Image by Boch.

In news that comes as a shock to no one, only only a tiny handful of braced pistol owners jumped through the hoops of completing an eForm 1 for braced pistols they owned during the just-completed “amnesty” period. According to The Reload, ATF says it received just over a quarter-million applications before the “grace period” for registrations closed on May 31st.

A quarter million? Various sources put the number of pistol stabilizing braces owned by Americans at between 10 and 40 million. Doing simple government school math, that means less than three percent of the devices have been registered.

Candidly, as an Illinois resident who continually does his best to act as a burr under the saddle of Gov. J.B. Pritzker and Attorney General Kwame Raoul, I registered mine. The Gov and the AG would love (l-o-v-e) nothing more than to see film of someone like me perp-walked on the Chicago TV news on firearms charges.

It wasn’t easy. Some of my fellow Illinoisans had a C&R license (required for Illinois residents to possess SBRs) but gave up on the daunting registration form. Frankly, it took teamwork from a couple of friends and hours for me to complete my registration, but now I think I finally have the process down.

From The Reload . . .

The ATF told The Reload on Friday it has received just over a quarter million applications to register pistol-brace-equipped firearms…

That number represents just a fraction of the braced guns believed to have been sold in the decade since the ATF first classified a version as outside the scope of the NFA. In the impact assessment for the rule, the ATF estimated that three to seven million devices exist. However, the Congressional Research Service puts the number much higher at somewhere between 10 and 40 million.

That puts the registration rate for pistol-brace-equipped guns at between .6 percent and eight percent.

Longnecker noted that owners of the affected guns could also comply with the rule by either dismantling the firearms and destroying the braces or turning them over to the ATF. He said the agency does not know how many Americans may have taken those routes.

Feel free to chime in with your experience doing the eForm 1 — or not — in comments below.


  1. if I do this I will pay the 200. The idea of implicitly implicating myself in a way that is not codified is a no go.

    I have one I moved over to a new, never fitted with a barreled upper.

    • Six months prior I misplaced my work and after that I was blessed sufficient to falter upon a extraordinary site which truly spared me. I begun working for them online and in a brief time after I’ve begun averaging 15k a month… The finest thing was that cause I am not that computer smart all I required was a few essential writing aptitudes and web get to to begin.
      ) AND Great Luckiness.:

    • I am making effectively tirelessly $15k to $20k basically by doing coordinate work at domestic. Multi month once more i have made $45890 from this development. astounding and smooth to do work and standard pay from this can be stupefying. i have propose each last one of you to connect this advance right specifically as moo security and get than full time compensation through take after this affiliation.
      ) AND Great Good fortune.:

  2. First off you legally do NOT have to destroy your brace once removed from your AR15 pistol. ATF has no jurisdiction over firearm accessories once they are removed from the firearm. Second, it should be no surprise to anyone that the rate of non-compliance is this high. When similar schemes have been tried to have people either register AR15 rifles in NY and CT or turn in large capacity magazines in NJ the rates of non-compliance were 95% in NY, 85% in CT and 100% in NJ. The results were that the State Supt of Police told their respective Governors that they would not enforce the law unless they found those items in commission of another crime.
    Any unconstitutional law is to be disobeyed as they do not have the manpower or will to face the consequences of their lawless acts against the American People and that is precisely what will make them fail and keep us free. Don’t give in to their socialist agenda and the destruction of our beloved Country.

  3. Since I already have multiple fingerprints on file from previous suppressors and SBRs it was a no-brainer for the 3 that I had.

    If we truly had an opposition party to the Leftists they would be on every news show asking what the government is now going to do now that they just created 10+million felons. Perfect opportunity to talk about the idiocy of federal agencies.

    • I also have multiple SBR’s & suppressers. I had one which I was planning to stamp anyway so I saved myself $200.

        • My apologies muckraker it was my understanding that the “FUDD” was the guy that approached you at the range, while you were minding your own business, shooting NFA items and demanding to see paperwork, it appears that I was wrong. Thank you for clearing that up for me.

        • If that’s your take on my comment then you really don’t get it. Government overreach.

      • Some people just bought 16″ barrels to replace the shorter one. That kinda sucks, since everyone doing that probably also already had 16″ AR’s, and liked having a shorter gun.

