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So, when I was first told I’d have the opportunity to work with one of the longer running, dedicated gun blogs on the internet, and one that had a solidly legit following, I have to admit, I was pretty excited at the opportunity. But as I got looking at it more closely, it reminded me a little more of when I got my first car, a 1966 Mercury Comet Caliente. It was a cool car to be sure and had a ton of upside and potential for the $500 I paid my dad for it, but it was going to take a bit of work to get it where my friends might appreciate it as much as I did. My Dad had, after all, originally bought the used car for spare parts for his ’66 Comet, which he had bought brand new.

For just over a month now, we’ve looked under TTAG’s hood, test drove it on some different roads with all of you, crawled beneath the chassis. There are certainly a number of things we’ve seen that we’d like to change and tweak, polish and fine tune. But as anybody who has ever built anything for an audience knows, it would be foolish to do it without the most important item to consider…and that is getting input from our valued readers and site visitors.

Before we really do anything, we want to know: What do YOU want out of TTAG?

Why do you come here? What kind of articles do you like? What would you like to see more of? Would you like more video? Do you want more gun reviews? Do you want more news? Do you follow our social media? Would you follow our social media if it wasn’t so weak? (Yeah, we are working on that, but first things first.) What other sites do you really like and what is it you like about them? Maybe you want a newer site design at TTAG or maybe the old site design is comfortable and familiar and you don’t want it to change at all. Do you get the newsletter? Do you like the newsletter? Would you like a different newsletter? How important is the comments section and the community that has developed in the comments section to you?

A lot of you clearly love to come there and take jabs at each other and rip on everything under the sun. Take a moment to think about what it is you would like to see and let us know.

We look forward to hearing what you have to say; good or bad, it can all be helpful. Thank you to each of you for being a part of the TTAG community, together we hope to make it even better.

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  1. a format change would be well appreciated.

    absolutely HATE seeing all of these unrelated, completely junk and downright weird advertisements…it seriously detracts from the quality of the content.

    • To keep from vomiting you need to download another browser that blocks such ads. More important I want The Truth About Gun Control told to a Gun Control History illiterate America. Anything short of that goal being numero uno doesn’t cut it.

      • TTAG needs to do away with those ads. It is nit incumbent upon me to switch browsers. This is something done on THEIR end.

        These ads make this site technically unsafe. This is the stuff that helps to spread viruses, malware, and hacking. Me using a different browser will NOT protect YOUR computer.

      • “To keep from vomiting you need to download another browser that blocks such ads.”

        Quite a few folks who use a work laptop to surf the ‘net on their own time, but are forbidden by their company’s IT department to add *any* king of not approved software on that computer…

      • I don’t see ads. I use Mozilla/Firefox with add-ins. I understand the need for revenue and would be fine with a few on my screen, but whenever I access TTAG from a computer that’s not in my own control (e.g., default browser settings), the page is flooded with ads, sometimes making me scroll way down before I even see the Comments section.

        Otherwise, I’m not so much a fan of the sit format, but I’ve learned to live with it after Dan forced it on us a while back. I have to access via a PC or laptop, tho, as the format on a phone doesn’t let you know *who* is replying to *whom* in the comments.

        Article content…I’m more or less fine with the quality of the articles. I do miss the short-lived “what I am carrying” series, and I’d like to see more product/gun reviews such as ballistics tests that aren’t cut-and-pasted from a manufacturer, but actually done by an independent reviewer. I really like articles showcasing classic guns. Wild West era wheel- and lever-guns with leather accessories, WWII vintage items, and maybe a fun tacticool item from time to time.

        Maybe one of the new staffpersons at TTAG can become a version of Garand Thumb or Paul Harrell, giving us meaty articles on related topics?

      • Oh yeah…maybe improve the moderation process, too. My comment I just took the time to write just got held in mod jail, and we never know why.

        • Hmm. A day later and my comment hasn’t been green-lit from TTAG. Justin (staff) confirmed recently that real people at TTAG review moderated comments to allow them or delete them. I guess TTAG didn’t like my sincere and genuine recommendations for site improvement?

        • Haz, I believe the real issue is the new gang has no interest in dealing with moderated comments as often as the old gang did.

          TTAG, the current glacial pace of approving moderated comments is making it pretty much impossible for a back-and-forth conversation (read, heated arguments) between two commenters.

          That is a very good way to drive off folks that want to converse about an article.

          But hey, it’s your sandbox, and your policy. Don’t act all surprised when the page clicks start dropping off, and your ad revenue plummeting as well… 🙂

    • There used to be gun reviews. Not recycled gun reviews from 4 years prior. That would be a good start.
      Thank you.

  2. 1: Find a new ad server, the one you currently use puts absolutely disgusting photos on your website.

    2. “guns, not politics.” we don’t come here to read a fox news article about politics, stop posting them here.

    • I come here FOR politics mainly. For over 10 years. I can watch hundreds of Youtube gun reviews daily. You could try the firearms blog for cowardly non-committed content🙄 Oh no suggestions. Yesterday I tried to comment on Chiraq’s shot spotter debacle & after 3 attempts it didn’t post. I get what I pay for.

      • Exactly, that’s TFB’s motto not TTAG’s. I much prefer TTAG’s recognition that guns and gun rights are inseparable.

        I’d prefer they not only continue to stand firm for 2A, but also lay off the false moral equivalency BS.

        • I didn’t get a subscribe to comments email, and rarely / never get new article announcements any more either. Is it me or the site?

          I don’t think it’s WordPress, because other sites continue as normal.

      • ideally there wouldn’t be any politics to discuss, second amendment is good, enough said. Unfortunately government tyrants make it political. Without pushing back on politics we would at least have a national assault weapon ban, mag limits, further restricted concealed carry, universal back ground checks, lots more sin taxes, basically everything California and new York and DC has proposed, probably Canada and UK too.

        • Unspoken,

          I think MOST of us would be perfectly happy to ‘default to the 2A’ – after that, what else is there??

          But, because the Leftist/fascists and the Dimocrats (ah, but I repeat myself) won’t alow the 2A to do what it was clearly intended to do, what choice do we have? It comes down to surrender or fight back. It’s about time we started fighting back, for real (I commend to everyone’s attention the easy and interesting “gun control cake” meme (

          We KNOW, beyond a doubt, who commits the majority of the crimes. They are identifiable (Mass shooting occurs, and what is the FIRST thing the local LEOs an FBI say? “He/she was ‘on our radar’. Great, @$$holes! And what did you DO about it???), and there ARE things that can be done, constitutionally, that would actually address the issue – better/more mental health programs, enforcement of existing laws, better training for ALL LEOs, prosecuting ALL known gun crimes (does the name ‘Hunter Biden’ strike a familiar note???). These would actually reduce gun crime, and don’t require a single piece of legislation.

          But that wouldn’t satisfy their desire for “control”, which is what this is all about.

      • I come here to read a mix of things, 2A politics being fairly high on the list.

        Would also love a “court beat” that focuses especially on 2A cases working their way through the courts (especially post-Bruen) with analysis from knowledgeable lawyer-types.

    • Guns not politics is the tag line for TFB. Maybe you would be happier there, although as of late, the ability to comment there, at least for me, has vanished.

    • Politics? Given the sheer number of bills advancing in State legislatures that are clearly meant as infringements, politics should be a focus unless you need more shilling articles about Springfield’s junk to pick out a S&W.

      Shall not be infringed is clear enough to save the Republic if you are willing to pull up your big-boy pants and fight for it.

    • “…we don’t come here to read a fox news article about politics, stop posting them here.”

      I do, and many others do, as well.

      It falls squarely in the wheelhouse of gun laws and public polices.

      I happen to think that a well-educated gun owner who is current on what is happening around them is critical for debating the 2A with the folks that we interact with on a daily basis.

      But hey, you do you and stick your head in the sand and be as ignorant as a leftist if you want… 🙁

  3. > Before we really do anything, we want to know: What do YOU want out of TTAG?

    An end to a readership that are basically nazis, fascists and just the absolute dregs of humanity.

    • I second this. I was shocked to see a comment openly advocating having a race war to end “crime” because “Those People” were the ones responsible. Not only was the comment left in but no one at the time criticized it. I very rarely comment or ask questions here because some of my opinions are not welcome.

      • No one, as in you didn’t criticize it? Yet now you’re criticizing the non-response. Are you upset that no one replied to your troll, or are you upset that other people didn’t do your work for you?

    • So, censorship. How very fascist of you.

      In one statement you’ve proven your desire to violate human and civil rights and yet you will swear to your mother you are not a nat-zee.


      • What this site needs is LESS censorship -not more. If you see a comment you don’t like then stop reading and move along.

        Don’t let the Karens win.

    • @jsled If you’re right, and they’re wrong, then call them out. Debate them. Or you could just do your usual hurling of insults while running for the hills.

      • What a hypocrite, Dude. A perusal of your posts in this thread shows your stock in trade is name-calling, straw man arguments, and gratuitous evidence-free opinion.

        • Why aren’t you giving a specific example, Ruthie? It’s because you’re the one pushing straw man arguments. I called jsled out on exactly what he did. 99% of his comments are exactly as I called it. Where’s the straw man? You either don’t understand what that means, or you know exactly what it means, and you’re gaslighting me because that’s all you have.

    • jsled,

      For a drive-by, Leftist/fascist ignoranus, who apparently believes in the insubstantial and uneducated “philosophy” of the equal ignoranus, Karl Marx, and has never engaged in a substantive discussion on this forum in the entire time I’ve been on here?? Frankly, I revel in your ‘disapproval’ of me, and others like me.

      When you do drop by to leave one of your drive-by ad hominem attacks (like your OP on this thread), you NEVER stick around to discuss/debate/explain. You are a gutless, and stupid, and uneducated, drive-by coward. Frankly, jsled, other than your predictable, uneducated Left/fascism, you contribute nothing – and all your drive-by ad hominem contributes is a great target for mockery and ridicule.

      Go virtue-signal your way into an excavation, and expire.

      Nice chat!

    • “An end to a readership that are basically nazis, fascists and just the absolute dregs of humanity.”

      Thanks for verifying that you are a totalitarian who wants to censor speech, jackass.

      (TTAG, you will notice something about jsled. He never adds to the conversation, he pops in occasionally to piss and moan, then exits again…”

  4. I would like more reporting on defensive use incidents.
    It would be a useful tool in combination with the sights tag/sorting ability

  5. “What would you like to see more of?”

    how about more of no posts at all from dacian and Miner49er?

    • I consider them to have done us a service. Yes. They are not capable of intelligent thought. But they keep us focused on what the fascist left is all about.

    • TRUTH!!!!!!!!! Keep the F__ng TROLLS off this site. They are not only distracting but they take away from some of the better discussions going on. Their rude, crude rants can make the blog unbearable. When trolls take over a discussion, I leave for a few days, hoping the thread will burn out on its own. Moderators need to moderate on a consistent, timely basis. No excuses.

