gun prescription doctors
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Of more than 500 adult patients who had regular checkups during a one-month period, about 56% bypassed a question about firearms on a questionnaire used in many clinic waiting rooms and online portals of Michigan Medicine, the University of Michigan’s academic medical center, where the study was done.

Nearly all answered the rest of the questions about other health and social topics.

A survey of 109 doctors and other providers at those clinics found 36% were uncomfortable discussing firearm-related risks with patients.

About 32% of providers said it was only slightly important, or not important, to discuss firearm safety during checkups with all adult patients.

That answer was different when the patient had a history of mental health conditions. In those cases, 77% of providers said such discussions are important. About half of providers felt the same way about patients with substance use disorders.

The authors said their findings suggest a need for improvement in how primary care clinics train providers on firearm-related topics, and screen patients for potential firearm-related risks.

“Our hypothesis is that patients are deliberately not answering because they don’t want to — maybe because they feel uncomfortable talking about firearms with their doctor or other health provider,” said lead author Dr. Joseph Ladines-Lim, a fourth-year resident in Michigan Medicine’s combined program for internal medicine and pediatrics.

“At the same time, our findings suggest there’s a lot of ambivalence from providers about asking their patients about firearms during the course of a routine visit,” he said in a university news release.

“A decent number want to address it, but an almost equal number don’t think it’s something for them to address. However, there is a consensus about addressing it with those at higher risk, but we also found a lot of providers did not feel well-trained to discuss this issue,” Ladines-Lim said. ..

“Studies have shown that many patients aren’t as resistant to discussing this topic as providers might suspect, especially in people with higher risks — but I suspect firearm use may be a sensitive topic such as obesity or substance abuse where asking permission of the patient to discuss it may be a helpful first step,” Meddings said in the release.

— Cara Murez in Doctors Often Reluctant to Discuss Guns, Firearms Safety With Patients

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  1. When asked by a doctor my reply is “What’s your bank account number and balance?” Usually shuts them the F up. real quick….

    • About 550 deaths per year happen from firearm accidents, out of over 100 million people that own guns. That’s extremely low. Lower than other accidents. Further, the murders and suicides performed with a firearm, are done with intent of the user. So the user knows what they are doing, and they have intent to do it. That is completely outside the realm of a medical doctor to discuss. Maybe a psychologist or therapist, not a medical doctor. “intent” isn’t even a lane anywhere near a doctor’s.

      • Not to mention the 250,000 deaths a year due to medical malpractice. Doctors need to “do no harm” before querying others.

      • “About 550 deaths per year happen from firearm accidents, out of over 100 million people that own guns. That’s extremely low“

        Interesting how you focus on outright deaths, and completely ignore the fact that tens of thousands of people are seriously injured each year from accidental gunshot wounds.

        “On average, there are 526 unintentional deaths and another 43,729 unintentional injuries due to firearms each year.”

        I guess that’s one way to massage the numbers and create the artificial perception that guns aren’t really that dangerous.

        “That is completely outside the realm of a medical doctor to discuss. Maybe a psychologist or therapist, not a medical doctor.”

        And just where do you think the vast majority of referrals to a psychologist or a therapist originate from?


        There are four primary reasons you should incorporate mental health care into your practice.

        1. Your patients need you. Family physicians are in the best position to address behavioral health. Up to 80% of people with a behavioral health disorder will visit a primary care physician or other primary care provider at least once a year.5 Moreover, some patients would rather seek help from their primary care physician than a specialty mental health provider.6 Similar outcomes are seen when antidepressant medications are prescribed in either the primary care setting or the specialty setting, as revealed in the largest randomized controlled trial focusing on depression to date (the Sequenced Treatment Alternative to Relieve Depression study).7,8 Research has suggested that, in addition to pharmacotherapy, brief psychotherapy for depression can be delivered effectively in primary care.8,9 Of course, there are times when primary care physicians should refer patients to a behavioral health specialist. However, up to 50% of patients referred to an outpatient behavioral health clinic will not make their first appointment.5“

        • “As for gun-control advocates, I have no hope whatever that any facts whatever will make the slightest dent in their thinking — or lack of thinking.” — Thomas Sowell

          And once again, Liar, you didn’t cite the source of your plagiarism:

          More reasons from the article:

          “3. You will save the system money.

