Louisiana Senator John Kennedy
Louisiana Senator John Kennedy (Shutterstock)

The Senate Judiciary Committee met today to discuss “The Gun Violence Epidemic: A Public Health Crisis.” One of the witnesses was Dr. Megan Ranney of the Yale School of Public Health. One of her interrogators was Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA). …

“Let me ask you this. Why do you think that Chicago has become America’s largest outdoor shooting range? Do you think it’s because of Chicago citizens, who have no criminal record, but who lawfully have a gun in their homes for protection, or perhaps for hunting? Or do you think it’s because of a finite group of criminals who have rap sheets as long as King Kong’s arm?” …

Dr. Ranney made the same statistical point at the state level:

“So Mississippi, Louisiana, Missouri actually have higher firearm death rates, obviously there’s certain … ”

Kennedy interrupted her. He was not going to let facts distract from his polemic. For the record, Louisiana is the second most murderous state. It is also the third lowest in life expectancy — one of the nine red states on the top ten list of places where citizens die young.  

Ranney replied it was not her area of expertise. Nevertheless, Kennedy was determined to keep the focus away from the violence in his own backyard.

Kennedy: “What about Chicago?”

Ranney: “So I don’t live in Chicago. It’s not my primary area of research.”

Kennedy: “You don’t have an opinion on that?”

Ranney then made the point that gun deaths are caused by guns. She also, being an academic and not a politician, tried to answer the question she was asked.

“I think there is easy access to firearms, combined with environmental conditions and lack of great education. There have actually been studies showing that when you green vacant lots and repair abandoned buildings in urban neighborhoods, you see decreases in gunshots and violence as well as decreases in stress and depression in the neighborhoods around them.”

Kennedy, well aware that his intended audience wanted smackdowns, not discussion, dissed Ranney while piously insisting he was not dissing her:

“No disrespect Doc, but that sounds a lot like word salad to me.”

— TheCriticalMind in After Sen Kennedy Calls Chicago a “Shooting Range,” a Doctor Gives Him Louisiana’s Murder Stats


    • What Cruz said is good. However, he needs to wake up to the fact that the Demon-Rats (and many of his own Republicans) want the law abiding disarmed, because they cannot go full-on Mao or Stalin with an armed populace. And if it means using their fellow, criminals on the streets of Chit-Cago, or the illegal aliens pouring across the border to help kill the law abiding, so be it.

      • Sneaky Gun Control zealots toss around Gun Violence just to watch fools chase it like puppy dogs. Repeat the following rebuttal to Gun-Violence 10 times: Violence is Violence.

  1. Wonder if anyone ever studied where all the shootings in Louisiana and Mississippi occur and find statistically relevant trends that can be identified and addressed. Oh wait no that would ruin narratives nevermind.

    • I can tell you that New Orleans is run by Dems, and Shreveport has been Dem for 28 years, electing it’s first Republican mayor in 2022. Shreveport frequently rivals Chicago for per capita murder numbers. Put Dems in charge, and you on a journey to third world chithole status.

      • Shreveport has steadily gone down the liberal toilet for a long time. Right across the river, literally, is Bossier City that is the opposite. Guess which party runs both.

    • SAFEupstateFML,

      Oh wait no that would ruin narratives nevermind.

      That there is one of the core problems and a significant contributing causal factor.

      Let’s look at this objectively for a moment. For all intents and purposes, none of our firearm laws that we have today existed in 1955. And yet the per capita rate of people using firearms for criminal purposes was much lower than today–especially in Chicago. What does that tell us? It tells us two things:

      1) There was no horrific violent crime rate in Chicago in 1955 when there were effectively no firearm laws–and the horrific violent crime rate in Chicago over the last 30 years has occurred after passing draconian firearm laws. Thus, neither the absence nor presence of draconian firearm laws affect violent crime rates in any significant way.

      2) Traditional family units were the norm in Chicago in 1955. Traditional family units are virtually non-existent in Chicago for the last 30 years. Thus, the presence of traditional family units are the causal factor in low violent crime rates–and the absence of traditional family units are the causal factor in high violent crime rates.

      For clarification my reference to “traditional family units” refers to families with both a mother and a father who actively practice or at least revere Judeo-Christian faith or equivalent life values.

