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For a few years now, Magpul Dynamics (A.K.A. Chris Costa, Travis Haley, and special guest star Chris Costa’s Beard) have been producing quality instructional videos for the shooter who wants to better themselves but can’t afford classes or doesn’t have the time to attend. The videos cover all of the lessons in the courses that Magpul teaches, and even gives the viewer some instruction on setting up the drills on the comfort of their own range. Since the beginning of the year Magpul Dynamics have been teasing a new video, “The Art of the Precision Rifle,” which is all about long distance shooting and comes in an unprecedentedly gigantic 5-DVD set with 10 hours of footage. It promises to exercise the grey muscle more than any previous course, which typically focus more on the physical aspects of shooting. Yesterday they released a new 3 minute long trailer and a new time frame for release. Make the jump for both…

The new time frame for release is set for “Fall/Winter 2011.” Considering that Magpul’s release dates have been about as accurate as Duke Nukem Forever I wouldn’t pin my hopes on a 2011 release, but given the quality of their previous videos every indication is that it will be worth the wait. For me, I’ve already dusted off a spot on the mantle next to the last 5 installments and socked away some cash to cover overnight shipping. Needless to say, we’ll probably have a review of the video for you shortly after the release.

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  1. The content looks relevant, and the production value looks outstanding; (From the bit I see here anyway). I’ve NEVER purchased ANY instructional DvD. But the ones I’ve seen in the past were poor video quality, poorly edited, poor sound. But this looks professional and like it could have aired on HDNET or Discovery HD.

    • If you’ve not seen the Magpul videos, you should check them out. At least you should if any of the topics (Shotgun, semi-auto carbine, handgun) are of interest to you. They’re very well produced.

      And Chris Costa sports a killer beard.

  2. I bought the handgun video on the advise of my cousin. I was trying to teach my kids how to shoot, and realized that I really didn’t know much myself. I shoot pretty well, I thought, but I wasn’t sure if what I was doing was really correct, or the best way to do it, and it is hard to teach something that you really don’t completely understand. It turns out that I have a lot to learn.
    The video is just outstanding. They do an excellent job justifying the techniques they are teaching. The video followed an actual class, and the gains made by the students were dramatic and noticable. You don’t wonder if it works when you can see it working with your own eyes. Anyway, it was well produced, interesting, and well worth the money. I’ve watched it twice so far, and am working with quite a lot of new info to improve my skill with a pistol. After some more practice, I’ll watch it some more, and see what else I can pick up.

  3. I bought the shotgun training DVD and was impressed! More importantly, I showed the scene to my gun phobic wife of the pharmacist stating that the gun was for the defense of his family and this was the tipping point to get her OK for a shotgun. I’m indebted to Magpul.

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