          “4. You could reap financial benefits.”

        • MINOR49er. Where did you get your “many thousands” of injuries? Off the top of your head? that is pure unadulterated nonsense. Another one of your anti-gun propaganda cites?
          Give me something from a REPUTABLE source?

        • The article references another article, which other article cites neither its data source nor its definition of “unintentional injuries.” How many of those “unintentional injuries” were bystanders at a bar shooting or back yard barbecue? We have no way of knowing. The average number of accidental nonfatal firearms injuries is closer to 5000 per annum.

          See e.g.: Updated Statistics For Accidental Gun Deaths

          492 people unintentionally die by gun in an average year.
          Thus far in 2022, there have been unintentional shootings by over 21 children, resulting in 9 deaths and 13 injuries.
          Accidental gun deaths occur mainly to those under 25 years old. So far in 2022, 209 children (age 0-17) have died by gunshot and an additional 519 were injured. Adolescents are particularly susceptible to accidental shootings due to specific behavioral characteristics associated with adolescence, such as impulsivity, feelings of invincibility, and curiosity about firearms.
          In 2021 there were at least 377 unintentional shootings by children. This resulted in 154 deaths and 242 injuries in the United States.
          In 2021, unintentional shooting deaths accounted for over 4% (2,007) of total gun related deaths (44,912) in the United States.
          Shelter in place orders during the coronavirus pandemic have led to major spikes in accidental shootings at home by children. Unintentional shooting deaths by children increased by nearly one-third comparing incidents in March to December of 2020 to the same months of 2019.
          During the Covid-19 pandemic, there were 3,906 additional firearm deaths and 9,278 additional firearm injuries in 2020 compared to 2019.
          70% of unintentional shootings by children occur in the home.
          From 2006-2016, almost 6,885 people in the U.S. died from unintentional shootings. In 2016 alone, there were 495 incidents of accidental firearm deaths.
          The majority of people killed in firearm accidents are under age 24, and most of these young people are being shot by someone else, usually someone their own age. The shooter is typically a friend or family member, often an older brother. By contrast, older adults are at a far lower risk of accidental firearm death, and most often are shooting themselves. (source)

        • Of course, none of you address the role of general practitioners and family doctors in referring patients to mental health services.

          And you attack the numbers I reported for serious injury from guns but you don’t offer any competing statistics to support your position.

          “A new study by a team of researchers in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health expands research on trends of fatal and nonfatal firearm injuries in the U.S.. Their findings, published today in JAMA Internal Medicine, show that between 2009-2017, there has been an average of 120,232 firearm injuries each year, or 329 per day, and that cases of nonfatal injury are twice as prevalent as deaths from firearms.“

          “an average of 120,232 firearm injuries each year, or 329 per day“

          If you have peer-reviewed data that indicates that number is wrong, please post it here (with citation).

          Otherwise, one can only conclude your vitriol-filled claims are nothing but empty speech.

        • “Otherwise, one can only conclude your vitriol-filled claims are nothing but empty speech.”

          We’ve concluded that about anything that you post for a long time now, Liar.

          What’s most incongruous is that you expect us to engage in fair and honest debate with you — while you lie, obfuscate, and treat anyone who disagrees with you with the utmost disrespect, ridicule and insults.

        • MINOR49er, You do try so hard. Statistics are just another way to lie. Mark N did counter your ‘statistics” but it seems you have ignored them. Now why is that?
          As to a General Practitioner’s role in mental health, 99.9999% of GP’s don’t delver into a person’s mental state unless it is an APPARENT ISSUE. For the GP’s and your edification, it is NONE OF HIS/HER BUSINESS. Those “figures (sic)” from the AMA are pure unadulterated NONSENSE. Where did these figures come from? For some unGodly reason, that “source” is not revealed. Gee, I wonder why? (Well, not really) The AMA is a well NOTED anti-gun organization. Would you admit?

