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My baby sister posted an article on Facebook yesterday: LOS ZETAS TAKES OVER TEXAS RANCHES, NOT A PEEP FROM MSM. Since then, The Cypress Times has toned down their assertions of the veracity of the story. Yesterday, Google News yielded dozens of links claiming that A) America had been invaded and B) the MSM was suppressing the story. Oddly, both Media Matters and Big Government were amongst the few sources that called it a hoax. There were also a lot of links about the dire situation in Nuevo Laredo, just across the border, so I figured that maybe someone had confused the two cities.

Today a few more websites have debunked the story:

This weekend a story about two ranches near Laredo, Texas being overrun by the infamous Los Zetas drug cartel spread through the internet like a California grass fire. The story went so far as to call the intrusion “an act of war” against the United States.

After checking several credible sources, the story was concluded as being false according to US Border Watch president Curtis Collier. Collier stated, “We have checked our contacts in the Laredo area including media contacts, Laredo Police, Webb County Sheriff’s Office and the Texas Department of Public Safety. All sources confirm this story is inaccurate.”

But even though the invasion has been, “wrapped in white linen,” it is not “cold as the clay.”

Drug Cartels Invading America is a morality play, and is now being portrayed as all-too-plausible because our border is unprotected. Publishers used to say, “When more people believe the legend than the truth, print the legend.” Today they’re just printing the legends that people want to believe.

I’m still waiting for the headline, Americans Stop Buying Drugs – Cartels Can’t Afford Ammo.

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