      • “no posts at all from dacian and Miner49er“

        Wow, even jwm calls you a fascist:

        February 16, 2024 At 13:09
        So, censorship. How very fascist of you.

        In one statement you’ve proven your desire to violate human and civil rights and yet you will swear to your mother you are not a nat-zee.


        • Fascism is your stick, miner. You’ve stated too many times that rights can be limited. You’ve supported the sanger plan of genocide, which is working against poc. You’ve compared the Doolittle raiders to hamas and you’ve blamed the jews for their own murders by hamas.

          Truly fascinating.

          But I do not want you banned from here. You’re not bright enough to realize just how much good you’re doing for the pro gun side.

        • Jwm did no such thing.

          TTAG should not give a platform to you, Miner49er, and dacian to spread your filth.

          Both of you have expressed your agenda for a facist world you would like all Amercians to live in, both of you have expressed your ideal that government should be able to strip away constitutional rights, both of you have intentionally spewed your lies and support for an anti-gun agenda and support for a tyrannical government, both of you have posted under different and your regular names names posting both purposely and indirectly and ignorantly your support for terrorist and the murder of innocents and the overthrow of the United States.

          So yeah, no posts at all from dacian and Miner49er here at TTAG.

          TTAG should ban dacian and Miner49er, ban these two sick twisted mentally ill pieces of crap. dacian and Miner49er are not what TTAG is about and should not give them a platform for their evil.

        • “both of you have posted under different and your regular names names“

          Not I, this is just more of your fascist suppression of free speech.

          All you have is personal slander and vague unsubstantiated attacks.

        • and…. once again Miner49er, learn what context means. One can not “personal slander” a fake pseudonym name (e.g. ‘Miner49er’). Now If I had used your real name in my post, and I could have, then you could claim that “personal slander” but it would be a false claim because everything I said is true thus not ‘slander’.

          Take your evil somewhere else.

      • Two Jakes,

        As to the site’s idea of “moderation”, I totally agree – the “moderation” on this site sucks greasy puppy dog nuts. Go over to Shooting News Weekly (many of the ‘regulars’ from here appear there, a lot) and compare and contrast.

        As for “banning” MajorLiar and dacian the demented, either skip their idiot posts, or mock and ridicule them (as they deserve). Just as we have certain innate human rights (the right to self-defense, and to maintain the means thereof), they have the right to display their insanity and ignorance. The very idea of free speech is to allow people to judge the worth of ideas, and protecting only speech we “like” is hypocrisy. Yes, they are become annoying, since they are both “one-trick ponies”, but . . . the value of their commentary mirrors in value of their “ideas”. dacian is exclusively unhinged, uneducated, ignorant, ungrammatical, senseless rants, without substance or foundation. MajorLiar’s “posts” are ALWAYS lies (MajorLiar is the most consistent “liar by omission” and “liar by out-of-context” or “obscenely biased” “sources” in the world. Whatever MajorLiar posts, the TWO things you can be certain of (i) it is Leftist/fascist drivel, devoid of even an ounce of actual thought, and (ii) it is a lie.

        But I’m happy to have them post; it provides a ready source for mockery and comedy. Ask MajorLiar to explain his BRILLIANT interpretational theory of how Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution EXPRESSLY authorizes universal gun control – it is comedy gold!

        But don’t “ban” them; that’s the kind of sh*t THEY do.

    • We don’t need more censorship here, it’s already ridiculous. I don’t mind these Marxist trolls. They are obvious and I just skip over and ignore their ramblings. I doubt anyone really pays any heed to what they say and they are just spinning their wheels and wasting their time here since they get less than zero traction for all the keyboard pounding they do here. IMHO it’s a net gain letting them waste time here rather than going to some other site where people might be soft headed enough to fall for their bs.

      • I’m not calling for censorship. I’m calling for control over the people who abuse the blogs for their own personal agenda. If you are gender fluid and want to post here – fine. But don’t attack a narrative because the commentator has not had the surgery you have had.

        • “I’m not calling for censorship. I’m calling for control over the people“

          It’s obvious you believe fascism under any other name would still smell as sweet.

        • I rest my case. Herr 49er has just stated his agenda. It’s called “Bring Back The Third Reich” aka “Joe Biden’s Legacy”.

      • The one place it’s appropriate is outright, off-topic spam – and THAT is one area that has absolutely gotten better than it used to be.

      • If anything they convince people the opposite of their claims once the source data is checked and the cherry picking is on full display.

        • Don’t forget ” Albert “, Vlad/dacian/Miner’s overseas alter ego… although he seems to be underutilized as of late.
          Congratulations on finding the right balance of lithium and ritalin, guys.

    • “how about more of no posts at all from dacian and Miner49er?”

      They will simply pick a new name and do it all over again.

      Seriously, don’t worry about them. They are only punch-toys for us to mock and humiliate as we see fit… 🙂

  6. I haven’t been here in years because it was over run with trolls before Farago sold it and it has only gotten worse since then.

  7. Un ban pwrserge, I found him entertaining in the comments.

    I used to read and comment a lot after I found this site around 2012 or so. not so much anymore. I think bots have fouled up the comment section, but I don’t know if there’s any way to keep the AI out anymore.

    I would like to see more articles on technique and gear.

    I would like to see NO articles on how Commies arming up is a good thing. Our only overlap is agreement that firearms usage is a practical matter. They intend to use those arms to escort us to the gulags. I intend to use my arms to shoot them when they try.

    I might have more thoughts later.

    • “Un ban pwrserge, I found him entertaining in the comments.”

      He was never banned, he left all on his own.

      He can be found at the the firearm blog dot com…

  8. While there are many sites that do reviews, skill tips, etc, I have not found a site yet that has comprehensive timely updates of 2A legal cases from across the country and from different organizations. The only way is to subscribe to multiple YouTube channels and check them daily. A feature that provides those updates would be very helpful.

  9. How about just a simple balance of content? News and politics if it’s firearms related. Firearms reviews, both new and old models. Not everything interesting is made of plastic. Cover the spectrum.

  10. A few times a day usually I’ll hit up TTAG, TFB, Ammoland and now SNW because they all have different content. Ads are blocked everywhere by default and always will so I have no idea what ads here look like.

    Unless you don’t totally dumpster fire the site in some horribly off-putting redesign I’ll keep coming. Minimalism is a virtue.

  11. I think the balance of what kind of articles you post is good. I appreciate that you don’t need to run every new, minor product press release. As far as social media and videos, it’s got to be very difficult to compete with TFB and Arfcom, so I advise staying in your lane and hitting the defensive gun uses and socio-political coverage, which I think you do very well. I particularly like what Jennifer Sensiba has to say. The comments section is a dumpster fire, but it’s after the content, so no one is forced to scroll past it to get to the post.

    • jenny is still young and flexible, so much of what she posits seem a bit contorted, a strain. robert had to stretch pretty far sometimes, but was compelling (“and rich”) often. jb= jennifer’s buddy?
      re: comments section, the core readers here stay for the comments. i’ve learned far more from ttag’s cognoscenti than i have from the articles. and that’s a good thing, as much of the speculative content is skim only, get to the snark. i shitepost unapologetically. it’s easy enough to bypass the usual droll suspects.
      i would speculate the vast majority of arrivals here were searching for a gun review. that should be the bread and butter content, with actual legal happenings second.
      we’ve learned to deal with the new layout. it seems weird to me that so many articles with only a few comments remain while controversial ones with many comments fall into archive. i would suggest leaving popular ones up and visible with nothing above the fold dropped below until new content posts.

      • The comments are core to the experience. Articles sometimes fade away too quickly, cutting interesting conversations and arguments short. It would be great to put some real UI thought into how comments display, how they are organized, etc. The comment features right now are from the dark ages (but I do appreciate that they are simple). DO NOT REQUIRE ACCOUNTS. I have absolutely no interest in being required to make an account and share all my personal data just to say a few words to fellow enthusiasts.

      • “re: comments section, the core readers here stay for the comments. i’ve learned far more from ttag’s cognoscenti than i have from the articles.”

        So much *this*…

  12. I would like to see an editorial or instructional series on reloading for beginners. Reloading from A to Z. I think most people learn reloading from peers, friends or elderly family. Sometimes that info may not be accurate, and it would be nice to have accurate explanations of safe reloading process and procedures.

    • This would be awesome!

      I will add: it would be cool to have content related to basic gunsmithing – the kind of things that graduate you from “bubba” to “hey that came out pretty nice.” I can think of a variety of topics to get started, including stock refinishing, cold bluing, basic firearm functions and repairs, etc. Since lots of this is already out there, maybe this content could be in the form of “stories” about some of our own commenters’ successes or failures.

  13. Get the moderation under control. Two examples of comments that I made that were held for as much as a day before being seen,

    1) ‘Citations, please.’
    2)Sauteed onions and mushrooms.

      • I don’t mind that comments are moderated, what I do mind is the fact it seems to be a very low priority for the new owners.

        TTAG – It isn’t tough. When you post a new comment, go back to the earlier comments that day and day before and release them.

        The way you are currently doing it is strangling the comment section and will drive away the commenters…

  14. The 2A litigation and new legislation are critical aspects of this site.
    By the way, editor, you never put your name on your posts. So WHO are YOU!

    • Along those lines, this site often posts excerpts from other sites. The system that drives this feature makes it look like the piece is being misattributed to a writer here at TTAG instead of to its original author. Information design matters!

  15. I’d like to see Gun reviews. And war stories, like the one yesterday about the grease gun. Oh and yea gota keep the comment section, and i like the fact i dont have to be a member or log in to comment

    • Interesting firearms history, odd and unusual guns, military firearms, old firearms (maybe even some REALLY old stuff like Chinese cannons and matchlocks, etc.).

      I’m tired of these two kinds of reviews:

      1) We, the editors, got our hands on a $7k match pistol that none of you will ever own, and here’s how fun it was to shoot.

      2) Here is a Glock, but with a different number.

  16. Why do you come here? For breaking 2a news and intelligent commentary

    What kind of articles do you like? entertaining gear reviews (especially from Jeremy and JWT)), current events

    What would you like to see more of? self-defense shootings (ala ASP style), hunting stories

    Would you like more video? No, I look at this at work when I need a break. Gun vids are less welcome at work than pictures of guns.

    Do you want more gun reviews? Yes, especially with an entertaining flair

    Do you want more news? Yes, especially with thoughtful and entertaining commentary

    Do you follow our social media? Nope. I’m not on any social media

    Would you follow our social media if it wasn’t so weak? No. TTAG has social media?