        • “you lie, obfuscate, and treat anyone who disagrees with you with the utmost disrespect, ridicule and insults“

          Bullshit, snowflake. How’s that for disrespect… at least I didn’t accuse anyone of committing deviant sexual acts with children.

          “Mark N did counter your ‘statistics” but it seems you have ignored them”

          No, Mark did the same as the original poster, just spoke of the low number of accidental firearms ‘deaths’ and completely ignored the tens of thousands in injured with firearms, all to make it seem as if firearms aren’t really all that dangerous.

          “See e.g.: Updated Statistics For Accidental Gun Deaths“

          And while Mark complained the study I posted did not give a citation, he himself posted statistics without any citation.

          Again, here’s an actual number from a peer reviewed study, the link is just above:

          “Their findings, published today in JAMA Internal Medicine, show that between 2009-2017, there has been an average of 120,232 firearm injuries each year, or 329 per day, and that cases of nonfatal injury are twice as prevalent as deaths from firearms.“

          Firearms are indeed dangerous, they cause tens of thousands of serious injuries in the United States every year, that’s why I think those who wish to carry a lethal weapon in public spaces should receive mandatory classroom and live fire training.

        • “I think those who wish to carry a lethal weapon in public spaces should receive mandatory classroom and live fire training.”

          One more of the many reasons why it sucks to be you.

          Fuck right off, Liar.

        • 85*550=45650. not small but not 400000 either. would have been nice if the citation included references.

        • MINOR49er. Again, you are a world class liar. Mark N most certainly did counter your statistics. And again, statistics are an excellent way to spread your lies. No one has accused your sorry posterior of deviant sexual activity. Do you have a guilty conscience? You Leftist control freaks love to claim your stats are “accurate: when in fact you include every irrelevant piece that you can get your hands on, Liar, perpetrated by your “peer group” which was cherry picked to fit your control freak agenda.
          And again, you lying Leftist, the AMA is well known for its position on “gun control” as one of the most prolific anti-gun organs in America.
          How, dummy, can an INANIMATE OBJECT be dangerous? Unless a human (I am assuming you are one; although that might be questionable) is holding it in his/her fat little hand? If one follows the simple rules of gun safety, the gun will not fire, PERIOD. What is really dangerous is your efforts to spread your false anti-gun propaganda.
          As many people here have clearly stated, you are a LIAR. Whether or not you are a pervert, I have no idea other than yours perverted ideas.

  2. Any resistance to this will be seen as ‘this person owns guns’. Those that truly don’t own any are likely to comply and fill out any questionnaires as part of the normal flow.

    It really is a 1 or a 0 kinda thing. Doctors that do this understand this.

  3. Do doctors also talk about seatbelts, helmets, kitchen knives, stairs, the risk of driving to the appointment, the fact that 200,000-300,000 people are injured or killed every year due to medical mistakes and negligence?

      • Yes, several practitioners have asked if I drink and “how many per week” in their intake surveys, and it’s asked every year during my physical. It makes sense because of drug interactions as well as an indication that a person may have a problem with alcohol use. That’s a valid question in health care, whereas ownership of a firearm is not.

  4. As the title stated: “It’s None of Their Damned Business”
    However, a swap for bank and bank account number(s) may be worth while!

  5. Q: I’d like to discuss gun safety.
    A: Cool! What do you want to know? I’m an RSO!
    Q: Do you have firearms in your home?
    A: I don’t own ONE firearm.
    In my head: I own several. 😁

    • If you answer yes I have several, what does the doc have to say? ‘Don’t shoot yourself or it will blow a big hole in your flesh.’?

      • 30 years from now – “I see that your late dad, the Governor, owned multiple weapons. Did you get firearms training at a young age? Do you still have those weapons? You should know, your answer, or a failure to answer, could affect your insurance rates, not to mention your family members’ rates, and even your employment. Also I see that your 17yo daughter got in a fight in 4th grade, and insisted it was selfdefense. Has she ever had, or will she have, access to your weapons? A belief in selfdefense has been shown to be a symptom of mental illness – have you considered therapy for her?”

        Ect, ect. ect…

        Medical records are permanent. – what your face to face doctor says at the time is almost irrelevant.

