.

      • these kids were lost to the streets at an early age…parenting..[what there is of it]..is a non-factor….

    • “Further, with the actions Trump has taken, to send his Gestapo enforcers to “Help” with a city’s Street Action is exactly what Mao-Tse-Tung, Putin, Stalin and or Castro would do. “Beat the Hell out of the non-violent Protesters.”

      It is perfectly legal for federal police to pursue suspects who have committed crimes on federal property or broken federal laws. That doesn’t make federal police the “Gestapo”.
      Furthermore, the feds are not enforcing Portland’s “Street Action”.
      Finally, before you say they beat non-violent protesters, you should watch the uncut, unedited video, unlike Antifa/BLM propaganda videos.

    • You are destined to have a very unmerry christmas. Your socialist heroes are not going to lose, they are going to be crushed so bad it may be the end of the party.

      Just BTW, all the commies you named never sent the goons to beat up anybody. They killed the opposition, by the tens of millions. And that is what you are hoping for here.

  14. oh, she’s real supportive of the peaceful protestors all right. that is, of course, until they announced their plans to march on her logan square home. she erected a temporary iron fence around her entire block and pulled squads off from patrolling their assigned districts to her neighborhood leaving onesies and twosies in high crime areas.

    “…protesters threw frozen water bottles, cans and rocks at police officers, who were clad in riot gear.”
    yeah, no. watch the aerial vid- they were unprepared as far as riot gear goes. thrown to the wolves. you will see just how effective pepper spray is on mobs w/ o gas masks, it’s a shame the orders weren’t given sooner than thirty minutes in, not to mention these past few months.

    “…hit in the face by a CPD officer, which knocked out and broke Boyd’s front teeth.”
    yeah, no. this “miracle” bloated sack of putrid protoplasm even started a fund page to get her [previously] broken grille repaired. now defunded as the scam was revealed. her vile noxious posts on fpalm are a literal confession; but she won’t get picked up.

  15. Get over it, this is the kind of life the people want to live so leave them alone. If you coose not tolive that kind of life keep democrats out of your local offices. They do say dems and republicans see the same thing and take it differently and there you go.

  16. Funny I am sure right now that BLM has killed more ‘black lives NOT mattering” than all the cops have accidentally killed or killed via the line of duty in the last 100 years

    just today they found one more body in the riots rubble

    • Stats don’t go back that far, but to the extent they do, the murder rate in this country, much of which is black on black, far exceeds the number of suspects and even bystanders of all races killed by police each year. Go back just fifty years and you end up with a body count in the hundreds of thousands. Since it is a continuing problem, I conclude that the rewards of thug/gang life must outweigh the risk of getting shot or killed.

  17. I find her use of the term “Karen” an absolute racial slander. If a white women called mayor leftfoot and “Aunt Jemima” you know it would be called racist. If its good for the goose its good for Karen as well.

  18. What seems to be missed in the article and the comments is what the American voter wants. From the polls clearly America endorses Lori Lightfoot and long standing Democrat municipal policies whether in Chicago, Portland, NYC, etc.
    American first principles described by the DofI, Constitution, and Abe Lincoln are no longer relevant to the modern world; which Woodrow Wilson stated and now America embraces. French Jacobins and Robespierre are the future desired by America.
    Democrat Party hegemony, perpetual single party rule modeled on the modern totalitarian state is the desire and will of the American people which we will realize in November.

    • You’re either a black pilled pussy or a plant. Either way Nostradamus, what’re you going to say when that doesn’t happen? I doubt you’ll be back to rejoice and apologize.


        You’re either a black pilled pussy or a plant. Either way Nostradamus, what’re you going to say when that doesn’t happen? I doubt you’ll be back to rejoice and apologize.

    • You’re either a black pilled pussy or a plant. Either way Nostradamus, what’re you going to say when that doesn’t happen? I doubt you’ll be back to rejoice and apologize.

    • You’re either a black pilled sniveling coward or a plant. What’re you gonna do when that doesn’t happen? I doubt you’ll be back here to apologize.

    • You’ve been reading “Reds” too often while spanking the monkey.

      Are these the same polls that predicted the Hillary landslide victory in 2016.

      Your TDS is really showing. Do you have your cyanide pills ready for November?

      • Good point! All your ilk should pledge suicide if Joe is Trumped, then see how much anybody cares. Just like all those who pledged to leave the country. All mouth.

        • “All mouth.”

          Yes, there are many Trump supporters who are blowhards, here’s world famous draft dodger Ted Nugent with his own particular cowardly declaration.

          “You gotta be one stone-cold hell-raisin’ bad mofo to hang out with Uncle Ted.