    What other sites do you really like and what is it you like about them? TFB: love the POTD and gear announcements/review

    Maybe you want a newer site design at TTAG or maybe the old site design is comfortable and familiar and you don’t want it to change at all. The current layout is functional. I come here several times per day and like seeing at a glance what’s new.

    Do you get the newsletter? No. There is a newsletter?

    How important is the comments section and the community that has developed in the comments section to you? Very. I love seeing certain posters that I respect for gear and legal analysis. Some posters are simply entertaining. Some are idiots (miner49er) and I love seeing them roasted.
    That said, the posting community here can be very critical and non-supportive. That’s fine. It’s the internet. We don’t all have to agree and sing kumbiya. I get that. However, that occasionally prevents me from posting my own thoughts (I’ll own being a wuss who doesn’t like being flamed) and makes it fun to just lurk.

  17. It may be a bad time to get into running a pro gun site. The war for gun rights has mostly been won. There are some skirmishes left, but mostly its over.

    I got into this mess in 1968 and it has been a roller coaster of a ride since. But it is smoothing out. Constitutional carry will be nationwide soon enough. Restoring rights to folks that have served their time is also looming. Opening the machine gun register will be the first step to doing away with the NFA.

    • Such a dreamer! The wars in California, New York, and a few other states will not be won without a massive Supreme Court smack down, but even then, the gun ban gang will keep trying new and inventive ways to limit your rights. The Supreme Court has done well for us, but it is busy and is limiting the 2A cases it takes. It was years between Heller and Bruen, and look what we had to put up with in the interim.

    • “Restoring rights to folks that have served their time is also looming.”

      Maybe in a few months.

      Folks, seriously, stack your ammo deep, NOW.

      Tens of *millions* of new legal gun owners will make the 2020 ammo drought seem like a fond memory…

  18. i love the content, the only thing that needs to change are the ads. It’s always disgusting close-ups of belly fat or skin diseases or things like that. Why? I would love to have ads for holsters and tactical gear instead. You’d get more click throughs and not leave readers wanting to vomit.

        • We’ll meet you out there then, goy

          Carry every day, everywhere, all the time. Never again. The enemy can be trusted to be treacherous and never stops until stopped by force. FJB

    • Is Joe Biden Jewish? Is Hakeem Jeffries? Nancy Pelosi? Bill Clinton? Ronald Reagan?

      Bad things existing isn’t the fault of the Jews. You aren’t a serious person. You’re a bigot.

      • Your childish name-calling cannot erase the evidence provided at that link.

        The tribe primarily responsible for gun control “agitprop, lawfare, and legislation” is EXACTLY as named at

        FACTS, not ad hominem name-calling!

        • Childish? I used the word bigot as it was intended to be used. Words have meaning. That was not an ad hominem attack. My position was that the overwhelming majority of people who support gun control are NOT Jewish. Who is the child in this situation? Hint: it isn’t me. Learn how to properly use words next time.

          ad hominem /hŏm′ə-nĕm″, -nəm/: Attacking a person’s character or motivations rather than a position or argument.

          bigot /bĭg′ət/: One who is strongly partial to one’s own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

        • @Dude
          Once again your rebuttal is a straw man flavored with denial and sprinkled with name-calling. NOWHERE in the linked page or supporting comments is the claim made that “most gun ban supporters are Jewish.” The claim is clear: Gun ban agitprop, lawfare, and legislation is disproportionately Jewish. It is. That is a fact, a fact completely free of emotion in its presentation, a fact free of “bigotry.” I highly recommend the content at: The references are verifiable by honest readers.

        • Once again, you don’t have a solid grasp on the English language. I did not set up an imaginary argument so that it only appears that I’m refuting your argument. That’s what a straw man is. Instead, I have, from the beginning, specifically responded to your anti-Jewish comments.

          Democrats are anti-gun. Most Jews are Democrats. According to Pew Research, Jews are more likely to be Democrats than Republicans by a factor of 2.5! Why aren’t you naming Democrats as the group responsible for most anti-gun “agitprop, law fare, and legislation?” The answer is that you’re clearly very anti-Jewish.

          Some of the content on your website isn’t just referring to Jewish people, but to Judaism. Less than half of Democrats are even religious. Jewish American adults are twice as likely as the general public to say they do not believe in any kind of higher power or spiritual force in the universe. So the whole Judaism scare on your website is a joke. Most of the Jews listed on your site aren’t known to be religious.

        • @Dude — No.! _Nobody_ claimed “most supporters of gun bans are Jewish.” Read carefully: The big money, the big media, and the big legislators supporting “gun ban agitprop, lawfare, and legislation” are Jewish. That fact is well-documented at the website: Because you have no counter-evidence, you keep offering up your straw man, name-calling, and pretending that it is we who don’t understand clear English.

          Powerful Jews in finance, media, and government are disproportionately responsible for gun bans. A few powerless Jews like Dan, Jeremy, the Chasids at JPFO, and _me_ are not anywhere as effective as the big money “machers” (“big shots”). These are one and the same “machers” who have kept the USA in perpetual fratricidal wars and prolonged the COVID and vax attacks that serve the genocidal Zionist agenda for profit and power —even though a majority of Americans oppose the killing and expense. Your straw man argues about the majority. What a joke. In large degree the majority has been rendered powerless and ineffectual.

          Gentiles are too afraid of being called “antisemites” (the same game you are playing!) to call out those Jews responsible. It is up to Jews like Dan, Jeremy, and me to call out our co-religionists.

          As to your evidence-free gratuitous denial of the role of religion, I mentioned the Kabbalist Judaism that is at the root of the problem. That is thoroughly documented on the site—”Only Jews are human” and “Kill even the best of the Gentiles… in a time when Jews have control over the Gentiles” are the fundamental religious tenets that drive Jewish big shots to disarm gentiles and make gentiles even more powerless. Here is a link from the site thtat quotes Jewish religious texts in these regards:

        • “Read carefully: The big money, the big media, and the big legislators…”

          Wake up and smell the coffee, Ruthie. Big media has always supported left wing causes. If the Jews controlled so much, then why was the media pushing Hamas propaganda? You mentioning both Soros and Zionists together is a joke. Soros funds left wing groups that are hostile to Zionism. Israeli Zionists don’t like Soros. Obama had to distance himself from Soros at first when Obama was still pretending to be pro-Israel.

          “As to your evidence-free gratuitous denial of the role of religion, I mentioned the Kabbalist Judaism that is at the root of the problem.”

          You’re wrong again, Ruthie. Most Jews aren’t religious. Pew Research has plenty of data on this. A lot of high profile Jews seem to only use their heritage as a shield. Most don’t really practice Judaism. Judaism isn’t a threat. The root of the problem is left wing ideology. It’s Marxist ideology. It’s greed and hatred. Democrats and RINOs are the threat. You’re a distraction from the real fight.

        • Big money/Big Power/Big Shot Globalist*** Jews are primarily and disproportionately responsible for gun ban agitprop, lawfare, and legislation. EVIDENCE HERE:

          Unable to provide counter-evidence, you now try to cloud the issue with your tangent on Zionism.… as if you have any comprehension of the dynamics at work. The New York Times, megaphone for Zionism and for gun control, is a salient example contradicting your half-baked stereotype. Other examples abound. Consider the “guns for me [Ukraine & Israel], but not for thee [USA/Europe]” neocon [Zionist] Jews. You hypocrites will say anything convenient, none of it with any substance or evidence. Your efforts to flog Zionism are just another effort to change the subject.

          Big money/Big Power/Big Shot Globalist (neé Kabbalist) Jews are primarily and disproportionately responsible for gun ban agitprop, lawfare, and legislation.

          *** “Globalism” is just re-branded Kabbalism, the globe under Jewish control You might make some effort to educate on topics before you bray your silly opinions.

        • It’s pointless to keep multiple threads going, James/David/Sal/Joe/Ruthie/Pro Shooter/Samantha. I replied to your other comment.

      • You’re funny. You name a couple of puppets, call the poster names, and think you’ve made your case? Not by a long shot. The evidence is incontrovertible. Follow the money. All the evidence at the link is verifiable.

        • “You name a couple of puppets, call the poster names, and think you’ve made your case?”

          Who in the Democratic Party is NOT for gun control? Then you have a minority in the Republican Party as well. Then you have how many tens of millions of Americans who vote for Democrats? Black people overwhelmingly vote for Democrats. Therefore, they support Democrat policies. So do Asians and Hispanics. Would you like me to name all of those people? Are all of those people Jewish?

          Dan Z. is Jewish. So is Jeremy S. According to you, they support gun control. Wait…are they vehemently anti-gun control just so people won’t know that they’re really the ones behind gun control? Brilliant take, guys.

        • @Dude Still trying to prove your straw man? I am Jewish. So what? When Dan drops $50,000,000 to fund multiple gun rights groups let us know. When Jeremy donates more than the Joyce Foundation or owns the “mainstream media” that incessantly pushes the “guns=gun violence” narrative, let us know. When any 12 Jewish legislators oppose the decades of anti-gun legislation spearheaded by Cellar, Metzenbaum, Feinstein, Nadler, Schumer, Kohl, Specter, Lautenberg, Boxer, Levin, Cardin, Schatz, Sanders, Blumenthal, et al. let us know. We are not so foolish to buy your desperate name-calling and ‘not all Jews’ narrative. As if the two guys at JPFO are effective against Jewish billionaires, media moguls, and legislators? You are not fooling anyone.

        • “Still trying to prove your straw man?”

          You don’t know what a straw man is. See my other comment above.

          “I am Jewish.”

          Then aren’t you the problem? If you aren’t the problem, then Jews aren’t the problem.

          Do you know what all of those legislators that you listed have in common? They’re all Democrats, except maybe Cellar, because I don’t know who that is. What is Cellar’s full name? Again, it looks like we’ve discovered the real problem. Democrats. Why aren’t you naming the real problem? We can list a lot more of them who are extremely anti-gun and not remotely Jewish.

        • @Dude Your argument is that most gun ban supporters aren’t Jewish. Your argument is a straw man, a phony argument that nobody made.

          Several posters have called you on your attempt to switch your straw man for the actual argument: Powerful Jews are largely to blame for gun ban agitprop, lawfare, and legislation.

          At this point it is difficult to believe that your straw man is an innocent mistake. You keep flogging an argument that nobody made and have refused to provide counter-evidence because there is no evidence against the fact: POWERFUL JEWS ARE LARGELY TO BLAME FOR GUN BAN AGITPROP, LAWFARE, AND LEGISLATION.

        • That isn’t a straw man argument, Ruthie. Your list of Jews is a tiny minority of Democrats in the legislature. Jews are also a minority in the anti-gun organizations. Bloomberg and Soros are Jewish billionaires. Everyone knows that. Now what? How do we win? Do we vote Bloomberg and Soros out of office? They don’t hold office.