        • I replaced my 9 inch Saint buffer tube with a Strike Industries 5.5 inch pistol buffer tube and, of course, removed the SB. The BATF “final rule” says this action (installing a buffer tube less than 6.5 inches) is a remedy. Strange how the term “final rule” sounds so tyrannical.

  4. 250,000 fools! what the heck is wrong with people’s brains? why would they do something like that? Just the average Joe like me has more brains than most of the people that are out there in society now. I can’t believe how stupid most people are anymore. especially the college educated crowd. when I had my business they were the worst ones that knew nothing about anything except how to be a liberal fool.

    • There are a lot of us out there that have NFA items already, I don’t consider us fools. Most of us will agree that the NFA is unconstitutional and we would love to see it repealed completely, but while we’re working towards that final goal in order to enjoy owning and using these types of weapon systems one has to make certain compromises.

      • absolutely wrong, compromise leads to destruction in every way. that’s what’s going on in our country, and you see what is happening that is all from compromise. even the Bible tells you not to compromise. that’s exactly how we end up in these situations, especially when involving our rights given to us by God and Country. you do not compromise on any of those because they just keep taking more and more.

      • Ross…A 4473, a NCIC are more than enough compromise to own a piece of plastic, a can that lowers sound, to conceal carry across America, etc.

        If you want the Gun Control Act repealed then you and the rest of the do it for me crowd had best learn to Define Gun Control by its History Confirmed Roots in Racism and Genocide for a media controlled gullible public that assumes Gun Control is the best thing since sliced bread.

        • Debbie my official position is I should be able to walk into a gun store anywhere in America and purchasing a RPG Without background check without waiting period, without transfer tax, period. I believe this is the constitutional approach, and also believe it would change the face of politics in America Instantly every politician out there would all be about the peoples rights and the constitution.

        • How Debbie how??!!! How will learning to define the history of gun control being rooted in racism and genocide help to repeal the Gun Control Act? Lord

        • SKP5885: Debbie was correct in regards to the NCIC. It is run by the FBI as collection point for crime data from the nations law enforcement agencies. The “NICS” check is performed at the NCIC (national crime information center).

      • Also, every time someone registers an NFA item, it lowers the bar for being in common use. Eventually, this idiocy may erode itself if pushed through the courts with that in mind.

        • Let me apologize for calling you a FUDD and the fuck off thing Ross.
          All of this BS with the BATFECES really pisses me off. Reconfiguring a legally purchased firearm to make it compliant to an alphabet agency’s whim makes me want to lash out at those that would enforce such unconstitutional “rules”. Those that purchased “Braced Pistols” that configure them into compliance such as SBR’s now need a fucking permission slip to traverse state lines. This is unacceptable government overreach. Again my apologies Ross.

    • Many people simply do as they are told without question. Study our response to COVID-19 if you doubt me.

      People actually believed walking one-way down a grocery store aisle would lower your risk of infection by a sub-micron airborne virus.

      Some people still believe our government really represents us and wants what is best for us.

      • Some people considered the pros and cons of registration and made a well-considered decision to register. .300 Blk SBR is my main home defense gun; if i ever have to use it, there’s a good chance it will fall under legal scrutiny (more likely from an intruder’s family trying to sue for wrongful death than from the local DA here in NH, but other locations have gun-hostile DAs). IF I shoot someone with what turned out to be an illegal unregistered SBR, that pretty much assures a jury can be persuaded that I’m an irresponsible, lawless gun nut who probably showed similarly bad judgement in shooting the poor guy who only broke into my house to support his mother and was about to turn his life around. As noted elsewhere, none of the keyboard commandos preaching non-compliance on TTAG were likely to pay for my legal fees. Some of us make decisions based on the world we live in, not the one we wish we did where justice always prevails.

        • “.300 Blk SBR is my main home defense gun; if i ever have to use it, there’s a good chance it will fall under legal scrutiny”

          Me too, except I removed the brace from mine, which won’t affect its use in a home defense scenario. I get that some people looked at this as a ‘deal’ by the AFT, but also that others view it differently, camel’s nose under the tent. If someone already had NFA registered firearm(s), then it makes little difference.

          Lastly, this thing is clearly unconstitutional on several points and will eventually be reversed by courts. It was clearly a leftist appointment of the ATF Director doing the bidding of his master without legal basis. My non-braced 300 Blackout will be just as effective in a home defense scenario as yours.

