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Mainstream Media Eating-Up National Gun Violence Awareness Day

As you know, the mainstream media is in the bag for gun control. Today being National Gun Violence Awareness Day, the MSM is going all out for the forces of civilian disarmament. Fortunately, predictably, there isn’t an exact agenda on the table. It’s all about waving the bloody shirt, rather than promoting “universal background checks” and some other precursor to gun confiscation. Did I just say that? Yes. Yes I did. Will you hear it anywhere else in the media? No. No you won’t.

50 thoughts on “Mainstream Media Eating-Up National Gun Violence Awareness Day”

    • I am not being violent or abusive to my gun, I am cleaning, oiling and striving to properly maintain it, Even giving it a pampering rubdown and polish.

    • I think I got ya beat…
      1) WASR 10
      2) Bumpfire stock
      3) 75 round Romanian drum mag

      I can hear Shannon wheezing on the fainting couch and it’s not because Dirk just had his way.

  1. In honor of national liberal agenda day.. I mean gun violence day. I bought ammo and shot at the range on this beautiful day in America!

  2. In honor of gun violence awareness day I sold a gun to a man who spoke only broken English and paid in fives and tens.

  3. Can’t we save some tax money and roll up these dumb advocacy days into one National Virtue Day? We can even make a generic Virtue Signal we can shine on public buildings so everyone can take selfies and feel good about themselves on Twitter.

    • I propose it get its own color ribbon, too. Brown, for the load of BS these social awareness campaigns actually are.

    • National Virtue Signal Day is a perfect concept. Perhaps we can invent some iconography that we can project against the overcast sky of feelz – a Social Justice, Bat-signal as it were.

  4. Seems it’s been a bust overall. Even here in liberal paradise Austin, I’ve yet to come across a single orange shirt that wasn’t Longhorns-related. My Google News feed typically is pretty good on having the headlines matching the so-called trending topics, and gun violence is nowhere on that trending topic list. Doesn’t stop the Google algorithm from pushing the story up into the headlines, though.

    • That’s a feature, not a bug.
      Does anybody really think that a company which derives its revenue primarily from selling ads doesn’t make the “Trending News” spots available for for sale?

      • If that was the case, I’m suprised Bloomberg hasn’t paid to keep it a permanent fixture. Heavens knows he’s dumped enough money into everything else media-related.

  5. I really wanted to open carry today, but I’m bedridden with a cold.

    Others shall have to take up the banner in my stead, and fight the good fight.

    • This. Let them have their supposed “If you wear orange today you support our cause!” Even if you are required to wear orange for other reasons. The opposite idea of wearing camouflage is okay, but gets no media attention since it isn’t part of their narrative and so has little effect.

      What will make an impact is that on “National Gun-Violence Awareness Day”: as many people as possible should open carry where it is legal, AND NOT SHOOT ANYONE.

  6. What a coincidence, I just bought 100 rounds of .22 LR yesterday to teach a friend how to shoot with.

    • I bought ammo yesterday too! Today I had to make do with wearing my potentially extra-tactically violent desert tiger stripe cargo shorts. For the children!

    • I bought 400ish rounds of .45 acp for a bargain. Perhaps Sunday will see it sent downrange.

  7. I forgot about the whole camouflage thing, hopefully open carrying my XD all day makes up for it.

  8. I forgot all about it but I did wear my realtree boonie hat when I took the dogs up into the bluffs.

  9. Walked downtown Madison, WI not one shirt. Though there is suppose to be a moms demand action meeting at a park later. Will have to see how many people show up.

    • Try Champaign-Urbana or Charlottesville. I bet you will see lots of orange there. 🙂

  10. I thought today was June 2nd.
    Nothing on my calendar makes any mention of any sort of navel-gazing day today….

  11. I’m going home after work to put on an orange shirt and open carry the rest of the day. Maybe do some shopping, go eat somewhere, we’ll see.

  12. My P226 was a gift from Dad in Cali. So today, I bought my first “high capacity mag” of 13rds, flush fit, from

    Within my means, it’s my small act against this ridiculousness.

  13. I went to a big box store to score some .22LR today (they had a ton of it so a bought a few thousand rounds) and the only orange I saw was blaze.

    But I would love to see HRC, that crusty old crook, in an orange jumpsuit. Wouldn’t you?

    • You dang East Coasters, Get all the good stuff, ( speaking of Product, not politics) Not much 22lr traveling West yet.
      And the bit that does make it or is available, is still kinda way over priced.
      Oh well, Good score!

      How Much did those 22lr break down to price wise per 50, 100, or? What type/ brand?
      thanks, Ralph

  14. Didn’t think much of it, but I will be celebrating as RO for a NRA light rifle shoot this evening.

  15. Since the majority of gun violence is caused by people who should never wear anything except an orange jumpsuit again, the color seems appropriate.

  16. Rocking the ENDO apparel “Keep calm and carry one” glock shirt today. Also carrying said Glock.

  17. I started the day wearing a Ruger T-shirt, but it got dirty so I swapped over to an NRA shirt.

  18. Wore my usual old camouflage pants to work. And my “US National Waterboarding Team” t-shirt. 😉

    Orange, what orange? U of L red or UK blue round these parts.

  19. What a stupid pile of crap. Is there anyone who isn’t aware that violent crime exists and is a problem?

    Oh yeah, I forgot. Awareness is magic. If enough of it exists, the icky things we don’t like will go away.

    After all, Lance Armstrong’s Livestrong campaign eliminated testicular cancer and the Komen Foundation’s ubiquitous pink ribbons have completely eradicated breast cancer from the world. If you wacko gun nuts would just believe, we could get rid of gun violence, too!

  20. Interesting, neither the MSN nor the Yahoo portals had anything about it just now. Did it end at 5pm?

  21. I have 2 guns with me as I leave CA on vacation. My 9mm Shield and my 638-3. I like to have options when I conceal carry.

  22. I didn’t see ONE person wearing orange today, or even any shade of orange. In fact, this is the first I’m hearing about this non-event. No one cares about your silly made up charade, Libs. Run along.

  23. I’m wearing khaki 5.11 pants, grey shirt, and went to the indoor range today to shoot. F*&k orange – too many carbohydrates. Oh yeah, and I am on Atkins too.

  24. I noticed several news stories in the Google feed, but did not see a single article of orange clothing. Again.

    Last year I wore orange and OC’ed. I felt kinda awkward. About the orange. Not a single person had any clue about GVAD. But I did have a nice conversation with a guy at Gamestop about holsters.

    This year I wore camo shorts and a Punisher shirt. And shoes with orange soles. Somehow that seemed appropriate.

  25. We POTG should have a day where we all wear Brown to symbolize the shit we get flung at us on a daily basis for enjoying (and exercising) our constitutional rights.

    “Stop talking, my shirt is already brown enough.”

  26. I did several errands today,on my motorcycle, north of Seattle. Didn’t see one bit of orange today. I open-carried and wore a black leather jacket as I went about my rounds.

  27. Next year, it will be National Gun Violence History month and Obama will be out on the Chicago streets marching with the rest of the anti’s because he loves community organizing and he’ll have a lot of free time on his hands.

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