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Massachusetts Gun Laws: Incurably Insane?

The American Firearm School is in North Attleboro Massachusetts. Whenever I schmooze with AFS’ clientele, the subject of Massachusetts’ firearms laws comes up. The shooters are ashamed of their state’s gun control regime. “This was the birthplace of freedom,” one bitter (but not twisted) enthusiast pointed out. “It’s just sick.” You might think that the patient was improving, what with the Supreme Court’s McDonald decision incorporating the Second Amendment. Now that Mass residents’ Second Amendment rights trump local and state law, you’d expect the politicians to roll back some of their draconian regs. Or at least stand pat, and hope that no one notices. No and no . . .

The NRA has posted a summary of the gun control legislation proposed by gun grabbers in a state whose motto reads Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem (she seeks with the sword a quiet peace under liberty). Fifteen bills have been written. The NRA reckons four will survive the first cut.

Not all of these ideas will pass. Maybe, hopefully, none of them. But the fact that someone thought to give them the oxygen of publicity is a magazine full of not good. Massachusetts needs a sea change on gun control. It’ll come from high profile court decisions and the growing gun culture. If it comes at all.

Senate Bill 1202, sponsored by state Senator Cynthia Stone Creem (D-Newton), would make it a crime to purchase or sell to the same person more than one firearm or “large capacity weapon” in a thirty-day period. The punishment for a first offense in violation of such gun rationing for both the retailer and the purchaser would be up to a $5,000 fine and/or two-and-a-half years imprisonment.

Senate Bill 1234, sponsored by state Senator James Timilty (D-Walpole), would make it unlawful to manufacture, sell or possess a projectile or projectile core which may be used in a handgun and which is constructed entirely from one or a combination of tungsten alloys, steel, iron, brass, bronze, beryllium copper, or depleted uranium; or a full jacketed projectile larger than .22 caliber designed and intended for use in a handgun and whose jacket has a weight of more than 25 percent of the total weight of the projectile.

House Bill 665, sponsored by state Representative Timothy J. Toomey, Jr. (D-Cambridge), would require all concealed carry applicants to present a complete list of every handgun owned along with a certificate of insurance verifying that the applicant has a valid insurance policy insuring against any harm or damage that might arise out of the use of each firearm on said list.  The insurance policy would need to be in the amount of at least $250,000.

House Bill 1561, sponsored by state Representative David Paul Linsky (D-Natick), would require all firearms of new manufacture to bear serial numbers permanently inscribed on a visible metal area with the serial numbers being kept on record by the manufacturer.  In addition, all semi-automatic firearms would be required to micro-stamp ammunition by mechanically stamping a code that would imprint the make, model and serial number onto the cartridge case when the gun discharged.



13 thoughts on “Massachusetts Gun Laws: Incurably Insane?”

  1. These guys mean well but if the citizens allow someone to take away their freedoms, then they don’t deserve any freedom(someone famous said something similar to this, but I can’t remember his name). That saiga seemed to have quite a few misfeeds.

    • I was thinking the same thing. Do saiga’s usually misfeed like that? Was it the drum magazine that was at fault or the type of ammunition?

      • It could be in need of special lube like my RPK was. After several treatments of Militec 1, the synthetic bonded into the metal and it never fails.

      • His girlfriends upset because he spent all that money on a pimped out Saiga and he can’t get it to run right. No wonder she won’t let him keep it by the bed at night.

        She’s probably thinking “Why couldn’t he just buy an 870 like my daddy?”.

      • I had my first fail to eject today. Seems the limit for my Mossberg 930 is 400 rounds without a cleaning. Oh well… I am off to remove some parts.

  2. What a drag! I always pack some depleted uranium loads in my .357. I like my quarry to glow in the dark.

  3. I just pretend they’re a foreign country, and go on with my business… Sorry MA and CA and IL and NY to name a few…

    The anti-gunners in places like that are very entrenched, even if you go to the Supreme Court and get a decision like DC vs. Heller they just turn around and toss more regulation at their citizens. They have no intention of backing down, or conceding defeat.

  4. Do gun-grabbin’ bureaucrats sit around at night with their buddies and do shots and bong hits to think this shit up?

  5. I have to admit I didn’t watch the video until now. The shooter seemed like a nice enough fellow but I cringed every time he pointed the shotgun at the overhead and not down range. I see he’s done another common thing I’ve noted at the range too, not adjusting his laser to point of impact. He was off to the right (laser) quite a bit for such a close shooting distance. Maybe I’m just old school, but I would only warn once when I ran the line for pointing a weapon up in the air like that as he was loading and loaded.

  6. Gun owner 2.0. Hapless poser. Wrong gun, wrong magazine, wrong attitude. Doesn’t know how to calibrate the weapon or even operate it safely.

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