  5. On another note, I find it somewhat interesting that the compliance rate was roughly around the same numbers of comments they got during the comment period opposing the “rule” change.

    • absolutely not, I believe people should be allowed to have whatever they want, this is a free country and I don’t think the government should regulate any of that. all it is is about control and making money on people. as far as owning NFA items if that’s what you want that’s great but there should be no NFA because that is government overreach. the government needs to keep out of our lives and quit telling us how to live and eat and worship.

    • Never got a permit to carry. Took the state required training then found out i would be fingerprinted and mugshot like a criminal. Waited till permitless carry was passed in my state.

    • It was a similar compliance rate when NY state ‘required’ ARs and AKs to be registered…

  6. I already own a few NFA items and was planning to SBR two of my braced pistols anyway.
    Took my own mugshot and did my own prints.
    Haven’t heard back yet. Been about 28 days.

    • Mine took 42 days, I submitted it with a Form 1 I paid for (that was approved in 25 days)

        • The ATF is intentionally slow walking these approvals to discourage folks from getting them.

        • That’s what I suspected. I wonder if there’s a statute against that sort of punishing behavior coming from the government. If not, there should be.

        • @ Dude
          Yeah, there is, “shall not be infringed,” but, some folks with fancy gubmint jobs don’t like that rule.

    • I got one back disapproved (for a clerical error on my part) in two months.

      One approved in one month.

      Two (including resubmission of the disapproval) still pending.

        • An address disparity I didn’t catch because E-fingerprint cards use a file format that isn’t decipherable by normal PC programs or apps.

  7. OOOOPPPPSSSS… I am SHOCKED that an American citizen would NOT comply with an Unconstitutional bullshit law…

  8. Registration defeats one of the major advantages of a braced pistol. Once it has become an SBR you have to have ATF permission to take it to another state. I like the flexibility of taking a large format pistol with the luggage when the wife and I travel.

    • “Once it has become an SBR you have to have ATF permission to take it to another state.”

      That sounds like a lawsuit that needs to be filed. Let’s chip away at the NFA.

      The ‘Heller’ decision has a gem for us :

      “In District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), the U.S. Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment protects “arms ‘in common use at the time’ for lawful purposes like self-defense” and arms that are “typically possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes.” Such arms are “chosen by American society,” not the government.”

      10 to 30 *million* in circulation already, with a paltry 250,000 ‘registered’ is clearly “in common use”, as I see it.

      ‘Cmon, 2A Foundation, FPC, NAGR, etc., launch those lawsuits! 🙂

      • To say nothing that there’s no historical analog (either late eighteenth or mid ninteenth centuries) for a law that requires permission to transport a lawfully-owned weapon interstate (where possession would be legal in both states).

        This actually sounds like a perfect “first step” test case on the NFA (although I’d prefer a challenge to the Hughes Amendment).

        • “(although I’d prefer a challenge to the Hughes Amendment)”

          You seem well versed in how federal laws work, have you considered filing one on your own, perhaps with assistance from someone like Cody?

          Set up a GoFundMe, I’ll kick in 50 bucks.

          (A select-fire Ruger 10/22 would be *sweet*…)

    • Reason to buy another lower to build into a cheek-braced or tension-sling-stabilized pistol to use for travel.

  9. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a movement toward getting rid of the tax altogether.
    The registry would remain but the tax would go away.
    Maybe they’ll even get rid of the prints/photo requirement and default to a standard NICS check.

    Suddenly fair-weather 2A people will be lauding a national registry. As long as it’s free and easy.

    The next moves will be either to slowly add items to the now free and easy NFA like all semiautos or, failing that, reintroduce the tax at a higher rater indexed to inflation so cheap stamps are no longer a thing.

    These are the next steps I expect as long as the uniparty maintains rule.

    Somebody please nuke DC in Minecraft.

      • “I think this has greater potential than removing items from the NFA.”

        Yep, do it in steps.

        Taxing a civil right is ripe for legal attack.

        “Can you say illegal Poll Tax, boys and girls? I knew you could!” 🙂

  10. Not so sure about the numbers of ‘won’t comply’ crowd. Question; has every individual who purchased/configured one of these even know of the deadline? How about the gang bangers?, would they be up & front with what is in their possession? Let’s say O’l Sleepy Joe made a public announcement, I doubt many would hear the message.