  6. “Maybe Doctors are Hesitant to Talk About Guns With Patients Because It’s None of Their Damned Business“

    Great, I guess you’ll handle the healthcare for your own gunshot wounds.
    So doctors can place their attention into other areas of need, and ‘stay in their lane’.

    That should take quite a burden off of the medical system in your community.

    • you’re not wrong…(just stupid). if services were suspended for victims of feuding clans there would be less repeat patients and many resources would be freed up.
      but in reality, it’s my job to get shot and docs job to patch me up.

    • Miner always just has to be the opposite of what anybody on the right says. Its not even any fun. Once again I’ll say, momma didn’t slap him enough.

    • Because refusing to answer personal questions about unrelated topics is exactly the same as refusing patients necessary medical treatment.

      Taking a break from lying in order to play stupid? Practice makes perfect, Liar.

      • no name,

        No, MajorLiar isn’t “playing” stupid; it’s the real thing. He invented stupid, and dacian the demented perfected it. Now they are both perfectly stupid.

    • minor49iq…You comparing a gun shot wound to an invasion of privacy is as dumb as it sounds. Has a doctor ever asked you to write down the make, model and year of the two ton projectile you drove to your appointment? Yes or No.

      • The surveys in question are not about and have nothing to do with “gun shot” wound treatment.
        To suggest otherwise is a misguided understanding of the surveys.

    • MajorLiar,

      Yes, you mouth-breathing idiot, I AM my own “first responder” (as we all are, unless we are total Leftist/fascist cretins, such as yourself). I’ve had extensive “first aid” training (up through and including EMT training). You haven’t???? Sucks to be you, dunnit??

      As for “it’s my doctor’s business, so they should ask”, please go eat a whole bag o’ dicks. The first time I encountered this question on an intake form at a “health provider” (pretentious, much?????), I made a point of inquiring of the doctor what she (in this particular case) knew abouts guns. The answer was a resounding ‘not a f**king thing’. I don’t take driving advice from people who have never driven. I don’t take investment advice from people who have no portfolio. I don’t take “science” advice from morons who believe a 9 nanometer mask is effective against a >5 nanometer virus. Feel free to disagree – see if I give a crap. Also, go get busy on that bag o’ dicks.

    • If I am at an ER, yes, questions about how I ended up that way are relevant, because the ER docs are mandatory reporters, and you can expect a visit from the police. but how is that question relevant to your typical GP who is not treating, and in all probability will never treat you for a firearms injury?

      • “because the ER docs are mandatory reporters“

        And you believe there’s no other doctor that should be alerting the authorities when they believe someone may be a danger to themselves or others?

        “Mandatory reporting of persons believed to be at imminent risk for committing violence or attempting suicide can pose an ethical dilemma for physicians, who might find themselves struggling to balance various conflicting interests. Legal statutes dictate general scenarios that require mandatory reporting to supersede confidentiality requirements, but physicians must use clinical judgment to determine whether and when a particular case meets the requirement.“

        Are you suggesting doctors should abandon their risk-assessment role?

        “In such situations, physicians must consider how the firearm might affect their risk assessment. Depending on their personal experience with guns, physicians might have varying levels of concern about or comfort with the implications of a firearm’s involvement in a given case. They might also be hesitant to question a patient further on the topic, as they might be concerned about offending the patient by asking about what many perceive to be a private issue. However, ascertaining the types of guns owned, how they are stored, and if the patient has any intentions of using them are important components of risk assessment.” statutes dictate general scenarios,particular case meets the requirement.

    • I’m a senior citizen. Never once has a doctor asked me about firearms.

      If they did I would just lie with a straight face. Like I do with poll takers.

    • I was only asked once. My son’s pediatrician. I said,”Dr. Jones, I took a couple of hours out of my day to bring John to this appointment. (I was plain clothes at the time.) You’ve never seen me when I wasn’t armed.” He proceeded to lecture me on firearms safety. I interrupted him. “Dr. Jones, I am not only governed by the same state licensing agency (kind of) that you are, I am a LEO firearms instructor. I will consult you on firearms issues when you consult me on patient diagnosis. That was the end of that.

