SIG P229 357SIG EDC Concealed carry

This pocket dump belongs to a correctional officer from California who admits “To be honest, most of the time, I leave on[e] mag holder and two extra mags either at home or in my backpack/shoulder bag, along with my cuffs. If we’re at the movies, on an opening weekend/night, I’ll IWB them. Better to have and not need, than need and not have. Didn’t include keys and wallet.”

There’s a SIG P229 chambered in .357 SIG, pepper spray, multiple knives, and a Streamlight Pro-Tac here, among others.


  1. The discussion is endless: 7 or 8 rounds, 25 or 30? .22, .380, .45, 9mm? Who’s ever heard of an encounter where the one being attacked actually used 15 rounds out of his / her 9mm, plus an extra mag of 15? AND a backup gun? I haven’t.

    Still … if it works for you, more ammo is better. That’s all. These days I carry a .40 Shield, with 7 + 1. Sometimes an extra mag. Usually a .380 Ruger LCP in my back pocket. The Shield is light, I use an Alien Gear holster that keeps it pretty darned flat against me. The Ruger, I forget I even have it.

    Sometimes I carry a Steyr with 17+1, and sometimes an extra mag.

    Whatever works. We get to decide. If the encounter does happen, I can’t imagine going, “I wish I had had less ammo.” It works for me to carry a Steyr with 17+1, which is about 3 lbs. Sometimes plus the extra mag. But that works for me, not for a lot of others. I work at home, I go out a few times a day, I’m not around a bunch of people I need to conceal it from. Different situation.

    Main thing? Just carry! And know how to use what you have. I have a Beretta 21A, 7+1 .22 CCI Stingers. I wouldn’t feel bad carrying that, though I don’t.

    • Well I worked in a large metropolitan PD in special units that focused on crime suppression ie; Gangs, Narcotics and Robbery Abatement in plain clothes. We don’t get SWAT support on our shifts unless it’s planned operations.

      We’d depend on our district uniforms for immediate back-up. Most guys in our teams were involved in OISs, and some had several.

      I remember vividly seeing a buddy’s personal vehicle parked in front of the the district station I was assigned to years ago. It was riddled accross the driver’s side with bullet holes.

      My friend was attacked while he was driving off-duty and approaching a freeway onramp. It was an adjacent suspect vehicle with 4 deep. My buddy luckily survived unscathed because these bangers can’t aim.

      Point being, when you work in proactive units in the worst parts of the city, we know for a fact that we are all targets, ESPECIALLY off-duty when you don’t have all your partners or gear with you. These miscreants know your name, where you work, what you drive etc.

      These violent knuckleheads don’t go one-on-one. The always roll deep in numbers. Wouldn’t you?

      Unfortunately, we might be going home solo or worse, be recognized while with our families. Even if you live in another city just to have a life outside of the JUNGLE. The jungle animals will find you. It’s high speed police work, so readiness is 24/7.

      It was normal place for us to carry extra kit concealed Off-Duty and more in our personal vehicles.

      We’d carry more than the average Patrol Officer On-Duty because we were assigned to the ghettos and typically were outnumbered until back-up arrived. Lord forbid your radio didn’t come in clear because of your geography.

      Just because the general public doesn’t hear about it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Especially when you make more felony arrests in one day (just my team) then slower districts do all week, or quiet cities do all month or quarter.

      If the above CDC Officer carries this gear, trust me, he’s probably a veteran that’s seen a few things. More power to him. That’s the discipline.

      On the flip side, I know some LEOs that don’t pack at all off-duty. Now that’s insane. Like you said; carry something for crying out loud.


    • BTW, without naming this particular PD, it does have several rows of Officers’ names on the KIA wall inside the Hall of Justice. A solud reminder of those who gave everything. There’s scores more on disabilities over the generations.

      I’m retired now but never lost the mentality. For all those still on the job, please stay sharp, skilled and tooled up.


    • Also, we worked with CDC guys quite frequently in crime suppression units. They were assigned to Parole and worked with us on investigations and warrants. Some of these parolees weren’t going back to prison. If the above gear works for him, so be it. I’d probably update some of the carry equipment myself but to each their own.

      • It’s interesting how many here are ridiculing this guy. It’s choice. Some people carry a lot of ammo. Some don’t carry. Some carry a pocket .380. Whatever works. I read a comment some months ago on an article. This guy talked about how if he was going out, and was concerned about potential violence, he’d not only have his gun on him and a magazine. He put a Kel-Tec Sub2000 in a computer laptop bag! lol … It seems a bit overkill. But it’s his right, and that’s how he wants to do it.

        I know the owner of a gun shop who carries a Ruger LCR .357. That’s it. It’s a worthwhile discussion of revolvers vs. semi-automatics. I know a fellow who carries two of those LCR’s, one on each side, and a pistol in his back pocket. He had an incident where he was carjacked — or the attempt was made — by what ended up being an escaped felon. One hand was pinned, the other hand grabbed the LCR on that side, and two shots later, the felon was dead. Made me think about getting an LCR, as well as carrying on both sides. He swears by two LCR’s, and revolvers over autos.

