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MAIG Ad: Hadiya Pendleton’s Mom Demands Universal Background Checks for Gang Bangers

Truth be told, Mrs. Pendleton doesn’t mention gang bangers by name in the Mayors Against Illegal Guns’ new ad for firearms registration. Despite the fact that both her daughter’s killers belonged to Chicago gangs. And that one of them, Michael Ward, was on probation for unlawful use of a firearm at the time of the murder. Clearly, background checks for legal firearms purchases would have stopped either man from obtaining a firearm. And yet MAIG convinced Mrs. Pendleton that standing up for civilian disarmament was the right way to honor her daughter’s memory. It’s disgusting. It just goes to show you how low the gun grabbers will go in their dishonest campaign to disarm law-abiding Americans.

27 thoughts on “MAIG Ad: Hadiya Pendleton’s Mom Demands Universal Background Checks for Gang Bangers”

  1. You said it, RF….


    Memo to Mrs. Pendleton:

    I USED to feel sorry for your loss…..


    Go FOAD!

    • Used to feel sorry for her loss, but now FOAD?!? That’s a disgusting turn for you to take, unless you are actually lying about having sympathy for her loss… And I suspect you are lying about that.

      You can feel sorry for her loss. She is obviously a woman bereft with grief. And rightfully so. And you can be disgusted that MAIG saw her grief, her heartache as a political opportunity to drive home their gun-grabbing goals. MAIG met with this woman and offered her some token chance to speak out for her daughters…

      But to so quickly pull your sympathy for her loss and dry your alligator tears, simply because MAIG bamboozled a grieving mother means you have has little credibility as Bloomberg. Shame on you pk in Az…Shame on you.

  2. MAIG members have a special place in hell waiting for them. Exploiting death for political purpose is no different than taking an active part in the killing. With the loss of life both the criminals and the politicians reach their means to an end.

  3. If anyone in the city supports the gangs (how would they be in biz otherwise) Then they are culpable in the young ladies’ death.

    Until the City take on the gangs w/o mercy or quarter, these things will happen.

    I think locking them up for consecutive terms for spitting on the sidewalk would be a good start if the PD cannot think of something else.

  4. Its a shame how these disarmament lobby groups court these victims into tying their loss in with their agendas. That mother will unable to find closure so long as she’s seeking “justice” through a misguided, doomed agenda.

  5. Universal background checks (something I used to be for) is only a yseful law enforcement tool not equal to confiscation IF we can trust the anti gun politicians not to misuse the documentation create and universal registration for the purposes of confiscation, and if we can trust the anti gun politicians to respect the constitution. The tin foil hat crowd stands suprisingly vindicated in light of in office politicians doing what I thought even the most irredeemable of idiot politicians would never attempt… propose another AWB, magazine bans, and confiscation bills.

  6. UBCs are only enforceable with registration, so we must fight UBCs as hard as we fight AWBs, magazine capacity restrictions, and everything else.

  7. With all due respect to a woman who lost her children. This is more of the victim mentality which is permitting our society today. Dr. Carson spoke of it during his prayer breakfast speech. Clearly they are using her in an attempt to keep emotions in front of logic.

  8. All roads seem to lead to legal law abiding gun owners for the grabbers. They need to drive down the center of the lane & not go off into the pasture & run over bessy the cow, they just can’t handle a powerfull car./// Course that would be, how you say?, logical & controlled, Randy

  9. I dont hate her for her loss. Its the scumbag politicians using her like Obama and Bloomburg that are real slim of the earth to use people as props like this. face it liberals are pigs.

  10. Killed by a scum bag gang banger piece of sh** criminal let out by Chicago’s justice system. Put the blame on the murderers, then sue the AH’s that let them out in the first place dam it. Now that’s common sence

  11. One thing the media loves to omit, is her well known gang affiliation.
    She wasn’t just ” randomly ” targeted.

    • Were is the evidence I had not heard this??? Surely there wouldn’t be any evidence in the liberal media, it doesn’t fit the agenda…

  12. No one can blame a mother for mourning the loss of her daughter… but I agree, the manipulation of the facts of her case is terrible.

    Outlaw gangs / organized thuggery / distribution of narcotics? Already on the books.

    But I guess for R.Emmanuel, tyrant of Chicago, investing the city’s resources in addressing poverty, poor education, and broken families is too much, even if dealing with those things would have a far greater impact on crime than just passing more gun laws.

  13. Disgusting is right.
    I feel bad for her if she’s grieving and has been brain washed (fragile mental state), however if this is actually what she thinks then I don’t feel for her one bit.
    Nobody with a smidgen of common sense would say “Hey lets keep people safe by making sure they cant defend themselves when someone try’s to kill them!”

  14. The name of their organization “Mayors Agains Illegal Guns” is hilarious. So they have an organization against something they made laws against and my gosh, criminals keep getting their hands on them! So the logical response is to make more laws…

  15. Thinking: Passing Legislation, banning “Whatever”, Doesn’t keep Criminals from obtaining… This is the Perfect, Reason, to Stand behind our Second Amendmant Rights!
    The Police, do the Best they can!… [The Average 911 Call, takes 23 minutes, for a response!.. ]. Staying, under the belief, “I’d Rather have my .45 caliber hagun, in my hand, Than, a “Cop”, on the Phone!…

  16. IMHO, the scariest part is that the bereaved Mrs. Pendleton truly believes that a law prohibiting private transfers without a background check would have helped in this situation. She and many, many others are under informed and make decisions based on emotion, and end up focusing on all the wrong things.

  17. Obviously she is in pain from her loss. How criminal is it for politicians to pass laws making everyone feel safe and getting voters’ support? Then these laws go unenforced! Shooter is on probation for a gun crime?! Shows how gun control as implemented in Chicago is a sham!

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