          What’s your plan, other than pushing your anti-Jewish agenda? My plan is to take out the people who want to vote for anti-gun measures. My plan is to educate people about the right to keep and bear arms, and why it’s important. Why do you keep talking about a straw man? Why can’t you debate the issue at hand? All you’re doing is giving us a bad name, and scaring off decent people when they see your hatred for people based on their ethnicity. You’re part of the problem.

        • @Dude: Your very first post responding to the OP James was to call him a “bigot.” No evidence, just name-calling and you have the gall to claim “name-calling was justified.”

          Now you claim: “I didn’t ever change the subject”

          …BUT… from the onset of the OP, you changed the subject several times. First to “grasp the English language,” then to “Republicans and Democrats,” “Hamas propaganda,” then to claiming “Most Jews aren’t religious,” “[Jews] do not believe in any kind of higher power or spiritual force in the universe.” Then you changed the subject again to Soros and Zionists. Then you changed the subject a FIFTH time: “What is your plan for advancing a pro-gun agenda?”

          Quite clearly you have nothing but name-calling, straw man argument, and changing the subject, because you cannot refute the overwhelming evidence that Big Money/Big Power/Big Shot Globalist (Kabbalist) Jews are PRIMARILY responsible for gun ban agitprop, funding, lawfare, and legislation.

          “I didn’t ever … use straw man arguments.”

          So far, you engaged in your straw man argument FOUR times. Even though you were IMMEDIATELY called out for your straw man argument by at least three posters, you continued to play your straw man farce.

          From the outset you claimed “the overwhelming majority of people who support gun control are NOT Jewish” even though NOBODY in this thread ever made that argument. The linked OP is about those primarily responsible for gun ban funding, agitprop, lawfare, and legislation.

          Not once have you ever addressed the massive evidence that without Jewish MONEY, MEDIA, POWER, and POLITICIANS there would be no gun ban success:

          Some of your name-calling is so hysterical as to be hilarious: “Stormfront.” And you pretend that we are not serious.

          Clearly you are deeply invested in derailing any criticism of Jews even when a Jew is making the criticism, so since you are comfortable with your ritualistic ad hominem, I ask again, “Are you JIDF?” —a poster PAID to derail any criticism of the Jews PAID by… wait for it!… Big Money/Big Power/ Big Shot Jews. The JIDF got caught with their pants down and have had to go underground. There are many screenshots of JIDF touting deceptive and disruptive posting. Here’s one:,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/158/460/800/original/6fcc473639ac174f.jpg Here’s another:

      • Whatever the “man in the street” numbers are, it is in controvertible that “command and control” and _financing_ of the gun ban efforts are Jewish. The linked page is especially interesting in two respects: (1) the solid evidence and (2) the discussion of the Kabbalistic roots of gun control and perpetual war (“Kill even the best of the Gentiles.” As fascinating as it is horrifying—a topic that should be discussed, not denied using silly name-calling. If you had counter-evidence, you wouldn’t need your name-calling.

        • What a joke. Your “evidence” was naming two jews. As if that makes a difference against the money and power of Bloomberg, Soros, Strauss, Joyce, Pritzker, Brin, Zuckerberg, Spielberg, Sugarman, Kellerman, Katzenberg, Cellar, Metzenbaum, Moskowitz, Wasserman-Schultz, Feinstein, Nadler, Schumer, Kohl, Specter, Lautenberg, Boxer, Levin, Cardin, Schatz, Sanders, Blumenthal, Dettelbach, Lieberman, Feinblatt, Fieger, Walensky, Frum, Giffords, Grofman, Horowitz, Feinen, Smirin, Kushner, Katz, Warsavsky, Wishnow, Kieffer, Vinik, Lasnik, Weiser, Mariaschin, Lichtman, etc., etc. etc.

          And you have the gall to tell us to get serious. You are shooting blanks. We call your bluff.

        • Good work, Ruthie! I am enjoying your fact-based smack down of “Dude.” Much of the alleged support of gun control is just astro-turf financed and touted by those you have named.

        • Now you’re talking to yourself. Congratulations on listing more Democrats. I can list hundreds more. There is no bluff. You aren’t even making sense now. And yes, you aren’t a serious person. You clearly have an anti-Jewish agenda. You’re hiding behind a pro-gun agenda. I have no doubt that you hide behind other agendas depending on what site you’re on.

        • I named financiers, polemicists (parading as researchers), state attorneys general, senators, state legislators, mayors, judges, heads of the CDC and BATFE, foundations, media moguls, globalists (including NON-AMERICAN, therefore NON_DEMOCRAT)—all of them Jewish. Anyone can check those and more linked references on the site. Kudos to the site owner!

          Those big money/big power Jews are all at the leading edge of gun control agitprop, lawfare, and legislation.


          The more desperate you become, the more you rely on ad hominem personal attacks (“hiding,” not “serious,” “not making sense,””other agendas,” “bigot,” etc.). Repeating your evidence-free denial and name-calling is not convincing. Honest readers and TTAG editors are referred to the EVIDENCE: sp that they may decide for themseves.

          Mazel tov!

        • There is nothing desperate about my comments. I’m calling you out on your clearly anti-Jewish agenda. This isn’t Stormfront. It’s TTAG. You’re hiding behind a pro-2A agenda. Non-Americans can’t vote in our elections. However, they can fund politicians and organizations. Those politicians and organizations that you’re referring to all support Democrat Party causes. The goal is to remove Democrats and RINOs from office. We will only do that by securing our elections, getting the right person to win in primaries, and educating people on voting for the right person.

          What is your plan for advancing a pro-gun agenda? How do you remove wealthy international foundations? All I’ve seen from you is fear mongering over Jews. I’ll be busy for the rest of the day. I’ll check back late today, or tomorrow.

        • I am a Jew, had my Bat Mtzvah. It is the ultimate in desperation for you to call me “anti-Jewish.” As for many of us Jews, we oppose the direction that the big money/big power “machers” (“big shots”) are taking this nation and the world, not only regarding gun bans.

          Events in Gaza should have made clear to you that many Jews are finally speaking up against our self-appointed “leaders.”

          Unable to provide counter-evidence, you flog your name-calling and in your last post decided to “change the subject.” What’s my plan? Today my plan is to bury you under the mountain of evidence and expose your name-calling for what it is—empty!

          Bottom line: Big money/big power Jews are primarily and disproportionately responsible for gun control agitprop. lawfare, and legislation.

          When the NRA named names the “usual suspects” tore their garments and played victim whining “anisemitism”—not much different from what you are doing here. Are you JIDF?

          In NRA’s Response to School Massacre: Dog-whistle anti-Semitism, a Star-spangled Protocols of Zion—NRA chief LaPierre identified the enemies of his organization, and of America, as Jews – from Karl Marx to Bernie Sanders

          So far you have completely avoided providing counter-evidence and instead engaged in straw man argumentation, name-calling, playing the antisemitism card, and now changing the subject. I ask again, are you JIDF?

        • Unable to provide counter-evidence, you flog your name-calling and in your last post decided to “change the subject.”

          Change the subject? What do you think the subject is? The subject is The Truth About Guns. Your original comment, James/David/Sal/Joe/Ruthie/Pro Shooter/Samantha, was naming who is responsible for what? What was it? Gun control! Remember? The entire point of this exercise was to figure out how to combat gun control. All you’re laser-focused on is talking about how bad the Jews are. I was bringing us back to the original point of this conversation. We are here to push back on gun control.

          Have you ever read this blog? It isn’t The Truth About Jews. I noticed that you didn’t answer my question. All you seem to care about is to talk about how dangerous the Jews are, who, according to you, control the world. Sure you’re Jewish. Sure you are. Now you’re hiding behind that make-believe shield. And your name really is James/David/Sal/Joe/Ruthie/Pro Shooter/Samantha, right? Who do you think you’re fooling? This is pointless. You’re an anti-Jewish troll. You have no plan to combat gun control. Your plan is only to fearmonger. It’s the Jews! The Jews! Beware of the Jews! You people give us a bad name. If your cause was ever to push back on gun control, then you’re doing more harm than good. (That is very obviously not your cause.)

        • “you now try to cloud the issue with your tangent on Zionism”

          Who brought up Zionism? You did. You said, “…genocidal Zionist agenda…” Who brought up Soros? You did.

        • Quite the contrary, _you and I_ are NOT posting all over TTAG on the general subject of gun control. _I_ have posting in a very specific section: WHO is primarily responsible for gun control agitprop, lawfare, and legislation? _YOU_ have done everything you can to avoid actually addressing the evidence demonstrating WHO is primarily responsible for gun control agitprop, lawfare, and legislation. Asked and answered:

          ANSWER: Big Money/Big Power/Big Shot “Globalist” Jews, not poor or middle class Jews like me, but the Big Shots. Massive evidence has been linked: I count a few hundred supportive and verifiable pieces of evidence there.

          You, on the other hand, have done your worst to engage in name-calling, gratuitous denial, proffer straw man arguments, change the subject, and offer evidence-free opinions on subjects about which you know little-to-nothing (or intentionally seek to deceive).

          You’ve been played, Dude. You are stuck in the simpleton’s Republican/Democrat paradigm. As best I discern, you’d just as soon remain in that bogus “Voter harder in ’24” paradigm. Vote harder, Dude, for the candidates selected for you by Big Shots. ROTFL

        • Simpleton? Who’s calling who names?

          As best I discern…

          You don’t discern very well, and I didn’t ever change the subject or use straw man arguments. I didn’t say just vote Republican over Democrat. I said secure the elections, and replace Democrats and undesirables from the Republican Party. I even mentioned some of that above. If you had read my other comments, you would see that I understand the Republican Party has to be remade. You would also see that I talked about getting the right person into the primary, instead of going with what the Parties give us. Democrats are a lost cause. The people and organizations that you are against support Democrats. Do you vote for Democrats? Do you think voting is a bad idea? Are you even old enough to vote?

          I don’t care what their ethnicity is. It doesn’t matter. What matters is winning. Everyone here knows that Bloomberg, Soros, et al fund these groups. Everyone here knows they’re Jewish. You aren’t breaking any new ground. You aren’t half as clever as you think you are. The point is to beat them, not obsess over their ethnicity, like a racist. As a matter of fact, people like you will end up driving independents into the arms of the Democrats. How do you think that will help?

          I was right about you hiding behind the pro-2A shield so you could spread your hatred online. I see you’re still hiding behind the “I’m Jewish” shield as well. Yeah, right. You can’t even use a consistent name. You have zero credibility. Vote harder? ROTFL? What are you twelve?

        • YOU_ have done everything you can to avoid actually addressing the evidence demonstrating WHO is primarily responsible for gun control agitprop, lawfare, and legislation.

          Nope. Go back and read the entire thread. I like how you pretend that it’s the Jewish Party instead of the Democrat Party in America.