    • Yep the vast majority of people that have braced pistols have no idea there’s been a rule change no idea there is a compliance requirement. And yes, I do believe this is a feature not a bug.

    • If no law has passed since you bought a legal item, why would you have any reason to believe it has suddenly become illegal?

  11. This is my shocked face.

    Since there is not supposed to be a registry of firearms in this nation, how on earth is the ATF supposed to know if a citizen has a particular type of gun or not. Surely no one is using the information on 4473s to track such info. Those records are not used for a de-facto registry are they? I’m sure they’re not because that would be an abuse of power and against the law. I’m certain that no one in our beloved government would abuse their power to entrap citizens with some sort of trivial procedural rule or capricious and arbitrary policy. (In case it is needed, /sarc)

    • Surely no one is using the information on 4473s to track such info

      They can only track 4473s on complete gun purchases from FFLs vs homebuilt using an unregistered 80% lower with a complete upper that does not require a 4473 which is how all of my AR based “pistols” came into being so, I know they aren’t counting mine and several others that I am aware of…

      • Oh, wow, I have never ever purchased a gun part or, certainly not, a whole gun that was not, is not, and shall not be on a government list. You must be some kind of super-scary person. (Also, in case needed, heavy on the /sarc)

    • If a braced pistol owner ever has to use it for self defense, the ATF may learn when the local LEOs check it to see whether it was legally owned. More likely in some jurisdictions than others, but even in friendly jurisdictions there’s the possibility of a lawsuit from the “victim’s” family.

  12. Then we are fortunate!!… there are only around 250,000 imbeciles that will jump on the grenade in an empty room…

    • How would you describe the other 39,750,000 walking around the rest of their lives with a pinless grenade with the spoon Scotch-taped shut, hoping they never irk anyone enough to pull the tape, and it never accidentally falls off?

        • For getting on a list that – as others eloquently noted – we’ve all been on for decades? OK

          You seem to be picturing the Feds either going down in flames or realizing it’s hopeless to raid 40 million people. There’s no need for ATF to lift a finger when they can count on local LE plus legions of PO’d girlfriends, work rivals, Karens, etc. etc.

  13. Two hundred fifty thousand, you say?

    I seem to recall that’s enough to put SBRs into the “in common use” category.

    • “I seem to recall that’s enough to put SBRs into the “in common use” category.”

      Exactly. TTAG has a few lawyers as readers.

      Who’s filing the lawsuit?

      (Think of the fame as being ‘The One’ who kills the Hughes amendment. 2A groupies falling at your feet, wanting to *personally* thank you. *Wink-wink*, *Nudge-nudge*…)

      • OFWG groupies, what a concept.

        I think I know why nobody is rushing to the courthouse. 😆

  14. that’s 250,000 too many….still,I am somewhat happy that so many others besides myself are willing to tell the ATFingE to suck it and FAAFO.

    • “cheek pistol”
      I will never comply. And I have never owned a pistol brace. But I did own a bumpstock. And I lost it in a boating accident.

      • You can always pick up some foam padding for the buffer tube so you don’t scratch it.

        • I do plan on going to a Lowes to get some. But I will be taking just the buffer tube!!!

      • Crazy. I was fishing in a nice Kentucky lake last week and snagged a perfectly good bump stock. I thought, gee, that’s weird, guess I’ll hang on to it, wonder who lost it.

  15. It is false that you need to destroy the brace. all you need to do is remove it from the fire arm, and not put it back on or store it together with the firearm

    if you choose to keep it on the firearm, you have three options: 1. destroy the fire arm AND brace or surrender it to ATF ….2: register….. 3: put a 16 inch barrel on the firearm.

    or… you can do what the constitution allows when the government acts as a tyranny with clearly unconstitutionally created ‘law’ and that is ‘will not comply’

    • I’m rolling with option (OR), wanna look? Bring a warrant, good luck finding a judge that will give you one around here…

  16. As ATF buffoons lies about EVERYTHING who could believe this factoid from their rearend. Takes a special kind stupid to sign up on another of their illegally Unconstitutional registration schemes.

  17. One could argue that the more citizens who continue to “jump through the hoops” to voluntarily register every “item du jour” arbitrarily deemed to be “NFA”, could simply be viewed by the “powers that be” as proof that folks will dutifully acquiesce to asking for permission to exercise their civil rights.

    It’s not something that I’m personally willing to do, but… to each their own.