        In the end, just carry. Something. And don’t diss people who carry less, or who carry more. Kudos to anyone who carries — and knows how to use it. If you carry a .22, great. That caliber has killed many folks. A .45 with 3 mags? Fantastic. I like knowing the good guys are armed. The more, the merrier.

  2. Maybe (like a lot of LEOs) he NEEDS all those bullets cause he can’t hit a barn wall from the inside. Is that a belt? Very long and thin. Ashland, Or in mid ’80s over 200 rounds fired most hit the cars across the street. BG was in 3d floor apt.

    • I do not think correctional officers are in the LEO category. They do not enforce laws in public like cops.

      • CDC Officers may have a different Penal Code classification but are nonetheless Peace Officers in the State of California. They have their own academy as well as firearms training in pistol, shotgun and carbine. Sure, many of them may work in the State prisons and on rapid response teams, but they deal with the worst of the worst.

        Some work in the Parole Division. That’s street duty. Like I said earlier in this post, these CDC guys were tooled up all the time and were a wealth of knowledge when we conducted investigations and warrants on parolees. Some of these parolees were seriously mean hombres. I’ve arrested many in my career. Unfortunately, some of my bretheren have been killed by the same MFs. I’ve been to too many Police funerals. CDC Officers may wear green, but the bleed blue. They don’t want to run into any of these fools off-duty. Trust me.


        • “Unfortunately, some of my bretheren have been killed by the same MFs.” A lot of us can say the same about you guys. You know, you never see firemen riding around in the truck looking for fires, or EMTs circling town looking for people having heart attacks…but cops like to ‘patrol’ for things as heinous as NOT WEARING A SEATBELT and JAYWALKING, even, wait for it, NOT WEARING A D.O.T. APPROVED MOTORCYCLE HELMET (the HORROR). Costing people with REAL jobs time and money for what should be a PERSONAL choice. Yet, when you bring it up to them they give you the ” I may not agree with it, but its the law and Im only doing my job, blah blah” Im just following orders Nazi excuse while they write you a ‘overuse of freedom’ fine for a few hundred bucks and wonder why they have to worry about watching their ass when they dont have back-up a radio call away.

          • Well, some Firefighters/Paramedics carry gear off-duty like in Vegas. A good thing.

            Sounds like you live in a nice quaint area where the LEOs don’t have much to do other than look for petty stuff to mess with.

            There’s always those types in every department. No matter what industry you’re in, there’s always those that F it up for the rest. Nobody likes them, not even their peers.

            But if you’re job is traffic enforcement like the guys on the Motors, can’t blame them for not doing what their assignment calls for. Then again, Traffic Court seems to be a good OT gig.๐Ÿ˜‰

        • You mean like all those NY Cops that died with the Firefighters 17 years ago at the WTC? Don’t be jealous you non-serving needle-dick. Just pay your traffic tickets and stop sniveling. It’s past your bedtime.

        • Doh! Good spank, B! And thank you for your service. I think ED stands for Erectile Dysfunction. What a weenie! Bwahaaa!

    • Most patrol Officers and Deputies carry a loaded semi auto with two spare mags. You make it sound like they carry 8 extra mags on their duty belts.

      • While you and I may find ‘.22lr Creedmoor’ is amusing, I’m seriously thinking of picking up a .22lr reload kit and experimenting with hot-rod +P loads in a stout revolver for grins…

  3. I vote we change the title to โ€œcloset dump of the dayโ€


    Seriously, if your gonna carry a metal sig, Iโ€™m not gonna judge how many mags you have on you.

    • Hey, my summer carry is a P220 with a single spare magazine. (It’s slimmer, so it conceals easier under light weight summer clothes.) Fortunately, summer is almost over, and then it’s back to the Glock 34.

      • The Sig P220 is a great gun. Especially when they went to the 8rd mags over the 7rders. All metal may be heavier than others, but the main thing is that you choose to carry it. That’s great discipline, rather than choosing to leave it at home.๐Ÿ‘

  4. Spare mags, meh. If you leave home without your M91/30 and at least two dozen clips, you really should re-examine how seriously you are taking your own safety and that of your loved ones. Practice your bayonet drill for Pete’s sake, and donโ€™t make those of us who live the warrior life be responsible for YOU. Sheepdog. Something about tourniquets. Fin.

  5. I am a cop and I never carry handcuffs off duty. If something happens call 911, try to de-escalate the situation, or use force if you have no other solution. Is he planing to handcuff someone alone? That’s a good way to get hurt or to put yourself in a very bad position.

    • “I am a cop and I never carry handcuffs off duty.”

      Ever considered that maybe his girlfriend likes the ‘cuffs’?


      (Or boyfriend. Chef don’t judge…) ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. lol when you really, absolutely, positively must let everyone know that you’re a part-time (volunteer) mall cop.

  7. Correctional Officer, it takes a special kind of person to be a correctional officer. Salt of the earth they are. Professional Bully’s in uniform.

  8. Pro tip: if youโ€™re going to be carrying cuffs, zip cuffs are cheap, very hard to get out of, and 100% disposable. Have dozens of emergency uses as well. For extra secret squirrel points, donโ€™t forget the head bag.

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