          Because I’ll tell you this right now: If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year. Why are you laughing? Do you think that’s funny? That’s not funny at all. I’m serious as a heart attack.
          So, being at the NRA event, God bless you, good indicator, but if you can’t go home and get everybody in your lives to clean house in this vile, evil, America-hating administration, I don’t even know what you’re made out of.”

          He pooped in his pants to avoid the draft, and he declared he would either be in jail or dead eight years ago. All hat, no cattle.

  19. Meh…nothing to see here. Move along. Ya know I used to sell insurance in all those south & Westside hoods. Douglas Blvd. West Pullman. 63rd & Ghetto. Some 28 to 30 years ago.It sucked then. Now it’s worse. Those unaware won’t believe the murder rate was the same or similar then. NOW the criminals are MUCH younger. I remember going to Altgeld Gardens. A young lady with a kid lived there and she told me momma & gramma preceded her. She had a side gig because no one could live on the gubmint largress. No ambition whatsoever. This chit will NEVER change until the human heart changes. Period…

    • used to visit dave comage down there. he had a gpz1100, jeans tucked into cowboy boots. funny guy.

    • used to use knives and razors and the occasional revolver…in addition to getting younger they’ve gotten more technologically advanced….

    • It will end when we the taxpayers stop incentivizing it. If you punish a course of action you will get more of it. If you punish a course of action you will get less of it. Makes decisions much easier. Stop incentivizing dependence.

  20. There is little disincentive to do crime is Chicago. Since the criminals don’t get punished, they’ll keep committing crimes. When BLM/Antifa starts hitting white neighborhoods, the Chicago pols might start to take notice since there’s a danger the residents will vote them out. In black neighborhoods, they’re linked 90%+ to the Dems, so the victimized residents can be ignored while supporting leftist BLM/Antifa. Black on black deaths are sensationalized, so nobody is going to care.

  21. avatar Chitcago is #1 in all the wrong standings, shootings, killings, crime, corruption, debt! And they want to ruin this country (oh they almost have)

    Chitcago, the only outdoor shooting range with live targets (briefly), condoned by a light headed POS Obowelmovement mayor! Just like Detroit only bigger! These garbage dem run cities have 90%+ of all the crime in the country! Stay clear or move!

    • It’s quite surprising how challenged most on this list star when it comes to understanding crime statistics.

      They don’t seem to understand the difference between role numbers and per capita, or they ignore the difference because it serves their narrative.
      They don’t seem to understand the difference between role numbers and per capita, or they ignore the difference because it serves their narrative.

      When it comes to violent crime, Chicago is not even in the top 10. In fact, many republican states Harbor Republican controlled cities that have a much higher violent crime rate.

      Ohio, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, etc. all have cities with much higher crime rates than Chicago.

      But if it gives you an emotional thrill to display your ignorance of statistics, go right ahead with your fake news. After all, Donald Trump says he loves the poorly educated.

      1. Detroit, Michigan
      • 2018 violent crime rate: 2,007.8 per 100,000 people
      • 2018 homicides: 261
      • Poverty rate: 37.9%

      2. Memphis, Tennessee
      • 2018 violent crime rate: 1,943.2 per 100,000 people
      • 2018 homicides: 186
      • Poverty rate: 26.9%

      3. Birmingham, Alabama
      • 2018 violent crime rate: 1,911.5 per 100,000 people
      • 2018 homicides: 88
      • Poverty rate: 28.1%

      4. Baltimore, Maryland
      • 2018 violent crime rate: 1,833.4 per 100,000 people
      • 2018 homicides: 309
      • Poverty rate: 22.4%

      5. St. Louis, Missouri
      • 2018 violent crime rate: 1,800.4 per 100,000 people
      • 2018 homicides: 187
      • Poverty rate: 25%

      6. Kansas City, Missouri
      • 2018 violent crime rate: 1,590.3 per 100,000 people
      • 2018 homicides: 137
      • Poverty rate: 17.3%

      7. Cleveland, Ohio
      • 2018 violent crime rate: 1,449.6 per 100,000 people
      • 2018 homicides: 86
      • Poverty rate: 35.2%

      8. Little Rock, Arkansas
      • 2018 violent crime rate: 1,446.1 per 100,000 people
      • 2018 homicides: 40
      • Poverty rate: 17.8%

      9. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
      • 2018 violent crime rate: 1,413 per 100,000 people
      • 2018 homicides: 99
      • Poverty rate: 27.4%

      10. Stockton, California
      • 2018 violent crime rate: 1,399.6 per 100,000 people
      • 2018 homicides: 33

      29. Chicago, Illinois
      • 2018 violent crime rate: 1,006.1 per 100,000 people
      • 2018 homicides: 563
      • Poverty rate: 20.6%

      • Might want to also list the minority population percentages for those cities…hmmmm
        They do all seem to have some things in common…just sayin’…
        Facts are facts…
        And I would bet each city has crime concentrated in particular areas…hmmm

  22. As Col. Jeff Cooper once said “people in these areas fight little wars among themselves. It would be in society’s best interest to keep them well supplied with ammunition.”