        • You are a deceiver. My FIRST comment was: “@Dude — No.! _Nobody_ claimed “most supporters of gun bans are Jewish.” Read carefully: The big money, the big media, and the big legislators supporting “gun ban agitprop, lawfare, and legislation” are Jewish. That fact is well-documented at the website:

  19. TTAG needs to use less script in its pages. Half of whats there is completely unneeded.

    If we are to follow rules for moderation, they need to be applied with consistency and clarity. If a particular word is to be filtered out then fine…what is that word?

    • Yes, having a thoughtful comment banished to the moderation abyss (there is no escape from the moderation abyss) is deeply frustrating. The rules for moderation seem completely arbitrary and patternless. When I have a comment drop into moderation, I simply have no idea why.

    • …what is that word?


      t-r-a-n-s (included in any word)
      s-e-x (included in any word)
      yet (plus) another
      someone (plus) else
      s-o-c-i-a-l (ist, ism)
      h-o-m-o (etc.)

      • Dude,

        But, NEVER consistently! Sometimes, those words will trigger “moderation”, and sometimes not. One editor/writer/moderator (I forget who) once advanced the claim that their “moderation” was all “algorithm-based”. Doug has repeatedly said “I checked, and there is no such comment in moderation. I looked, and we have no record of receiving such a comment.” Now, I don’t know Doug, and I always try to afford everyone the presumption of good faith (until, like MajorLiar and dacian the demented, they prove they are unworthy of that presumption), and Doug may be being perfectly honest when he writes that, as to what HE “found” or didn’t find. But most, if not all, of us have had the experience of posting a comment and getting the dreaded “this comment is being moderated’ message. We KNOW the comment posted to the site, because we get the moderation message. I have even had the experience (several times) of having a comment post successfully, WITHOUT the hated “moderation” message, and going back later to find it is now gone (kinda like a post-natal abortion, I guess).

        So who are you going to believe, the editors/moderators of TTAG, or your lyin’ eyes??? TTAGs “moderation” policy is heinously bad.

        • He said those words aren’t on his list. Then he came back later and said he was moderated when he tried them, and wasn’t logged in as an administrator. If you use alternative spelling for that list, you likely won’t go to moderation. The moderation system is a little buggy.

  20. If you’re going to be “the TRUTH about guns”, then lean into it. Be the truth.

    Opinion is not truth. Truth is not an opinion. That means no more BS articles written by Boch in a snivelly, condescending, rude and abusive way. That stuff may fly on political forums, but it isn’t the truth.

    Tell the truth. Be the truth. Be journalists, not opinion writers. Yes, some things are definitely opinions (like gun reviews), and gun reviews are immensely popular here, but it should be understood that either a) the review is just one person’s opinion or b) the entire staff of TTAG agrees with the writer, thus putting it into the “truth” category.

    Have some fundamental truths for people. Let’s say that some gun-curious person is trying to make up their own mind about guns. What would you want them to see? I’d like them to find a curated repository of truth that explains the truth, that answers their questions, and that is easily approachable and navigable. And yes, that would include Debbie’s unrelenting screed on the history of racism as it applies to gun control. I would like this section to include answers to the most shrill and repeated “talking points” from the demanding moms and others, so when someone hears “guns are the main cause of death among children in the US”, I’d like to see that factually dissected.

    In short, I’d like this site to be a place where someone can come to learn the truth. I think that’s your unique selling point, in a world of blogs and youtubers all vying for the same eyeballs.

    I think news is important when it relates to 2A cases. I think news is pointless when it’s blood-soaked agitprop, like breathless breaking headlines on the latest shooting. I like coming here to hear LKB’s take on the latest supreme court cases, that’s a whole field that TFB completely ignores and one that TTAG could amplify its presence in. Court filings, wins, losses, tell us what’s happening and what we should be looking for.

    Tell the truth, even if it will piss off a sponsor. Especially if it will piss off a sponsor. That’s what Farago used to do. When he ran this site, no factor was more important than telling the truth, regardless of who wouldn’t like it.

    And for the love of all that’s holy, no more press releases from trade organizations, those are utterly pointless. Especially the Larry Keane ones, reading one of those is like listening to Hannity or Rachel Maddow, they’re just screeching opinion pieces designed to raise fear or own the libs.

    Been coming here for over 10 years. The site’s changed a lot, and you have a chance to do something meaningful here. Grab that chance by the balls, develop a mission statement, and stick to it.

    • Liked: “In short, I’d like this site to be a place where someone can come to learn the truth”

      sometimes everybody wants to grab on to the newest innovation or product.
      “truth” as mentioned, isn’t subjective opinion, nor be shone in only one light.

      perhaps going to the roots of historical events would be beneficial in foundational arguments.

    • Boch is a favorite of mine because he actually lives it every day via GunssSaveLife. And lives in the hellhole known as ILLannoy a do I(for now). If I wrote about Illinois Dims & RINOS I’d be leagues more acerbic.

    • “I would like this section to include answers to the most shrill and repeated “talking points” from the demanding moms and others…”

      Absolutely. An easy-to-find section that dissects the biggest anti-2A lies, misleading stats, etc. Something with punch, easily scannable, but with links to lots of data to back everything up.

      The trade press releases are trash. Ash heap of history time for those.

    • “I think news is pointless when it’s blood-soaked agitprop, like breathless breaking headlines on the latest shooting.”

      I disagree. We can better prepare to defend ourselves by learning about the details of past shootings.

    • “If you’re going to be ‘the TRUTH about guns’, then lean into it. Be the truth. … Opinion is not truth. Truth is not an opinion. That means no more BS articles written by Boch in a snivelly, condescending, rude and abusive way. That stuff may fly on political forums, but it isn’t the truth.”


      You do realize the name ‘The Truth About Guns’ is the name of a web site for a gun/2A-centric ‘blog’, right?

      What exactly was not ‘truth’ in the writings/opinion of John Boch?

      “Opinion is not truth.” ? Huh? Sure it is or can be. For example, based upon my experience with bad guys actually trying to kill me and me being forced by their actions to shoot them, my opinion is that I should have a gun available, and so should others, when that threat arrives.

      Is that opinion not the truth? You may not like it, just as you do not seem to like it with that of John Boch, but in its context it is the truth and is also ‘The Truth About Guns’.

      Its sounds also like you sort of want to be ‘spoon fed’ just what you like, and if its not something you like being spoon fed to you then its not ‘the truth’.

      “That means no more BS articles written by Boch in a snivelly, condescending, rude and abusive way.”


      I have not seen even one “BS articles written by Boch in a snivelly, condescending, rude and abusive way.” – that sounds a lot like you simply have a personal dislike for Boch.

      “Have some fundamental truths for people. Let’s say that some gun-curious person is trying to make up their own mind about guns. What would you want them to see? I’d like them to find a curated repository of truth that explains the truth, that answers their questions, and that is easily approachable and navigable. And yes, that would include Debbie’s unrelenting screed on the history of racism as it applies to gun control. I would like this section to include answers to the most shrill and repeated ‘talking points’ from the demanding moms and others, so when someone hears ‘guns are the main cause of death among children in the US’, I’d like to see that factually dissected. ”

      1. “Debbie’s unrelenting screed on the history of racism as it applies to gun control.” you may not like, but its a fact that deserves to be repeated over and over again to keep it fresh because even today that racism angle is being used by each and every anti-gun organization for their agenda to do away with the constitution in favor of government control over people.

      2. “answers to the most shrill and repeated ‘talking points’ from the demanding moms and others, so when someone hears ‘guns are the main cause of death among children in the US’, I’d like to see that factually dissected.” which has been done many times here at TTAG, and continues to be done not only in articles but in the comment sections as well.

      “shrill and repeated ‘talking points’ from the demanding moms and others” for their anti-gun propaganda do not deserve a platform on a pro-2A/pro-gun-rights/pro-constitution place like ‘The Truth About Guns’ and it sounds an awful lot like you would prefer they do have such a platform. Those “demanding moms and others” certainly would not give platform capability to “pro-2A/pro-gun-rights/pro-constitution” counters to their “shrill and repeated ‘talking points’ ” and in fact on their twitter accounts and other social media and in real life and in MSM and politically they do everything they can to suppress and/or remove “pro-2A/pro-gun-rights/pro-constitution” facts and truth that counters their false and deceptive narratives.

      “so when someone hears ‘guns are the main cause of death among children in the US’, I’d like to see that factually dissected. ” > where have you been? It has been and continues to be “factually dissected” here at TTAG end elsewhere, the ‘children’ thing has been completely debunked using the very information upon which anti-gun built this lie. And a recent article here at TTAG on 16 Feb 2024 bought it up again (in a slightly different context) > Even The Washington Post Concedes the Biden Administration’s Favorite Gun Control Lie Is, In Fact, a Lie > > But in case you still want it spoon fed to you…

    • “I like coming here to hear LKB’s take on the latest supreme court cases,”

      Thanks, but you’ll now have to go to SNW to get that.

      (Message to current TTAG owners: know that (1) I stand by my friends, and (2) actions have consequences. Like many of the old TTAG guard, I contributed lots of my time and energy for zero compensation, but I’m not going to continue doing so after your recent choices.)

  21. The content is generally good, I like the sponsored content being marked as such. The only real problem is WordPress and their extreme leftist bias on comments, there also seems to be some sort of random function that moderates or even deletes comments no matter how vanilla they may be. Other than the massive keyboard spew you allow from one of the local trolls that I have to scroll past on occasion.

  22. Go back to your old format. It was quite a bit better than the current one. And lots of the ads are downright gross. Content for the most part has been solid.

    • ATTN TTAG. After the format was changed awhile back, it became difficult to see which comment people were responding to when viewing the site on my phone. However, it’s easy to see while viewing it on a PC.

  23. The most important aspect of sites like this is the ability to aggregate news from essentially everywhere. We are all reporters when we can provide news about defensive successes from small town USA on a daily basis or court cases from a county, a state, or at the national level and follow them as they work through the courts. It is vital to our success in protecting our rights that this remain available. We as consumers of the content here should consider our commitment to TTAG and help the cause by not only feeding this information, but supporting the content creators. I don’t really need product reviews as much as I need information about our rights and the challenges to them. After all, I can’t afford every new gadget but can’t afford to lose my rights

    • Many sites have a feature where site members can post their own content, clearly marked as such, to gain a following and spark conversation. This would be a big departure for TTAG, but could be interesting. Or chaos. But it would be entertaining, I bet.

  24. it is a for-profit site – if l knew how to do it better, you would be coming to my site.

    That said, starting in 2015, I (as XZX) have been banned on ABC, CNN, Politico, Bloomberg News, Breitbart, The Hill, WAPO, Miami Herald, Mother Jones, Slate, NYT, Houston Chron, Yahoo, Seattle Times, and others that have faded in memory. Not for violations of terms of service, but because they don’t like losing. Those that didn’t ban me, abandoned comment completely, as did the afore-mentioned sites eventually. Also had to buy several phones…

    TTAG is a lone exception, IIRC. Even Fox quickly decided to make things difficult for ol’ XZX. So thanks for that.