    • I got NO skin in the brace game. But I do live in ILL annoy. I’m thinking registering my toys is a fool’s errand. And this state is profoundly inept…

  18. Already being on record for 3 sound suppressors, I registered my 2 now-SBRs so I can legitimately put shoulder-appropriate optics on them. Took about an hour struggling with the e-forms, taking and uploading photos, and then a short trip to the local PD to drop off copies and get fingerprints to mail. Between about 0712 and 0722 EDT, application numbers went from -60 to -96, and they appeared to run sequentially, suggesting 35 other applications in that time (registered early in case high usage later would be greater than the system could handle).

    Pretty sure no ine in the comment thread on any of TTAG’s posts on the subject was planning to pay my legal fees were I to become a test case.

    • For future reference, Support folks like the FPC in taking these cases to court. I do hope once the pistol brace “rule” os declared unconstitutional, that the SBR “rule” and others will be next on the agenda.

  19. I’m curious if we’ll ever see an ATF agent on video asking about a brace at someone’s front door. I don’t think they have the manpower.
    I’ve always held the assumption that if they wanted to confiscate braces, bump stocks or whatever, that they’d have to convince local LE to do it for them.
    I live in a farm township where the local LE are members of the same community. Not gonna happen.
    Those that registered, good for you. No hate from me. All about choice as most things should be.

  20. If you ever bought a firearm and filled out a form 4473 you complied, if you got your CCL you complied, if you put a brace on your build you complied, if you registered and build NFA items you complied, if you registered your braced firearm to SBR it you complied. Did I miss anything? If you call some one a FUDD for registering a braced pistol. You are the Fudd.

  21. There is no one in America who did not comply.
    Its just propaganda for more Government intrusion.

  22. So my two cents are that most if not all the registered braces are federal employees afraid of losing their jobs. Would love to see if this is accurate. Or have some numbers to back it up as it would should that “we the people” don’t register anything.

  23. I registered 3 braced pistols. I bet there are many who registered multiples. Probably a lot fewer than 250k folks actually did it. The biggest pain was getting the electronic finger prints. Had to drive over to a nearby town to find a place that does them (UPS Store). The first eForm 1 I filled out was a little difficult to muddle through, but after I figured it out, the other two were easy. No etching or photos of the firearm required. Just a photo of the serial number area. Got confirmation of submission almost immediately with instructions to submit a copy to the Chief LEO in my jurisdiction. Huh, why does he care? Anyway, once I have official approval, I will probably remove the braces and replace them with stocks.

  24. Wow, that’s a lot of cucks. I bet their wives boyfriends didn’t register anything. 😂

  25. I thought this was going to be blocked or overturned “fast.” I don’t even hear people in Congress even talking about it anymore. This rule straight up goes after poor gun owners. It’s hard to say when some of us will be able to afford to follow this rule. I know a few hundred isn’t much to most you but it is to some of us.

    • $200 tax was waived for this particular registration, so the only cost was whatever cost of completing the requirements. Local PD does fingerprints for $25, and postage was another $5-6 for certified mail to send them in, so about $15 per SBR for my 2.

    • If you had registered prior to 31 May, the only cost was for the prints and passport photo. Now it will cost an additional $200. About the same as the cost of the brace.

  26. The ATF says there were 255,162 registrations during the amnesty period.

    The ATF estimates there are 3 – 7 million braced firearms.

    The congressional research service estimates there are 10 – 40 million braced firearms.

    The minimum range is 3 – 10 million braced firearms.

    If there are 3 million and 255,162 were registered during the amnesty period —- 8.5% were registered —- 100% – 8.5% = 91.5% who did not comply.

    If there are 10 million and 255,162 were registered during the amnesty period —- 2.55% were registered —- 100% – 2.55% = 97.45% who did not comply.

    So, based upon minimum estimates over 90% did not comply.

    Members of FPC, SAF, and GOA are exempt, nationwide, currently due to a temporary injunctions issued in those case. One of the cases has been placed on a fast track to hear motions on 29 June for a permanent injunction.

    So far three different court cases have, basically, decided this ‘rule’ is unconstitutional as was the process used to birth this unconstitutional ‘law making’ to usurp congress by tyrannical means.

    non-compliance with tyranny is actually a thing and is constitutional, the second amendment was created with that very thought in mind as a last effort with other means have failed to resist tyranny. Complying with tyranny is not constitutional.