      • And you likely won’t. But that convo can enter your medical record. Which is digitized, therefore searchable, not to mention hackable.

        It is also good to remember that many doctors are taught to believe that the mere desire to own a gun is a symptom of dangerous mental illness – I feel certain some are dumb enough to believe it – others just notice that meme could be useful.

        No a single criminal more dangerous than the one with an MD, is my take. As a group, they are beyond scary.

  7. Perhaps I never had any doctor ask this question because I live in Kennesaw, or it might be that better quality doctors don’t waste their time or the time of their patients with political crap pushed by dishonest groups of leftist hacks.

  8. The surveys in question are not about and have nothing to do with “gun shot” wound treatment.
    To suggest otherwise is a misguided understanding of the surveys.

    • Hush puppy, it’s about risk assessment.

      Maybe take the time to read the text I quoted above, the citation is there so you can read the original research.

        • “MINOR49er, most doctors have no clue what “threat assessment” is”

          I’m not sure what you’re talking about, doctors have a legal duty to conduct a ‘risk assessment’ if they believe their patients may be a danger to themselves or others.

        • MINOR49er. I can see that you are not “sure” of very much, except of course your control freak fixation. A general practitioner has NO LEGAL DUTY to do anything except provide medical care to his patient. If I go to a doctor because I have a cold he has no “obligation” to ask me if I carry a firearm or even if I own one. To hear you control freaks say it, each time I were to walk into a doctor’s office, he is supposed to give me a mental evaluation just to satisfy your warped sense of control. The ONLY time a doctor of any kind has a LEGAL OBLIGATION to do your “risk assessment” is if I were to present symptoms of a debilitating mental condition or make statement which could be construed to be a threat to the patient, the doctor, or some other person.
          I am going to put it very clearly, you are a lying warped control freak.

  9. Anyone gves you flak about not answering…File a complaint with your state board of medical examiners and remind them The Second Amendment is an individual right and it is personal, private and sacred to you as are all God Given Rights acknowledged in the US Constitution. In other words there are set boundaries that you are prepared to defend in court.

      • nobrain…I said anyone gives you flak and advised what road to take should that happen. Have no doubt…A good portion if not all of the 44% who answered the question did so out of fear of receiving flak for not answering. In other words if you think every person who did not answer were not questioned further your head resides in your wishful thinking behind.

        • Little Debbie — I asked if anyone has ever received flak for not answering. I still doubt it.

          “In other words …”

          … you are guessing; you don’t know what I’m thinking. Don’t assume — you only make an ass of yourself.

          “A good portion if not all of the 44% who answered the question did so out of fear of receiving flak for not answering.”

          And yet you have no proof of such a generalization. Perhaps it is you whose head resides in your ignorant behind.

    • If your doctor asks how many firearms you own. Reply by asking them how many malpractice claims and lawsuits they’ve had. That is far more pertinent to your overall healthcare. Than any firearms you may own.

  10. Perhaps the approach of health care providers regarding “discussing firearm-related risks with patients” should be tuned to the demographic with the greatest risks for committing violent crimes/being the victim of those crimes. (That mostly urban population responsible for 54%+ of the violent crime in the U.S.)

  11. I am 50 and have never had a doctor or medical form ask about firearm ownership. Has anyone here ever been asked?

    • Yeah I’ve been asked about gunz. I’ve also been asked if I want the jab. China flu & regular flu. All they get is no. Medicare is by it’s essence intrusive. Mental health questions abound. I HAVE had a heart technician speak glowingly about the AR he had but he was an immigrant from Ukraine talking about Russian “gangsters”. This was 6 months before the war. And before Medicare I had a conversation with an Iraq War doctor vet treating me. Never have I revealed what I got(especially NOW in ILLannoy)!

    • Gun ownership has been deemed a ‘healthcare epidemic’ by AOC, Biden, and the left in general. Particularly since Jan6 when AOC etc. have all shown how mentally unstable THEY are. In the mind of the left, any patriot loyal to the US, it’s flag, and it’s meaning are people that need ‘political re-education’.

