Texas Synagogue Standoff hostage
Congregation Beth Israel synagogue is shown, Jan. 16, 2022, in Colleyville, Texas. A Texas man has been charged with a federal gun crime after authorities say he sold a gun to a man who held four hostages inside the synagogue before being fatally shot by the FBI. (AP Photo/Brandon Wade, File)
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Earlier this month a man who’d flown from the UK to Texas took four hostages in a Colleyville synagogue and demanded that a convicted terrorist (dubbed “Lady al-Qaeda“) be released from prison. When the last of his hostages had escaped, Malik Faisal Akram was killed by an FBI SWAT team.

You might have wondered where a Brit who had only been in the country a few days might get his hands on a firearm in order to carry out his nefarious plan. It turns out he got his gun the same way most criminals who live here do…he bought it illegally on the street.

Now the man who sold the Taurus G2C pistol to Akram — Henry Williams — has been charged with federal crimes including illegal possession of a firearm by a convicted felon (go figure). The DOJ has issued this statement . . .

The man who sold Malik Faisal Akram the gun he used to kidnap hostages in a Texas synagogue earlier this month has been charged with a federal firearm crime, announced United States Attorney for the Northern District of Texas Chad E. Meacham.

Henry “Michael” Dwight Williams, 32, was charged Tuesday via criminal complaint with being a felon in possession of a firearm. He made his initial appearance before U.S. Magistrate Judge Renée H. Toliver in the Northern District of Texas Wednesday afternoon. A detention hearing has been set for Monday, Jan. 31.  

“Federal firearm laws are designed to keep guns from falling into dangerous hands. As a convicted felon, Mr. Williams was prohibited from carrying, acquiring, or selling firearms. Whether or not he knew of his buyer’s nefarious intent is largely irrelevant — felons cannot have guns, period, and the Justice Department is committed to prosecuting those who do,” said U.S. Attorney Chad E. Meacham. “We are grateful to the many officers and agents who sprang into action as soon as the synagogue hostage crisis began, and who worked tirelessly to track the weapon from Mr. Akram to Mr. Williams. The freed hostages, the Beth Israel congregation, and indeed the entire Jewish community deserve that support.” 

“The Dallas FBI Field Office and our partners have worked around the clock since January 15, 2022 to determine how Malik Faisal Akram acquired the weapon he used to terrorize worshipers at Colleyville’s Congregation Beth Israel synagogue,” said Dallas FBI Special Agent in Charge Matthew DeSarno. “Along with our federal, state and local law enforcement partners we pledge to continue our efforts to protect our communities from violence.”

This undated booking photo provided by the Dallas County Sheriff’s Office shows Henry “Michael” Williams. Williams, 32, was charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm after authorities say he sold the weapon that Malik Faisal Akram used when he entered Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas, on Jan. 15 and held the synagogue’s rabbi and three others hostage for hours. (Dallas County Sheriff’s Office via AP)

According to the complaint, Mr. Williams – a felon previously convicted of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and attempted possession of a controlled substance – allegedly sold Mr. Akram a semiautomatic Taurus G2C pistol on Jan. 13. Two days later, on Jan. 15, agents recovered the pistol from Colleyville’s Congregation Beth Israel synagogue, where Mr. Akram had held four individuals hostage for several hours before he was fatally shot by federal law enforcement.

As part of its intensive investigation into the hostage taking, the FBI tied Mr. Williams to Mr. Akram through an analysis of Mr. Akram’s cellphone records, which showed the pair exchanged a series of calls from Jan. 11 through Jan. 13.

When agents first interviewed Mr. Williams on Jan. 16, Mr. Williams stated that he recalled meeting a man with a British accent, but that he could not recall the man’s name. (Mr. Akram was a British citizen.) Agents interviewed the defendant again on Jan. 24, after he was arrested on an outstanding state warrant. After viewing a photo of Mr. Akram, Mr. Williams confirmed he sold Mr. Akram the handgun at an intersection in South Dallas. Analysis of both men’s cellphone records showed that the two phones were in close proximity on Jan. 13.

Mr. Williams allegedly admitted to officers that Mr. Akram told him the gun was going to be used for “intimidation” to get money from someone with an outstanding debt.

A criminal complaint is merely an allegation of criminal conduct, not evidence. Like all defendants, Mr. Williams is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Dallas Field Office conducted the investigation with the assistance of the Dallas Police Department, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives’ Dallas Field Division, Homeland Security Investigations’ Dallas Field Division, and the Colleyville Police Department. Assistant U.S. Attorney Joe Magliolo is prosecuting the case with the support of Assistant U.S. Attorneys Errin Martin, Jay Weimer, Alex Lewis, Lindsey Beran, Nicole Dana, and P.J. Meitl, along with Trial Attorneys David Smith and Michael Dittoe of the Justice Department’s National Security Division.

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  1. There are many reasons why I would decline to sell to someone privately.

    A British accent is one.
    Blatant malicious intent is another.

    • I once worked at an outdoor sports center and covered the night shift. An agitated guy came in around 3:00 a.m. and wanted to buy the best shotgun shells and the cheapest shotgun we had. I lied and told told him there were no gun or ammo sales after 11:00 p.m. Didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that man intended to kill someone.

  2. A felon sold a gun to a terrorist?
    Obviously serial numbers would have prevented this. Or background checks. Or safe storage. Or extra insurance. Or limiting the magazine to 10 rounds.

    Definitely NOT locking up felons or keeping terrorists from entering the country that’s for sure.

