Never wanting to play second fiddle to anyone when it comes to restricting its citizens’ Second Amendment rights, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is currently considering a cornucopia of constitutionally questionable additional gun control measures. Reader LeftShooter, who’s playing the pro-gun electronic Paul Revere here, wants to get the word out to every Middlesex village and farm — not to mention you people in Worcester, Lowell, Chicopee and Brockton, too:


First (of 5) Public Meetings held by the Massachusetts Legislature Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security to discuss the approximately 40 bills that have been filed since January relating to firearms . . .

Wednesday June 19th

Cape Cod Community College
Tilden Arts Building (Park in adjacent Lot # 9)
2240 Iyannough Road
West Barnstable, MA 02668

CCCC is located just north of Mid-Cape Highway Rte. 6, at Exit 6, about 1/10 mile north on Rte. 132.

Note: The 2nd Meeting is supposed to be at Assumption College in Worcester, MA. Details TBA.


  1. Yes, the traveling dog and pony road show. At least these modern day Solons of the Commonwealth’s legislature are giving the process an air of legitimacy by having the 5 sessions, 4 in the hinterlands and the final (coup de gras) on Beacon Hill sometime in the fall. We’ll see where it all leads. I plan on being at the hearing on Beacon Hill and possibly the session in Worcester to give testimony. Our side better pack them in.

  2. If you live in MA like I do and are not a member of GOAL please go to right now and join up. We need to unite and speak with one very organized and very loud voice at EVERY meeting/hearing and make these statist’s shake in their boots.

  3. If we can beat this back here in the P.R.O.M. (Peoples Republic Of Massachussetts) then the rest of the wrong headed violaters of civl rights will take notice.

  4. Best of prayers to all involved in the state.

    Make sure you bring your own media.

    Post the videos by the hundreds.

    The days before, outside the building, discussing the purposes in why you are there and what happened. In the waiting room, in the hearings.

  5. Dan,

    Thanks for posting my notice. The next Public Meeting of the MA Joint Committee on Public Safety & Homeland Security is on Wednesday June 26th at 10:00 AM at Assumption College at 500 Salisbury St., Worcester, MA. I haven’t yet found the precise site and it is not on the College’s event calendar, so I will do what I had to do for the Cape Cod Community College meeting and call the campus police. I assume it will be held in the College’s auditorium or gymnasium.

    There will be two other “field” meetings, one in Middleton on July 23 and the other in Springfield at American International College on August 2, before the final one in Boston at the Statehouse sometime in September. (BTW, myself and another committed friend have been writing & calling for a few weeks seeking meetings with the Committee Co-Chairs, to no avail. And, as late as this Thursday, the Co-Chair’s gatekeeper couldn’t even tell me the time and location of the CCCC 6/19 event!)

    I urge all in MA to attend any or all meetings, if possible. Some of the bills that have been introduced include provisions such as: a) 7-round maximum magazine capacity, b) a requirement for Class A License holders to surrender their large capacity firearms, both handguns and long guns (rifles and shotguns) for secure storage at a licensed gun club and would permit their use only on the premises of such club, c) a requirement that applicants for LTC’s and FID’s to obtain liability insurance. (In HB 3250 such insurance would pay out in the in the event of “bodily injury….including death … caused by a weapon owned, possessed, or used by the insured without regard to negligence or gross negligence or fault of any kind to the amount of $250,000 on account of injury or to or death of any one person….”.) The proposed legislation would also require that the certificate of insurance carry a current list of all firearms owned by the insured with complete descriptions including serial numbers, d) microstamping, e) GPS locators, etc., etc., etc.

    In short, “the British are coming!”

    Note to Greg in Allston. If you see an OFWG walking with two canes at one of the meetings you attend, please introduce yourself.

  6. Of course it would be during normal work hours so only left wing jobless nanny state subjects of the crown can go. Everybody else has to take off work.

  7. I left MA yesterday for KS. Glad to be out of there and not have to worry about pre ban post ban BS anymore. I can now he reunited with all of my free state capacity mags. I feel sorry for those left behind.

  8. The State that is currently shaping up to be the winner of the Biggest Gun Rights Disaster of the Year award is California. It will be interesting to see if Massachusetts manages to snatch the victory in the end.

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