Buxton Maine home invasion gun
Courtesy newscentermaine.com
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Buxton’s a rural area not far west of Portland, Maine. And while the state’s “stay healthy at home” order doesn’t expire until the end of the month, that didn’t stop a home invader from forcing his way into Eric and Missy Bartlett house this past weekend.

Fortunately, the Bartletts are gun owners.

From newscentermaine.com:

“It was nerve-racking obviously. It was 3 o’clock in the morning. You don’t expect that,” Eric Bartlett said.

The couple, both certified Maine Guides and avid hunters, jumped into action. Missy dialed 911 as Eric grabbed his flashlight and gun and headed downstairs.

Eric blinded the intruder with a flashlight, then forced him at gunpoint into a bathroom where he held him until police arrived.

Police say Joseph Harmon, 48, of Buxton was arrested and faces multiple charges, including burglary, criminal mischief, refusing to submit to arrest, and theft by unauthorized use.

Coronavirus or not, criminals aren’t going to stop what criminals do. And with lots of convicts being freed from jails and prisons, there are more of them out there to do it.

That, of course, is exactly why Americans continue to buy firearms at a record pace.

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    • Well, Eric is no fool. He put the intruder in the bathroom, so that if he did have to shoot, cleanup would be easier. I mean, you don’t want blood splatter all over your living room, kitchen, or bedroom, do you?

    • Nope. We need to be RID of these criminals not send them on vacation.

      ANYONE that breaks into my house with me in it (Robbery) will have made his last poor life choice.

      • Murder is a lot different from stand your ground or being directly and immediately threatened you fucking dildo. It’s jerkfucks like you making statements like this that make legitimate self defense and carry by the rest of us harder than necessary. Didn’t read anything saying the bad guy even possessed or threatened with a weapon.
        Same goes to the moron who would like to have shot him in the face and placed a knife in the dead guys hand. Couple of people that are legends in their own small minds.

        • I live in Maine, we do not have a stand your ground law here. You must retreat if you can, which I find very stupid if you are on your own property.

        • The sad cold reality is that in many cases the arrested individual will return to the site of the arrest to “punish” those he holds responsible for his arrest. A dead perpetrator does not have the ability to return. “Nobility” or “charity” is not rewarded in real life by criminals.

        • Just being inside your house at 3 am is a threat to your well being. I almost broke my neck rolling my eyes at your statement.

        • @pissed at idiots day I’d like to shoot you in the face punk ass bitch.

  1. These idiots never seem to learn that it’s the rural citizens that own the majority of the firearms, know how to use them and (wait for it) are home at 0300 hrs.

    • That is how you put a mad dog down. As long as it moves, it’s a threat. No BS about animal rights, or any other crazy nonsense – when it stops moving, then it might be safe. What the hey, couple more shots can’t hurt!!

    • YA sure that this is not Mexico?

      Thanks to DNC Stealership over the last 3 decades its coming close to being just that…..LOL

  2. “What did the possum say after comming back from death by F150,?”,I saw two bright white lights.”

      • What’s this ‘we’ shit? You got a mouse in your pocket?

        I keed, I keed. Possum is one of our local eccentrics. It’s good to have comic relief once in a while.

  3. What a great story! Glad they’re safe, and it’s FANTASTIC they didn’t have to hurt anyone! Love it.

  4. Why do local stations always feel the need to follow up a story like this with some gun control fool telling everyone what they just saw didn’t happen?

  5. I would’ve shot him in the face, then put one of my kitchen knives in his hand.

    • You may want to seek assistance, base on your post (this thread). That statement or posting of yours, may very well be used against you at your next trail.

      • @Oh my God did you just say that online I’m such a conΓ΅ it won’t, maricon.

      • Boy, have we become a nation of chickenshits. Simply requires memorization of the sentence “I had planned to do that, fortunately it was not necessary, because he attacked me.”

      • Yup he’s dade, No don’t call the cops start the kettle boiling and get the butcher knives. We’re not sharing this one.

  6. A nice very bright flashlight should be part of your EDC. Using a flashlight to Blind a criminal certainly is a lot cheaper for you personally then shooting him with a firearm. If the flashlight stops his actions.

    Sometimes all it takes is a bright light to stop an intoxicated person I’m doing harm to you.

    • On my night stand I have a light someone gave me. Don’t know the brand. But in addition to having a very bright white light it has a strobe setting. And the flashlight is sturdy metal and big enough to use as a club if needed.

    • My flashlights are beyond 1000 limens, far in excess of enough to cause actual physical damage to your eyes when used in broad daylight, never mind darkness.

      • My EDC flash light has an 1100 luminous capacity. And has a very nasty strike bezel. I haven’t sharpened the points of the bezel, yet.

      • that calls for 1000 mojitos.
        does sharpening the bezel make the beams penetration pierce farther?

    • I keep a Ruger 1911 45 cal next to my bed! When seconds count the police are minutes away!!! Long enough for the deceased to be found with a knife in his hand!!!

  7. Wonderful story…my missus has a “dedicated” handgun for home defense. She claims she can see at night after she said she’d jump out of bed much faster than me(she’s right!)I told her to grab a flashlight along with the gat(nowhere to mount a light). I’d likely grab my AR with mounted light,red dot & 3x magnifier(I doubt I’d need the magnifier). It’s getting weird around here. Fatboy Prickster just extended stay at home till May30πŸ˜©πŸ˜–πŸ˜Ÿ

  8. Originally read the title of this post as “Blind Man Fights Home Invader With a Flashlight, Then Holds Him at Gunpoint” and thought about how bad a home invader you have to be to have that happen. Then I reread the title…

  9. I hear it was a 1500 lumen Surefire.
    Glad he didn’t strobe him, he might have had seizures.

  10. Good news is good people prevailed. Bad news is there are more out there just like the perp or worse. Be prepared. Be prepared.

  11. It’s always better to not shoot if you can avoid it. Only the person on the spot can decide how far to go. These folks made the choice that worked best for them.

  12. Is serious question. Has anyone taken a Low-light shooting class? Looking for any information I can find. Two classes already cancelled in my area darn it.

    • Is that when you have to write an essay, at night, in a classroom, and they turn the lights off?

    • Yes. A couple of them. Jeff Gonzales teaches a great low light class, if you get a chance to train with him. So do Marty Hayes and Greg Hamilton, in Washington.

    • What are you asking? There is a lot of specific low light training, and most ranges that would offer classes you might as well just YouTube some stuff then go out camping and DIY. Unless you have NODS or you are looking for low light indoor training, it’s really nothing special that cannot be researched yourself. Also unless you are a first responder, it’s not anything you really need to practice but maybe just be aware of instead. Light control, when to use a light, when not to, where to point the light (blowing out someones “night vision”)… stuff like that. I doubt any ranges will be offering classes any time soon.

  13. I can relate to this story as 3 years ago I blinded a burglar with the muzzle flash, then kept him at flashlight point only to realize later the muzzle flash had caused a projectile to go in the burglar’s melon and I wasted my time holding a dead body at flashlight point for approximately 9 minutes (until the cops showed up). I just got mixed up, it happends, when I worked armed security I yelled “tazer tazer tazer!” while I was shooting at a juvenile who had trespassed on property, thankfully I missed, lol what a life.

  14. You break into my house you get to stop being alive, stop taking up useful air and resources that the rest of a civilized society needs! It’s a shame we have to put up with this scum, but hey do your part and plant them as needed you know the green new deal!

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