      Of course politicians will never come out and say anything like I did above because they stand to gain a LOT more when society is crumbling rather than when society is flourishing.

      • u_s, they (our overlords) know that too which makes them having power even scarier. Despite knowing that, they are firmly against the family unit and traditional, objective morality. Even Obama used to mention the problems caused by the destruction of the family. As soon as he got to a very influential position, he shut up about it.

        Obama called Chicago his home. What has he done to help Chicago since leaving the White House? Cash more checks? How much is he worth now? Trump is the only prez in modern history to lose net worth as a result of being president. Look up how many millions the other former presidents added to their net worth post-presidency.

      • Well that went a few steps beyond the gang related issues that was the initial target but honestly your take is one of the primary underlying causes for it so can’t even be mad that you articulated the issue better.

        • Our regular trolls have posted the propaganda you were referring to. “It’s coming from red states.” Of course when you look a little closer, it’s coming from particular blue cities. When you examine that, you see Dem policies that cause all sorts of problems. Everyone knows it except above said low IQ, obedient followers.

      • Hey quit making uncommon sense! When I lived in Chiraq in the 80’s I worked downtown in a “Magnificent Mile” health club. One white lawyer gal was very talkative & told me she lived in the infamous Cabrini Green housing project as a child. They were VETTED and had to be 2 parents(male & female!). Employed. Blacks lived alongside whites. Very low to no crime. Funny you mention 1955 as it’s the year Richard J. Daley(BOSS) became da mayor🙄

    • Dems love twisting statistics. But stats (twisted or otherwise) are meaningless when you’ve got a gun pointed at your face by some drugged up hoodrat, and you have nothing to defend yourself with.

      • If one lets a hoodrat get that close, one’s situational awareness ain’t for shit….

        For starters, suggest one digest with earnest intent, and practice, practice, practice:
        “Left of Bang”
        “The Gift of Fear”
        “When Violence is the Answer”
        “Spotting Danger Before It Spots You”
        Apply LIBERALLY, pun intended, to hoodrats and politicians equally. Both are hazardous to one’s well being.

  2. he’s a hoot.
    chickagoo suffers from champagne socialists.
    consent decree, no pursuit policy, revolving door “justice.”

  3. Louisiana’s mortality rate has more to do with genetics, dietary choices, alcohol use and the dangers of fishing the Gulf or working oil rigs than guns do.

    • one more time: proof that coincidence does not equal causality.
      Thanks for looking at other factors”.

  4. Kennedy came off looking like a fool here. I really like him but he needs to stop playing around. If he wants to be taken seriously he needs to drop the “folksy” schtick and get serious.

    • He’s doing a great job. I am a northerner fan. He made the so-called public health “expert” look like an idiot…

    • Michael, Kennedy is no fool and he isn’t playing around. He is by all means serious.
      He is, in my view, expressing his disgust with the swamp.

      • I was probably too harsh in this. I was also referring to some of his speeches where he puts on the “folksy” thing. Thanks.

  5. There have actually been studies showing that when you green vacant lots and repair abandoned buildings in urban neighborhoods, you see decreases in gunshots and violence as well as decreases in stress and depression in the neighborhoods around them.”

    So when vagrants and hobos have no place to hang crime goes down? Shocking.

    • Albany Schenectady Troy Buffalo and Rochester all saw increases in shooting with greening vacant lots and investing in community infrastructure projects over the last 5 years so………….

  6. Poor Parenting is primarily to blame. Linking Welfare & SSI to Good Behavior Requirements and rigorously enforcing present Federal Gun Laws would fix the problem within a few years.
    Not Going To Happen, though.

  7. I’m surprised that dacian the DUNDERHEAD and MINOR49er haven’t claimed it is because of a “lack” of “gun control”.

  8. In addition to the 23,000+, and growing, anti-gun laws, there needs to be one more law. “Your kid does the crime, parents share the time.” A little family togetherness is probably what was lacking early on in shooters’ lives. Libturds want to blame gun manufacturers for the “violence” attributed to their products. How about attributing responsibility to parents for the for the real source of the violence by their products, offspring……failing parenting, family units.