      • “Particularly since Jan6 when AOC etc. have all shown how mentally unstable THEY are“

        Really? You don’t think the Trump supporters smearing shit on the walls of the United States Capitol are the very definition of ‘mentally unstable’?

        “AOC should be expelled from the USA if u ask me“

        Does her intelligence frighten you and threaten your ‘masculine superiority’?

        AOC graduated Cum Laude with a double masters (international relations and economics) from Boston University.

        I’m more concerned about Lauren Boebert.

        She is a high school dropout, only getting her GED at 34 (a month before running for office), knocked up at 17, having a kid who had a kid (making her a grandma at 36), married a man that was later arrested for exposing himself to underage girls, and arrested 6 times herself.

        Not to mention her most recent episode of public sexual behavior, groping the drag show clubowner’s genitalia in a public theater.

        Republicans, the party of faith and family values…

  12. “In those cases, 77% of providers said such discussions are important. About half of providers felt the same way about patients with substance use disorders.”

    providers said, providers felt.


    One of the reasons ‘providers’ are responsible for around ~400,000 medical malpractice serious in injury (including deaths) to patients annually is because providers ‘said’ and ‘felt’ and they were wrong period.

    The very last person I would trust ‘say’ or ‘feel’ to in regards to what I own or don’t own or what I can or can not own or on the subject of my constitutional rights is a medical provider.

    Its none of their business. Seriously, If I’m going to a medical provider for say a broken leg its none of their business if I do or do not own a gun and they have absolutely zero right to ask me about it or try to lecture me on it or even infer something from me not answering the question on their ‘questionnaire’. And that’s what over 98 % of this is, people visiting medical providers for physical medical issues and those may range in seriousness (minor things and disease to others) and ‘medical providers’ inferring their bias from people not answering the question, it is not valid to include those ‘said’ or ‘felt’ in these numbers to falsely inflate them.

  13. I am 67 and just had my annual physical plus a Med Supplement Home Visit, Nobody asked, nor ever has. BTW, my numbers all came up great! Thanks for asking!

    • This in essence makes EveryTown and other anti-gun groups defacto ‘government agency’ through their role in this. Not one pro-gun organization is included to give input.

  14. Gun suicides continued to reach all-time highs, increasing 1.6% from a previous record in 2021; 26,993 people died by gun suicide in 2022. While the increase in gun homicides has gained public awareness, less attention has been paid to the growing epidemic of gun suicides – which historically make up the majority of gun deaths. The gun suicide rate has steadily increased, nearly uninterrupted, since 2006.

    • “The gun suicide rate has steadily increased, nearly uninterrupted, since 2006.”

      My body, my choice…

        • And in the end it is still his body, his choice.

          You fascists never understand the desire for individual freedom. Right up to the point of you deciding, not the state, when you end the ride.

        • The point is the doctor will talk to you about it, just like he will if you own a gun are experiencing mentally illness.

          That’s the point everyone is objecting to … not the individual’s decision but the conversation with the doctor.

          You are dense

        • Dense? Says a man that can’t figure that unless a patient brings up the subject the doctor has no business doing it himself.


        • “Dense? Says a man that can’t figure that unless a patient brings up the subject the doctor has no business doing it himself.“

          You could not be more wrong, every healthcare professional has a legal duty to address the issue if they see evidence the patient may be a danger to themselves or others.

          Let me give you a hypothetical scenario, let’s say the doctors patient is in for a routine check up in casually mentions: “My next-door neighbor, a fellow named jwm is spying on me and I’m pretty sure he’s one of the lizard people. But I’ve got it all figured out and I’m ready to do my part to save the planet!”

          And you really think the doctor should just ignore it?

        • MINOR49er. And just what would that be? If a patient walks into his office to be treated for the flu, what business is it for a doctor to ask if he owns firearms?

    • “Gun suicides continued to reach all-time highs, increasing 1.6% from a previous record in 2021; 26,993 people died by gun suicide in 2022.”