    If you stood at the edge of the abyss of this tyranny and complied with what the abyss wanted by registering your braced firearm, that’s up to you because, basically, after all you are free to exercise your 2A right and other rights to do with your property, your firearm, as you wish. I’m not going to fault you for doing with your property as you wish.

    However, if you stood at the edge of the abyss of this tyranny and looked in and said ‘nope, not going to comply’ then congratulations as you are the only ones that acted constitutionally so far and did exactly what the founders envisioned and it seems that over 90% of you have acted constitutionally.

    • correction for “non-compliance with tyranny is actually a thing and is constitutional, the second amendment was created with that very thought in mind as a last effort with other means have failed to resist tyranny.”

      should have been…

      non-compliance with tyranny is actually a thing and is constitutional, the second amendment was created with that very thought in mind as a last effort when other means have failed to resist tyranny.

      • One of the cases has been placed on a fast track to hear motions on 29 June for a permanent injunction. If such a permanent injunction is issued it will most certainly be appealed by the ATF thus, probably, setting it on a path to the SCOTUS.

  27. Perhaps if all 40 million of you had sent in a comment during the comment period, we wouldn’t be in the predicament we are in now. Instead you just sat back and watched and are now disparaging those who registered their braced pistols.

    • Huh?

      It is not a requirement to comment to the ATF on an unconstitutional move by them. Anyone who read the text of their rule can pick out the parts where they actually changed the wording of the actual law in an attempt to ‘make new law by rule making’ thus usurping congress. It was obvious this was unconstitutional from the beginning by the changed wording of the actual law in an attempt to ‘make new law by rule making’ thus usurping congress and now the courts, three of them so far, have basically ruled it unconstitutional.

      I’m guessing, if the apparent trolling is not intended to be trolling, you ‘registered’ and put your own self in the situation you are in now.

      If you stood at the edge of the abyss of this tyranny and complied with what the abyss wanted by registering your braced firearm, that’s up to you because, basically, after all you are free to exercise your 2A right and other rights to do with your property, your firearm, as you wish. I’m not going to fault you for doing with your property as you wish.

      However, if you stood at the edge of the abyss of this tyranny and looked in and said ‘nope, not going to comply’ then congratulations as you are the only ones that acted constitutionally so far and did exactly what the founders envisioned and it seems that over 90% of you have acted constitutionally.

      Now you disparage those who did what is constitutionally correct and the founders envisioned, and those that when this ‘rule’ thing came about warned against this very tyranny, and you blame them for you not listening and you complying with tyranny?

      • You didn’t comment because it was an unconstitutional rule? The first paragraph of your post would have been a perfect comment. There were only 250k comments posted on the ATF rule, now there are 40 million complaining. Doing nothing accomplishes nothing. You post a book here, but couldn’t take the time to complain to the ATF when there was an opportunity. Complacency like that is why they went ahead with the ruling. Now we have to wait for the Supreme Court to pull us out.

        • “You didn’t comment because it was an unconstitutional rule? The first paragraph of your post would have been a perfect comment. There were only 250k comments posted on the ATF rule, now there are 40 million complaining. Doing nothing accomplishes nothing. You post a book here, but couldn’t take the time to complain to the ATF when there was an opportunity. Complacency like that is why they went ahead with the ruling. Now we have to wait for the Supreme Court to pull us out.”

          First, it didn’t matter how many commented and that came out in the congressional over site hearings which involved this. You obviously didn’t follow those. This was a done thing before it was even opened to public comment. Public comment was only a procedural dog-n-pony show to say that it happened simply because it was required.

          The gun control group EveryTown was involved in this. They had been ‘consulting’ with the ATF in ‘secret’ meetings. They basically, indirectly in a way, wrote this ‘rule’. That came out in the congressional hearings also although when EveryTown testified they obfuscated and basically refused to answer and the ATF director obfuscated and dodged around it also.

          Second, It was obvious from the beginning this was unconstitutional. One could look at the way it was written and see where they actually changed the wording and meaning of the actual law to tailor this ‘rule’ so they could make their ‘authority’ appear to apply. It was clearly unconstitutional then and still is today, and so far three federal courts have now basically ruled its unconstitutional.

          Third, no, its not “Complacency” as to why this happened. This happened because its pure unconstitutional tyranny.