  9. The question was this: “Let me ask you this. Why do you think that Chicago has become America’s largest outdoor shooting range? Do you think it’s because of Chicago citizens, who have no criminal record, but who lawfully have a gun in their homes for protection, or perhaps for hunting? Or do you think it’s because of a finite group of criminals who have rap sheets as long as King Kong’s arm?”

    The academics answer was this: ““So Mississippi, Louisiana, Missouri actually have higher firearm death rates, obviously there’s certain … ”

    In other words, the academic was not answering the question which was specifically about Chicago being “America’s largest outdoor shooting range” in terms of criminals vs law abiding and the academic deflected trying to introduce something not on point with the question which is a typical anti-gun trick.

    Kennedy tried to keep it on point with: “What about Chicago?” – the man just wanted an answer to his question, not an academic side tracking his time to lecture on something else. The senators only have a certain amount of time allocated for their questioning, and every time an anti-gun person is questioned by a republicans they try to veer off into these other areas instead of simply answering the question and this is intended to eat up the time so that never actually have to answer the question but when you see them respond to democrats they stay on point and their talking about other things is acceptable to the democrats who frequently tailor or change their questions to let a biased and false anti-gun talking point come out. And sometimes to these republicans they flat out obviously obfuscate and lie like that anti-gun Everytown guy did about how he wrote the ATF pistol brace rule for the ATF, he got caught in his lies because it was so obvious he was lying by strict wording calling is ‘consulting’ after he had said he basically wrote it.

    The question was about: “Why do you think that Chicago has become America’s largest outdoor shooting range?” not about death rates, and Chicago is “America’s largest outdoor shooting range” in terms of criminals vs law abiding and it is for a fact “America’s largest outdoor shooting range” in terms of criminal activity even if not every shot results in a death. There is more random criminal activity gun fire in Chicago in a week than that of all the criminal activity gun fire in the rest of the country in a month as the gang members in Chicago very frequently shoot at each other and others not gang members but still criminal gang activity adjacent (neighborhood kids making a few bucks from random courier activity, prostitutes, other independent drug sellers, random people, etc…)

    “dissed Ranney” ?

    Nope, he just wanted an answer to his question and tried to get an answer.

  10. The same groups that shoot each other in Louisiana are the same groups shooting each other in Chicago and they do the exact samething to each other no matter what country they are living in. In the US violence committed with a firearm usually has a common skin tone and happens in a few select zip codes.

    • pretty obvious to all but the blind….more blacks equal more crime…and it seems to be the case everywhere…

  11. Louisiana has a population of roughly 4.6 million. Chicago has a population of roughly 2.6 million. Although the murder rate for Illinois is lower than Louisiana’s, the murder rate fro Chicago alone is roughly the same as the whole state of Louisiana.

    • “He snuck in the swamp gonna get the boy, but he never come out again. Well I wonder where the Louisiana sheriff went to…”

  12. Chicago has been a place of violence for the last hundred years. At what point has there ever been any kind of ‘right wing’ anything in control or in high enough numbers there to ever make the difference?

    • Chicago used to have a fairly active but limited crime cadre whose violent actions rarely spilled over into the city at large. The use of “cement overshoes” was more effective in limiting the range of violence. Lately, though, the violence has lost its bounds, spilling over into every part and aspect of the city. Nowhere and no one is safe any more.
      Since the violent deadly segment of Chicago used tto prey well contein their activity to certain areas and demographics, it wasn’t really a citywide issue. Local turf wars, mostly. But now those boundaries have fallen, and the entire city is open season, a big “outdoor shooting range”. So now with present disarming laws, the general population are not only more likely to become targets, they have become targets with no real defense. And the aggressors play highly on this situation. The gun restrictions simply do not apply to the criminals. But they certainly DO apply to the otherwise law abiding.

      I wont even go there any ore, but if I had to I would prefer to take my chances of getting busted for being unlawfully armed against my chances of NEEDING that “illegal” self-defense weapon Id make sure the serial number is not one tied to my name in any manner, in the event I were forced to use it for my defense and thus need to make it disappear.

      But since the best/most favourable gunfight anyine can ever be in ius the one that did not happen, I’ll just continue my strong policy of NOT going there. They sure don’t need MY help to sort things out there. And I don’t need anything anyone there has anyway.

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