  23. A place to start solving the problem might well lie in and with the next mayoralty election. Is that in November?

  24. Wake up, it is Chicago, who in America that really matters cares. Let the animals kill each other, can’t see it from my house.

  25. If you guys want to hear something funny, look up the heyjackass youtube channel and listen to the CPD scanner they have on there for certain times. You can hear ‘rogue radios’ which are almost certainly retired\disgruntled CPD fomenting a mutiny against the mayor and bosses. Good times.

  26. It’s quite surprising how challenged most on this list are when it comes to understanding crime statistics.

    They don’t seem to understand the difference between raw numbers and per capita, or they ignore the difference because it serves their narrative.

    When it comes to violent crime, Chicago is not even in the top 10. In fact, many republican states Harbor Republican controlled cities that have a much higher violent crime rate.

    Ohio, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, etc. all have cities with much higher crime rates than Chicago.

    But if it gives you an emotional thrill to display your ignorance of statistics, go right ahead with your fake news. After all, Donald Trump says he loves the poorly educated.

    1. Detroit, Michigan
    • 2018 violent crime rate: 2,007.8 per 100,000 people
    • 2018 homicides: 261
    • Poverty rate: 37.9%

    2. Memphis, Tennessee
    • 2018 violent crime rate: 1,943.2 per 100,000 people
    • 2018 homicides: 186
    • Poverty rate: 26.9%

    3. Birmingham, Alabama
    • 2018 violent crime rate: 1,911.5 per 100,000 people
    • 2018 homicides: 88
    • Poverty rate: 28.1%

    4. Baltimore, Maryland
    • 2018 violent crime rate: 1,833.4 per 100,000 people
    • 2018 homicides: 309
    • Poverty rate: 22.4%

    5. St. Louis, Missouri
    • 2018 violent crime rate: 1,800.4 per 100,000 people
    • 2018 homicides: 187
    • Poverty rate: 25%

    6. Kansas City, Missouri
    • 2018 violent crime rate: 1,590.3 per 100,000 people
    • 2018 homicides: 137
    • Poverty rate: 17.3%

    7. Cleveland, Ohio
    • 2018 violent crime rate: 1,449.6 per 100,000 people
    • 2018 homicides: 86
    • Poverty rate: 35.2%

    8. Little Rock, Arkansas
    • 2018 violent crime rate: 1,446.1 per 100,000 people
    • 2018 homicides: 40
    • Poverty rate: 17.8%

    9. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
    • 2018 violent crime rate: 1,413 per 100,000 people
    • 2018 homicides: 99
    • Poverty rate: 27.4%

    10. Stockton, California
    • 2018 violent crime rate: 1,399.6 per 100,000 people
    • 2018 homicides: 33

    29. Chicago, Illinois
    • 2018 violent crime rate: 1,006.1 per 100,000 people
    • 2018 homicides: 563
    • Poverty rate: 20.6%

    • I don’t care which party “controls” a city or state. it’s a city or state with a particular violent population. Can you guess?

    • Miner,
      Everyone of those cities you listed are run by democrats. Stockton elections are officially nonpartisan but they’re democrats. The republican governors can’t run individual cities. That’s the mayor’s job.

      Chicago is often talked about due to the sheer numbers, but you’re right, it’s important to look at per capita numbers as well.

    • And we keep telling people about gun deaths…65% are suicides…they don’t care either
      per capita…blacks are WAY more violent and crime-prone than whites…FACTS
      they look at the raw numbers…
      and in most cities…the crime and shooting is happening in distinct areas…NOT all over the city
      but it is RACIST to point out these FACTS, too
      figures lie and liars figure…and will always be thus

  27. Socialist Party is nothing but a front for organized crime. They have come to power running as democrats. They control the cities, they want the country. They are using the same tactics as The National Socialist Party in Germany before they took Germany over. They are so close to success. They are coming into the light. Telling the same lie until it becomes fact. If they fail it’s our fault, not theirs, and, we will be held accountable. They will not accept any vote but the vote for them. It’s not about Trump, it’s about they lost the last election. They do not intend to lose the next one. Within 4 years, if not sooner, we will cease to be a Democratic Republic Under The Constitution and become a United Socialist State Republic, something The Constitution never provided for. Totalitarian rule.

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