          People warned about this, that it was unconstitutional. Over 90% of people with braced firearms did not comply. It was all over the internet in many places outlining how unconstitutional it was. Because this was a done deal before it was even opened for comments, and is unconstitutional, all commenting did was lend an air of legitimacy to an unconstitutional process (e.g. usurping congress to create new law by rule making) – and that too came out in the congressional hearings by the ATF director using the fact that people did comment meant they followed the law saying that made it legitimate (even though the process to arrive at the ‘rule’ was unconstitutional – which is something the director danced around trying not to go there and instead saying that congress gave the they authority to do this then it was pointing out to him that congress never gave the ATF this authority and that’s true – and today three federal courts have also basically agreed the ATF did not have this authority).

          So no, its not doing ‘nothing’. The people who did not comply did something – that something was they acted, so far, constitutionally and resisted this unconstitutional tyranny by non-compliance which is an act of civil disobedience in this case, and the law suits bought so far. And the ATF knows that too because of the low numbers that actually registered and now three federal courts have ruled this unconstitutional. This civil disobedience and law suits and done greatly more than commenting did or commenting would have done because commenting would have done nothing.

          The ones that did comply with this unconstitutional tyranny did not act constitutionally as compliance with an unconstitutional tyranny is not constitutional. I’m not saying you did something evil or wrong, it is your choice and I understand as it was all very confusing and there is a threat that one becomes a ‘felon’ in the eyes of the government even though in reality they have done nothing wrong nor actually committed any crime but in the governments ‘opinion’ by use of unconstitutional action they would be branded a felon.

          The founders of our country intended that we resist such tyranny in all its forms by what ever means we can, up to and including using the Second Amendment.

          So its not the fault of those who did not comment, and your ire is grossly misplaced.

  28. I sent in comments. Then I filed the paperwork on a lower I intended to SBR anyway. They denied it as I didn’t send in my trust inventory “proving” it was a trust item not a “personal” item.

  29. Obviously the registration went over like a fart in church but what we don’t know is how many complied with the more reasonable alternative such as re-configuring. There could be a fair number who removed the brace which isn’t exactly in compliance and those that purchased a buffer tube that doesn’t accept a brace and installed that which basically is re-configuring.

  30. I’m not registering jack with the ATF. For now, my donations to groups like FPC and others has “paid off” for the time being with an injunction against the ATF rule. For now, I can still take my brace-clad, self-manufactured AR pistols to the range with my letter from FPC. The ATF has taken steps too outlandish that strain credibility this time. I see this “regulation” passing as a new law to get declared beyond their powers. These cases should open up and embolden more lawsuits that can be successful based on these brace rulings. I strongly encourage everyone to generously support organizations like FPC, GOA, and others. Our dollars pooled together are becoming a powerful force against the anti-gunners.

    • I was already a member of the SAF and joined FPC. I should also join GOA but for now I feel I have done my part even before this brace BS. SAF is based here in Washington State and with our moron governor, I saw fit to join them several years ago or rather donate to them which is joining.

    • For the score keepers…The temporary injunctions, collectively, now cover ALL members of FPC, SAF, GOA nationwide ….AND ALL residents of the State of Texas even if they are not members of one of those organizations.

  31. The rest of the 40 million owners lost all their pistol braces in tragic boating accidents.
    Such a shame.
    These boating accidents happen every time the BATF redefines something that was previously legal as illegal.

    I posted a riddle on Facebook a few months ago, and none of my friends figured it out.
    I asked: “How can someone go from being a law-abiding citizen one day,
    to a felon the next day,
    – without committing any crimes,
    – without any new laws being passed, and
    – without any previously passed laws suddenly taking effect?”

    The correct answer, of course, is that the BATF (which has zero power to write laws) waved their magic wand and made a legally purchased object suddenly (and magically) illegal.
    This turns owners of that object into felons overnight, despite the fact that they never broke any laws and no new laws were passed.
    That’s the very definition of tyranny (and also the definition of the BATF).
    But my Facebook friends obviously aren’t gun owners, because none of them could figure it out!

  32. Where were all these “non compliers” during the ATF’s comment period on this rule? Only 250k comments against it. If we had gotten 2 million, we probably wouldn’t be in the situation we are in now. Nobody to blame but yourselves.

  33. I have A VALID foid card and will NEVER further register any of my weapons to Fascist Pritzker

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