  3. This guy is only being prosecuted due to the public nature of this crime. If it had been black on black violence this guy would see time served or probation at most. He would also be let out on little or no bail to roam the streets until he got arrested again.

    He is also a moron not to connect the dots with who he sold it to and the local news and an even bigger moron to not keep his trap shut and let the lawyers haggle his sentence down before offering a confession.

    Then again he could have been unaware the level of heat he brought on himself and thought it was just gonna be a call in for black on black crime treated as above.

    • Yeah they find a lot of perps with a Taurus now. Best cheap gun around that’s not a Hipoint. What’s annoying to me is all the YouTube channel’s that have popped up obviously run by black gangbangers. And one sold one to a terrorist…

    • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

      I’m a bit surprised he was charged at all, quite frankly. With a name like “Henry “Michael” Dwight Williams”, I was fully expecting it would be a typical Texas ‘good-ole-boy’.

      Much to my surprise, it was not :

      “Henry “Michael” Dwight Williams, 32, was charged Tuesday…”


      If only they would investigate and prosecute inner-city gang murders as zealously as they went after this guy…

    • He is also a moron not to connect the dots with who he sold it to and the local news and an even bigger moron to not keep his trap shut…

      You only have to watch a few episodes of 48hours to see an endless supply of morons that think they are going to out maneuver detectives that have done hundreds of interviews.

  4. “Federal firearm laws are designed to keep guns from falling into dangerous hands.

    The US Attorney completely missed the irony in his statement…the laws didn’t keep ‘guns from falling into dangerous hands’.

    The federal laws didn’t work, but the dunderheads from government and the Left (redundancy?) want congratulations for finding the criminal who didn’t obey the laws.

    You cannot overcome stupid. (on a large scale)

  5. Solid proof that background checks, feon-in-possession laws, NICS, FFL’s, etc DO NOT and CAN NOT pevent such transfers.
    NOW< did their extensive "investigatio" reveal how it is that the two contacted in the first lace? HOw did the Brit dirtbag learn of the "help" the Texas dirtbag would render him in the furtherance of his intended crime? Somehow I don't think they bot posted their needs on Craigslist. HOW did the newguy inthe country/town FIND this willing dirtbag? He must have "gennegshens" of some sort to locate this guy.
    I am glad they found the seller. I was wondering HOW the newby in town found a gun so quickly. Perhaps his "troubles" will aid others of like mind/heart to make informed decisions that perhaps such activity is NOT conducive to long life and happpiness. SO glad none inside the building were hurt, and that the perp is no longer hurting (in this life, anyway) but dead.

    • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

      “HOW did the new guy in the country/town FIND this willing dirtbag?”

      I’d like to know that as well.

      Did he just hang out a few days beforehand, drinking in seedy bars and striking up conversations with someone until he hit paydirt?

    • Yes, there is much more to this story. Williams should be able to be grilled to divulge the whole underground system. Or, he may get taken out by his boss for endangering the enterprise.

    • “Perhaps his “troubles” will aid others of like mind/heart to make informed decisions that perhaps such activity is NOT conducive to long life and happpiness“

      Exactly, that is the reason the law was passed in the first place.

      Same reason we have laws against speeding, assault, theft, murder, etc.

      Just like immunizations, no law is 100% capable of stopping the problem.

      • Unfortunately, laws only apply after the fact. They do nothing to prevent the operative actions in the first place. The only reason this transaction was illegal was because it was a felon (convicted of a felony) who was in possession of a firearm, most likely stolen in the first place from the trunk of a police officer’s privately owned vehicle or out of the weapons section of the county evidence storeroom.

        They would have never connected the dots if the two dots involved did not carry out their transaction over cell phones. It wasn’t brilliant police work. It was dogged police work, tracking the phone records of the dead wannabe shooter and seeing who all he called in a foreign country. Nice way to screen immigrants, whatever the agency in charge of that process calles itself these days. We used to not allow mentally defectives, (crazies in the vernacular) into the country in the first place. Only if they were extremely wealthy, then they didn’t get screened at all. We have dumbed down the process to where we don’t screen anybody, not even raving lunatics as this yeyhoo was.

  6. Any photos of the suspect? White NRA member conservative? Just curious.
    Where did the felon get the gun from in the first place? Another good question…right?
    Betting this is not the first gun this felon has sold to others, either…just the first time he got caught.

    • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

      Yes, see my top comment above.

      Surprise, surprise…

    • “I am actually shocked they are prosecuting someone at the federal level for a gun crime!“

      Right, Kyle Rittenhouse and his buddy Dominic black both avoided prosecution for their federal gun crimes.

      But they will prosecute this gentleman, hmmmm…

      • You mean like when lorri lightfoot refused to assist the ATF in prosecuting street dealers in her city?

      • You must have missed the trial that found Rittenhouse not guilty on all counts and broke no Federal Laws.

      • Miner brings up a good point.

        When baby face (White) Far Right Radical Rittenhouse cried on the witness stand they said “Do not cry white boy the racist white judge will get you off the hook”. But on the other hand when a Black man commits a gun crime he gets the book thrown at him.

        • dacian the stupid,

          Totally stupid, racist, mindless, and irrational rant. Good job!! Rittenhouse shot THREE WHITE GUYS, you brainless nitwit. ‘Splain to us, Lucy, how a jury which INCLUDED “people of color” finding him not guilty on all counts is racist, you brainless bag of filth.

        • Rittenhouse shouldn’t have even been there! There is nothing wrong with rioting and burning businesses to the ground. Rittenhouse crossed state lines, with a machine gun, for the purpose of hunting black lives matter protesters with his hunting permit, which allowed him a gun in the land of institutionalized racism.

