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Mark Craighead, RIP

My good friend and industry leader, Mark Craighead passed away yesterday. Mark owned and operated Crossbreed Holsters with his family and friends. I received the news today from the family and they asked me to pass on their thanks for the thoughts of the firearms community and their assurance that things would continue as expected at Crossbreed. We have lost a great asset today . . .

Mark quickly became a leader in the industry as his incredibly innovative Crossbreed Holster design and company quickly become respected for quality and function. He and I worked together on many projects over the last few years and I’ve had the pleasure of hearing from many of his customers in my courses who greatly appreciate his way Mark and his company met their needs.

Mark would often ask me what people were saying about his products and how they held up in class and he was always very proud to hear the great reports. He was always eager to find ways to better serve his customers, the firearms community and the industry as a whole.

Outside of work, which he very much enjoyed, Mark was both a dedicated family man and a bit of an adventurer. One of his biggest hobbies was motor sports. He had some very impressive vehicles that he enjoyed driving and riding when time allowed. He even ran his beloved Lingenfelter Cadillac CTS-V in the Cannonball Run last year and had planned to try the Vegas to Reno Desert Race in 2013.

Approximately 3 weeks ago, Mark had a heart attack after a successful outpatient surgical procedure and had a very bad few days. We all believed he had come through it and was on the road to a full recovery. Earlier yesterday, though, he had another massive heart attack and we lost him.

One thing that truly stood out about Mark was his commitment to friends and family. As Crossbreed Holsters grew, he continued to bring more and more of both into the operations to share in his success and in fulfilling his commitment to excellence. I have yet to meet anyone in the industry who had a bad word to speak of him and doubt sincerely that I ever will.

Rest in peace, brother.

36 thoughts on “Mark Craighead, RIP”

  1. Don’t know anything about the man other than his product.

    It’s a damned good product.

    Requiescat in pace

  2. Very sorry to hear of his passing. May he rest in peace. Condolences to his family.
    The three Crossbreed holsters I have are of excellent quality.

  3. Wow, I was just listening yesterday to an old Gun Talk show featuring him. A fellow Missourian, he and his crew are good folks. I’m sure this is quite a blow. His family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    I particularly appreciated how he boldly witnessed to his Christian faith with ever holster he made, and if you didn’t like it, and I know some didn’t, that is just too bad. He never compromised on that point to get more sales.

    • RIP brother, I’m glad that that you said what was on your mind, and in your heart. You will be missed.

    • Actually the holsters he sold to KAHR had a KAHR logo and not the cross that some people didn’t like. Sorry that you are not aware that he would sell out his faith if the price was high enough.

      Of the 2 phone conversations I had with him about the faulty holster I bought, I didn’t like the guy.

        • And just because he put a company logo on a holster instead of his own is not selling out, it’s called running a business.

        • Incorrect, he said he would not sell a holster without the cross on it. The guy sold out and I for one am not going to miss him.
          I personally couldn’t stand the guy or his copied inferior products.

        • To “Not Sad”: It’s interesting that of all of the messages posted here, yours is the only negative one. It also “Is Sad” that you would use someone’s obituary to post your gripes about them, especially since they passed way too soon, and have no way of rebutting your statement. Maybe if you found Christ, you wouldn’t continue to lead the sad and bitter life you are currently leading. Signed, a non-Christian who is about to order two more Crossbreed holsters.

      • “Not Sad”: You are the one who is incorrect. On every SuperTuck holster made there are 3 crosses. One stamped in the leather (that is replaced with the KAHR logo for those sold specifically to KAHR) and one cross on each of the clips where the crosses are actually visible when the holster is worn. So. Like Mark said, there has never been and will never be a Crossbreed holster sold without a cross on it. Period.

      • He absolutely was a jackass about those crosses on the clips. I actually talked to him about that and if there were plain clips that could be had instead. He immediately jumped my shit as if I attacked his whole religion just for asking. Um, it was a fucking YES or NO question, dude. And, I really didn’t give a shit that the symbols were crosses. I wanted no SYMBOLS at all on a holster that’s designed to be 100% concealed except for the ONE thing that’s visible to the public. The belt clips. Last thing I want is people noticing (yes, they do notice) and asking me what those “clip things” are with the crosses on them. Just make them plain and black so they blend into the belt as much as possible. In stead, Craighead was a straight up asshole and I’ll never, ever buy anything from Crossbreed because of that even though he’s dead. Good riddance.

  4. Have never used his products, but it’s people like him who make the industry, and all small buisiness, what it is. May his family find peace.

  5. Just heard him recently on Armed American Radio. Had no idea he wasn’t well. He will be missed. Great holsters and I particularly appreciate the crosses.

  6. I have two of his holsters and am just about ready to purchase my third. Great product and when I would see him on certain shooting shows or his commercials, he always seemed like a very down to earth person!

    Sorry for the families loss!

  7. It is always a shocker when one is taken too early and unexpectedly. May his family and friends be comforted.


  8. Very sorry for the loss of Mr.Craighead. His faith I Christ was strong, I hope his family and friends also find comfort in God. May he rest in peace.
    I have a mini tuck holster. Very comfortable . I carry 80% of the time now! 20% is spent at the school so…
    Again….my sympathy to the loved ones

  9. I carry every minute of every day and most often in a Crossbreed Holster. I’m not a Christian, but valued that he never compromised on the quality of the product or abandoned his customer base for profit. He had fantastic business sense, a firm moral grounding and a rock solid customer loyalty. My heart goes out to his family and friends and I hope that his legacy of quality and customer service will continue as a monument to his fine character.