    In closing – “Freedom of speech in the absence of anonymity is an illusion. Freely speaking under the illusion af anonymity courts destruction.” A really smart guy who would make a great absolute dictator said that. Trust me on this.

    • I remember when most sites ditched the comment section after Trump won. Then, Yahoo ditched them in 2020 because they didn’t like people pushing back against the insanity. They’ve now brought them back. WSJ began limiting comments as well.

  25. The ads, ya gotta pay the bills somehow. I get that. Ad blockers are a great little ad on.
    I like the history of guns you run. Interesting.
    Keeping us aware of all the gun control freaks is good. We need to be informed.
    I like the real people using firearms for self-defense articles. Good to see good people standing up to bad people who make bad decisions and get a hollow point or three for their effort.
    Jennifer writes some good articles that make for good comments and discussion.
    Reviews are what I come for. Granted TTAG has a limited budget and those who can afford ammo to make reviews. I would like to see a review of different PRS like rifles both center fire and rim fire. Like to see more real reviews, not ads, for scopes, ammo, gear. If TTAG would be open to reader reviews. I would do one on a rifle, scope, target cam, bi-pod for free, but my range just got buried under a foot of snow last night.

    • And the so called “gun culture.”
      The gun control freaks talk about it as if it is a bad thing.
      Write articles that highlight what “gun culture” really is.
      What “gun culture” reminds me of is those charity golf 4 person scramble tournaments where they play golf, then afterwards they have a steak dinner, BBQ, afterwards and everyone has a good meal, and talks about golf or guns in our case. Highlight Olympic Biathlon. Or three position competition of air rifle or rim fire for youth. Last time I went to a gun show, a local American Legion post was sponsoring a three position air rifle team against others in the area. I donated $5.
      Then highlight “gun culture” is mostly a home like traditional family and the values they have. Things that are good for a society.

  26. Seriously, fix the dang comments section.
    I get no notifications that someone has replied to me, I have to enter my name and email every time, I can’t have a unique profile picture, and I can’t put images on the comments.

    Have some kinda feature where you create an account and can have your own username that nobody can copy, a unique profile pic, and it keeps you logged in so you can just comment like you normally can on reddit.

    Seriously, spend 15 minutes on quora, reddit, scored etc and come up with a comments section that doesn’t feel like it’s from the 90s.

    Also, the gun reviews used to have their own section and were searchable by manufacturer, type (handgun/rifle etc), rating, and caliber, but that feature is gone and it was really useful.

  27. -Ads are click bait trash and make your computer flash malicious warnings at times just from entering the site. See if you can get related sponsors instead like ammo, gun, bow, safe brands. Or Lodge cast irons , Can-Am you get the idea.
    -Branch into a large field of gun related activities and related things like ATV mounted rifle cases.
    -How to videos/articles, how to get start hunting, how to hold a pistol, defend your home, teach new shooters.
    -Do experiments like how accurate is a rifled slug in a smooth bore. The scientific testing on muzzle brakes is still one of the best firearm related articles on the internet.

    -The news tends to be very up to date here. And is one of the main reasons I visit.

    -The site lay out is cumbersome and doesn’t make any sense. Needs a less is more approach and simpler navigation.

    -The reviews on older guns are amazing and a great way to appreciate guns of the past which are still good.

    If you need help with articles or content let me know. You could have my email.

  28. TTAG should be the most obnoxious echo chamber in the interwebz. A Truth Committee* is sorely needed to assure that anything that opposes the absolute right of “the People” to keep and bear arms should be summarily dismissed.

    Another feature should be the requirement of personal identification that prevents people from assuming multiple personalities/memberships on the forum. Frankly, I am exhausted trying to keep 89% of the screen names active and staffed.

    I had a bunch of other stuff I wanted to write, but it is nap time, and I forgot what all the other stuff was.

    *I should be the only permanent member of the Truth Committee.

    • Confession is good for the soul? I wuz gonna suggest a 10$/yr fee for commenting. Then I realized it would only gross about 90$…

  29. I use Chrome and Ad Blocker, what ads? I understand the monetary and therefore follow the gear reviews or special sale and sometimes buy something. The mix of Hardware, politics and pointing out media hypocrisy is good and needed. Jennifer has stepped up her game. I don’t do social media, so whatever. More Historical arms coverage bolsters our Nation’s history with firearms.

  30. One thing I expect from TTAG is for it to have timely coverage of any and all news related to firearms and the 2A. I also expect that coverage to be sober and factual, even if it is always slanted in “our” favor. What I mean by that is when there is a tragedy, or a bad piece of legislation gets introduced/passed, or there is a defensive shooting, or we get a court victory, or whatever, I expect TTAG to be among the first to cover it AND for that coverage to be accurate, particularly with what is known and not known, and to link to sources. If there’s something 2A related going on, I want to know that I can come to TTAG and figure out what is going on. I’m going to read about it elsewhere too, but I want to read about it here first.

    In depth, honest gun and gear reviews are a good staple too. I know the interwebs are saturated with this now, but so many “reviews” are just “look at this shiny new thing that’s awesome” and not honest reviews. Back when I first started carrying years ago, TTAG helped me pick my first (and second) carry pistols. Ditto a rifle. Do that more. It doesn’t need to be about the newest and shiniest stuff (though it can be).

    Being unapologetically in favor of the 2A—and that right being for everyone—is the brand. Don’t compromise that. Keep publishing pro 2A articles by folks who are not “traditional” gun owners and whose politics otherwise may clash with the Trumpists and right-wingers. An uncompromising 2A but big tent attitude is what I want from the TTAG editorial board.

    Always fisk the gun grabbers’ arguments. Always.

    I’m a lurker here, and I’ll admit in recent years I’ve read the site less than I did previously. My interests have moved more to hunting than “pure 2A,” but I still check in multiple times a week. My expectation is that the folks who comment on every article are not entirely reflective of your readership.

    The ads are terrible.

    • Also, no on the videos. I want to read my TTAG, not watch videos. Too many others do that already.

      • Why not both? There is no reason not to do both in separate sections easy for readers to choose. Many like videos and many others prefer text.

      • “Also, no on the videos.”

        Is someone holding a g u n to your head and forcing you to click on a video?

        Were you aware many browsers can be configured to not automatically play videos on a web page?

    • I agree completely: TTAG needs to be first with detailed info, especially about court cases. It’s frustrating to see some bit of noteworthy 2A news on another non-2A political site (or even a MSM site) and come to TTAG expecting a deeper, 2A-specific analysis, and instead… crickets.

      For days.

      Sometimes forever.

  31. What he said “Not a Law Prof”! Any positive firearm use. Defensive, hunting, etc. It’s also good to have a sense of humor. Although sometimes a bit wordy, I usually get a chuckle out of Dabbs work. Saving up for a “Bug-A-Salt”. 🙂

  32. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it…an old saying you folks should have taken to heart.

    If you hadn’t screwed things up, you wouldn’t have to struggle fix it…nor would your visitors/readers be looking elsewhere.

    • yup. Notice how this request for input did not come on the day the new owners came in? They waited a few weeks as the comments about dissatisfaction kept growing. Someone thought they were smarter than anyone else. Arrogant, did not even bother with introductions or a ‘welcome’.

      More to the point:

      Since the change, TTAG seems to lag behind other sites with posts about breaking important events.
      Seems to be more sponsored content with an attempt at disguising it.

      • “Since the change, TTAG seems to lag behind other sites with posts about breaking important events.”

        Dan Z. made it a personal priority to post breaking 2A news. The new folks don’t seem to… 🙁

  33. -More reviews of plastic wonder nines. Many more.
    -No more articles or reviews about revolvers or bolt action rifles. Those firearms are obsolete. No use wasting electrons talking about those relics.
    -More articles from writers who are unable to use a grammar checker.
    -More articles from lefties pretending to care about gun rights, but still vote left (and therefore gun control) because of membership in a leftoid identity group.
    -Far fewer articles about shooting incidents, both police related and citizen self defense. The violence is icky.
    -Far fewer articles about hunting adventures, and the firearms used to bag big game. Aren’t you all vegetarian??
    -Overall, the site needs to incorporate more “woke” content. Miner69er and Dacian will then bestow their wisdom upon us in the comments. We need more Miner and Dacian. Maybe you can get them to write a few articles, perhaps about how Glocks are dangerous to carry??

  34. Gun and gear reviews, fun stories, comparisons, would you rather, etc. Dems are bad and repubs are almost as bad so ditch the political BS; we know what’s up and those articles aren’t changing any minds.
    Think of TTAG as the ESPN of gun stuff, rather than the CNN.

  35. I enjoy TTAG. If there is one thing that I would like to see is a possible like to data that you put in some articles. As I try to discuss with other on other sites, being able to pull up statistics or data I have read on TTAG would be a big help. I enjoy updates on anti-gun actions taking place. I also enjoy the gun reviews. Maybe some history on some of the guns, incidents, and such would be pretty nice.

  36. Make TTAG Great Again, simple bring back Robert F full time & you could block or permanently ban the sites three most infamous trolls.
    That would be a start.
    This site has went to hell since Rober F left or sold it.

  37. Before we really do anything, we want to know: What do YOU want out of TTAG?

    Why do you come here? What kind of articles do you like? What would you like to see more of?

    Gun reviews, gun accessory reviews, gear reviews. The prior management would do ‘state of the site’ posts at the end of the year, and a surprising amount of the site traffic came from people reading reviews. IMO, investing in reviews should be considered development of a library of material that will generate traffic on an ongoing basis, not in the same category as a one-and-done article about current events that will cease to be relevant or interesting in a week. The one thing I request about the reviews is that accuracy testing be done from a rest of some kind, I really don’t care how the reviewer groups shooting offhand over the shoulder using a mirror while balancing on one foot, etc.

    How important is the comments section and the community that has developed in the comments section to you?

    Disqus comments would be nice, mostly because it would let me block the trolls. Life is short, I have already experienced plenty of stupidity, I’m looking to reduce my exposure.

    Also, please try to find an ad network that doesn’t allow shock ads. For a while there were some jerks gluing dried beans to themselves in what looked like an attempt to re-create an old shock-site image involving ticks. I get that you need to eat, please try to do it in a way that doesn’t make me lose my lunch.

    PS: Defensive gun uses are usually popular with the readership, keep posting those. Include the usual disclaimer about the new owners, but keep posting them.