          The problem here isn’t that some businesses burned down, some buildings were looted, or some businesses were vandalized, and there was a mob in the street blocking traffic and damaging everything in sight. The problem here is that a regular citizen, a teenage boy felt a calling to defend against such behavior, … … with a gun. The problem here is his behavior, the existence of his gun, and fact that he was not educated by public institutions that it is racist to kill black lives matter protesters trying to disarm an active shooter, and by his age, he should have already been educated to a degree that he understood that kind of behavior (defending against arson) is not acceptable and racist.

  7. “I am actually shocked they are prosecuting someone at the federal level for a gun crime!”

    The trial hasn’t begun. Still time for a plea bargain to “creating a public nuisance”.

  8. “Analysis of both men’s cellphone records showed that the two phones were in close proximity on Jan. 13.”

    take note, gentlemen.

    “Malik Faisal Akram”

    heh. “brit”.

  9. They will make a point with this one. The fact that he was a felon selling a gun won’t do anything to the person that sold him the gun.

  10. Gotta love that spy device we all carry, two cell phones were in close proximity, ping ping.
    Has anyone ever wondered why poor Grandma didn’t get a free government land line?
    Cell phone yup, pretty appropriate name for a phone that can wind you up in a cell.

    • My son laughs at the tinfoil hat brigade when they rage about vaccines implanting tracking microchips. He says why when tracking your phone is so much easier?

        • Except that only a Far Right Lunatic would believe such laughable hogwash of implants in the vaccine.

        • I agree with Dacian.

          Implants in vaccines are stupid.

          And Myocarditis is NOT a thing in small children! And Children are heavily affected by the omicron variant and in general, heavily affected by an infection by COVID. God queen and infinite lady of worship in the church of diversity, equity, and inclusivity – Justice Sotomayor, said that 100,000 children are in serious condition with COVID, and many of them even on ventilators! GD I love Sotomayor, and that garbagebeing gorsuch, should pull his mask up around her. She is a high risk individual!

          So pull your mask up, take whatever vaccine is offered to you, and take a selfie while doing it to celebrate your vaccination, and let’s stay safe. I wish we could extend this activity to all other infectious diseases too! The flu kills like 90k people globally. We should wear masks and mandate vaccines for that too. If it saves one life, even just one, it’s worth a sacrifice of freedom. Right wingers are goofball “free-dumb” people. What good is freedom without safety? It’s better to feel safe than be free! And if you leave your house without a mask or vaccine, you are killing people. And not just with COVID too!

    • After reading the article, I came here to post pretty much what possum said. I shouldn’t be surprised anymore but for some reason I still am amazed at how the masses are completely oblivious to the ‘government approved’ tracking device everyone carries on themselves. It’s not that the government IS tracking your cellphone…it’s that they CAN track your cellphone if they want. And in this instance, they did exactly that to Mr. Williams.

      • I always leave my cell phone at home whenever I’m going to kill anyone who needed killing.”

        Then you might find yourself outraged when federal law requires people to have their phones on them at all times, operating and sending location information. Helps authorities locate you when you are injured.

        And make sure you are meeting your appointments for eternal booster shots, and properly social distancing.

        For the greater good.

        • My son and I are double vaxxed but still caught Omicron from going to the beach just after new year.

          It took a few days for the symptoms to appear for me and a few more for my son. Felt a bit off for a few days. Back pain, mild headache, and some coughing. After that felt okay.

          My mum then caught it followed by my dad. They also had the 2 unpleasant days followed by feeling okay. Not good. Just okay.

          I got tested just after I returned home. Fun (sarcasm) in finding an open testing center. Positive. My son was tested and also positive. He was quarantined in his room for a week by his mum. With his PC and internet access. He said it was the best week of his holiday. I stayed home for a week just chilling out watching shows, reloading ammo, and playing PC games.

          Both of us are recovered for over 2 weeks. At least we are unlikely to get it again for 5 or so months.

          Hopefully the next strain doesn’t spread like Omicron and hit like Delta.

        • “Wrap the phone in the tinfoil hat to make an improvised faraday cage.”

          Hey!! Stop that, right now. You’re going to instigate a crisis-level shortage of hat making material.

      • quote——————Elmer Fudd January 26, 2022 At 20:58
        I always leave my cell phone at home whenever I’m going to kill anyone who needed killing.——–quote

        Law enforcement now has you on their list of “persons of interest” for the next or previous murders that were committed and have not yet been solved. Law Enforcement thanks you for the confession.

        • He’s just a right wing free-dumb wingbat. As you know, there are no crazy violent fascists on the left trying to kill politicians. And no, you don’t get to talk about bernie supporters at base ball games. That guy had mental problems.

    • “a phone that can wind you up in a cell“

      It ain’t your phone that “winds you up in a cell”, it’s your criminal behavior.

      Glad I could clear that up for you, just might save you some trouble in the future.

  11. felons cannot have guns, period, and the Justice Department is committed to prosecuting those who do,

    No, felons may not have guns. They can and do have guns all the time. And if you were really committed to prosecuting them for it, that would leave no time to investigate intransigent parents on behalf of corrupt school boards.

  12. They don’t catch the smart ones. Damn fool used his own cell phone or 1 on a contract, etc. If you plan on using a cell to plan or otherwise involve yourself in some kind of illegal activity, buy a cheap pre-paid phone under a fake name and dump the damn thing in the nearest trash can once you do the deal or deed.
    Bet no one will be charged for selling a firearm to the felon who sold it to the terrorist. Nor will anyone be charged with the actual theft of the weapon in the first place.
    Which just proves how useless the back ground checks, or any other so called common sense gun control laws really are.