      No, they didn’t.

      an official ruling of suicide requires a knowledge of intent. Less than 15% of all suicides by any method show or indicated an intent. Contrary to hollywood movies a person committing suicide does not always leave a note or other clues showing their intent to commit suicide. Most non-drug suicides are not actually suicide but rather ruled that way because an actual cause could not be determined or it might look like suicide because other ‘indicators’ are not found in an investigation. This is why around 66% of those ruled ‘gun suicides’ are later, some times many years later, determined, after the investigations are reopened, to have actually been accidents or murder staged to look like suicide.

      Then there are the ‘doctors’ who rule suicide simply because a gun was present and there is a gun shot wound. For example; There was one case where a woman was stabbed 47 times total, front and back, and had a gun shot to her head and her gun was found laying there and the police immediately called it a suicide and the medical examiner went with it and listed it as a gun suicide. Turns out, several years later a man was arrested and in telling of his crimes he mentioned killing this woman by stabbing her then using her gun after she was dead to shoot her in the head. The police never checked the gun for fingerprints, his would have been on it, instead their initial investigation report said ‘gun shot wound to head’ and never mentioned the stab wounds in their initial report and the medical examiner jumps to the conclusion of ‘gun suicide’ and the police closed the case because of that ruling. That case is still listed as a gun suicide in the stats even though a re-opened investigation years later reveled it was murder and not suicide. There was a more recent case where a woman was found dead of gunshot wound in a motel room, police initially said it was a suicide and the medical examiner immediately ruled it gun suicide but a month later it was determined by police to have been murder staged to look like suicide – but still today that death is listed as a gun suicide in the stats even though it wasn’t.

      Gun suicide stats are false over inflated.

      • and not to forget to mention, that the majority (around 60%) or these ‘medical examiners’ making these rulings of gun-suicide, or any suicide by any method, are not actually medical doctors but rather someone ‘appointed’ to the position and they simply look at an initial police report and draw their own conclusion from the very barest of, and incomplete, information so a case for them can be closed and when the medical examiner makes that ruling of ‘suicide’ the police stop further investigation that may have revealed an accident or murder staged to look like suicide – and it goes in stats as a suicide by what ever method.

        Once listed in stats as a suicide it is never removed, and the numbers get falsely inflated.

      • Sounds like a cold case I was hearing about yesterday. Woman had multiple stab wounds–including stab wounds to her back. Ruled a suicide, though how she managed to stab herself in the back was never answered, or how she could stab herself 46 times. Absolutely reeks of a coverup.

    • The historical increase does track roughly to population, although it is predicted to spike starting late this year as Bidenomics starts crashing the economy. An economic collapse is never good for the mental health of the population.

      • “although it is predicted to spike starting late this year as Bidenomics starts crashing the economy“

        The research indicates otherwise, when Republican president Dick Cheney crashed the economy in 2007–2008, there was not a corresponding increase in suicide:

        “We found little evidence to suggest that the Great Recession interrupted existing trajectories of suicide rates. Suicide rates were already increasing before the Great Recession for middle-aged men and women.“ Research suggests that the,trends by age and gender.

    • Wonder what else happened in that era. It wasn’t like there was a pandemic that was used to isolate people, separate them from their means of living, riots in the cities, “criminal justice reform,” reduced access to preventative care and a list of other things-oh wait, yeah that happened.

    • “The gun suicide rate has steadily increased, nearly uninterrupted, since 2006“

      Well, looking on the bright side, it seems that gun ownership problem will eventually solve itself…

      • MINOR49er, I pray that you are a gun owner then. The rest of us are stable enough not to worry about such.

  15. I’ve had a Dr. who asked about gun ownership. I asked her what that had to do with the sinus infection I was there to have treated. Switched Doctor the next day. Current Dr. has never brought it up other than to complain about the cost of ammunition in recent years. I agreed costs of nearly everything has gone up and complained about the cost of over the counter medications. He scripted my allergy meds so insurance would cover it.

  16. last visit the doc handed me a “psych” questionaire. You know, the one that asks you how many days you felt good in the last week, blah, blah.

    I just wrote “declined” on it and handed it back. You do not want this kind of stuff in the record. Some states make your medical record part of your concealed permit application or application to purchase a gun.