  38. It sure would be nice to be able to share articles from this site with some of my left leaning friends because the info is good and needs to get out there but the increasingly divisive rhetoric and name calling keeps me from doing so. Dan Zimmerman is why I quit following this page as closely over the years and I was happy to see him go. You can share the truth without spewing hate. Some of you guys in the comments should listen as well. We have to stop alienating half the country if we want to preserve the 2A and the industry so many of rely on to support ourselves. Rather than sinking to the same depths as the Biden administration we need to rise above the pettiness. There are shockingly few places for the even the slightly left leaning to learn more about firearms and the 2A and that is hurting the fight immensely. No one wants to open a article and immediately find their beliefs or lifestyle under assault. I’m not saying leave politics out of it, but civility and human decency would go a long way to helping bring new folks over to the cause
    Also, the adds are nothing short of disgusting. There’s only so many pictures of rotting teeth, nasty skin, pimples, and bugs as healthcare products I can stomach. I’ve abandoned many an article because of them

  39. TTAG should not give a platform to you, Miner49er, and dacian to spread your filth.

    Both of you have expressed your agenda for a facist world you would like all Amercians to live in, both of you have expressed your ideal that government should be able to strip away constitutional rights, both of you have intentionally spewed your lies and support for an anti-gun agenda and support for a tyrannical government, both of you have posted under different and your regular names names posting both purposely and indirectly and ignorantly your support for terrorist and the murder of innocents and the overthrow of the United States.

    So yeah, no posts at all from dacian and Miner49er here at TTAG.

    TTAG should ban dacian and Miner49er, ban these two sick twisted mentally ill pieces of crap. dacian and Miner49er are not what TTAG is about and should not give them a platform for their evil.

    • “So yeah, no posts at all from dacian and Miner49er here at TTAG“

      Following your leader’s instructions regarding suppression of free-speech, you’ve learned your propaganda lessons well.

      “Only the continuous and steady application of the methods for suppressing a doctrine, etc., makes it possible for a plan to succeed“
      Adolf Schickelgruber

      • You don’t have a right to free speech on a privately-owned moderated site, asshole. If you don’t like that idea, there are plenty of other garbage sites that would love to have you. Go find a few.

      • Oh poor wittle you… typical left wing BS from you Miner49er of, basically, “I have a right to have my evil vile speech and agenda for tyranny heard anywhere I want to spew my filth and if you want to not let me its suppressing my free-speech.”

        You obviously do not understand what you term as ‘free-speech’ does not have to be accepted everywhere and can in fact be suppressed or removed or denied on a internet blog/forum or anywhere else as long as its not the government doing it.

        You left wing idiots are so ready to claim ‘free speech’ thinking its a license for you to inflict your evil and filth for an overall agenda of pain and death and misery you want to inflict on innocent Americans.

      • Gosh, MajorLiar, if you would actually pay attention, I have CONSISTENTLY argued in favor of allowing you and dacian the demented to rant your idiocy, in all its thoughtless glory, for all to see and mock. THAT is true “free speech”. But, as others have pointed out, if this were a GOVERNMENT website, you would be entitled to that, but it’s not – it’s a privately-owned forum. So, while I would not ban you (or even dacian the demented or jsled the drive-by Leftist/fascist or Prince Albert the fake-Limey, fake-ex-military wanking poofter) from this site; you are MUCH to much fun to point at and mock.

        Have a nice day! Bless your heart!


    • … keep forgetting that you’re only twelve. Please be a little more specific with your inquiry, do you mean Elizabeth Taylor, JWTaylor, or God forbid, your idol Taylor Swift International Incorporated?

  40. One of the things I have always thought should be on TTAG is more promotion of those getting the message out there. Various YouTube personalities like Paul Harrel, The Yankee Marshall, Colion Noir, Liberty Doll, etc. 40Cal Booger and certain other have been putting videos into the commentary but this should be done within the article and not necessarily by a poster. These people put a great deal of effort into making these videos and their message should be given a wider platform through sites like this. If TTAG wants to have ads then this might be a good option as well as other website retailers for gear and equipment. Anyone that actually promotes 2A ideals, information, experience, news, and gear need to be considered. Lets bring people together with a no-nonsense but with a fun and productive organized way.

    As a Texan with a membership to The Texas Rifle Association, the TSRA promotes anti-2A brands like Nike in their store. Most of what they have look more like clothing that employees would buy. They should be listing the shirts and gear from YouTube personalities like I’ve mentioned above. The ridiculous ads on this site are the same thing. Too much of what should never be and not enough of what needs to be.

    Those that run this site are free to have Facebook accounts (like everyone else) but it should be completely understood the absolutely anti-2A nature of FB and other social media. It’s a big part of why many of us here don’t have an account there. I will never see whatever of have there. What you put on TikTok will never be shown on my screen. I feel no desire to promote anti-American craziness. It’s enough to know it’s there.

    I started coming here because I want to learn. This website has been very important to that end. At times, just simply for seeing a wider perspective of thoughts and experience. That drive within me has brought in a variety of sources. I would like to see a more organized way of aspects of guns such as reloading, law, hunting, and defense. With the current layout, it all blurs. Although I do like the ability to go backward and easily see older articles (this compared to the previous layout).

    • If this site starts leaning into TikTok et al. I’ll be done with it on principle.

      Agree about the connection to other pro-2A/firearms content creators and about the weird, irrelevant ads!

  41. Let’s talk UI/UX for a moment. The last time you did a site revamp, you did it with no(?) input from users, and your release was… not great. This time around, if you’re planning on a new look and feel, go with a user-centered approach. This article is a good start!

    Collect a lot of data from users, like you’re doing here, and take time to actually analyze that data. That is, don’t just make this article a way to make us FEEL like part of the process – let this article be the first step that MAKES us part of the process. There are tons of suggestions here, but combing through them and formally analyzing them, much less turning them into design action, will take time and real effort. However, you’ll undoubtedly spot some really interesting opportunities, and maybe some cool ways to differentiate from competitor sites. Don’t overlook your underlying site metrics in this process, as these will paint a picture that might look very different from the vocal commenters on the site.

    For the site UI itself (page layout, buttons, features, etc.), there’s nothing wrong with letting us readers weigh in on possible layouts, interaction models, etc. Last time the site was redesigned, it was dumped on the readers, who mostly hated it because it didn’t work with the way(s) most people actually engaged with the site content and each other. A lot of the “new” from that design got discarded or reworked within a couple of months.

    That process of iteration doesn’t have to be an “oopsie.” Instead, build it into the overall design approach. Most of us here would happily come along on that ride, suggesting changes and ideas, responding to design alternatives, etc. You’ll have a better site for it, and probably also a more engaged, enthusiastic, and excited readership – as long as you listen to the feedback you’re given!

    Site navigation is truly a mess here at TTAG, and the search is not great. I suspect most site visitors hang out on the home page and in the currently active articles, so these might be secondary concerns, but it would be good to have a way to find older articles when needed.

    It would be great if articles could stay fresher for longer – they vanish really fast right now, sometimes within just an hour or two.

    For the overall user experience (not the interaction features per se, but the bigger picture of what a site visitor sees, feels, notices, takes away), the site is actually rather bland and generic in its visual design. I’m talking about headers, menus, article layouts, comment features, etc. The site feels old-fashioned and staid.

    Something more interesting and evocative could be worth a little extra effort, especially to connect with firearms novices or new readers who don’t know what this place is all about. If one of our goals as a 2A community is to engage more people in the world of firearms, why not have the home page make a bold impression on this matter? I’d love a design that grabs our interest, but then gets out of the way to let us do what we want to do here.

    Test. Often.

    Test again.

    • Site navigation is truly a mess here at TTAG, and the search is not great.

      Before the site redesign, the gun reviews were categorized. Bring that back. You should be able to go to Gun Reviews, select handgun, rifle, or shotgun, what type, etc.

    • LOL…Dirk has been gone a LONG time. There “was” an old video up on TTAG YouTube page from 12 to 13 years ago with Dirk & Ralph.

  42. One word about Minor49er, he is entitled to his 1stA rights like everyone else.
    And, it gives us insight into how the enemy thinks.

    • 1st A rights: government shall not interfere …

      This ain’t government. The site owners can determine site content. We have plenty of examples of “how the enemy thinks” by reading examples in the articles. We don’t need to hear what Miner49er thinks of President Trump’s choice of tie color or whatever off-topic rant he cares to engage in.

      Or we can flood the forum with responses to each and every one of Miner’s inanities. That’s a pleasant read for everyone, isn’t it?

        • Usually, whenever I come across a comment by one of the usual troll suspects I scan a bit and watch how they’ve taken over the page. As their control increases I just go away, I can’t be bothered with the same endless arguments. YES, at that point they control the page!

  43. I do like to see major and interesting new product announcements. I’d like to see more comparison reviews. That format worked really well for car magazines. Jeremy S did a great comparison review of micro 9s.

    There are suddenly lots of new double stack 1911-ish guns. Will they do the same thing as a Wilson Combat for less than half the price? Let’s see a comparison. DWX compact, KDS9c, Bul Armory, etc.

  44. Doug,

    First, I commend you and TTAG for at least making the effort to solicit views. I was ready to bail from this site, for reasons articulated by many people, above. Now, I am prepared to stick around at least a while and see if you actually mean to be responsive to reader input. Frankly, y’all got a LOT of work to do, but I will grant you, and TTAG, the presumption of good faith. But the proof of the pudding, and all that. Continue down the path TTAG has been on, and, well . . . there are better sites out there.

    Lots of comments above to winnow through – I agree with some, not so much with others, but that’s YOUR job. This is my list:

    1. Your moderation “policy” sucks greasy puppy dog nuts. DO NOT lie to us and tell us “It’s all done by algorithm”; that is a STOOPID lie that any first year programming student can see through in an instant. Algorithms may be (frequently are) stupid, but if it actually IS an algorithm, one thing it will NOT be is inconsistent. The “moderation” “policy” around here is applied whimsically and inconsistently. If you are subjectively moderating, depending on the mood of the editor/moderator, and what they had for breakfast, just admit it. Don’t p*ss on our backs and try to tell us it’s raining. The “moderation” on this site is disgustingly subject, whimsical, and inconsistent. I think I speak for most, if not all, commenters that it is the single largest issue with this site. Do better.

    2. Most of your gun reviews read like factory press releases. I have no idea if these are “sponsored” reviews, nor do I care, but c’mon – NEVER mentioning obvious, known issues? You can “like” a particular firearm, and still be honest about its flaws (and there are NO “perfect” firearms – engineering is always a compromise). Do better, or just list your “reviews” as “Descriptions of New Releases”, and don’t claim to be actually evaluating them.

    3. I use an ad blocker, so they don’t affect me, but I have, out of curiousity, gone on here with an “open” browser, just to see. The ads are (i) not appropriate to the subject of the forum, and (ii) often stupid or annoying. Doesn’t bother me (I don’t see them) but it obviously p*sses a lot of people off. Just sayin’.