    • in the black community?…certainly true..this guy sounds like a small-scale trafficer…probably well known in the ‘hood as a source…

  13. Some in fake news reported that the hostages had been released by the towel head, rather than having escaped.
    Par for the course for most of them.g

  14. Good news is no pilgrims were hurt and two criminals are off the streets…one forever.

    This incident confirms no need for expanded background check schemes when there are strict laws covering sales to a prohibited possesser or purchasing from a prohibited possesser, etc.

    The G2C will probably be included in the inflated numbers of 80%s used in crime.

  15. quote—————–You might have wondered where a Brit who had only been in the country a few days might get his hands on a firearm in order to carry out his nefarious plan. It turns out he got his gun the same way most criminals who live here do…he bought it illegally on the street.————–quote

    If this is not stone cold proof that Universal Background Checks should be passed I do not know what would be.

    More proof that anyone can buy a second hand gun out on the street because in many states its perfectly legal to sell any of your guns without having the buyer summit to a background check.

    It was not discussed in the article how the felon got the gun he sold to the Brit but obviously he did not buy a new one or second hand gun off of a Federally licensed dealer, he bought it on the street which is awash with second hand guns for sale.

    But the ignorant and paranoid Far Right will scream “Who cares, losses can never be too high because I will not be inconvenienced with a background check”.

    • Only Scientologists are more trapped in a mental prison of their own belief.

      For your universal background checks to work you would need a very significant percentage of firearms to be registered at a federal level. This is currently prohibited legally. It is why the NICS forms are not digitized and/or entered into a database with the shop’s transaction data. With 500-600 million firearms suspected to be out there, it would take decades to even get remotely near a significant percentage registered.

      There is a difference between grand ideas and the logistics of the systems.

      • “I saw this raving lunatic, waving his arms and jumping up and down, ranting on a street corner, all alone, with nobody paying any attention, everyone just giving him a wide berth. Of course, I could not resist running over and engaging the raving lunatic in conversation, hoping to make the raving lunatic see reason. Naturally, I failed dismally.”

      • to Southern double cross

        When the brains were passed out you hid behind the door. The vast market of second hand guns would dry up to a trickle overnight if a Universal Background Check was passed. And no, Genius Boy, registration is not necessary at all. Its called the law abiding citizens obeying the law and selling their guns through a Federal Licensed dealer. Sane people (a group you will never be a part of) would not take the chance of going to prison and being heavily fined and losing their jobs. Its not rocket science except to a deranged dotard like yourself.

        • Really? How?

          Downunder there are unregistered guns sold among criminals, even with registration and background checks. And in an island nation that should be easy to block contraband at border. But less than 3% of containers are checked at the docks.

          The most common sources are old pre-registration guns, reactivating deactivated guns, illicit domestic manufacturing, and illegal imports. In the latter one crime group allegedly imported at least 200 Glock handguns and maybe more. And others have done the same.

          From reports, the price of an illegally imported Glock are between $2000-5000.

          I saw a documentary about trafficking in illegal items and guns are imported from as far away as the Philippines. A gun made in a village workshop was sold to a distributor who had it smuggled to the USA. From the USA crime guns are smuggled to other locations such as central America. How is your universal background check going to stop this?

          In the headline article the person who sold the gun was a convicted felon who certainly did not pass a NICS check at a retail vendor. When the experts say this is impossible to stop, they are the people who are listened to.

        • to Southern double cross

          Nut cases like yourself scream “Lets not do anything and the problem will go away”. When Australia did do something and it worked out well. There has never been a mass killing like the one they had with the Ruger Mini 14 that killed 30 some people since the law was passed way back in 1996. Proof the law did what it was designed to do.

          “From 1979-1996 (before gun law reforms), 13 fatal mass shootings occurred in Australia, whereas from 1997 through May 2016 (after gun law reforms), no fatal mass shootings occurred,” they wrote.


          And Dotard the price of the illegal Glocks which were only a few would indeed prevent street punks from finding only a few weapons in a nation of millions of people and if they did find one the price alone would prevent many of them from affording one.

        • dacian the stupid,

          THERE ARE AT LEAST 400-500 MILLION guns in the U.S., today. EXACTLY how are “universal background checks” going to prevent:

          1. Theft of any or all of those?;
          2. The felons who already possess stolen firearms, or those acquired in black market transactions (or your beloved “ghost guns”, which everyone with an IQ larger than their shoe size knows aren’t a real thing) from transferring them to friends/fellow gang members, “street customers”?;
          3. A marginally intelligent (clearly excluding you) person who is not a COMPLETE spaz can make a functional firearm with $50 – $100, a Home Depot, and an hours’ work;
          4. ANY two people can meet on a street corner and buy/sell a firearm in a few minutes – it’s illegal to buy or sell stolen property, you brainless bag of wind, and has been for over 100 years (MUCH longer, in many places) – how’s that workin’ out with stopping theft and fences, you pathetic ninny???;
          5. Once again, EVERY STEP of the transaction, from beginning to end, was ALREADY ILLEGAL, you gormless t***, so explain to me how adding a “universal background check” requirement is going to stop a transaction that was ALREADY ILLEGAL???J

          I repeat, dacian the stupid – you are officially too stupid to insult.

        • When the brains were passed out you hid behind the door. The vast market of second hand guns would dry up to a trickle overnight if a Universal Background Check was passed.