    • So glad to hear that a non Christian gets it. We don’t have to share the same beliefs to get along. My sincere condolences goes out to the whole Crossbreed family. Best product on the market.

  10. Condolences to the family, friends, and business associates. My Crossbreed Supertuck was my FIRST holster, bought a few years ago. I had heard so many good things about it, I figured I’d start with the best (for my EDC G27). But, like most enthusiasts, I had to buy other holsters, trying to find an even better one. So, even though I started with the CBST, I ended up with the proverbial “box-o-holsters.” But, there is only one I wear every single day… all day: My CBST.

  11. May Mark rest in peace, and may his family have comfort during these times.

    Never met the man, but his business, products and service were a strong witness for his faith.

  12. Really sad about this news. I own 2 of his Crossbreed conceal holsters (in horsehide leather.) I never met Mark but have read interviews and seen him speak through some online videos on youtube and could tell he was a great guy who stood by a great product. I love his holsters. They are, and I say this with all honesty, the most comfortable conceal carry holsters I have ever worn. I really hope the Crossbreed business continues and that his product and legacy go on.

  13. Dear Lord, I had no idea…and I know I’m a bit late. Mark definitely had solid leadership in CB from the stories I’ve heard; I know the family and community will take a while to stop reeling from his untimely loss. God be with him and the family, and may we all follow his example as a genuinely good person.

  14. For a “regular guy”, he seemed pretty extraordinary! My deepest sympathies to his family and Godspeed to his soul on it’s journey to the big RP in the sky!

  15. I was shocked to gear of Mark Craigheads passing today.I always marveled at Mark for his never ending faith in Jesus christ.Most of us wear our religion on our sleeves but a true christian lives the life daily.The only comfort I find in his passing is knowing where Mark ended up.God bless you my friend,you’ve made it home.

  16. I was shocked when i heard of his passing . I own a supertuck and like it . condolences to the family . I hope the company will continue as i need a minituck MAY HE REST IN THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD!!!

  17. I was just watching a recorded episode of Trigger Time and saw that Mr. Craighead had passed on. He was still young and should’ve had a long life ahead of him. He has made a positive impact on so many of us that legally carry with his very comfortable holsters. I for one now carry all the time because my Crossbreed Super Tuck is comfortable when I seldom did before I had it. That means my family and I are safer because of Mr. Craighead.
    To his family and friends… Take comfort in knowing that he has made so many safer because he was here. To me…that’s what defines an Angel.
    Thank you and Rest In Peace Mr. Craighead.

  18. I just now learned of Mark’s passing and though I never met him, I was saddened to learn of it. My condolences to his family and friends and may he rest in peace.

    I bought one of Mark’s holsters soon after he joined xdtalk. Due to some of the nylon clips then used breaking, I had occasion to speak with Mark a couple of times. He was very personable and apologized for the problem. He sent out a number of replacements just in case. When it occurred a second time, he sent out the metal clips that are used presently, free of charge. Customer service was excellent and Mark stood behind his product as advertised.

  19. I just received my first gun and started looking online for a good conceal holster. Once I found Crossbreed and starting researching, I have read NOTHING but good and outstanding reviews. I also have heard nothing but great things about Mark Craighead. I wish I had been able to meet him. It seems that would have been an honor. My deepest condolences to his family AND friends (many I imagine), and my God be with them all. He is now in good hands himself!

  20. Yes, it was a shock to me to learn of Mark’s passing. When I first heard I was saddened….but then I thought back to my dealings with CrossBreed. A year ago I purchased one of the CrossBreed Super Tuck holsters, but I had to return it. The holster was of the highest quality and held my full size Sig Saur P220 perfectly, but I discovered I was just too fat to use an IWB holster. I called and returned it, and even though I was a few day past the deadline, there was no fuss at all and I was given a full refund. Mark was good to his word and his character was golden. Many of you say it is sad that he passed away so young, but we should not be sad for Mark, for he is now receiving his reward in Heaven and will have all eternity to enjoy it. I now care for my wife who has been very ill since 1990. Back in 1994 she died in bed next to me, but through a true miracle of God I awoke just as she took her last breath. I was able to call EMS and they brought her back to life. She later told of a place of beautiful brightness that was filled with, “perfect peace and love”. She told me later that, “The air itself was love…you breathed it inside you!” She was only there a moment for a short glimpse of Heaven, but Mark has now entered into the fullness of Heaven and rest in the arms of Jesus Christ, whom he served so well during his brief time on earth. Though I never met him, I will miss him because I feel I have gotten to know him a little from witnessing how he treated others. Rest in Peace? Heck, he is celebrating and singing with a heavenly choir. He is standing in the presence of the One who made a way for all of us to be forgiven and have a place in Heaven, if we only follow Jesus Christ as Mark so aptly showed us to do. We know God has blessed Mark. May He bless all of Mark’s family and friends in a great way. Thank you my brother Mark for being an Godly example to us all.

  21. I am ashamed to say this is the first I’ve hear of Mark passing, I spoke to the man several times over the phone both from him purchasing products from me, and I purchasing products from him. I have the belt that I wear everyday and my supertuck as well. He was a man of amazing faith in Jesus Christ. Rest with Jesus Mark.

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