    4. Consider adding to your list of topics (it would make finding particular articles easier, and would make it easier to follow an individual reader’s particular interests). A “Defensive Gun Uses” category would be interesting (including commentary about “What did the DGU do right/wrong?”). Ditto a more thorough tracking of new pro or anti gun legislation, and significant new proposed state and federal gun laws.

    5. I agree that more retrospective articles (older guns, military weapons) would be interesting, but not everyone is a nostalgia/history buff, so this one is a personal preference, and it might not be popular.

    6. The occasional technical article (reloading tips, ballistic information, gunsmithing tips, etc.) would be welcome (OK, only if done well – otherwise, I am better off doing what I do, and looking elsewhere for that content).

    Do what you’re going to do; I’ll be watching (at least for a while).

  45. Contact Robert Farago as he is on linkedin fo recommended changes. The site has sljpped ever since he left.

    • I doubt Farago cares as he’s some kind of “good” huckster looking to make a buck. I do think he’s pro-2A but also had Truth about Cars. And Knives. Lightning in a bottle ain’t coming back Gargantua…

    • Or they could just go back several years and break down how he ran it and emulate that. Agree that it went downhill fast after he sold it.

  46. How about cutting out the blatant “black listing” of people who do not tow the radical Far Right Party line by deliberately moderating every one of their posts and then taking days to post it long after everyone has lost interest in the post. This is pure hypocrisy and a mockery of the 1st Amendment. Stop screaming incessantly about the Second Amendment and then deliberately trashing the 1st Amendment because it gives no credence or validity to the website, especially when it violates T Tags own policy of free speech which has proved to be largely a farce.

    A one sided forum gets very boring even to the Far Right when all they hear is what they want to hear.

    • You have no First Amendment rights on a private forum.

      Your posts are garbage from a garbage person. No one wants to read your drivel — if anyone has been here for longer than a month or so, they’ve already read everything that you bother to post, repeatedly. You don’t discuss, you can’t put together a coherent argument, you call everyone names, and you’re a habitual liar. Every one and every thing that disagrees with you is a “radical Far Right naked ape from Capitalvania.”

    • “This is pure hypocrisy and a mockery of the 1st Amendment. Stop screaming incessantly about the Second Amendment and then deliberately trashing the 1st Amendment”

      You moron. Its no such thing. You have no first amendment protection on a non-government owned/operated internet blog/forum. You only have first amendment protection from government infringement.

      Here you are screaming, basically, “Muh constitutional first amendment right to free speech!” and don’t even understand what it is.

      No wonder your posts on the 2A issues sound so stupid and incoherent, you don’t understand what context is or the subject matter.

    • What you see as far right, the rest of see as being American.
      What you support is far left fascism.

      • I don’t want to encourage him, but he’s more or less correct. Think about it. Democrats are commies/progressives/so_shall_ists, etc. Republicans are mostly liberals. Yes, really. Where does that put “us?” Technically, it makes us far right.

  47. The gun reviews are my favorite part, but I’d like to see the search function for reviews optimized for mobile – I can never narrow down what I’m looking for. To be able to search reviews based on caliber or manufacturer would be very handy.

    Legislative news and events affecting gun rights is the other thing I like, and overall TTAG does a pretty solid job on this.

    I also want more educational content for developing skills for new and experienced shooters alike.

    Lastly, I don’t want to have to scroll past so many weird ads (why all the beans?) in chrome to read the articles. Stick them at the end!

  48. I’m going to give a lot of stupid, generic advice. And I’m going to be blunt, because:

    1.) You asked.

    2.) You should have already thought this through this by now, but because you’re asking and because I’ve read this site regularly since the editor hand-off, it’s clear you haven’t thought through it enough.

    I’m not saying this as a jerk. I am rooting for you. I really am. I can empathize and sympathize. If you aren’t honest about every detail of whatever job puts your food on the table, you are making a giant mistake. Even if you want to join a Mexican cartel and lie to yourself about the risks, you’re gonna be confused as to why one day you’re being dragged by guys with guns and machetes to a flaming barrel. Know inside and out what you’re getting into. I worked in journalism for a long time: big papers you’ve heard of; small papers you haven’t; a modest, national magazine; various other crap. I’ve seen success and failure up close. Success finds a lane. When asked: what are you doing that no one else does (any industry, doesn’t matter), the success story answers succinctly and clearly. More importantly, results back it up. Long ago, success in media included outlets that were generalists. Trying to do all things in, say, 1924 or 1954, or maybe 1984 could work. Then the digital age arrived. It won’t work in 2024, unless you started way back when, but even the dinosaurs are trying to navigate through the most fractured and specialized world of information human beings have ever lived in. You guys are trying to do all things. Unless you are bankrolled by someone who keeps throwing cash at you and doesn’t care, at a certain point, trying to do all things will most likely fail. You can be a generalist IF (big if) you present everything in a way one else is. That means having across-the-board editorial talent that no one else has. But, seriously, everyone has to be goddam Ernest Hemingway or Pewdiepie or Dave Chappelle or whatever.

    So, pick a lane. What do you want to be? Do you want to be bigger? Who is your audience? (You are asking this question, but not completely.) Who you you want your audience to be? Is your site always gonna look like it’s 2014? Yeah, that’s superficial but looks still count. All this stuff is tied together.

    A quick glance at a few competition examples, chosen for specific reasons:

    Old School – Gun Digest, Guns & Ammo, American Rifleman, etc. – I’m repeating myself, but because right now this is still where you seem to be, I think it’s worth repeating. Do you want to be generalists? How are you going to stand out? I’m not saying it’s impossible. But you need writers who are consistently writing things no one else is, or in a way no one else with the street cred behind it. I’m not seeing that day in and day out here except with one guy (who isn’t day in and day out) – Jon Wayne Taylor.

    An aside: Backwoods Home Magazine is as mom and pop as you can get and they have Massad Ayoob. I have no idea how they got him, although it’s not like when he was in his heyday. Still, it’s GD Massad Ayoob. Backwoods Home isn’t a generalist outlet, they have a niche. It’s tiny, but they’ve been at it for like 30+ years. Can you get big names to contribute? I have no idea. What are you gonna lose by asking? At the same time, someone like Will Dabbs has street cred in a way that is awesome: firearms and medicine. He can write stories that are almost impossible to find. I’d like to see more of his medical stuff tied into the now vs things that happened years ago. This is a complex subject, that probably came out bad. How is this relevant now? That’s what I’d be asking myself as an editor with this kind of writer. A past example: Dr. James Williams at Tactical Anatomy. I don’t think he’s active much any more, I don’t know how often he was a contributor to places, if at all. But that guy knew (knows) his shit. That level of knowledge combined with what’s going on now = success.

    The Firearms Blog – They claim no politics (not 100% accurate but they usually avoid it. The comments don’t always abide.) Sometimes they just shove in our face whatever a company says about their stuff. I can’t stand that. But for the most part they are fair-minded. Guns and gear. That’s it. These guys know their lane and stay there.

    Bearing Arms – 2A news, commentary. More politics than anything else. Again, they found their lane. They have a paywall. The paywall tease has never enticed me enough to pay for it. They are part of a political, media conglomerate, which pays their bills. I don’t know how they’d survive without that. You can find politics everywhere, although 2A politics is specialized. But you have to have authorities to write that stuff. Everyone has an opinion on whatever idiot governor in New Mexico or California or Hawaii does. Not everyone has the legal background to write about it. Even then, find me a roomful of lawyers who agree on everything. Whatever, BA knows its lane.

    Ammoland – membership, which I refuse to pay for (again, just me), across-the-board editorial stuff I don’t read any more because you can find it almost anywhere. But they’ve been around for a while and longevity doesn’t hurt. How are you gonna compete with them as a generalist? I have no inside knowledge but I cannot imagine that their business model is tied to editorial. It’s got to be commerce. If TTAG ties itself to commerce, how are you going to offer what they don’t? – king of gun domain names, not the best content. Why would they care, they are another tied to commerce. For me, they’re too plugged into the commerce part for their editorial britches. Whatever. They do more business than ammoland, and that name brings in a shitload of people. I don’t know how accurate these free web analytics places are, but using one of them I couldn’t find another firearms news-related site with a higher ranking than (which, again, isn’t just firearms news, but still.) I am not a paid consultant, so what I just typed could very well be crap.

    I haven’t even mentioned what you can find on YouTube. I can watch Paul Harrell (God bless him) talk for an hour and a half how to make a cake in the woods and it’s still not enough. TikTok is for brainless goddam morons, no clue what you want to do about the digital side of life, which you can ignore. Just saying that billions of people do not.

    tl;dr – You must find a way to stand out. I see the same problem for Shooting News Weekly (maybe that will change). What is your niche? I don’t see how you can be a catch-all for everything and survive without a Big Ol’ Sugar Daddy who doesn’t care what your books look like. I can go anywhere and read about President Pudding Head. I can go anywhere for politics. I can go anywhere for gear. Why am I turning here? I like what the comments bring, except the few honest-to-God moron assholes everyone knows about. Is that enough? No.

    Real easy for me to say all this – just find a way to stand out. Oh OK, thanks!
    Anyway, I’ve typed a lot of nonsense. If it’s any consolation I know how difficult it can be and wish you the best.

  49. As a few others have noted, best advice is to go back several years and review how Robert Farago ran the site and try to emulate his editorial oversight.

    1. Stick to what’s true, and where opinions are offered make it clear that they’re opinions.
    2. Leave out the right-wing cultural issues that don’t relate directly to guns (rest assured the comment section will provide ample voice for those views). Make it clear that gun rights should be enjoyed by all law-abiding citizens.
    3. Bring back reader content contests.
    4. Fix the comment moderation.
    5. Clearly label sponsored/press release content (including from gun rights organizations), and require that promotional pieces have opebn comments (I can recall at least 2 articles promoting KaliKey that had closed comments).

  50. @Umm
    “I didn’t get a subscribe to comments email, and rarely / never get new article announcements any more either. ”

    Been asking the same question for two weeks, now. Only getting promise that “they” are working installing some new utilities.

    But, I pay nothing for access to the site, so, if I get nothing it’s a wash.

  51. @.40 cal
    “Now If I had used your real name in my post, and I could have, then you could claim that “personal slander” but it would be a false claim because everything I said is true thus not ‘slander’.”

    If truth hurts the feelings of others, truth should be banned, or at least actionable in court.

  52. I look at TTAG every day in my email. I enjoy the variety of articles, especially those dealing with politics and threats to our 2A rights. I’m not that much on video, preferring to read the various articles.

    As for ads, I understand they’re a necessary evil. Wish they weren’t, but even places where I subscribe and pay, there are ads. For that matter, I pay the cable company through my nose and STILL have to watch commercials. Sigh!!

    Keep up the great work and thanks for what you do.

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