          I absolutely agree! There is simply no way a black market for guns could come into being the way a black market for drugs came into being. Guns are like… this really complicated thing, that can only come from a few locations, select locations. It’s really easy to control guys. Also, the goal is to dry up second hand guns. I agree. Why does anyone need a second hand gun? We need to reduce the number of second hand guns out there, because it reduces the number of guns out there.

          And no, Genius Boy, registration is not necessary at all. Its called the law abiding citizens obeying the law and selling their guns through a Federal Licensed dealer. Sane people (a group you will never be a part of) would not take the chance of going to prison and being heavily fined and losing their jobs. Its not rocket science except to a deranged dotard like yourself.

          I agree! This law is mostly aimed at law abiding citizens. They are the real problem here! The problem isn’t that a guy took hostages at a Synagogue, it’s that guns exist and he had one!

    • dacian,

      Yes, i’m sure this terrorist would have submitted to a ‘Universal Background Check’ to buy a gun from a criminal felon. And i’m sure this felon would have submitted to a Universal Background Check too before stealing the gun or tricking someone into selling it to them through a permitted person or maybe directly under his valid but fake identity method that most criminals who buy guns use today that passes background checks all the time, and maybe using one of those other dozens of methods that are perfectly legal and used to pass background checks all the time.

      Yeah, a Universal Background Check, that one more law on the book, that one more step, yeah, that’s sure to have stopped the terrorist from getting a gun or making a bomb or using an axe or using a knife or using fire or using a club.

      Damn it, why didn’t they consult you first before over 20,000 gun laws went on the books – just to think that we were only one more law from your fairy tale land. Damn it, missed out this time.

      If we could just do away with that pesky thing called the United States Constitution and establish the ‘U.S. Dacian’ in its place then all crime and violence and bad people would vanish over night and no one ever again would harm or kill any one else.

      oh but wait… where do these guns come from which would fall under a “Universal Background Check” in a dacian junta

      43% Black Market/Illegal source (illegal)
      15% Got from family or friends (illegal if can not posess)
      12% Guns were brought to the crime scene by someone else. (illegal)
      11% Someone bought the gun for them (basically with intent its illegal, except valid legal gifting to someone who can legally posess)
      10% Retail Source (Legal)
      6% Theft (Illegal)
      .8% Gun Shows (Legal)

      100% of which does not stop because of a ‘Universal Background Check’, and such a check does 100% NOT STOP A CRIMINAL ACT. Only the law abiding obey the law. But in dacians junta…

      If Joe wanted to sell a gun to Sally and she went through a Universal Background Check and passed the check then Sally decided to use the gun to kill Joe – was there some sort of costumed super hero called ‘UBC Man’ in the dacian junta that arrives to keep her from pulling the trigger and killing Joe?

      If Joe survives the murder attempt by Sally, and one day takes his own gun with him and places it in the car glove compartment. Does the thief that comes along to break into his car also need to pass a ‘Universal Background Check’ in the dacian junta before they can break into the car?

      So lets say Joe survives the murder attempt by Sally, and his car does not get broken into, and then Joe decides to sell one of his guns to Bob who passes the ‘Universal Background Check’ in the dacian junta. Then Bob decides he is going to loan his gun to a family member, Jim, to take to the firing range and along the way Jim stops off at a convenience store for a Pepsi, and maybe a little robbery he starts thinking, does our intrepid costumed super hero ‘UBC Man’ in the dacian junta arrive and go “Stop Citizen, You did not pass a Universal Background Check”?

      oh so many….

      And just what is the secret identity of our intrepid costumed super hero ‘UBC Man’ anyway? Working as a mild mannered but delusional internet troll named Dacian Tyranny, he stands ready to always show up just after the crime is committed to employ his super power of ‘stupid’

      and the dream ends…. Sighhhh…just one more law away from nirvana and the forever dacian junta. If we could only do away with that pesky thing called the Constitution.

      dacian, the trolley to Mr. Rogers neighborhood is here so don’t miss it or you will not get home in time for Playdoh spaghetti and Elemers glue pudding.

      • roger: “and now, it’s time to go to the magic king dum.”
        belushi: “oh, no way man, it’ too early for me.”

      • Booger Brain

        You are really a moron. Every category you listed would be affected under a Universal Background check. As I stated in the above post no law abiding citizen would sell his guns without going through a background check and a Safe Storage Law that would most likely be included with the Universal Back Ground Check would cut down drastically in smash and grab thefts which are 95 per cent of all thefts. Second hand gun sales would dry up to a trickle in a very short period of time.

        Since you are a history “flunk out” you are unaware that every civilized nation on earth has had such laws for decades and their lower crime rate with firearms makes your nonsensical rant a laugh and a complete farce. In other words the subject you flunked “History” has already proven you a Moron many times over.

        In the U.S. you can get a gun on the street in 10 minutes. Try that in civilized countries some time Moron. You would wear out a years worth of brand new shoes pounding the pavement looking for one.

        In Germany one nut case who failed to get a legal weapon tried to build his own ghost gun last year and it malfunctioned so many times he only succeeded in killing one person before the cops were on the scene. But in Capitalvania he would have mowed down multitudes of people with a second hand gun. Just one example of many proving your nonsensical rant is the epitome of Far Right ignorance and complete nonsense.

        • dacian…

          “Universal Back Ground Check would cut down drastically in smash and grab thefts which are 95 per cent of all thefts”

          So, if I today am going to do a little smash and grab theft then a universal background check would have prevented me from doing that.

          If I am not a prohibited person and decided I was going to give a gun to a bad guy I would report it as stolen and the bad guy commits his crime with it. But a universal background check would have prevented me from handing the gun to the bad guy according to you.