  17. Hmmmm…..doctors… experience with them….aside from broken bones and to confirm a diagnosis of MRSA, I have not had a medical exam in almost 14 years. That one was for my Commercial Drivers License. So, not really thorough.

    Even for the MRSA I used one of those urgent care places.

    Did my own research, treated the MRSA myself. Got better results than a friend who followed his doctor’s protocol.

    Maybe, one day, I will need more than an urgent care practitioner, but until then, I’ll keep aways from the med-industrial complex.

  18. I’ve never been asked, even though I live in New Germany, er, Jersey.
    I think most doctors realize it’s a personal question that will make their patients angry enough to switch doctors.
    If it’s on the survey, I won’t answer.
    If asked in person, I’ll come up with some smartass reply, perhaps the one someone here suggested of asking the doctor for his bank account number and bank balance.
    I think I’d also ask for the doctor’s credit card number, expiration date, SSN, birth date, birth place, and mother’s maiden name, making sure to record all his responses just like he’s recording my responses!

  19. The closest I came was I had a pediatrician who asked if I had a pool. I said “why of course I don’t.” I’m pretty sure he was speaking on the side, since the comparison of accidental gun deaths of children is often done to pools.

  20. I have discussed EDC with the staff at my cardiologist and dentist but since the staff of both clinics are encouraged to get licensed I didn’t mind. The conversation was more about what and how you carry than anything else.

  21. I’ve never been asked in person, but I did see it on a form one time, and skipped past it. None of my docs must think I’m, er, sufficiently distressed, to worry about it. Two of the optometrists I’ve had asked if I did target shooting, so as to tweak my prescription. Both were already known by me to be hunters.

    Since they seem to link it to mental health issues, I bet miner, dacian, al, etc. are asked about that often by their docs, even at cocktail parties. I can see it now, “You look like you’re going through a rough patch. Don’t have any firearms at home, do you? Call the office and make an appointment, so we can talk.”

  22. My questions from my primary care physician about firearms go something like this.
    Terry, I’m concerned that my 380 concealed carry weapon weapon may be inadequate. Can you recommend something that may be more practical?
    Well, Vivian, let me tell you about all the nice 9mm’s out on the market!

    • Lol, goes into your medical records as “obsessed with powerful handguns”.

      I am finding this thread shockingly naive. Doctors have turned y’all into a bunch of Pollyannas…

      Have a nice day!

      • You’ve never been to the doctor? Never needed emergency treatment? Your health is perfect and that will never change?

      • Well – since I have cancer I guess I should just give up and die as opposed to seeing any kind of physician. I can diagnose your problem without any kind of medical training. You’re suffering from an acute case of cranial rectomitus. A condition where your head is firmly stuck up your ass!

  23. I hunt with my Primary Care physician. He’s been my Doc since 2001…somehow the subject has never come up professionally. The New Patient Intake Form at his Association does not have firearm related questions. I’m pretty sure the AMA thinks he’s being negligent regarding their (not quite) mandated political Agenda.

    • Wasn’t it the AMA that wanted to mandate that all of its member doctors ask questions about guns on the annual physical survey? And that that became a huge stink in Florida?

  24. I drink, I smoke, I own guns.
    When my doctor asks about my usage for these, I just say no I don’t.
    Case closed. No big deal for me. Everybody lies, so do I. Fuck them!

  25. While being treated for an eye injury, my DR aksd if I owned any shuuters and I said just a Daisy Red Ryder. He only said, I told you you’d shuute yer eye out!

  26. Huh me n doc talked about hunting and yeah maybe it wasn’t his business but he’s got a better spot than I do being private vs public so wernt an issue.

  27. The Pediatric Association asks if you have guns and dogs, specifically. Not pools – a leading cause of accidental child death. Not cats – the leading cause of pet allergies. Guns and dogs – things a SWAT team would want to know.

  28. Maybe patients should submit a questionnaire to their doctor that asks the following questions.
    1. Have you ever been sued by a patient?
    2. Have you ever been disciplined by a medical board?
    3. Have you ever had your hospital privilege’s revoked?
    4. Has your insurance company ever paid a medical claim to someone suing you?
    I bet the response rate would be pretty low too.

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