          Okidokee then, you keep believing that.

          As I pointed out in what I posted, a universal background check stops nothing for illegal activity.

        • Hey Booger Brain your reading comprehension is at the 4th grade level

          quote—————–So, if I today am going to do a little smash and grab theft then a universal background check would have prevented me from doing that.———–quote

          Go back and read my post Moron it states Safe Storage laws would do than you idiot.

        • dacian the stupid,

          Because buying or selling drugs is illegal, no one does it. Because it is illegal to buy or sell stolen property, no one does it. Because it is illegal to embezzle, no one does it. Because it is illegal to be stupid, uneducated, irrational, and psychotic, we can have you arrested (Oops, sorry, wishcasting, there).

          My new closing line on all replies to every dacian rant – you are simply too stupid to insult.

        • As I stated in the above post no law abiding citizen would sell his guns without going through a background check and a Safe Storage Law that would most likely be included with the Universal Back Ground Check would cut down drastically in smash and grab thefts which are 95 per cent of all thefts. Second hand gun sales would dry up to a trickle in a very short period of time.

          Exactly! A law like this targets law abiding citizens, and it should. They are the problem with all their guns. And I agree. Second hand guns need to dry up – because second hand guns are guns, and the existence of guns is the problem, not taking hostages at a synagogue. In fact, if you keep boiling this down, “free-dumb” is the problem. Government needs to control every aspect of our lives and keep us safe from others and ourselves. Safety is key. And saving lives. If it saves one live, it’s worth… literally anything at all.

          And safe storage laws! I agree! We know you keep your guns in a locked house. But that’s not good enough. We need more laws, that apply to how you store your stuff in your own home. If you are a gun owner, you need to lock your home. You need to locked room where the gun is stored. You need to lock the ammo in a different part of the home in another locked location. You need your gun inside a safe, preferably locked inside another safe. Can’t be too safe!

          In the U.S. you can get a gun on the street in 10 minutes. Try that in civilized countries some time Moron. You would wear out a years worth of brand new shoes pounding the pavement looking for one.

          I know! It’s ridiculous. There are no other places on earth that is like the United States. Like say – Mexico. There is no way I could possibly get a gun in mexico, ever. In China and North Korea – they got it right! Only the government has guns. They are the only ones that should control guns, because the government is always right, and just, and literally “IS” the people, and they never become corrupt or anything like that. They need to seize control of everything there is, and keep us safe!

          In Germany one nut case who failed to get a legal weapon tried to build his own ghost gun last year and it malfunctioned so many times he only succeeded in killing one person before the cops were on the scene. But in Capitalvania he would have mowed down multitudes of people with a second hand gun. Just one example of many proving your nonsensical rant is the epitome of Far Right ignorance and complete nonsense.

          Exactly! The germans got it right… this time. The german government is a pinnacle of decency… and always has been. They have never done anything to hurt their own people. Ever. What does anyone need a gun for? Everything is very safe… now, and always will be. History never repeats itself. We continually learn and improve. And part of learning and improving, is disarming the populace. Give up that “free-dumb” and embrace your fellow man. They would never hurt you.

        • Go back and read my post Moron it states Safe Storage laws would do than you idiot.

          Exactly! We have to secure them … more… rather than address the behavior of smash and grab. The problem here isn’t that guns are being stolen. The problem here is that guns exist.

    • Hmmm, I’m trying very hard here, dacian; but I just can’t imagine ol’ Henry (a felon) telling Sir Malik (a terrorist), “Hold on guv’nah, I gotta do a form 4473 NICS check on you before I can give you this handgun which I illegally own.” Maybe it’s just me lacking rational thought.

      • Neither would have had a gun to begin with if they both had not had a sea of second hand street guns to chose from.

        Street guns do not just materialize out of nowhere as on Star Trek, they get there through changing hands many times from the original owner who originally sold the gun without going through a federally licensed dealer. And safe storage laws cut down drastically smash and grab robberies.

        • THE GUNS ALREADY EXIST, you pathetic MORON!!!!!!!

          AT LEAST 400 – 500 million in the US (most people believe the number is MUCH higher). They ain’t goin’ anywhere. IF (and it won’t) the idiotic “universal background check” BS goes through, and is even MARGINALLY effective (it won’t be), the effect will be to INCREASE PRICE of street guns – which then provides an increased incentive to thugs and crooks to steal them, and enterprising criminals to smuggle them in (like, maybe, from one of those countries you cite, like Mexico, with STRICT anti-gun laws . . . and a thriving black market in illegal guns).

          If you had ever gotten an education (which we now know you never did), you MIGHT have a clue about things like “supply and demand”, “perverse incentives” and concepts like that . . . nahh, probably not. Can’t hammer a feather into concrete.

          dacian the stupid, you are too stupid to insult.

    • dacian the stupid,

      That’s some galaxy-brain “thinking” right there, dacian the demented, uneducated, irrational lunatic – a CONVICTED felon (not “allowed” to own, possess or sell a firearm, already) steals or buys on the street an unregistered firearm (many LEOs refer to ANY “unregistered firearm” as a “ghost gun” btw, dacian the stupid), to a an illegal alien (ALSO not allowed to purchase, own or possess a firearm), who then uses it to commit a crime.

      WHAT PART OF THAT was going to be impacted, IN ANY WAY, by your IDIOTIC “universal background check”, you mouth-breathing cretin????

      The cable is waiting, dacian; go micturate.

      • To the Lamp that went out in his head

        Your philosophy of “lets do nothing and the problem will go away” is as laughable as it is tragic. Your diatribe is pure hogwash as Safe Storage and Universal Background Checks have been law in civilized countries for decades and their much lower gun crime and homicides prove they work and work well. No law is foolproof but doing nothing is only for fools like you.

        Drying up the sea of second hand guns for sale is something even a retarded 4th grader could easily understand so what is your problem Dotard.

        • And no guns ever get stolen anywhere but in the US, dacian the stupid??? There is no black market for guns ANYWHERE except the US, amirite?????

          Go to one of those “civilized countries you prate about, you gormless nitwit; I’m sure they’ll have a cable you can micturate up.

          dacian the stupid, you are too stupid to insult.

        • Your philosophy of “lets do nothing and the problem will go away” is as laughable as it is tragic. Your diatribe is pure hogwash as Safe Storage and Universal Background Checks have been law in civilized countries for decades and their much lower gun crime and homicides prove they work and work well. No law is foolproof but doing nothing is only for fools like you.

          LOL! I know! He is dumb. His viewpoint is essentially, accepting reality as is. I say no! It needs to be changed! We need change. Have to constantly keep changing. Progressing, for the future. A better and brighter future, where no one gets hurt, nobody gets sick, nobody goes hungry, and everybody is happy and healthy and all their worries can go away. This is the progressive future for us. Impulsive pleasure, and worry free. … … and… guns don’t support this vision. Guns … particularly of hobbyists, collectors, and people who shoot for fun, are ruining this dream! Hate it!

          No law is foolproof. But we gotta do something. Anything. And there is certainly no way, ever, that what we do do, is going to make any kind of current situation, worse. Ever. And so we need to take steps of safe storage and UBCs to get to complete disarmament (one day), so our dream can be realized.

          Drying up the sea of second hand guns for sale is something even a retarded 4th grader could easily understand so what is your problem Dotard.

          Yep! Second hand guns are the problem. Right there along with first hand guns. But I’m fine if we solve the “second hand guns are a problem” first. And they need to be dryed up. That is the goal here. Drying up excess guns. The behavior of taking hostages? That’s mildly bad, but excusable, if he didn’t have a gun.

    • If this is not stone cold proof that Universal Background Checks should be passed I do not know what would be.

      I agree! The government IS the people. Trust them. Trust them to do what is best for you. And keep you safe! We don’t even need Universal background checks, we need to ban all guns. Cops and military are on your side. They will keep you safe. What do you need guns for? A private individual selling to another private individual? That’s horrifying. I’m absolutely horrified that a government bureaucracy was simply not involved in that brokerage. The government should be involved in everything!

      More proof that anyone can buy a second hand gun out on the street because in many states its perfectly legal to sell any of your guns without having the buyer summit to a background check.

      Well, he did sell it, illegally, on the street already. And it might have been stolen from the back of a train car in LA, but I agree! If you make background checks universally required, everyone will follow them! Certainly gun hobbyists, collectors, and those yellow snake flag people. And those are the ones we really care about.

      It was not discussed in the article how the felon got the gun he sold to the Brit but obviously he did not buy a new one or second hand gun off of a Federally licensed dealer, he bought it on the street which is awash with second hand guns for sale.

      I agree! It was definitely never stolen. Couldn’t have been. Some rightwing neofascist sold it to him under the guise of “private sale.” And if he didn’t get it from a registered source, and do the necessary paperwork for it – there is simply no other way he could get it. He’s a felon after all.

      But the ignorant and paranoid Far Right will scream “Who cares, losses can never be too high because I will not be inconvenienced with a background check”.

      Not even that! They will say, “What bout my free-dumb???? – Shall not be infringed!” The 2nd amendment doesn’t say we can’t do a background check, a seven day waiting period, limit certain guns not a list where they didn’t pay a fee for enlisting said firearm on a certified roster, limit their capacity, limit how they are sold, limit who they are sold to, permit their manufacture through a bureaucratic agency, limit how they are transported, limit how they are carried, limit how they are stored, limit how they are taxed or how their ammunition can be taxed, or limit how we can tax manufacturers, or distributors, or anyone on in between, or limit interstate distribution, or apply permits on their storage, ownership, carrying, and transportation, or limits on their construction, features, appearance, color, style, and approval of design. “Shall not be infringed” is such a vague term people.

  16. ” felons cannot have guns, period, and the Justice Department is committed to prosecuting those who do”

    Bull-f#sking-$#!+. If they cared about felons with guns, they’d bring Federal charges against all the Chicago and Soros-DA felons in possession that get a slap on the wrist and are back on the streets. They did it in Virginia in the late 90’s with Project Exile, but they aren’t even attempting it today. If this hadn’t made national headlines, they wouldn’t have bothered here either.

  17. So how did the felon get the gun to sell to the terrorist? I still feel this investigation stopped short.

  18. “…felons cannot have guns, period, and the Justice Department is committed to prosecuting those who do.”

    “…and the Justice Department is committed to prosecuting those who do.”

    Yeah, pretty sure that latter part is a lie in most of the county, due to soft on crime prosecution and a penal system unsuccessfully rehabilitating felons, but still releasing them. I wonder what the stats are for new criminals vs repeat criminals for any given criminal act?

  19. So a foreign national flies in and randomly knows where to go and who to see about acquiring a firearm under the radar? Anyone else find that more then a little suspect?

    • CWT,

      Not really, no. I’m an old white guy, and I could find a “street gun” in LA in a day or two. It’s a BUSINESS. Sellers will sell to anyone with money, and they have to “advertise their wares” to get customers. The locations of street dealers aren’t hard to find.

      • The Lamp that went out in his head is really a dim wit.

        Hey Genius boy just where do you think all those weapons on the street came from? They did not just materialize out of nowhere like on Star Trek. Ever hear of the Iron Pipe Line or the Chicago Studies or Police tracings. Its obvious you are not far enough advanced on the evolutionary scale to understand any of it coupled with paranoiac mental illness.

        • Sources: theft, illegal imports, off-books guns, illegal manufacturing, etc. Sources UBC laws are not going to stop.

          Criminals already break laws regarding theft, narcotics, murder, and more. Gun laws are just extras.

        • Wrong again Southern Double Cross

          Safe Storage laws have proven very effective in other countries.

          And illegal manufacturing once its made illegal has not been very successful. The illegal manufacture of silencers is usually shut down very quickly as history in the U.S. has proven. It would be the same for guns if Ghost guns are outlawed.

          And the U.S. has not had problems with importation of illegal weapons either. Police tracings prove it.

          Next time research rather than belch out rectum gas. Your response is non sequitur.

        • It doesn’t happen because you say so.

          The commissar is basking in his own magnificence.

          And give yourself a red star for the attempted insult. A gold one would be too bourgeois.

        • dacian the stupid, I won’t even bother telling you how and why your “response” was stupid . . . you wouldn’t understand, anyway.

          dacian the stupid, you are simply too stupid to insult.

        • Hey Genius boy just where do you think all those weapons on the street came from? They did not just materialize out of nowhere like on Star Trek. Ever hear of the Iron Pipe Line or the Chicago Studies or Police tracings. Its obvious you are not far enough advanced on the evolutionary scale to understand any of it coupled with paranoiac mental illness.

          I know! He is a dim wit. There is simply NO WAY, that the future of the world is a place where people have the capacity to easily manufacture things themselves in their own private places. It’s just not going in that direction! It takes hundreds of people to design, test, fabricate, market, etc etc etc, a gun. It’s always going to be that way, and it will never change. Ever. And guns are like… really complicated. I saw a video of a open bolt sten, and it was just… amazingly complicated. There is simply no way that if the flow of second hand guns were stymied, that a black market would come into being for firearms, like a black market came into being with drugs. And… culturally… The USA is a really really really peaceful place, full of happy people, like a lot of european nations. Take the guns away and the crime vanishes. Guns are the problem.

        • Safe Storage laws have proven very effective in other countries.

          Absolutely! I agree! You can’t kill or maim an innocent non white-privileged person breaking into your home to steal a loaf of bread, if your guns are locked up enough.

          People need to be kind. Share. More sharing. We should mandate sharing in law. Let’s share everything. Everything should be shared. And how should we share it? From each according to their ability, to each according to their need. Share, be kind, and give up the guns people. The government IS the people. And people are kind and inherently good. And that means, the government is too. Let them protect and manage you. Can’t be too safe!

          And illegal manufacturing once its made illegal has not been very successful. The illegal manufacture of silencers is usually shut down very quickly as history in the U.S. has proven. It would be the same for guns if Ghost guns are outlawed.

          I don’t know how you outlaw ghostguns, because they are ghosts, but I agree! You can’t ban it if it doesn’t exist right? Haha. But yeah! Ghost guns are a real problem. So many crimes are committed with ghost guns, and if second hand guns dried up, crimes with ghost guns would probably increase. So they need to be banned too! People need to outlaw 80% lowers. And 50% lowers. And probably 0% lowers too! We have to control the manufacture of these things… that may or may not… are being manufactured. Who knows. But they are guns, and they are not in agreement with the progressive dream. Thus they must go.

          And the U.S. has not had problems with importation of illegal weapons either. Police tracings prove it.

          Absolutely. Police can trace anything.

          Next time research rather than belch out rectum gas. Your response is non sequitur.

          Haha! He’s an idiot.

    • God guys selling to bad guys,

      He probably got it from the usual sources – stole it, bought it FROM somebody who stole it, bought it illegally (since he was a felon, he was ALREADY prohibited from buying, owning or possessing a gun), so . . . one more stupid law was going to make the difference. “We need universal background checks, because that will stop the flow of guns on the black market”, says every halfwit Leftist/fascist, gun-grabbing IDIOT in the U.S. (yeah, dacian the stupid, I’m lookin’ at YOU!). Just like drug laws prevent the sale of illegal drugs. Laws against theft prevent theft. Prohibition resulted in a net INCREASE in the amount of alcohol consumed in the U.S., while it was in effect.

      Yeah, let’s adopt some more stupid, pointless, unenforceable laws, that’s the ticket!!!!

  20. This is how laws aimed at criminals work. A crook is either deterred by them, or the law kicks in after the fact, or in the rare instance gives police a tool when someone is actually caught in the act.

    This isn’t gun control that attempts to control every free citizen like they aren’t a free citizen.

    The other side of the law is the Supreme law of the land that the victims didn’t engage, otherwise they could have had an opportunity to drop the perp, as the free citizens they are supposed to be.

  21. And he should be charged. But Hunter Biden also committed a federal felony when he lied on his BATFE form 4473. There’s a question where you are asked about your drug use/addition. He checked “no”. I wonder how long it’ll take for them to file charges against him.

    • How long? Never. Daddy will issue a blanket “pardon” on his last day in office. It’s probably already signed and in his desk… Can’t make this scheiss up…

  22. If the red Chinese (or anyone else) wanted to make beaucoup bucks they would make cheap scrubbed, untraceable gunz and import them along with the illegal fentanyl. They would probably sell like hotcakes on a cold morning to the Usual Suspects. Pondering the possibilities of that makes one shudder…

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